HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1999005 - PlansI Masi recorded copies to: aTY OF HU GTON BEACH, DEPART OF CDC DE ,OP2 2 i a Stzeet Huntinzort Beach, C. 9264 above reserved for County Recorder's use CITY U I ' N BEACH Lot Une %Adjp stmen t PP tAg NowING7ON BEACH RECORD OWE .DDS: DA vI PHO : 6 0471 W "41' '4 Y' ;804 !94 et/:4 7 e) hereby certify that: 1) (Iam/We are) the record owner(s) of allparcels proposed: for adjustment by this application: 2) (WW6)have knowledge of and consent to the .filing of this applca ' n: and 3) The information submitted in. connection with thi , application is true and correct" A igcature Name: PA77'/CfA N/LE6;"jIdoz,od,ae :;F i5 44F 71-0e ignarure. Name:0 4A/ ew-e c S Ygnature -10 zgnarare Name: recorded copies to: OF HUNTI GTON BEACH DEPART ' OF CONDAUN)TY DEVELOP IT 2l ] Sam Street Huntirtgtori Beach, CA . 926348 above reserved for County Recorder's use, CITY TI GT N BEACH Lot Line= djustment HtJ mNcToN sE c RECORD OWNEM: mIm NANM W ADDRESS;?:P// D.DAYTRAE ew,p-oz Cob 61,4 -7z&,57 PHONE , - ¢g7 ZS 77 (I/We) hereby certif that T) (Ifa a are) the record cv er(s) of 211 arcels rops adjud f moenbppeorsty:this appiicardont 2) Vie) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application: and 3) The formation submitted in connection with this application is true and col cn 1 ignatcli Name: Signature , // ////Name: /WWZ4, 1746xd/e 5d ignature op,s ,yName: / 7i?'eh `r9: N/ . ;pan= Naze. CITY OF HU TI T ,BEACH Lot Line Adjustment L L CONTAet PERSON: '7 2 ! L i e D4'/ '6 DAB PHONE.Try g (S DOC UUUNT CONSISTING OF 00 s PAGES WAS PREPARED BY OIL I W' DIRECTION. REGIST AT'IONILIr tSE EXPIRES AND t PPROVED Rob=:E. Echb1att, I .C.E. 20921 CtyEn gineerMy R ('ado /Lkec expires Q /..3G f e1 DA= I`mo DAY OP RATE FiLr f) Zak 1999 D SAND s1 f u z .E v,E G. H LL 'cy` 0 No. 4 i 3 ;j .. OFU t °• ''`r ZONE DMii'3'ISTRATOR A M 014, qW ADDRESS: CITY £,TINT`(am91 wLot Line Ad jusrm6at STATE OF CALIFORNIA CO OF RANGE ON i BEFO RE ME,i 1r e _.. OTARY RLT LI FOR STATE , PERSONALLY APPEARED E. PER 0 Y O I• TOME TO BE THE PERSON WHOSE 'IS.SIBS TO THE WTI INSTRUANEDM AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO A T E Co'r THE, SAbM I HIS AUThO A AND THAT BY SIGNATURE ON MM I S`IR T THE PERSON OR T `f'IY UPON BEFLUE OF WIMCF1 PARSONA TSTRTT SALLY GRAHAM C7v?4A 3910 NOTA 1 x';JW. C •WALlFOP.NL C ti :;E OGU Ti' Mjf"omm. E4ro3Juno 20, 2001 WI'T'NESS MY HAND 4E ICIAL SEAL OiAP-Y llC clf,, O ff'NT NOTON BE ACC_ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 1+ SS' COUNTY OF ORANGE N DAY OF SATISFACTORY E DENCE TO BE T.FE PERS S WHOSE NAMES ARE SUBSCR IBED TO TEE WIT .N INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGEDTo USTH Ais THEY CUTS THE SAME THEIR AUTHORIZED 1999, BEFORE :t1, IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSON, LY OW TO R. PROVED ON THE BASIS OF J . , A ARY TJTB Lot Lane Adjustment ERSO LY APP E.P R:ED FN-S' r` :JWMN, F TEE PERSONS, OR TIM E TrY UPON BEHALF OF CAP)C'iES, AND. THAT BY THEIR SIGNATURES ONTry; W TTC'I ATE PFRSrONS ACTED CJTF.D INSTRU ' a AY OF PERSON LYAPPEA: : SALLY GRAHAM ; `e IJJVe r` 77 1'K .J1 ryV 6J. p66LtC - CALIFORNIA v^R,.CE CCUid7Y •- . t y Comm. Exphes June 20, 2001 PERSON ,LY KNOW TO N E OR PRO M ON EAST S O SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE TEE PERSONS WHOSE NAME S ARE' Iu lbsC vlu U TO J E?; WTf I ANDN INSTRUME N ACKNOWLEI70. TO Ivm ..I' THEY E c ao''F SAS IN AUTHORIZED CAPACI IL , AND TIkAI .t Y TI-LR SIGNATURES ON THE IN "1-,U T THE PERSONS, OR THE EN UPON BEHALF OV WERCH,THE PERSONTS AC, EXECLJTIM TEE LNSTRUI T. MY P CIPAL, PLACE OF BTJSINESS IS L [C IN AND IN COU'NTY': V3J; MY CO SSION E P a. "TE r7 -y TNAt MY COMMISSION EXPIRE T ow CI iL OF IIUNTXNG TON BEACI Lot Line Adjustment STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE ON:T III AY OF 1999, BEFORE IF, A N AR FUEL IN FOR SAM STATE, PERSONALLY KNOW TO OR P OVED TO ME ON TFIE BASIS OF PERSON LY APPEARED INSTRUMENT THE PERSONS, OR THE EN=f UPON BEHALF OF CAPACITIES, AND THAT BY TFMM SIGNATURES ON THE 'O ME THAT THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN THEIR A ORI D SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITH N INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED SATISFACTORY FENCE TO BE PERSONS WHOSE NAMES ARE WHICH TEE PER.-SONS ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTR SSION 0 2M RSHAND: MY CO'vM MY PR AL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS AR P LIC IN AND IN CONJN'r FOR AI . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ON THIS DAY OF PER'SONALLYI 'OW TO IE OR PROVED,TO MEON TBEBASIS Of A. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE, 'PERSONALLY. APPEARED W4 SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOW GED TO iNE 'THAT THEY - CU THE SALE IN THEIR AUTHO INSTRUNMITT THE PERSONS, OR THE D'I'Y UPON BEHALF OF CAPACITIES, AND TH AT BY THEIR SIGNA1URES ON TB E ASS M Y COMMISSION EII<'ES Gz3 WHICH THE PERSONS ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. .MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS NOTA Y :PUBLIC INN AND IN COUNT`l'. FOR SAID STATE. PRIN`T` NAME KAREN, M. V1EFMEIER Commission # 111722!Z Notay ?ubc - Cdifo iyCcnrn E s11'Z SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSONS WHOSE NAMES ARE TY OF Ti T EACH tot UU a Adjustment CWnem R 4 L sefc Nia No. 4743 fBeing those portions of Lot 4 in Block 16 o Traci No. 86, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 10, at pages 35 and 36 of Miscellaneous Maps,. records of Orange County, State of California, more particularly described as follows Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 4; thence South 0 deg.14'45" PARCEL 1. north line of slid Lot 4; thence North 89 dea. 25' 05" West 270.08 feet North 0 deg. 14' 58" East 265.00 feet along the west line of said Road to the feet west, measured at right angles, of to centerline, of said Road; thence line to a point on the west line of Bolsa Chica: Road, said point being 60.00 Lot 4,• thence South 0 deg. 14" 45" West 40.00 feet parallel with said west, Line thence South 89 deg. 25' 05" East 135.00 feet parallel with said north line South 89 deg. 25' 05" East 135.07 feet parallel with the, norffi line of said West. 225,00 feet along the west line of said Lot 4- thence leaving said west along the north line of said Lot 4 to the northwest corner of said Lot 4 and the joint of beginning. PARCEL 2 Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 4: thence South 0 deg. 14' 45" BEGINNING. thence leaving said west line South 89 deg. 25' 05" Easf West 225.00 feet along the west line of said Lot 4 to the TRUE POINT OF 13 S .07 feet parallel Wrath the north. lm,e of sand Lat +, thence South U deg. 14 45" West 40.00 feet -Parallel with said rest line; thence South 89 deg.. 25' West 270.06 feet along the south line of said Parcel Map to the West line of eountsi recorder of said county; thence leaving said line North 89 deg. 25' 05" 125.00 feet along the west line of said Road to the southeast corner of a Parcel Map filed in Book 46 Page I 1 of Parcel Maps in the office of the angles, of the centerline of said Road;thence South. 0 deg. 14' 58" West Bolsahica Road, said, point being 14.00 feet west, treasured at right 05" East 135.00 feet parallel with said'north li-.ae to a point on the west line of said Lot 4; thence North 0, deg. 14' 45" East 165.00 feet along the west line of said Lot 4 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. v`BRUCE1G. HALL ` a\ i ;o GIT%QF.HU TI T LO T UNE ADJUSTKI T (MAP) OV ERS 0 fOC . a iFAS!.i ; PROPOSED PARCELSREFERENCE NUMBER !J ; 1 N.IN, K;.:f ("read`) VlAe4 6,f 4 V6, EXISTING PARSAP NUMBERS 178 eg -ft BEA-CH AAR 404fli- CITY, HU T# E1T BEA QH, 1-t UN ADJUS 9 T (SITE PLAN) OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS .AP NUMBERS 178- i0 PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBER 178• Z6-5-1Z 141 35 k %K , it dredi• I AIR C46 i. EX/5 DFF/C 96 7VEX/7T 110U6E 7'0 z3 DEloc/5a :ITT N NARRATIVE FOR LL 99- The existing zoning of these properties is C-2. The northerly property a church, the riddle property is a single fay residence with a tennis court, and the southerly property i ; an :surance office and house. The expansion of the church grounds is the principle purpose of this endeavor. he ist g structures will be demolished in phases and a new s a tiA ry, multi-purpose building, administrative and classroom be ding will be coast i. ted. The unities for the three existing: properties are already in place by Edison, GTE, The Gas Connpany, and the City of Huntington Beach. Them may need to be slight revisions in the exiting servicing of these utilities when this land is unproved but these revisions should be minor, l3olsa Chica is a fully droved thoroughfare with medians, pavement, sidewalks, met lights, underground utilities, etc. There are public areas proposed at this time. Any tree planting and landscaping will be shown on the plans for the conditioxia1 use pe nit for this project. '[here are no restrictive covenants proposed. Retail Center ParkingPhotoGASingle FamilyResidence/P'hotPhoto 5G7Photo 8Photo 6 _ _-Multi Fami,y ApartmentsPhot09 Photo 11Photo 10Photo 12-Photo 13Single FamilyResidenceCommercial"Big 0 Tire"10Photo 14.Photohoto 2Photo 4hoto 3Photo'. Key MapSaint Peter 's by the SeaPhoto 16Bolsa Chita StreetPhoto. 15