HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR1999009 - Signed ApplicationHUNTINGTON BEACH City of Muntington, teach Department ofContmunity Development 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 C ENERAL APPLICATION: _ planning Commission Zoning Administrator Staff Review Design Review Dean Garland, Owner Applicant or Authorized Agent 4425 E., Anaheim # 100, Long :each. C Mailing Address 90804' City State Zip of 562 597 7768 CEI, 562'706 6800 Telephone Number Dean &•Cheryl`Garland Property' Owner 4425 C. Anaheim # 1QO, LB, CA. 90804 Mailing Address Telephone Number Itg Ut;S'I' Use additional a a IN C ass See addi ti oral page I?Oiti OFFICIAL USE ONLY, Present Zone'"' -M ' Ocncrnl Plan Designation L-^ a . 5 ENTITLEMENT -k J1; CASE 1i Constnl Dcycioprncnt Permit CDP o d to a U;uPc It C P Desl Review DR13 ntitleme t Plan Amendment EP cneral Plan Amendment CPA - Limited Sf n Permit 1,SP Planned Sl n Pro ram PSP Prcc Plan tract All n. PPSA ecl I Si n Permit 851' cm era Use Perm t TOP Variance V onin Ma Amendment ZMA Zonin Text' mendmcnt ZTA (her -!A,• ,, i6k cFRead J3nronmental Review Flood Zone Exempt , Earthquake Fault Zone ' Secs i Class Oil District Methane District ,,,,,,,Assessment Req. Redevelopment Area Nolsc/CNEL Sii H Zesmcazardone Scenic Corridor Coastal Area Yes o- Pursuant tot Categoridat Bx514aI ZAppeal.Ncon. App., In Lieu of. _Plans,_, =Notification Rcq. ;Project Planner Numatiye & } azardous ire letter Concurrent Cases: Photogrnphs/Siidcs Plop Bod1t Log Computer Log Apians.Date stamped l#ftownership verification Date Received' Appllcant.Authorization. R pint 1! K r Dean & C Pro c O e hake read and understood all statements including the fling requirements on thoreve ldo of this application.I am the property owner of the subject property. I hereby aflrrm under. penalty of pcrji ; that thezaregoing statements, fasts and attachments are true and correct. I underst tnd,that this application. for ns and that such condilluns or modifications must bentitlement or variance may be denied, modified or approved with conditio e sattsficd prior to issuance -if building permits. I hereby authorize (Agent) , to actasnay ,entattvc and to bin, d me in all mai(crsconcerning this application. 4"i ~-V PPLI TIO RE VIBE ENTS (Complete the following oiroled Items prior t mittal and return tills*application with your submittal) • ; , This application must be typed or printed and Plied In completely. f the applicant is not the property owner, the property ownershall designate the applicant as the authorized agent to act on his chair and both shall sign this application. 3, Planning Commission: Twelve (12) preliminary site plans, floor plans and building elevations (and for now construction submit preilmindry grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" In size, Upon acceptance and scheduling of floating date, two (2)" sets of plans reduced to 8'112" X 11" and one (1) set of plans colored to Illustrate the design 64 development concept of the. project shall be submitted, Other plans maybe required depending on the'complcxlty of the project. 4. Zoning Administrator; Ton (10) sets ofsite plans, floor plans and `.Alding elevations (and for nevi construction submit preliminary grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" In size, and one (1) set of plans reduced to 8-112" X 11". Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of the project, Staff Review or Design Revi - Six 6 sets f site plans, floor plans and building elevations a maximum of 24" X 361" In six!, A materials palette nd co or d err or n M e ding all proposed v; alls Is also required for desln review. L tctt l .t 6- 1 , V1 to e 11 plans shall conform to the following requirements; Draw to scale (minimum scale 1,8" or 30'); indicate scale;Indicata dimensions of building and floor uses; and north direction arrow. Plans shall be oriented so that nortli Is at the top of the page, • (b) Plot the entire parcel and dimension all pertinentdata such as easements, driveways, landscaping, parking, and distances to • all property lines. Indicate any grade differential between' adjacent properties, alleys, or streets, (c) Plot all. existing and proposed physical features and structures on the subject property and abutting properties, (d) Dimension to tl•,c nearest intersecting street and Identify all street names. (e) Includea legend (locate In lower right corner of the site plan) which lists the name, address, and phone number of the recorded owner and the applicant. Identify the legal description of the subject property on the site plan, (g) Label: existing and proposed uses of each room on floor plan. (h) Fold•,vil plans to a maximum size of 8-1/2" X 14" (lower right corner out), (I) Indicate colors and materials on all building elevations. 7. Public notification requirements for Coasurl Development Permit, Variance, Conditional Use Permit, Zoning Map Amendment, Precise Plan Street Alignment, General Plan Amendment, and Special Sign Permit, (See attached sheet), 8. All Planning Commission items require photographs and ;;tides of the subject site and surrounding properties. All other ,entitlements rcquirc.pho s only. 9. Environmental Assessment Form if determined necessary per Cal forniaEnvironmental Quality Act, 0.1 A massing modet,*ilI be required for all commercial development and for all residential developments of fen (10) units or more (threa.(3] units or more In redevelopment project areas), Minimum scale 1/8" or 30', 11. written narrative of the propo:ed use or project shall accompany this application. The narrative shall contain the following lnlmum In orma n: (a) Reasons for Initiating this application. (b) Area description and population served by the proposed`usa of projectsf . (c) Description of project and services, including square rootage,-hours and days of operation, number of employees, and other Information as appropriate. (d) Description of surrounding uses to the north, south, eastand west, (e) A signed statement declaring whether the project site Is jr is not located within a Hazardous 'Waste ant Substance site pursuant.to Section 65962,5 of the Government Code. 12. In order to support findings for approval fora Variance answer the following question:,: (a) What exceptional circumstances apply to the subject property (Including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that deprive It of privileges normally enjoyed? (b) Explain why the request will not constitute a grant ofspecial privilege inconsistent wlLh normal limitations. (c) Why is this request necessary for the preservation and crrioyment of one or more substantial property rights? (d) Slate reasons why the granting of this request will ndt be materially detrimental to the public Welfare. 13. If required by the Police. Departmeiit, an entertainment permit shalt accompany this application. 14. Supplemental application submittal requirements (see attached sheet). FOR YOUR INI'ORMATION: All entitlctnent decisions are final'unless appealed within ten (10) days of such decision.. The appeal. shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrlovement. In 116 case shall building permits, certiflcatesof occupancy, or licenses be Issued until the appealperiod haselapsed. Al! appeals shall be accompnnlcd by" processing fee. All appllcations.shall become null. and void Ifthe approved use orproject has not been Initiated within one (1) year from ilia approval date. Other submittal information may he deemed necessary by Stall', Completion of the application does not presume approval of the application.Such approval Is discretionary with the Director, 2:oning Administrator or the Planning Commission.The Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission may deny, modify or conditionally approve the: application. The Design Review's action is '"If O1' HUNTINGTON BEACH V 1 ATION PROCESSING CUEci IST ENTITLEMENT'NQ:',;t!J''L'T.,.Gitti Al'1'LICAN J. i i y,. ,"',' ' ' I I/A/ SS:l' a riPPL1CAT1ON,I;0RNRE, VIEW''I !4 i^'SJiMyi ,'•k!9i yf >,'..ii tY''I IYh t•I'ir ifr'ff!''t I''ii ,v -1 }, , yf...-t::fr' ,}- ;9. ,i(td',rlk1 !' Blt,t-iff. 4 i. 'J,'21tF Y. tl e.n1J•i:i .i:• i.. Request Complete (Special PermltsiVariances) Photographs Owner's Sigrature/Letter of Authorization Additional Fees Paid Legal Description/AP NoJAP Map Address Correct tr Verify Zoning:Narrative (Justification for Request) LVerify General Plan: pL ,1 p tC V14 Er 1 , ,\1tl ' li .,. 1'Ytir.tlrt.r'4 r {. 1Jr p T, v 1'lilt '"rf}l F, , ll, •rgr.'j I'1S'Ilf,!nt , ti•:Y,R I 5r • t } ip S (, a l' S :' !'• r•: ''' far Y, ,f ael:^'1 ir, hPLANY. +^V7Y 1. It Il. r ..,}...+.r'w! 1-,tai+l}-him-,,.u'i. •. P,operNumber Complete and internally consistent sets (Site Plan, Elevations, Floor Plans, Sections Drawings) Accurate, Fully Dimensioned, Drawn to Scale and with North Arrow Development Compliance Matrix Must include Property Lines, Street Names, Street Width, Existing and Proposed Buildings, Easements, Adjacent improvements & Uses, Floor Plan Applicant's Name, Address, Telephone Number DEY,IL'aaPM>;N'I;RIVIE,WtRlC,QUATa;StdiT(f?'rich;)VJupsAS P)(Sce'EillticmentiReVle .,4,Rqufist<)lis#»'Meino)'t;t} E NV NMENT.I,,u RY1,OW.,xisv,.t + Qi 4 1•ih;''t{ E .. ,,±"(s,!; a t , Y 3 ,t ,,. .t• .•,•, , ;.{ .-°h%rh'Ir7 +'r•.'1. 1£h dsl'i,d.•t'$ . •r !:{ r, t.r,.7. a-rw H,,11 'f.,r,F7,tNra .}.c., 'ii,' Check Mitigation Measures of Previously approved EIR/N.D. Categorically Exempt Negative Declaration EIR COASTAL STATUS. r >;-•' . • ._`,t)4 :dT:;'; 'i41r;'i ,+ya: .;,;;;,,;., Non-Appealable Area Coastal Development Permit CONCURRENT; PR EtSSING; Otlier.?Eit(tlo`mentsll!"ees ,iFri i' i:"'"rutir'l a' j}{ t• j° ` ,,r,;(tn alvx ++<"s Not Applicable Appealable Area Exempt Categorically Excluded FIELD INSPECTION +tv'vri7ii"t f,rr?a1'aiYlta nt4 l i i t'a1311; tip (X 41't ! 7 a +CJi'!;?' is ,47±i;,rt";ts> Ft,'tlct,,,t It,:,r. Existing Use(s)Parking/Driveway Illegal Structures/lllegul Grading Non-Conforming Signs Existing Wallslrences U 1 PI ,i Z ;U i'..I , ,t ,i ., -!^ , I,. •rry.q y.'n, 1. ,11,P'RELIMINAIIYt PLAN,CI IaCK',(SeilPIl n, Ife k;;Slacct)d rti J,•ttt;4,firc'c!;( r Ala lh•c1., , a,Lfie ;: I,II:,a:.Y;ci,> • . •v, ,el , q !q 14,...E 1 , f, n r, ,, v i a • ,;r• + ,•r, •,sx :NI'r t.L`.t w 17 G;g y r , '!( t t <'C , }, ,r .h i ,.,s r,OTIIER'ISSUESi..i. r -, 1 1,1:;}}ifar^' I:e1P JV A'Ijtlgl"Ctliditlf -I•.r1'.>I+';Snt14','+!•7,zlt}"I 4.4t1, -, !'SS.•, "'•'. Flood Plain Easements Adjacent Uses/Architecture Landscqying Condition Existing Trees FAA (projects nearltcliports or include tall buildings) Specific Plan Alquist-Priolo/Scisinic Oil' Wells Hazardous Waste Site Adjacent Entitlements and Condition Previous Entitlements and Conditions NOTICE OF CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION (Collect Processing Fee) TIC T. OF ACTION LETTER SENT (Indicating 10 Day Appeal Period) NOTICE OF ACTION - COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (APPEALABLE DEVELOPMEN T) ,ETTER SENT J' TO CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION (After 10 day appeal pcrtoa) i `i 7F i `li'• •S'!16".ty, v n ,.! + e r,,k . t t..,`r ! ...,PROJECT DESIGIdiIS5UCS.(Sce:ScliArute:T:i_st)S:,Y;r{!ti';lY,tr^tn"*cte.5«):kl'I dl { ` i '"fi#,{I'lIS'A k kf lri ?r 'd X.!d,All iV 1 t asi r,l,,k } y t r', t ! 4rP[LDC +REVICWMEIuTItGM , ti :fjryrrr`C')!,,';'l:,tl;;.t,.•,rt.' ii t{•L!t,d4ft +Ft tet,rl,l rj , u, , 1 !t - ,A i, r'•'•Nira l "..,1 1•'i e Ja..y,:!.SENT):I'ILING•ST[.TUS'?c(3z.:E)j[oYC'/i N'•IS:;x s+(F, 7+i1';;; tl;r;,r,..l+,i`r;'t?:t. E,<.Y, ,.., .'tlt.yr.t ; t t y .,;; t rrl.,;..4;L:t.,. SU;IIDIVISIOb'. MEETING'REQ,UIR ED,(NoticesiScnt) 1',iu ;x ,,;, ;_: r; , :K ,,,= ',, -DESIGN R''.VIEWIMGCTING!REQUIIt1ED'(Mntcr als'&Color,Board) 'LEGAL SERVICES RI;QUEST,-SEN ,(Ordinance `,Opinion Code A!nendmcnt) ENVIRONMENTAL, ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE SEND LEGAL NOTICES (with labels) PREPARE STAFF REPORT/CONDITIONSOFAPPROV4L;I)'.+^l ?-,.fir y s OWNERSHIP.MAiLING LIST AND;'MAIP;:ACCURACY;,,•Vcrit'icd &Most Current (Map and Mailing labels of OWners andlor Tenants, Applicant, Site Property Owner, Agent`and Mailing Matrix per Policy McMb)) Prepare Attachments Rcduced Size Plans Revised Plans -PLANNING OMMiSSlON1LONING•III)Il1 NISTIM OR'11 E1 TINE :', +':; FP's ro', ',. [J .Massing Model, PIZEPARE'CA'I'EGORICA;3L',EICEICJSIOI'(tliEi'1ERJI<OI2;,COAST'Q.ILi"if?•i!;is•`!`«)'t'{'ii^i';:"`xti'+' '4a"a:;1'S`=. HUNTINCToN BEACH -Plan Checked y l "ti RESEDENT Tele hone: (714)x36-5271 r Plan Check Nop.: Date / t Jam' Job Address Plan Dated: • ? Entitlement No(s). 'O '"' Expiration Date Review Body; Planning Commission Zoning Administrator Design Review Board Director I Proposed Use '°f1PJf '+ -U-1L-t LA S l1 tO Cw- 1f •'-pia. r* 1 -r t f Mr M t 1, Legal Description: Lot Block Tract oAssessor's Parcel Number (s) f 1 1;3 O DM Z-1 Zone " - ' 3. General Plan Designation ""A »General Plan Sub Area Requirements 4. Existing Lot Size Dedication Required Yes/No (alley, corner, street) Net Lot Size 5, Proposed Total Building Floor Area Proposed 'Number Units Environmental Status: Study required?1 Exempt (sec. 15 __ t class I EA/EIR number 7. Coastal Zone;r N AppealablelNonappealable area Exempt. Categorical exclusion (sec. class,____ _ Special A (c t applicable) R e s H e l k N Davigr-9ve4ay Redevelepment --E Flood Oi Met han . Seismic Liquefaction -+A+ -Histo c Plan Check per HBZoning and Subdivision Ordinance and General Plan L Minimum Suitdln Re Uirements Area (sq. ft.) Width(h.) Cull 6-esa-c frontage Minimum Setbacks 6,000 60 45 RMH•A RMH RH 2,500 25 6,000 60 45 6,000 60 45 r Front (ft.) 15 15 12 10 10 Side (ft.) 3;5 3;5 3 3;5 3;5 Street Side (ft:) 6;1.0 6;10 5 6;10 6:10 Rear (ft.) 10 10 7.5 10 10 Accessory Structure Garage Projections Into Setbacks . Maximum Hel ht ft. 10 ac,(A)(S)(C) a. Dwellings 35 35 35 35 35 20 (M) Accessory Structures 15 15 i5 i5 15 15 (L)(R) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) tnimum Lot Area per Dwelling 6,222 Unit s . rt. 2,904 Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 50 50 50 50 50 75 (V) Minimum Floor Area Required 0 Provided (N) ourts (P) inimutn Usable Open Space Common Private (0) Accessibility within Dwellings (0) 11,7aterfront Lots Landscaping (See Chapter 232) 40% front yard = Proposed Yard trees Required Proposed Fences and Walls (visibility) See Section 230.88 Lighting Underground Utilities See Chapter 17,64 Screening of Mechanical Equipment See Section 230,76 Refuse Storage Areas See Section 230.78 Antenna Seu Section 230.80 Performance Standards I See Section 230,82 Off-Street Parkin and Loadin See Cha ter 231 Signs See Chapter 233 Nonconforming Structures See Chapter 236 Upper-Story Setbacks Required * Lots 50 feet or less in width =1 unit per 25 feet of frontage Lots greater than 60 feet In width = i unit per 1,900 square feet CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING PLAN CHECK Provided (F)(M2c) Proposed Page 2, Reciprocal Access ADDITFONiAL PROVISIONS HBZSO Sacti+on '"RequlU$ntents P(ovided 210.22 Residential Infill Lot Required Yes/No or Not Applicable Compliance - windovis deck Notice submitted N' !'1 230.62 & 258,G12 Legal Building SI'`.e Yes/No, Proof Required Yes/No if yes, submit copy of recorded map or Certificate of Compliance 230.64 Substanda'tt Lot Yes/No If yes, Conditional Use Permit approval by Zoning Administrator required 230.68 Projections Into Yards No Individual projection shall exceed 1/3 of the building length, and the totef of all projections Fire )lace or chimney Cornice, eaves and ornamental features Mechanical e uiament Uncovered porches, terraces, platforms, subterranean garages, decks, and patios ;not more than 3 feet in height serving only the firstpoor Stairs, canopies, awnings and uncovered, porches more than 3 feet In hei ht Noise Study Ba windows 2.5' Balconies 3' Covered patios 0 230.70 Measurement of Height Chapter 231 Off-street Parking Single family One bedroom unit Two bedroom !inlt Three bedroom unit or more Total required Non-residential requirement Size -- Compact Turning Radius Driveway width Striping Detail Wheel stops/curbs Caorterat,`Plan t .Maximum Height Affordable Housing Density Noise Scenic/Landscape Corridor Urban Design Historical/Cultural Economic g enciosea enclosed +open + guest total + open + guest total + open + guest total + open + guest = sq.ft `9' x 19' minimum: with 7' vertical clearance total is' x 17' (max, 20% on non-guest, spaces in projects with 50 or more 25' residential' 26'.nonresidential use in residential zone 10' = if length 150` or less for single family; 20' = all othei hown per Diagram A Key to site plan Adjacent to walkways, buildings, fencing, or landscaping Requirem`e'nts Units REQUIRED PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT SUBMITTAL, ISSUANCE, AND/OR FINAL INSPECTION required:,, Item shall not exceed 2/3 of the building length on which they are located. IFrontYard Side Yard Street Side Yard 2,5' 2.5' 30" min clearance 2.5' 11 2,5' (30" min clearance) 3' 2' 30" min clearance 2' 30" min clearance) 6' 3! 4' enclosed + open + guest =total 2'(30" min clearance) 2.5' 30" min clearance 2.5' 2' 30" min clearance 3' RESIDENTIAL Rear Yard 2,5' 3' 4' (30" min. clearance) 2.5' 3' 0 5' (max projection 112 width of street side and DimensIons shown datum top of,slab top of roof enclosed enclosed Easement Document Maintenance Easement Document Joint Use Parking. Agreement Copy of Recorded Map Copy of Certificate of Compliance Approval from Coastal Commission Categorical Exclusion (Coastal) Letter Landscape and irrigation Plan Lighting Plat) Grading Plan CC&R Review and Approval Elevation Certificate Mitigation Monitoring Program Notice of Exemption Parkland Dedication In-lieu Fee Downtown Specific Plan Fee In-lieu. Parking Fee tI j L $831 per acre= L grand total City of Huntington Beach G Phone $36-5271 Fax 374-1540 374-1648 December 14; 1999 Dean Garland 4425 E. Anaheim, #100 Long Beach, CA 908Q4 CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ENTITLEMENT S Initial Plan, Zoning & Review 99-9 PROJECT ADDRESS : 16772 Broadway PROPERTY OWNER: Dean a nd Cheryl Garland DATE RECEIVED 'AT ZONING COUNTER:December 1311999 PROJECT PLANNER: Ricky Ramos Dear Applicant: Thank you for submitting your entitlement(s) to the City of Huntington Beach; Community Development ;Department. The Project Planner indicated above is assigned to processing your entitlement(s) The Project Planner is responsible for; • Reviewing your entitlement(s) for completeness; • Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code and applicable City Ordinances; • Evaluating the project for conformance with the General Plan; • Preparation of environmental documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); •Obtaining other City department's cominentsrelatiFve to the project; • Analyzing the site plan layout and,f applicable, the :tloorplans and elevations; • Evaluating the project for compatibility with, and potential impacts to, surrounding uses /structures; • Coordinating issues re1a t to the Fire Dept, Public'Works Dept., Building Division etc.; Scheduling the project for..a public hearing; •Preparing a reconunendation(approval/denial) With. findings and conditions; and • Assisting you with any follow-,up actions and/or conditions of approval. 2000 MAIN STREET A le+ er will be sent to you regarding the status/Completeness of your entitlement(s), or your pending hearing date, within four weeks. The letter will indicate either additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplemental plans, environmental information, additional entitlements, etc.), or that the planner is continuing to process your entitlement(s) and that you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, and/or Design Review Board hearing. maps and supplemental information attached; no written staff reports are prepared for Zoning If the project is subject to Planning Commission review, t staff report will be prepared with y.,x Administrator or Design Review Bc four (4) to six (6) months for Planning Commission action, and two (2) to three (3) months for expiration of the appeal period) is two (2) to three (3) months for Zoning Administrator action, Generally, the total processing time (from submittal to final action by the reviewing body and Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative Maps, or preparation of environmental documents Design Review Board action, depending upon the complexity of your project. When Zone are involved, a longer processing time is necessary. 714/536-5271 to -discuss any concerns you may have regarding your project. Should you have entitlement number(s) assigned to your case. You should contact the Project Planner at. Please direct all ofyour questions and communications to the Project Planner using the any comments or need additional clarification, please contact me at the same number. Thank you. Sincerely, Herb Fauland Senior Planner