HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR1999009 - Supporting DocumentsFROI CONTRACTOR LEAN FAX NO5562 494 4493 TEL # 562 597 7768 GEL & PAGER COMBO: s62706 6800 vT -0-G'c FAX 562 434 : 4493 41.25 E. AMAHE1hN # 7OO. LC4G BEACH CA„ 9O O4.5t15 FiOlvi': OQNTf ACTOR DEA T ' : -Ricky l'.atxtps TEL # 714,536 5271 PI JEC' P IPZR 99-9 ADDRESS: 16772 Braadway Hid Apr, 25 200e e9:44RM pt DATE 146 Pages in this FAX FILE: sun'tec-f ria,00 FAX # 714 3" !4 1540 The inspector signed off aU. the mark that was required for this project Monday, 4/.24. En- closed is a copy,of the signed gilt Please let me ,ki w if there is anAbing else Y have to do to finalize the conversion of the reerea- tion room to 'a single apt. Also, do y'oti tiaii'me the final sign off end certificate of occupancy or do Y come to your office to pick them up` R pectively. Dean Garland - FRUI CONTRACTOR SEAN PLF.4BE POST ON Tlf >r JOT,SITE IN A COZ PICUOUS LOCe TION 7411 iFRO CT FROM LOS".' OR DAMAGE) 1E,SPF:C'IYON RUE PROCEDURE PI-09! Cn1I (714)53 6-5 2 4 1 Snd follow Lhr, iIIstrilcrt o ns given OVCrthe phony . jnsp cunt; 1'dtluesta rrrtivs ¢ by 1;34 pA( wit! br A rfornled on tJlar n+blt[il1vtJx l workday. FRX NO. 562 494 4493 „,. Apr. 25 2000 09 :44RM P2 CITY Or H1JNTMGLONREACH 7!Nr3l -z Aff DEPAR T MENT OF H3iJLDING & 5',rtFY 1N:SP CT T`)NRECORD f TechltivtU QuopOpno ? - Phltio (9 i'f) 3•'6•S Z4I .. - htxp vtor DYfpr 1,100 1. 7.30 AM to $:00 AM knd 4.00 PM to 4:34 rM 1 (4RQMy thrau ;11 Fi1AtqCtlernl Sul! din(( biviaiOn Ulfk= Hcgrs : 5:00 AM to 5;04 PM MendA' U+rougl; Flldny -1nRP4O10r mU3T'II n 2J1 app(iC3thle epaeet 1yI19I ngrk it Oapp461od. Sea the inapoat}pn quo on hA bs+a1id 1 hIL -•.o a } i a,.f qy-iveu uAII ,,_ 1 F0011 Annxr*g ;. , C)ti c tJ f AswWM T wM2M, t er + ^JOD DF 9C ?1p IUN>:i CONTR4 OE tCODE IN&MCITION TYPE LIN RADLe CALL, PUBLIC WORKSar 3:1O.:Fd3I VEs -Ij NO 1 t PLUMBING GROUNDWORK -DRAIN„WASTE &V£NT (GAS; IRAPPLiCASLSj PLUMOINC) OROUNOWOY.K - WATER o14rRIEU T ION EL6tTRICA L• ORCUN OW ORk UPER GROUND (CONcR 'r ENCAJItn CLECTrODL'1 MECHANICAL GNDUNDt.L+ORK F O U N DA Y1 O lv/ SET13 A C; K Y UNDERPINNING OR FLOOR JOIVr, SLAD OR 11KOK DO NOT OOPS t WORK UNTIL THE ABOVE AS BEEN SIGNED • - "P1:11t1NIIVG Rourlm N)4OWER PAN MECHA NIrALR(JUDH • WALLS. MECIIANICAL ROUGH, CCILIN0I b j ?TDI5PSCTOR S1) 1 EI1:rIPRICAL ROUGH + WALLS v1 in' D- 3 ELl C1'RICAL ROUC:H C£tLINO -r 50.5 - r NCOF 51'IEATHINC:/Pi7!S-F2?Or r10u FRAMING F-L:rs1 y CRIDCrIONt) I I I rRE•OROUT MASONRY .. .RE17U1R6DP" - L Pr,ECISL^GRADING t53 'AlII 6ANUNCAPINCi FINAL (7,36.5-1801 =WATPR DIVISION I+INAL (536303I) P(IOLIC` WORN', FINAL Ir RE q.RiRTPALNT IrINAL 1536.5411 IMbTHANE. LAAMRIEF1 TRAIY C IMPACT Fed (336-5431j d-. MCSPNICALP [NAL:•1t+ CI P•NAL"LtG'+'R CRL 9ft F1A1s1 E N;M (Wh:!r Q1 PLUMB[ti FI YAL G . I Gay i 412 9L11`11f:GFINAI. zfoTjrs O4;.S t r..1{tL{` ec ._c d tKL, 1 VAAI "(411T . Qr F.,:NSf .1.%t.Gtr,,arl,y.ahLSb .4le of T ., ___ F1R£ OEPAkrMl* r Rot101 .1 1NSPCCTION (SPRINKLENS/ %LARMI ($35.f'i11LI DO NOT COVER WOR UNTIL THE AEOI/E 1'IA,S BE! N SIGNED 1011 EA=,jOR.I 14 Itt1 1Nii.-1DR LATH/DRYWALL A S MISCELLANEOUS 30': xm! SERVICE. We $EWER (6EPT1C Cob GAS rEG? oDTALY rnNAL APPROVAL FROw-,015PAX T'AEF1TS WITH AYES CHECKMAE}L ALL CLEARA NCF9 AND FINALL96PSC1 'IONS MUST 1'IE COMPL ETE PRIOR . TO THE RBLi 'AS¢•dF UT.ILLTIBS: (535,5431 t53C•99111 52 Date: Gail Hutton , City Atto •ney Request made by: Telephone: Howard Zelefsky 5276 RLS No. ri' 3S Assn To Dnte INSTRUCTIONS: File request in the City Attorney's Office. Outline reasons for this request and state facts necessary for City Attorney to respond . Please attach all pertinent information and exhibits, TYPE OF LEG 4L SERVICES REQUESTED: Ordinance Resolution Lease Meeting Court, Appearance 415100 Opinion Contract/Agreement 0 Insurance Is Request for Preparation of Contract form attached? Are exhibits attached? If for City Council action, Agenda Deadline Council Meeting If not for Council action, desired completion dz,te: 4/21/00 LJ Stop Notice Bond Deed Other: Yes Yes Covenant No No Unless otherwise specified herein, I consent to the_ disclosure of" the information contained in this RLS to all memb rs, of the City Council. ;. S g atur f Department Head COMMENTS Fie, ,-e review the attached covenant as to form and content pursuant to condition 3(a) of Initial Ptah and Zoning Review 'No. 99-9. Contact Ricky Ramos (ext. 5624) if you have any questions, Please return to Kim Langel Routing: . CH PDA 0 JCB r SL 0 WSA ADL SF JM This Request for Legal Services has been assigned to attorney PAUL D ALESSANDPC 4/6/00 extension 5 615 . His/her secretary is S ar a j a n e extension 5 5 &L, L Notes: File [aime. WP No. CITY OF, ,JNTINGTON BEACH REQUEST FOR LEGAL SERVICES Date Completed-., S areas for City Attorney's Office use only. RECORDING REQUESTED BY 0 WHEN RECORDE 4 D MAIL TO Planning & Building Dept. NAME City of Huntington Beach STREET ADDRESS PO Box 190 CITY Huntington Beach, CA.STATE 92648 (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE)_,_ _ described as follows; ' DECLARATIOINT OF COVENANT FOR THE MAX]A1Utdi NUMBER ON UNITS AT 16772 BROADWAY, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA. Declarant is the owner of all the real property ("the Property") at 1.6772 Broadway; more fully PARCEL 2: Lot 1 of Track # 5829 , in,the City of Huntington Beach, as shown on a map re- corded in book 222, page(s) 13 and 14, of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. PARCEL 1: Lots 1 & 2 in Block 412 of Tract # 21, the First Addition to Sunset Beach, in the City of Huntington Beach, as shown on a map recorded in book 9, page(s) 22, of Miscellaneous Declarant declares that .the Property is, and shall be, held, conveyed, hypothecated, encum- bered, leased, rented, used and occupied subject to the following limitations, reservations, covenants, conditions, and servitudes, all of which are declared and agreed to be in the fur- therance of, and pursuant, to enhancing, maintaining and protecting the value and attractive- est. These provisions shall be a burden upon and a benefit to not only the declarant but also ness of the Property. These provisions are imposed upon Declarant and all successors in inter- to their, successors and assigns. This covenant is declared to be a covenant running with the land as well as equitable servitudes on the land. 1. Project Plan Reference: IPZR 99-9 (16772 Broadway, Huntington Beach) 2. Description of the Work. The work shall consist of combining the two top floor units (units # 4 & 5) of the two story five unit apartment building into one unit. 3. Number of Units in the Apartment Building. The number of units in the apartment building shall irrevocably be downsized from FIVE units to FOUR units, permitted on the property shall be five residential units or less, 4. Maximum number of units on. the Property. The maxi mum number of un its that shall be ment this 1 day of March, 2000. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Declarants herein, execute G. Dean Garland r%PPROVED AS TO F ORM.,, -GAIL mITTUN,,, City Atto ma r $y: Deputy City .9tt rney STATE OF CAt f1O iIA his instru- Cheryl R Garland f S STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF On dy of before me, (the undersi ned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally ppeared personalty known to me (oa-praaed ie-n1 t;vidi:nce) to be the persons w scribed to the within Inslrume -rile executed it. COUN1Y OF - J: On its day of 19-^; before me. the 11 ndersignr9, a Notary Public in and for said Stale, personally appeared arid. official se, persoraily known to me proved- tori1L on tilt basis of satcstactory evidencelto be the e vrim ,Aawiej the within in IIume,ir -is President andedgfriirhh`irtt;ir ict,tiutirt? of the Corioraiioa Iheiein nomad. and12244N Y f y Not y,;Pobtic Ct7tif nio'a o0Y1hp ,qIi to I t hhut the optperalnin.exi.cu(ed it pursuant to its ., , id% "'i,i a (050100(1 at its hoard of directorsCtangc-1Couhiy 1,ij Coriirrt.'"c s s'1t 13, WES: rny.trand and official seat. '.utdi Pub',te;} arrv 1.1 Sd,0 sdtu III. 1 i&1f/.4k 1 \`ir 1 W JJdJYrJi "l\4L`\ jfJ« '1/M'r'. '.' `1WV- vl : nFPNG REQUESTED 6Y •41 N ME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP WHEN HECQHOED MAIL TO frc,ky f3arna Planning & Building Dept. City of Huntington Beach Pa Box 190 Huntington Beach,CA. 92648 Recorded in Official Records, Coons; of Gary Granulite, Clerk-Recorder 11111111111111111 f1II!11111IllilII(III1111i 11II 1I i 5 too ra. e 2000019843812:32p t 04118100 71416 1;1 2 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 x,00 0.00 0,00 6,00 (SPACE ABOVE, THISliNE FOR RECORDER'S USE) D]ECLARFiIZON OF COVENANT FOR THE MAXIMUM NUMBER ON UNITS AT 16772 BROADWAY, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CIA- Declarant Is the owner of all the real property ("the Property") at 16772 Broadway, more fully described as follows: PARCEL 1; Lots 1 & 2 in Block 412 of Tract if 21, the First Addition to Sunset Beach, in the City of Huntington Beach, as shown on a map recorded in book 9, page(s)22, of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. PARCEL. 2 Lot+?I of Track # 5829, in the ';ity of Huntington Beach, as shown on a map re- corded in book 222, page(s) 13 and 14, of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Declarant declares that the Property is, and shall be, held, conveyed, hypothecated, encum- bered, leased, rented, used a,d occupied subject to the following limitations, reservations, covenants, conditions, and servitudes, all of which are, declared and agreed to be in the fur- therance of, and pursuant, to enhancing,. maintaining and protecting the value and attractive- ness of the Property. These provisions are imposed upon Declarant and all successors in inter- est. These provisions sh all be a burden upon and a benefit to not only the declarant but also to their successors and assigns. This covenant is declared to be a covenant running with the land as well as equitable servitudes on the land. 1. Project Plan. Reference; TPZR 99-9 (16772 Broadway, Huntington Beach) Description of the Work. The work shall consist of combining the two top floor units (units2. # 4& 5) of the two story five unit apartment building into one unit. 3. Number of Units in the Apartment Building, The number of units in the apartment building shall irrevocably be downsized from FIVE units to FOUR units, 4. Maximum, number of units on the Property. Tle maximum number of units that shall be permitted on the property shall be five residential units or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOT, the undersigned, being the Declarants herein, execute this instru ment this d 4y ofApxil, 2000.' G., Dean Garland j0ly fl e ' STATE OF CAI RNIA J ss: COUNTY OF_44 On this day of before me, the undersf d, a Public in an sar State, ., personally appeared. ; aV ' d Cheryl R, Garland WJ • siATE or CALIFORNIA. s COUNTY OF On this _ T day of 19__. b More me, the undersigned, a Notary PabIIv in and lot said Stale. personally appeared end personally known tome (orpr ed tome on the basis of satisfacto evidence) to be the per ._whose name.,. ,. , sub scribed to the Wit instrument, and acknowledged to me that ._hc.._ execut it Witness y hand and olticial seat: personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis o[sdUslaclory evidence) to be the µr rsons who e ns cult d tt" within inStrunient ,as President and Svcietaty, respectively, of the Corporation therein named, and,tr_hnowteaDad to me that the eorporatrort executed itPursuant toitsfly, taws or it resvlutiun of its board at tiireclars, WITNESS my hand and official seat. I Commonwealth,, Land Title Company Reliance A RelianceGrat.p Holdings Campan'. COUNTY OF L-PS / 6J6U Y)ssSTATE OF CALIFORNIA ) On v -before e , th undersigned , a t ptary Public in an_)or said County and tate, erson ly app ared < ca personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. NOT flY LI GREGORY A. LUCIDO COMM. # 1169677NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA C) LOS ANGELES COUNTY Q. COMM. EXP. JAN. 16, 2002 On before me, the undersigned , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ) to be the person (s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within. instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the. entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC THIS CERTIFICATE MUST B ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED BELOW Title or Type of Doc ime t r G"t lL/r d - Date of Document:." G Other Signer (s) than Named Above: d TEL # 562 597"7768 .,` CEL & PAGER COM80: 562 706 6800 F, 1.y `y1..''/l ../yL FAX # 562 494 4493, 4425 E. ANAHEIM # 100, 4,P146 BEA01-1, CA. 90804-3115 FROM: CONTRACTOR DF4N 70: Rickey Ramos TEL # 714 536 52711 . Associate. Planner Planning & Bldg. Dept., 3rd F' -)or City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA. 92648 DATF6/21/00 - Pages in this FAX FILE: sunlcoVenant FAX# 7143741540 EFERENCE : Proje-:. n LPL-9 (16772R Broadway) PROJECT." Downsize the apartment buildin g from 5 to 4 units and to transfer the eliminated unit's certificate 'of occupancy to the recreation room. SUBJECT, Covenant Dear Mr. Ramos Enclosed please find the notarized covenant. Please let me lmow when the covenant will be ready for pickup to record. Thank you, Dean Garland Ramos, Ricky From: Sent:, To: Cc: Subject: Kerenyi, John Monday, March 20, 2000 3,42 PM Elliot, Terri Ramos, Ricky; Nguyen, Khanh; Brizuela, Armando No TIF for IPZR 99-9 (16772 Broadway) Terri, Based on information supplied by the applicant, I have concluded that entitlement application IPY-'R 99-9(1.6772 Broadway) has no traffic impact fee due. I concluded this because the property will experience no net increase in the number of apartment units. Please update your records to show,this. I will fax the applicant a copy of this email for his records. Khanh and Armando, could you please update your Databases to show no fee due on this project. The applicant intends to c u e March):seek a ertificate of occupany aro nd the nd of next week (3I Ricky, this is provided to you for your information, John Kerenyi Srr t amhr r 2', 1q74 "lln 0n I V Jlntl vi rl INr 1'e (•'/1> 11 f41A ll,rtr71t IfrlrnIA ":(ft.*,;f t )r,F9.r1)(5 WFty Nun+ (np,fnn Ben rtl, C'8) INM, rMn r It J 'nett f A 'h'r:o-sm1-,„c A.'tr+1±'phhno n11 from Hr. C,r+lvsnn r,,n Septemb e r 4df•<'hnv n rnvltr+V +ti,t cIrc^ittnnt,litrj*r, In rootw:rt I o+, srtth the, buil.0Ing, you 'aye, tlrCtndWaV ln hois t t I tgI on Af t#r, con' I iw W s.t h ttlafl r .tigrk"1ni,. aLa f"t nn<I 1) 1 a !n tit t lvea cyf -trllr ' icr Ilapart.iitevL: ' Ilav11 r}u t 4,rt>wIt;rt1 t hnt I, he btr11d itk$. +w,, tmttroperly c:1a5m L f red m s a Group11 1 „rr''JIl,Art +ttwcm ti(ti• 'otcl:ltty 1m l,ring P'1ovIfled to c«nnect,lon Wl r 1-Nr ,i t k 4 r t,ar n t ;ylt4 'I liave 11 441rjt;lt1(tel "lhe t ._the proper O`Occupw, r,1M.,tl+ettnrt ou Its v1e;w of th«A1 Ove 1itamSw dt_r ?i &>;d our notice of Srptamber 19,1974.o1 t_A muhlnrt. l ri (; fTg111rC t l(111. With thta or iit Enna I conco rn tor the !ect,nd exit, how e ver, ± have rlr t ttrtflad that w c+tn tecapt Mr GalVann ' a m1UAAQstlon of poeL.ing #1 hcctipart• tr ad` t itnl t A iltyl. "Ma r aximum= iru(nbe.r of persoxie that may occupy •(ta on A tier.,n+xd 11nor OR IIf) , Thta wtR1 >"houlst Indic-stp this maxim 'in itFQO?tMts t . 1 OJoel ,. ae i ttxt lha t thh nlIt ton, veil be ,vatiafwctory and trmat . that. our tutor not Ifa ptla not ri is it vntt undue 'inconv.nti'c.., ;$1nc+rtl y, IDKPAfi'I f!MT or PlttL[)TNO k4l c A1d1JN XTY l Vtri,OPMlWt' tjr,e'Or M/aeA BUIL DING PERMIT DEPARTMENT OF CITY CF NOTICE No framing inspe-mtion will be made until the jolt has progressed in a satisfactory manner. All City Ordin- ances , requirements, anti , imposed conditions shall be compiled with prior to final inspection. A Certifi- cate of, Occupancy will be' issued only when all such conditions have been met. Group Remarks: Building $ Permit 5o.00 Plan $ Check #7449 $28.OC Paid 7-12-72 Misc. Rec. No. .1 hereby acknowied`e that I have reed this application and atnte that t,'e sSove is xrrsct and, agree to. comply with all ordinances and State laws regrding building construction. I hereby certify that I am properly reglstar d with nd /or licensed as For Applicant to fill in Job Address Lot No. Owner 'N'8 16772 Broadway 1 Tract No.5829 Blk. No. Please Attat:h Matem & Bounds- (." Copies) xx1 F A. Galyeon Owner':; Address Description 70,1 Isaan¢ View Dr,5.eai Beach of Work 3 Car Garaged Reerea Lion Room Use I ACW }toil -cam ild , Buing _. Area of 100 Add.Valuatio Building 2700 Gar. 1;3, 8604. Contra r GE 18529 INSPECTION RECORD Approval Date Foundation Reinforcing Roof Shtg,.ar -x x/fr Rough Frame /e7/ required by the City of Huntington Beach and/or State of California,Utility Releaseor that 1 am ins legal owner of the above described property, and 1 certify that In the nerformanca of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any parson in vlolatlon of the workman's, sa Lcompention laws of the State of Cali fornia.PI CI wit Data Routing: (1) Bldg. Inspector (2) Office File BUILDING HUNTINGTON BEACH VALIDATION BY CASHIER Lath or Drywall l r:X;i'T yG ',Z P.PT,14,UILD10,46 c4NAL w•- s 0 , • CITY OF HUfTIfGTOn BEACH J*e P.o, BOX 190, CALIFORNIA 9361E P..ANNING DEPT. (714) 536 -5271 NOTI,E OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Board of Zoning Adjustments of the City of Huntington Beach in the Administrative Annex, 523 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California, at the hour of 1:15 P.M., on Wednesday, March 14, 1973 for the purpose of considering a petition for a Conditional Exce tion to ermit a 0 foot exterior side yard setback in lieu of S. 9163.2.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The subject site is located on the northeast corner of Broadway and.Bay View Drive in an R2 Medium Density Residential District. A legal description is on file in the Planning Department office. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearing and express their , opinions for or against the proposed Conditional Exception requested by said petition Further information may be obtained from the office of the Acting Secretary to the Board of Zoning Adjustments in the Planning Department, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California. ave Eadie Acting Secretary Board of Zoning Adjustments P laennng Department P.O. Box 190 Huntington Beach , Californian Phone: S36-5271 Hours of Business Bi00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Your aPplication was acted upon by the Huntington Beach Board . of Zoning Adjustments March 14 1973 and your request was : Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code , the Action taken by the dowrd of Zoning Adjustments is € ;,al unle ss an appeal Lo filed to the Planning G +la *ion by you or an interested party. said appeal must be in writing and must sat forth in detail the action and grounds by and upon which the applicant or Wterested party deema himself aggrieved . Said appeal must be ac- compani ed by a filing fee of seventy -'five ($75.00 ) dollars and submitted to the Secretary , to the Planning Cocamission within to (10 ) days of the date of the Board's decision. In your case, the last` day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee is Mar h 23 1973 Provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code Art such that any application bscoe :es null. and void one (1) year after final approvals finl ess actual crnr;truction. has started. * I .The garages shall be equipped with automati c garage door openers. 2. The right of way on Broadway be aba ndoned by the City or this approval will become null and void, V.OT1. AYES Spoil .er en Eadic NOES : no A None 'CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-11 - Continued •A licant :Richard Grossgold To permit a 0 ft. exterior side yard setback in lieu of 331. 9163.22. of the Ordinance Code , located on the northeast cornet - of Broadway and Bay View Drive in the R2 Medium Density Residential District. The hearing was opened to the.public. oth the applicant and the owner, Dr. Galyean were present. The Acting Secretary noted that one letter of opposition is on file: The owner Dr. Galyean, presented to the Board his reasons and justification for this application, pointing out that his exist- ing plan would upgrade property'and enhance the area. Boarddis.cuss"ion followed. There-being no further.comment the hearing was closed., ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY SPENCER CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO.:73-11 WAS , APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, AND BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: 0 The garages shall be equipped with automatic garage door openers. The y on Broadwa y be abandoned by the City orright o f wa y this approval will become null and void. When right of way is abandoned improvements will be ins talled. end for the following reasons: The ex is tiig area is primarily non-conforming due to yard setbacks 2. With the abandonment of tre right-of-way on Broadway, 2/3 of the building will conform to .:ode. 3. The property suffers a drainage problem due to Street elevation. 4'. The development will not be detrimental to surrounding propery. AYES: Spencer, Gerarden , Eadie NOES- None ABSENT: Nome C9kb[T-IONAL EXCEPTION".NO. 73-10 Continued Sta d Oil Com anyof California To permit front bays to posed service station in lieu of 5".9481.15 o ington Beach Ordinance Code. In Con j unL do Hunting ton a ,City of P. 0.. :sox 19C ca lifornia 92548. Attention . Dave Eadie, Acttrsz, F crl='- -',Y. Eoard of Zoning Ad ;?u s tmen` s . Re : subject site. located on the nor t! eae 4 corn.-It anr;Eay V',ew Drive roadway Dear Mr Ead le ray husband and z own a vacant. lot lid iotnithF this oro erty in which we are only allowed to build tkwo untt;, tanci . n :s e hack 5' on eaeb, side, This, proterty in question ha„ 5 unite, and rj no set bricks. The buildings are built on the oronerty :Lane, anti t}he new owner hle.. built brick side.,wal:ks out in the county tine, and on,,BFlyvlei nas built flower boxes, on county pro rty, and there t or you ca rft ours to t'r c it of them as CIOu "€ re too fir Jut nto Vie st1'e.t. uo :'Le s now us1n. c urlty '?r,7nertV We are ais.c 3-ru nst im . u S.iF a _ yurf+w;3 roir,rty L4 Al L}i' a big i .J! :2cti :(:•• iH- *r•..^; _r a l':` ti ifm 9&t hac with his. rlek but d,,I' as t;} . !^,ct.1f 'JF are.tceio, ;e has bootie ked hip 1.)wer r. o.' r , ' = L:te =a1 k:; out into our.'y rr; rty. Pow about trakLn? i,Lm t:) star c -2 1 wn ne, and to take :AB f.iowe ox.es 'U t of t`.el way, s of nurk trrere. P_e se do no 4aeeorir ame `}R;or-rf7: q jr itzr the City Dune il, but we are Very much a,-i .; nst a tyttme rooo,n abovo : Vm.' "e , ti nd 41.ao asmitnst htr:. womin5 out to the line wthi, ht5 air:r 'Je don't wan' ur nt me used '' au-_-3 i i we com laain a )700t anyttri we aet re.7?r is&. and not use it as LL game r.)*.:,;;. Very truly r JurS, Heh rn t195(1.2. bur rio le ;':'7e i -., ju 1.•ir tn.. S .KU {..1 Ii1L .1 we are igaIrist riIm cuiId ing <r c;arte rw<;M at-ti;y arwr,,I...S, as we hay(. and that he t„nt' nd:i& .,o rent tl)e ltie=; d OVE t: r+r r,zr'€ au . other a.?rzrt`- Mr. Dave B adie, P. Or BOx 190, RECEIVED (11kR 91973. 3-8-73 Huntington Beach. California. FLMNING DEPT, Proposed Construction at 16772 Broadway, Huntington Beach, California Outli=ne of Problem (d.-atailed explanations on following pages) Major Conc ern; Gradual c eterioratio n of $100,000 investment Mechaniszn:s and Reasons: A: New developments have allowed. tide to flood garages with resulting destruction of contained property. Bt New developmexts have eliminated eggress to covered, walled trash collection area. C. New developments will further, co,..garit oft street, parking. D: Tidal waters continue to destroy attempts to grow plants and trees, (6 trees have died thus far). E: Congestion and flooding of area will cause, c,.eterioration of tenant quality with resulting` deterioration of building. Proposed Solution: (Private Funding) Comment-9 A Destruction of existing two car garage complex and reconstruction of raised slab containing three garages, outside toilet facility for boaters and recreation storage facility above for tenants. B. This is to be done with Architectural help so that It, will conform to "tempo" 'of new develop- ments C Creation of new, contained trash area, An. effort is being' made with private funding, to correct the current hardships and future, problems that have and will continue to occur, due to recent new, developments. This effort is not just a cheap, simple correction, but a proposal to up grade and confor m with these long over due improvements. that are, occurring. A: Private funding will not be considered to merely correct the damage that his occurred and will continue to worsen. B: Those that have allowed this hardship to occ -ar will be asked for financial recompense. C. The existing building will be allowed to deter iorate as other older buildings iin the area. D: The tenant quality will deteriorate in a linear fashion with the building and the purchasers of the new development will become increasingly incensed about what they have to live next to. I refuse to privately finance corrections of hardships imposed upon me by others. My sincere desire is to correct these problems and upgrade the. property to conform with construction that is occurring.. If denied this aroposal , the property will be locked into a financial position of a constant . drain, with no hope of even improvving the plight of neighbors , tenants or the owner. Possibly, however I'm readi ng the picture through myopic lens so I'll ask the question What would you do? The immediate problem is one of innundation at high tide. The people that live there, find it less than desireable to wade through three to four inches of water to get to their garages, and when the door is. opened, see their belongings floating on the floor. Because of this problem most often they park on the street (on higher ground), which only serves to further congest "off street parking". A second problem is one of a trash bin. Prior to t he development of the new homes , I had an enclosed area that contained a trash bin - a new wall has been constructed in front of this space. Currently, this bin sits on property that shortly will. be turned into a park. ,Frequently , however , it is emptied and left in .Front of a garage and this tenant has to shove it into the park area in able to gain ontrance to his garage. Clearly, this condition will not be tolerable in the future and presently the only sulution will be five (5) indi-,-idual trash cans, placed in the central court yard in full view of all passing boats , the homes across the canal and the tenants will be exposed to the smell and flies when trying to enjoy the area. From past experience with the tenants I have found that they use their That they park their cars cn the street. garages for storage areas for boats, camping, hiking equipment, etc. Thus far, this practise has been acceptable, because it leaves the central court yard free for recreational, activities. Since the current new development -off street parking will hn even more congested. I'm endeavoring to createmore garage parking and t recreation storage area, so that they will use their garages for their intended purpose, (parking cars), and, still, maintain a desireable environment. In essence o worthwhile new development has occurred to ;ally and it is encumbent on owners of older property to continue to imps ,,ve and upgrade, building and slowly it, will revert to a shabby looking slum building. As an antithesis the quality of tenants will deteriorato -.as will the ownership. If not allowed to accomplish this end, the courtyard will become congested with cars and once more appear cluttered and trashy as it was prior to my if not their properities will, become more undesireable and shabby by comparison , thus making an unhealthy and unsavory situation for the new owners of properities . It will also i mpede reconstruction of older shacks that still exist in this area. City of Huntington Beac h I G 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92646 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone 536-5271 Fax 374-1541 374-1648 February 28, 2000 Dean Garland 4425 E. Anaheim #100 Long Beach, CA 90804 Dear Dean: Enclosed are the comments and conditions from the Departments of Public Works, Building, and Fire , Should , you require farther assistance regarding this matter please call meat (714) 536-5624. , Sincerely, Ricky Ramos Associate Planner le, CT OF HUNTINGTOiv BEACH INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION TO: Ricky Ramos Assistant Planner FROM!: Bruce P. Crosby Civil. Engineer Assistant SUBJECT : IPZR 99-9 (16672 Broadway) DATE: January 11, 2000 Tpe following conditions shall apply to the subject project: V 1, The existing water service and meter serving the site may potentially be utilized if they are of adequate . size, conform to current standards, and are in working condition as determined by the Water Division. If a new service or meter is required, it shall be installed per Water Division standards and sized to meet the minimum requirements set by the Uniform Plumbing Code . (UPC) and Uniform Fire Code (UFC), and a backflow protection. device shall be installed per Water Division standards. \2. All fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building. permit. The Traffic Impact Fee shall be paid prior to final inspection or certificate of occupancy: 37043 IPZR 99-9 PLANNINGDEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST T vBruce Crosby, Public Works -Ron Hagan, Community Services ha in ~-Nguyen, Building `Jim. Engle, Community Services Tim Greaves, Fire • Janet Perez, Police Department David Biggs, Redevelopment -Paul D'Alessandro, City Attorney • Jim Lawrence, Building Doug Tallman, Police Department -Herb Fauland, Planning Wayne Carvalho, Planning FROM: Ricky Ramos Ext: 5624 DATE: December 17, 1999 PC ZA X Staff PETITION(S); Initial Plan Zoning and Review (IPZR ) No. 99-9 (Garland Apts.) DATE OF PLANS : 12/13/99 REQUEST(S): 1) Convert an existing recreation room into a new dwelling unit and 2) combine two existing L:.=veiling units on the 2ndfloor into one dwelling unit. LOCATION:. 16772 Broadway (near Intrepid Lane) ZONE: RM-CZ (Medium Density Residential-Coastal Zone GENERAL PLAN: RL (Low Density Residential EXISTING USE: Apartment complex Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on orbefore Friday 1/7/00. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) RESPONSE BY.- Extension Attachments: 1. Site Pia 2. Narrative OEVREVRQ,DOC 0 HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION From: Gerald Caraig Ext.: 1575 12/27/99 To: Ricky Ramos Building Safety comments for PETITION: Initial Plan Zonin and Review 99-9 Plans incomplete- 0 Please include the following issues in the design of your project. 0 Distance to all interior property lines and center line of streets. Clear distance to other buildings on the same property and overhangs. Type of construction of all buildings need to be stated Occupancy classification of all. areas needs to be stated. 0 Provide Building Code Analysis on the plans to show compliance with Uniform Building Code 1997 edition for Occupancy , requirements (Chapter 3). Allowable Area (Chapter 5). Exiting (Chapter 10). PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUE TO,, 'Bruce Crosby, Public Works Ranh Nguyen, Building Tim GreavesFire. David Biggs, Redevelopment Jinn Lawrence ,. Building Herb . Fauland, Planning Wayne arvalbo, Planning Ron Hagan, Community Services 'Jim Engle , Community Services • Janet Perez , Police Department -Paul ]:)'Alessandro , City Attorney Doug , Tallman, Police Department FROM: Ricky Ramos Ext: 5624 DATE: December 17, 1999 PC X Staff PETITION(S):. Initial Plan Zoning and Review (IPZR) No. 99-9 (Garland Apts.) DATE OF PLANS 4 12113/99 REQUEST(S): 1) Convert an existing recreation room into a new dwelling unit and. 2) combine two existing dwelling units , on the 2"d floor into one dwelling unit. LOCATION: 16772, Broadway (near Intrepid Lane) ZONE: RM-CZ (Medium Density Residential-Coastal Zone): GENERAL PLAN: RL (Low Density Residential EXISTING USE: Apartment complex Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions iin writing on or before Friday, 1/7100. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) ;5 r?f rt4cLre 1999 ARTMENT RE SPONSE BY:re. Extension S^S`. _ Attachme;7ts: 1, Site Plan 2. Narrative OEVREVRQ.tJOG HUN INGTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW Garland Apartments ATDDRESS: J'772 Broadway GRID # 162 PLAN CHECK # $PZR #99-9 DATE; 01/06/00 The items listed below indicate Huntington Beach Fire Department (HBFD). development condition of approvzl, requirements. Compliance is required prior to building permit issuance and all, applicable items must meet Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC), Huntington Beach Fire Code (H BFC), and/or Uniform Building Code (UBC) standards. Address numbers shall be installed to comply with City Specification 428. Fire Department City Specifictations, may be, obtained by mail or in person at the Fite I?Ppartn ent Administrative Ofce Huntington Beach city Hall (fifth floor), 2000 Main Street; Huntington Beach. If you have any questions, Tease contact the . Fire. Prevention Division at (714) 536-5411 SIGNED o: Duane Olson, Fire Marshal ]3a7 OJ'l0&'J1f(] novetopmen cpix5lipn§. á Pel I's S-- 7-03- 1 1 =P,Af1 CONTRACTOR DEAN FAX NC. 562 494 4493 TEL 0562 597 7768 DA rE 2I).g199 CEL & PAGER COM130: 562 706 6800 2.. Pagos iri this FAX FAX # 662 494 4493 4425 E.ANAHEIM#'I00, LONG BEACH. CA, 908043'+5 FILE : suMraa `ROM; COMR4CTOR DEAN TO: Reeky Ramos glaring Dept. City of Iiuntington Beach Huntington Beach , CA. TEL # 714 536 527 1 REFERENCE: Case # IF'ZF; 99-9 ]PROPERTY' 16772 Broadway, HB FAX 4 714 374 1540 Thank you, for all your help in getting my request reviewed in a timely manlier, Enclosed an, the comnlgn area calculations you requested. If you have any additional gites tigns or need another sits: re ew j t let me knout, lespectivolyt 'DeE= Garland 01 FR a l CONTRACTOR DEAN FAX NO, }552 494 4493 Feb.,' $2000 11; 42PM P2 COMMON AREA CALCULATIONb 16772 BROADWAY, HUNTINGTON BEACH APARTMENT BUILO1N6 Ggmbinet' . ':tits (4 & 6) 2nd floor w First ;tloo:.A's Subtotal RECREAZON ROOM 23,6"x 31'$": TOTAL HABITAL SPACE PATIOS Patin deck over the ,garages Reearcatiori roou s patio (11'6" x 121 Subtotal BAR-B•O AREA Size o the r-B-Q area OTHER COMMON AREA 1,365 sf yji2,730 S 744sf 2,730 sf 744 sf , Z4 1 " C045 Sf 784 784 sf We , of the common area in front of the c{uta2 Total Common Area sf, 325 sf Tzs-f 950 sr QIR MISC. COMMON AP. Size of the interior court yard area between the garages (30' x 501) F30AT DOCK AREA ,Stz of the boat dock area. (23' v de x 75' long) Please let Mme, know if you need aazy additional info ration Respe ctlv+cl , Dt Oarlad 1.5c.7c sf 1,876, sf PROPOSAL REQUEST` FOR 16772 BROAD WAY, HU 1TINGTON BEACH, CA. 'tom combine the top floor two apartments {units # 4 & 5) into one 1,400 sq . ft, owners unit. To transfer tht occupancy permit from the eliminated apartment to the Recreation Room. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION A two story five unit apt. bldg. (avg. apt. size 595 sq. ft:) with t- hree attached garages, one detached 800 sq. ft. recreation room atop three garages, and one 75' boat dock on 3 lots, TO: 4 BEDROOMS - {)„.2BR, a IBR, and 2 SINGLES) & NO Recreation Room THIS PROPOSAL WILL DECREASE THE DENSITY This proposal will DECREASE the density of the project: FROM: .5 BEDROOMS {I 2BR, 3 IBR and I SINGLE) & a 800' sq. Recreation Room DECREASE THE USAGE This proposal will DECREASE the usage of the recreation room: FROM: UP TO 12 PERSONS The current permitted occupancy TO: UP TO 1 - 2 PEOPLE - The usage for a single apartment 'W DECREASE THE PARKING This proposal will DECREASE the parking requirements FROM; 5 RR PLUS RECREATION ROOM = 10 spaces TO 4 BR & NO RECREATION ROOM = 8.5 space NOTE: CURRENT PARKING: garages & 5 uncovere c V I ' I X ti:1 I 1-, WORK REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THIS PROPOSAL Exterior of the 5 units and recreation room: NONE 2. Interior of the recreation room: NONE 3. Interior of top floor two apartments: Combine utilities, eliminate one kitchen,and, open the hall way between units 4 & 5. A PLUS + PLUS, FOR THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH a low to moderate income tenant for a 10 year period. Asa condition for the granting of this request, I will make one unit in the complex available to SUMMARY The recreation room was built to FULL HABITABILITY standards, not utility standards as would be needed by a club house. There is no logical need, use for, or feasible way to t erate, a 800 sq. ft_club room based on the needs of five (Avg, apt, size 595 so. ft.) apartments: My proposal to change, the usage of the recreation room will: 3. Change the use of the building from 100% apartment to 40%a owner live in use and 60% 1. Decrease the density of the apartments FROM 5 BR & Rec. Rm. TO 4 BR & NO Rec. Rm. 2. Decrease the # of cars parking at the apartment building;. apartment. 5. Eliminate the problem of the 'bootlegging' of the recreation. room for use as an apartment. 4. Eliminate the noise,' visitors, and parking of guests that (used to) use the recreation: room. (as has been done for the past 25 years) 7. Bring the use of the recreation room into conformity with the neighborhood. 6. The city of HB will gain a, low to moderate income water front unit. (C) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND SERVICES PROJECT The 800 sq. ft. recreation room was built in 1973 on top of three garages to full habitability- standards.,,,The habitability restriction appears to be a decision by a counter person, it cer- tainly wasii't the intention of planning c, the on site inspector to limit the size or scope of the. recreation room's full size kitchen and bath. There . are ABSOLUTELY NO physical modifications required to convert the recreation , room to an apartment . Only a administrative decision, S ERVICES This proposal will eliminate the normal activities associated with a recreation room. (large gathering of people, parties , etc.) In place of the recreation room there will be a single apartt- rnent that will provide ho using for 1 to 2 people. (D) DESCRIPTION OF SURROUNDING USES IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORS WEST: The Sunset Beach Women's Clubhouse, a duplex, and a SFH. EAST: A Duplex SOUTH: A SFH and aduplex NORTH Remora Channel GENERAL AREA Sunset Island Is a older neighborhood of mixed use residential/multi family units and one commercial club house (the Sunset Beach Women's Clubhouse). There are still:some original '.beach cottages" on the Island as well'as homes in the $500,000. range. The two corners of the approach bridge to. Sunset island have Captain Jack's restaurant and a Massage Pallor, . (E) HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE See addendum "B" for a Written statement that this project IS NOT in a 'hazardous waste or substance site pursuant to See. 65962.5 of the Government Code. (# 1',1 M . rEN NARRATIVE OF THE, AOP\ AL (A) REASONS FOR INITIATING THIS APPLICATION /[n 1967 the city of HB issued a permit to build three detached garages with a 800 sq. ft, unit on top. This permit allowed the unit fthe recreation room) to be built to FULL HABITABILITY standards, (Full bath, full size kitchen, forced air heat & air, etc.) However, a hand written memo on the permit states that the unit (recreation room) can't be used for habitable purposes. Over the past 25 years the recreation room has been used for everything except a recreation room, i.e. as a apartment, Animal House, party house, drug den, ladies of the night. Please see addendum A for further history. on the recreation room. By removing the habitability restriction from the recreation room the city will 1. Decrease the density, traffic , and parking at the apartment building. 2, Change the entire character of the apartment building: FROM: 5 UNITS - Typical apartment owned by an off site owner TO: 4 UNITS - A very , very z1ice 1,400 sq. ft . 2BR/2BA /DEN owners unit with a 625' sq private patio , canal and oceans views and three downstairs units. 3. Eliminate the problem of the 'bootlegging", of the recreation room for use as an apartment. (as has been done for the past 25 years) 4, Gain a low to moderate income waterfront unit. 5. Bring the use of the recreation room into conformity with the neighborhood. The change of use ,of the apartments from 100% tenant use to a owner/user is very, very significant. This is because a owner living on his/her property will: 1. Be more involved in their neighborhood activities than art off site owner. 2. Screen prospective tenants very carefully because this tenant will be the owner's new neighbor. 3. lave nicer landscaping and keep the property cleaner & in better repair than an off site owner. In addition to the above, an owner occupied dwelling will increase the neighborhood's property values. (Its an accepted real estate fact that predor-inately owner occupied neighborhoods have a higher property value than predominately apartments/non owner occupied neighbor hoods.) (B)AREA DESCRIPTION AND POPULATION AREA DESCRIPTION The original five unit apartment building and three garages were built on two lots, on sunset Island, in unincorporated Orange County, in 1953. In the 1960s the Huntington Harbour, Corp., as,part of the Huntington Harbour development, added a new lot via land fill of approx- imately 31' x 75' to this parcel. On 11/30/65 Huntington Beach annexed all three lots. In the 1980s Huntington Beach , changed the zoni ng from multifamily to 'R 2 with a miniirnum. lot size of 3.000' sq. Today the area is 50% SFH and 50% duplex to 4 units. Most of the duplex-4 plea buildings have an owner in one of the units. POPULATION SERVED The five unit apartment building provides moderate cost housing in a beautiful water fro,it setting. The apartment is just a block from the beach and an easy walk to numerous shops and restaurants. There, is also a 75' boat dock for resident's use. . ADDENDUM A RECREATION ROOM Over the past 25 years the Recreation Room has been used for everything except a "recreation room" for the apartment residents. This includes its use as an apartment (the most common), loud and nosy parties with live music & 100+ guests, and residency by ladies of questionable character & "gentlemen " with no verifiable source of income . SOURCE: Code enforcement inspector Tonyy Duarte and local neighbors. There are two reasons the Recreation Room is not used as a recreation room: 1. Its not feasible. 2, Its not economically Viable FEASIBILITY OF OPERATING A 800 SQ. FT. CLUB ROOM FOR A FIVE UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING Recreation club rooms are normally found in 200+ unit apartments complexes. They are -usually right off the rental office and have windows in them so people in the club room are visible (and staff c" keep an eye on them). These large apartment complexes have all night security guards that are available to monitor any after hour activities in the club room and to lock it at the posted hour of closing. The cost of maintaining the club room, about $1,000. a month, is, pro-rated over 200 units. Contrast the above situation to the recreation club room at 16772 Broadway: 1. here are only ,five apartments with an average size of 595 sq. ft. at 16772 Broadway,2. There is no rental office nor on site manager. 3.1" The recreation room is isolated and an invitation to mischief 4. There is no security guard ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY OF RUNNING THE RECREATION ROOM I estimate the cost to operate the recreation room, at 16772 Broadway at $500. a month, as follows: 1. Cost of electric &,gas 4. Theft & breakage Cost to furnish (i.e. with pool table, TV) 5. Regular maintenance 3. Weekly cleanup To offset this cost I might be able to raise the rents $25. a month.. ($100. income VS $500. expenses) PLEASE NOTE: When I purchased these apartments the recreation room was .rented for $850. a month with none of the cost of 1 -4 above. SUMMARY Most large apartment complexes have recreation facilities. The residents that live at 16772 Broadway are; not interested in an apartment recreation room, They chose to live at 16772 Broadway because its on an island, rents are moderate, its water front, & its a block to the beach. PLUS, there is no practical or economical way to operate this recreation room: 1. PRACTICAL - There Is no way to prorate the cost of this recreation room over 5 units. 2. ECONOMICAL The unit' "bootlegged" as an apartment rents for $850. a month. ADDENDUM B I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the project located. at 16772 Broadway, Hu tong- ton Beach, is not in a. Hazardous Waste and Substance site, pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. Dean Garland, Owner Cheryl G and, Owner d FROM _ : CONTRACTOR DEf 4 FAXNO. : 562 494 449340 lt FLOOR F'1-AN FOH TI e RECREATION FN:Ot j c, 13 1999 11:471 PR THIS UNIT WAS BUILT W FULL HABITABILITY STANDAT,DS IN 1972, HENCE, NO WORK IS REgUIRED IN THE UNIT, q U-j 4 CLOSETS; 30" DEEP WITH 81-FOLD DOORS FULL BATH FRIDGE, . SLEEPING AREA LIVING ROOM DINING AnEok FIREPLACE -STAIRS LEADING TO T 4EPATIO AND FRO, ffTDOOR 9 ` x10`- FRONT PATIO 111 0. Trancode;[PERMIT]COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT [40701 Function:[HST]PERMIT HISTORY PG 1. [ 1 [ ] . [$060567] Address [16772] [BROADWAY I I I [PLEASE CONTINUE I Unit Permit Issued Status Effective Building Use [\,r[B060567] [04011998] [FINALLED ][05271998][SFD ALTER [] [B064.846] [11041998] [FINALLED ] [03261.999] [SFD "'ht£-Fr, [][B068803][071319991[ I [ ] [SFD "FEh3 [] [E028744] [0.4011998][FINALLED ][05271998] [SFD ALTER [)[P022162][04,011998][FINALLED ][05271998][SFD ALTER [HOUSE], [E0284021 [02061998] [FINALLED 1 [071019981, [MFD -T - [5 ][3059418,] [01211998] [FINALLED ].[.0708:1998] [MFD 1 [B063594] [08271998] [FINALLED 1 [03161999] [MFD [5 1.[E0283321[01211998] [FINALLED I [07081998][MFD [5 ] (M020643] [01211998] [FINALLED ] [07081998]; [MED [5 ][P0218441[01211998][FINALLED] ,[04.071998] [MFD ALTER [' 1[ ][ I[ ][ ][ [1[ ][ ][ ][ C ][ 1'[ ][ l[ I ][ ][11 ][. [ 11 ][ ][ ][ [ I[ I[ ]t ][ [11 Link' ?ge C I [ I IC I[ I` 1[ I[ I I [B060567)(I ] [B060567) [ I ] [ I [ I [B059 418] [ ] ][805941811 1 [8059418) [I I[ I[ ] IC_ ][] l[ If I [ 1[ 1: ] [ ] [ ] ][ IC I i ROr1' s CONTRACTOR DEW FRX NO. : 56' 494 4493,-3 1999 21 : 471 AN pu TEL p 5162 6977768 r l fi.JY4, " CBL & PAGER COMBO; 562 7068800 , .f3, - °O" Rl :Pe rR hi Aft FAX # 5 494 44163 4428 ANAH9IM M i o Lo BEACH, C& W804-3i s rILE: zu"Vaa FROM: CONll:AK,"l?D] MAN TO: l h 2 ag; TEL # 714 536 5271 FAX # 7$4: 374 154Q Planni[ Dept, City.. ofHw tingern BeachTh4 t1ngton e,ach1 CQ REFERENCE: Case a# I t 99- PROPERTY, ).677 2 B t W y; 1-19 3zrcIcsrd alease And *e floor plan for the recreaMn noon, if you h any questions about the recreation room you can ask Mtke Stra< ge`ts he hat, been to the property , Or if you like Ti] bo glad to show into you. Please call ffyou need me lxifc r h, Dean Qarlan GDC:tI6 INTREPID u.47, :I-sa Lf:NEPRCJAJJ-99-Oa-OM PROJ.9Ji-11^007-5Q9 -- ^. COUNTY 0 SUNSET BEACH MM. 35 0 TRACTNO 21 M 9-22M...TRACTNp `494 M 31 29..M.-TRACTNO 5829 M. M. 222-13,14,TRACT A11 OHjn "en rn 77 {4in LINE 111te2:s4.1 ,,.t'P.tYL.1![a •.:.f,ealz ;`5i.. " M'',a_. i,: i w.`:wi`r , .. TRACT NO. 494 BLK. 212 68 -1 _i1 ii • _4 _5}_6 33B K.(9 )I173 36 I.- VI f. J, 1r L .yi.l'. 1.11 J .,J.r., I. NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK &; PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES 178-- 53 ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 178 PAGE 53 COUNTY OF ORANGE 177.08' 10 95. BLK 2107 .. 103,91 •. 3U'•f40 J 1 ' p n fjr .c '' 6 tee --1' " ABAND. ALLEY V (ABA ND. ALLEYL ?-I3 i4 !7 ii8 r9 i r oa HIGH WA Y A VENUE 8040 LOT 6. 3 s