HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1990002 - Notice of action Letter with Findings & Conditions of Approval.0 OFFICE of ZONING ADMINISTRATOR J CITY OF HUNTINGTQN BEACH -CALIFORNIA RECEIVED M AV P.O. BOX 140.92648 Ma_ 2, 1990 UIf 1990 PHONE (714) 536- 5271 Ali5'd........... LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 90-2 Applicant;RMG/ The Keith Companies Mr. Joseph Hartge 17961 Cowun Irvine, California 92714 Request: To adjust the property lines between Lot 10 and 11 of Tract 13210. Location: 6661, 6667 Carriage Circle Dear Applicant: Your application was Conditionally Approved by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Huntington Beach on May 2, 1990. Included in this letter are the Conditions of Approval for this application.. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, the action taken by the Zoning Administrator is final unless an appeal is filed to the City Council by you. Said appeal must be in writing and must set forth in detail the action and grounds upon which you deem yourself aggrieved . Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of Two Hundred Dollars ($2G0.oa) and must be submitted to the Secretary of the City Council within ten (10) days of the date of the Zoning Administrator 's decision. The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above-noted application is May 14, 1590. Provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code are such that the application becomes null and void twenty°4-four (24) months after the final approval, unless the lot line adjustment has been recorded with the County Recorder or an extension of time has been.granted by the Board. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. The lot line adjustment will not Create a nonconforming parcel. 2. The lot line adjustment will not create a nonconforming yard requirement. LLA No. 90-2 Page Two 3. The lot line adjustment will not sever existing structures on the two lots. CONDITI N F APPROVAL A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SAID PARCEL(S)FOR ANY PURPOSE: 1. The Lot Line Adjustment received by the Department of Community Development on April 10, 1990 shall be the approved layout. 2. Monuments for the newly-established property lines shall be readjusted in compli once with the Subdivision Map Act. A record of survey shall be completed to verify the location of the newly placed monuments. 3. Said plat map shall, be recorded with the County recorder prior to the issuance of a certificate of compliance fox the structure and/or structures upon subject properties. A copy of the recorded document shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development for the file. 4. All previous conditions of approval for Tract l4i p No. 13210, Zone Change No. 87-12 and Conditional Use Permit No. 87-41, Conditional Exception No. 87-72 and Negative Declaration No. 87-34 shall remain in effect. It is recommended that you immediately pursue completion of these Conditions of Approval in order to expedite the processing of your total application. I hereby certify that Lot Lin- Ndjustment No. 90-2 was approved by the Zoning Administrator of City of Huntington Beach, Califoxaia, on May 2, 1990 upon the foregoing findings and conditions of approval. Verb truly yo rs, law 11 Michael Strange Zoning Administrator MS:HF:kjl (5654d) Al of ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALI FORMA P. O, BOX 190, 92648 PHONE (714 ) 536-5271 May 2, 1990 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 90-2 Applicant: RMG/ The Keith Companies Mr. Joseph Hartge 17961 Cowan Irvine, California 92714 Request : To adjust the property lines between Lot 10 and 11 of Tract 13210. Location : 6661 , 6667 Carriage Circle Dear Applicant: Your application was Conditionally Approved by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Huntington Beach on May 2, 1990 Included in thi,, letter are the Conditions of Approval for this application. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, the action taken by the Zoning Administrator is final unless an appeal is filed to the City Council by you. Said appeal raust be in writing and must set forth in detail the action and grounds upon whi.:rh you deem yourself aggrieved. Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) and must be submitted to the Secretary of t'e City Council within ten (10) days of the date of the Zoning Administrator's decision. The last day for fili ng an appeal and payi ng , the filing fee f;)r the above -noted application is May 14, 1990. Provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code are suc, that the tapplication becomes null and void twenty-four (2=) months after, final approval, unless the lot line adjustment has been recorded with the County Recorder or an extension of time has been granted the Board. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL 1. The lot line adjustment will not create a nonconforming parcel. 2. The lot line adjustment will not create a nonconforming ya requirement LLA No. 90-2 Page Two 3. The lot line adjustment will not sever existing structures on the two lots. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SAID PARCEL(S) FOR ANY PURPOSE: The Lot Line Adjustment received by the Department of Community Development on April 10, 1990 shall be the approved layout. 2. Monuments for the newly-established property lines shall be readjusted in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act. A record of survey shall be completed to verify the location of the newly placed monuments. 3. Said plat map shall be recorded with the County recorder prior to the issuance of a certificate of compliance for the structure and/or structures upon subject properties. A copy of the recorded document shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development for the file. 4. All previous conditions of approval for Tract Map No. 13210, Zone Change No. 87-12 -ind Conditional Use Permit No, 87-41, Conditional Except. i1n No. 87-72 and Negative Declaration No. 87-34 shall ii, gain in effect. It is recommende d that you immediately pursue completion of these Conditions of Approval in order to expedite the processing of your total application. I hereby certify that Lot Line Adjustment No. 90-2 was approved by the zoning Administrator of the City of Huntington Beach, California, on May 2, 1990 upon the foregoing finaings and conditions of approval. Very truly yours, 1 Michael Strange Zoning Administrator MS:HF:kj1 (56a4d)