HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1991003 - Notice of action Letter with Findings & Conditions of ApprovalO FFICE of ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH - C/-.U FORNIA P, O. BOX 190,92648 PHONE (714) 536-5271 Petition/Document : Applicant: Request: Location. Lot Line Adjustment: No. 9: Walden & Associates 180L2 Cowan , Suite 210 Ire. ine, CA 92714 To adjust a pr ope rty Zinc between hot Nos. 23 and 21 of Tract No. 7221 pursuant to Section 91 1 .3 . 1 of the Huntington leach ordinance Code, This will result in an approximately 2.050 squa re,y f oot. a rea shifting from Lot. No. 23 l., f_- : o r.,. No. 2 4 a 6691 Coin t: i; ` l r Dear Applicant: Your ap plic ation 'T a s Conti 1. 4_ i nna ,C 1 b.dininistrator of the City of Hunt n.:fit; on Be Included in this 1ettar are :h : ;n {_7. f: nn application. Under the provi s i o n s of the 4tur1` ; nql: _., 14"y& v:_ action take n by the Zo ni ng tdm r i strtj*c,..h ; i na i .:il is filed to the City Connci.l by yrfm . Sa id :z: ,ai ;vs and must set forth in detail the ct a anti ..c'_ S aiddeem yourself aggrieved. Said a pqa a must_ ,t _1jq filing fee of Two Hundred Dollars ($M .10) a n i now d.a s rb.:Litt; d t„_ the Secretary of the City Council within lua (it!) sys of he la of the Zoning Admi.n i.:;t:rat:oz's deci si on. The last day for. £ilinq an appe al and pay t3.":; above-noted pplicat:ion is tier yruhe ;191 Provisions of the Huntington Beach Ord inanc e Cod;u ire such t hat the application becomes null and void t-we"t.y-four (24)m"Mhs of tpa the final approval, unless a plat ui- has b een r' id .i in compliance with the conditions of approval has bee n r a ?ided with the County Recorder or an extension of time has be en gx antod by z h o : o Tkfi.nq Administrator. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 91-2 Page Two FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. The lot line adjustment will not create a nonconforming parcel . Both of the parcels will exceed the minimum 6,000 square foot lot area and the lot line adjustment will not affect the existing lot frontages. 2. The lot line adjustment will not create a nonconforming yard requirement. The expansion of Lot 24 of Tract 7421 will provide for greater side yard setbacks and open space. There are no structures currently on Lot 23 and any proposed structures will be required to meet all se tback and open space requirements. 3. The lot line adjustment will not sever existing structures on the two lots. There are no existing structures on Lot, 23 and Lot 24 will be expanded. 4. The lot line adjustment will not allow a greater number of dwelling units than allowed by thr code prior to the adjus o t . Only ono unit pot; i t. is permitted by code for. Ri lots. ne lot line ad j tmunt will nQt inc re a se the number of lots. CONDITIONS OF _..APPROYVA; TO SE COMPLETED PR-OR To U ';:; ?`_ FOR ANY PURPOSE: 1. The Lot Lille Adjustment rece ived by tho T Community Development on July ::2 r 1991. "sha ii I layout. 2. Monuments for the newly ..establ ishod_ praPn t:,y PP1uvO low Whal" readjusted in compliance with He Su bdi-rKi6 r t4a record of survey shall be co msrplet. =.1 t' >fr i f y th- the newly placed monuments . l x'=3. Authentic data o the beaAugs of the adjusted Ifu shall s4'Jwn ,Ti a plat map which shall h `. ortif led ty- t.ho `i 5•. Engi:ieei pr.lor to recordation. 4. Saint map shall be zecordo_t with the County MYWY Prior' to So issuance of a certificato of compliance for thu structu: e and/cr structures upon the subf ct pri:'f°sert, if';- . copy of the recorded document: shall he submitted to the. Department of Community Development; for the file. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Nu 91-2 Page Three It is recommended that you immediately pursue completion of these Conditions of Approva ;. in order to expedite the processing of your total application. I hereby certify that Lot Line Adjustment No. 91-2 was approved by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Huntingt•:}n Beach, 'California, on August 28, 1991 upon the forging conditions. Very ruly you s, Scott Ness Zoning Administrator SH:MJC, 1p (1358d-2,4)