HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR1999006 - Supporting DocumentsJuly 09, 1999 City of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 SUB: 615 Frankfort Dear Sandra d 12 7319g Attached you will find plans that depict a conforming site plan as highlighted in red. As you: can see, the plan depicts insufficient use of open space and habitable space. Clients intention is to also have a front patio and would require more than the 12 feet shown, which would reduce habitable floor area. Sincerely, J. Louis Hemandez Architect. 19312 HARDING LANE HUNTING TON REACH, CA 92'646 (714)9-64-4 50.5, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TM T DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Bruce Crosby, Public Works Khanh Nguyen, Building Tim Greaves, Fire Jim Engle, Community Services FROM: SANDRA THORNTON Ext: 1553 DATE: July 6, 1999 PC ZA PETITION: Initial Plan, Zoning & Review 99-6 REQUEST(S): To construct a single family dwelling on a pie shaped lot with a reduced side, yard setback. LOCATION: 615 Frankfort Avenue ZONE: Medium High Density Residential Small Lot Subdistrict GENERAL PLAN: Residential Medium High Density EXISTING USE: Residential Pease submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before July 16, 1999. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) RESPONSE BY: Attachments: 1. Maps 2. Narrative ^°VREVRQ nan ;ea S PREPARED FOR ORANGE M p ; r A55: SSOR DEPT PURPOSES ONLY , <,c, SSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TO Q;;;R4Cr NOR ASSUMES ANY LIABILITY USES. NOT TO BE REPRODUCE,). r . f$ RESERVED. ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 1993 "'p WAS °REP, ED FOR ORANGE ASSESSOR DEPTPURP,OSES OtIL -ESSORMAKES NO GUCURACYARANTEE AS ;'GNOR ASSUMES ANY LABliIli;+.HER USES. NOTTOBE REPRODUCED"TS RESERvSD FONT cf;t c ,r COUNTYASSESSQ,.1995 24- 2 4 1°= too' a FRANKFORT X31 3-1.96 M.M.5-11 9,,\/1 35 \/37 M1 \27\ \28 , s \34 \ 18ti 31 \a0 \29 17