HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1998002 - Signed Applicationx City of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development 2000 Main Street' Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5277 SUBOSVISION APPLICATION.Present Zone DM General Plan Designation Planning Coe ui si on Zoning Adminis trator ENTITLI ME A'F'B A NUMBCR e 'v Pa el Ma TP WALDEN & ASSOCIATES T n' a ive Tra Ma ,T1"!4 Applicant or Author i z ed Agent L tLneAd u t 18 12 OWAN SUITE 210 Mailing Address Methane Zone111 A,,26i14 nvironmental Flood Zone Exempt 011 District949 660-0110 Envi ronrrent :al Redevel opment; Area Tel ephone Number t't Ar a'smeni t Required Alqui st P ri of o Area SHEA B11" NESS PROPERTIES AQMO Zone Property Owner 655 BREA CANYON RD. MailirtgAddress WALNUT CA 917R$-0457 SREA BUSINESS PROPERTIES Subdi tri der 655 BREA CANIONr RD . Mail i ngr Add.ress WALNUT,, CA 91788--0457 WALDEN & ASSOCIATES Engineer 18012 COWAN, SUITE 2. mail ing' Address' T Coastal Area: Yes- Exempt CDR j_Ca'tegortcal Exo10sia { rnership VerSificati'on Applicant Authorization Receipt Maps Narrative. rreaL Cases,, 1y .,1C ev9aus ;;AS Pro e t is I q, 4ir,k' f L_949 660-0110 Telephone Number REQUEST: ADJUST. LOT LINES, FOR LOT 19 AND 20 1 ' , " 1 BLOCKND",M.M. 7/72, AND A ^Z'1 lror P B 70/ 30-' AND PARCEL 1, OF CERTTFICA:E. 01* C'OMPLT LOCATION OF PROPERTY: o Street address: o Name and distance to nearest intersecting str LEGAL DESCRIPTION' 96-3, ,tlLDEN14F o Assessor 1 s Parcel Number 111-130.19 & 02 -11: - o Tract N 7/27-28 Dlotk 1IPii o'Se_ction T ownship o Acreage JAMES YODER O!` I' Pro ewty 11wne,..)hawm read and understood all Please Print Your Name statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this .ppl9Kation I an the property owner of the' sub„ ect property. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statemonta, facts, and attachments are true and correct. I understand that this tipplicatiort for- subdivision may be denied ,, modified or approved with conditions and that such condi tiofs rust be complied with prior to submittal of the final map and prior to issuance of buil ding permits. I hereby authorize WAL11EI & ASSOCIATES A ent to1act;aTS_My repr eseotativo and to bind me in all matters oncerning this app"Tyawcian, Signatureoft , (O 38O) Property net uate t'Autlt ri 2ed Agent Date fiariga _ TIE`I :PARt:1,L I ES I11JI1'OSES. P, RP (JTR D OF ALL APPLICATIONS: 1.This application must be typed or printed and filled in completely, ?, If the applicant is not the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant to act on his. behalf and:sign this application, D3, Tentative Parcel Maps require six (6) copies of the tentativemap and Lot Line Adjustments require six (6) copies on the prescribed form available at the Zoning Counter. 4.Tentative Tract maps require twenty (20) 18" x 26"" copies and two (2) 8.1/2"x 141, copies of the map drawn to a scale not less than one inch equals 100 Feet (1" 1001), which shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Commission: 5, Fold all laps to a maximum. size of -1 2" x 41, (lower right print side out). Photographs of the subject property; q7.A written,'arrative shall accompany this application and will include the following information- t._(a) (b) (c) id).. (e) (f) Exit ing use or uses of the property and present zoning. Proposed use of property. If property is proposed to be used for more than one purpose, the area lots or lot proposed for ea:h type of use shall be shown on the tentative map, Statement of the improvementsand public utilities, including water supply and sewage disposal proposed to be made or installed and the time at whi ch such improvements are prcposod to be completed; Public areas proposed, Tree planting proposed. Rostriciive covenants proposed, S. The tentative map shall contain the foll wing information (a.) The subdivision , name and/or number, date, north print, :;aleandsuffi tent des.criptioa to define the locat'on and boundaries of the proposed ubdivi51on+. (b) Name and, address of records owner or owners of said subdivision. ('c) Name and address of the` subdivider: (d) Name, business address and; number of the regisstered engineer, or licensed surv.eyor,, who prer,ared map of said subdivision: 4e) Elevations or contours at itrtervals or two (2) feet op to five (5) percent grade, g ive ftvu (5) feet up to ten (10) percent grade, and ten. (1Q) feet over ten (10) percent grade, to dete;niine slope of the land and the high and low, points thereof, unless approval i s obtaime;: tram the City Engineer to allow greater intervals: (F) the locations, names, widths and approximate grades, of all reads, strrets, highways, ways and f locations of existing streets in the proposed subdivi,iorr and along the boundaries thereof» (g) The location and character of all existing or proposed public utility facilities in said adjoining and contiguous highways, streets and ways. (h) The approximate widths, location and purpose of all existing or proposed easements and contiguous to the proposed subdivision. (i) Approximate lot layout and approximate dimensions of each lot and each to be numbered. (j) The outline, of any existing buildings to remain in place and their location in relation to existing, (k)If the subdivision is within a known oil field the map shall include the location of all existing oil wells and appurtenances and a plan of their disposition or treatment including abandonment,, underground placement, screening, fencing, landscaping, conversion of pumping units, etc. Such plan shall include disposition of treatment of all future wells, drill sites and operations: Su,h plan shall also include the written concurrence of the oil lessee or operator concerned, or'prop osed street and lot lines, All decisions by the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission are final unless appealed within ten (10) days of such. decision and shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrievenent. 10. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative map or tentative parcel map shall expire twenty-feur, (24) months from the date the map, was approved or conditionally approved, Theexpiraf,ion of the approved or 'conditionally approved tentative map- shall terminate all proceedings.Anysubsequent. suhdiv sion of the same real property, shall require the filing and processing of a new map. 11. Extension on`tentative maps and tentative parcel maps, (a) The subdivider filing a tentative map rr tentative parcel map may request an extension of the tentative map or tentative parcel mapapproval by written application to he, epartmenr o Community pevelopmnnt, such application to befiledat leash thirty (30) days bgfnre the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved map. The application shall state the reasons for the requested extension, In granting an extension, new conditions and exactions may be imposed and existing conditions may be revised. (b) An extension(s) or tentative map or tentative parcel map approval or coriditicnal approval may he extended by the zoning Administrator, PIannina..Cosimiission or City Council f.0r a period not to exceed one year,, with a maximum of three (3) ono yzar, extensions of time The extonmion of time shall commence with the expiration date of the approved or condi- tionaily appr*ved tentative map or tentative parcel map, The approved new date shall not extend spore tl'an five '(5) years beyond the date of initial approval. "heir approval isNote:.'. Completion of this application does net presume approval of t}te subdivision. SSiot. The Zonidiscretionary, with the Zoning AdminiStratnr, or the Planning Corruni n idministrater or Commission ' may deny, modify rry tpprgve the subdivision with cor,di ti oos (02380) CITY OF UUNTINCTON BEACI APPLICATION PROCESSING CHECKLIST ENTITLEMENT NO: APPLY ANT: 77 7'- -,--r----PLANNIER: -1 A- 0 11 i mod' r.bO SS: 1PPLICATiON FORM wj1LEm' Request Complete (Special Permits/Variances) Owner's Signature/Letter of Authorization Legal Description/Al? NoJAP Map Verify Zoning 4`' Verify General Plan. 's [PLAN RE IEl3 Proper-Number e hotographs Additional Pees Paid Address Correct Narrative (Justification for Request) E Complete and internally consistent sets (Site Pian, Elevations, Floor flans, Section[raving's; Accurate, Fully :dimensioned, Drawn to Scale and with North Arrow Must include Property Lines, Street Names, Street Width, Existing and Proposed BuN ings, [ a.semen s, Adjacent improvements & Uses, Floor Plan J Applicant's Narrte, Address, Telephone Nuoiber r Development Compliance Matrix ,DEVELOPMEN T REVIEW REQUEST SENT (Tract .M'Ca s AS AP)i (See Erttitlem ;'fl E111!tRO, iilENT sL Rt'/1Ebi:!- #C'M , Categorically Exempt T ?e rnive Declaration Check M tigation Measures of Previous ut,proyed FIR/1 .17 CO ST, 'L•'ST TLIS. Not Applicable Apps rlable Areti Exempt Categorically Excluded eVIcw Request t,ist l terrdi Jon•,1pt,+',7lat Ie Area i t)aYft;,r! Dc.clerhrnc,rt permit CONCJRREN`t' ROCES.SJN , (3thet' E ttiilcments/F`c1 s)' - FLGLD INSPEC.T19N: isting, Use(s) Adjacent Uses/Architecture L.tructrrr illegal t raditr Landscaping Condition Non Conflmnili Sims xisting Trees 11 4F I:ILYIYN CH.FCR (See Plan Check -AR` PLAN 51icct) 0TI-1,1,R IS WEST ' Flood Plain FAA (proiects near heliports or include tail buildings) Alquist-Priolo/Seismic Hazardous Waste Site Previo us Entitlements and Conditions PROJECT DESIGN ISSUES (See Separate List) PROJECT REVIEW MEETING ltf I 1 SEND 'FILING STAT US TO APPLICANT. El Dir 'Specific Plan i z oil wells ' Adiacent Entitlements and Condition S,UB IVISION MEETING REQUIRED (Notices Sent) ____t-DESIGN REVIEW MEETING REQUIRED (Materials Sc Color Board) kha ;L,EGAL, SERVICES REQUEST SENT (Or(n. an Opinion, Code Amen ENV1.RONMENTALASSESSMENT COMMITTEE d Mai ling labels' of (raci SEND LEGAL NOTICES (With labels) anent) OWNERSIIIP,MAILING LIST AND MAP ACCURACY: Verified & ivlost Current (Map and/lot, Tenants, Applicant, Site Propeity Owner, Agent and Mailing Matrix per Policy Memmzo) PREPAiT E STAFF:RE ORTIC N" DI TIO,'` 'S' 0 P P.PROVelL Colored Site Plans, ,Floor Plans and Elevations Slides/Pho<<;,riplis LRevised Plans .1 prepare Attachments --°~qq' lC cite ud Sire :!Tarts P, TANNING cOM MJSS,ONIZONING ADPIJNISf IAi 7°O SR ,M9 ETJ, NG. F Massing Model PREPA tE CATEGORICAL 1. XCLUSiON LE r i FOI COAST L NOTICE OF CEQA CATEGORICAL E CEMPTION (C.olleet Proczssiug uce TO CALIFORNIA COASTA L COMMISSION After10 day appeal period) NOTICE Opp ACTION - COASTAL DIEVI:.LOPMYIENT PEIRMIT (APPEA C.AULE 1)EVELOP ENT)1,lt, l-IEE.R SENT NOTICE OF ACTION LETTE R SENT (Indicating 10 Day, Appeal Period) (g,1ronns:ckhlsV2) (May 11.1998) Mail to: CITY OF Z TC M ITY DEVELOPMT DEP ' PLAMUS AM f PLAN CHEM Data: EnGi t l Oman ,_ _4- Wt pleads d. Zone' Lod pi Md., eCont u A,S cci Kati cn R&, CContac Fire Lizp: ddres..s: x a R wi w 1 cs trd: sight t-wbasursd pet, S.90 .2>2 -- 6 2 Natural grade line shone on all ' pl oveaati pro 60iSm c inprove oats, di Stance, to Centerline of streets, and al f eyt Floor plan fully dimensioned shcawinrj all rotes uses, 10. Building hs icht mesu d per. 1 AX) TC1 L to 11 ` Number of vni is 12. Floor Are a Ratio A &x Alio ei duil.di ng area &9 tabl e 14. Site Coverago_Max 15. 'rout Ya td itaq. „ 16. Rear Yarn 17. Exton o r S' de Ya rd 0114 18, Interior Side Yard Req.'' 19., Garage Setback Req....- 20.' Setback from puhl;i c Orient 21, On Space*"Req. FAA, if ,within 10,000 ft, of eado';lark Airport Plot plan fully dimensioned showing loa.a:tion of all parking, landscaping, buildings* fences to property line end adjacent property use iii thitrt feb t. Show offsite All a i rov G rage 25, Accessory structure height 25. Architectural features 27. Eaves ' 28. Stai rs 29. Fanc;ng /separation wall 30. Trash area 31. Storage Area (Apartments/GondGs) 32, Landscaping Rewired 33. Distance, between buildings, 34. Sitean9l.e requirement 35. Alley cutoff 3G: Corner cutoff Proposed Parkin n 37, RoSi4enti l Req. 38. Retail Req.»- 39. Offic 4U .arufa.twrri ng Res{. 41.War6hvusisg Roo, 42 Handicap seq. 43r Size. A4. Compact 45 . Turning radius 46. Striping Detail. 47. W,heei stopslourbe.____. w t#t"ape,_.48 . Driveway Prop._ Propi.:_ Prop:w... prop.- prop Add N to t it PI n 8/87 49. All fences require separate permit. 50, All signs require Sepsrate permit. 5l. Provide cable 7.V: per Huntington Beach,specification pat Code 5,17.64,140 and Public War 52. All rooftop Mechanical equipment shall be screened from ground view, Submit dra sing; P'lanning Division prior to instOlatiortt. Plan check number to lower right hand corner 54. Conditions of Approval printed verbatim Aggu ed Prior to Perm 551 Park and Recreatio n Iee due 56. Downtown Specifi c Plan Fee due 57 A i,!_ji st Priplo Geologic Hazard Zone Fee 58. Landscaping' Arid Irrigation 59. Reciprocal Easemknt : oowvents_. &G. ieeorc d Lettt''r ur A ireement 61; Satisfaction o; Conditions of Approval # 62. Compir-14FAA calculation shut 63,. TWO copies of approvad fife. grad4ng plans for atta+ h ienw to buildingpG'rmi t sets 64,Ivideace of private easement 55+ Return of Release slips from Fire, Oil, Public Works, aetovelopment Y 4 City of Hun ti ngt on B each 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building Planning 536-5241 ,536-5271 July 23, 1998 Walden, & Associates 18012 Cowan, Suite 210 Irvine, CA 92 614 ENTITLE IV EN T( . Lot Line Adjustment 98-2 PROJECT ADDRESS: North-East Corner of Goldenwest Street and Yorktown Avenue PROPERTY Y OWNER: nea Business Properties DATE RECEIVED AT ZONING COUNTER: July 10,190' PROJECT PLANKE R.- 1 ickyRamos Dear Applicant. Thank you for submitting your en_titletnent(s) to the City of l-.lunti tnn 'each„ Conimun .ty Development P .rtment The Project Planner indicated above is assi ned to processing our entitlement(. Project Planner is responsible for Reviewing your entitlement(s) for completenc s Rev, owing, plans for compliance with the Zoning Coee and,appli:able City Ordinanees Eu tirzg the project for conformance with the General Plant Oual.ty Act(CFQA); Preparation ofenvironmental documents pursuant to the Cali or a l rt ' rcranent 1. Qt;fai.n igg other City department* s continents relative to the project; Analyzing the site plan layout and, if applicable, the floor plans 'ncf elevations; Evaluating the project for compatibility with, and potential impacts to, surrounding use VSSt uCtureS; Coordinating issues,related to the Fire Dept' Public nor Dept., Building Division, Scheduling the project for a public hearit g. Preparing a recoxn .endation(aplaroval/denial) with findings and conditions; and Assisting you with any follow-up actions entl or conditions of approval A letter will be, sent to you regard tg the status/completeness of yc ur entitlement(s), or your pending hearing date, within four weeks. The letter will indicate k-Iither additional information is required (e,g., revised plans, supplemental plans, environmental ir.formation, additional entitlements, etc.), or that the planner is continuing to process your ontitlement(s) and that you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, and/or Design Review Board hearing. If the .project is subject to Planning Commission review, a staff report will be prepared with your maps and supplemental information attached; no 'written staff report s are prepared for Zoning Administrator or Design Review Board action Generally, the total processing time (from submittal to final action by the reviewing body and expiration of the appeal period) is two (2) to three (3) months for Zoning Administrator action, four: (4) to six (6) months for Planning Commission action, and one (1) month for Design Review Board action, depending upon the complexity of your project. When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative daps, or preparation of environmental documents are involved, a longer processing time is necessary Please direct all of your questions and communications to the Project Planner using the entitlement number(s) ,assigned to your case, You should contact the Project Planner at 714/536-5271 to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your project. Should you. have any comments or need additional clarification, please contact me at the same rrnnzber Thank you. Sincer I Scott Hess, AICP Senior Planner Current Planning Section. cc. Property Owner Project Fi le glom fo :s:tintltr) -- 11