HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1998002 - Notice of Filing Status.tl,`1.ZJ ^Yk City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET Cq.UFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT E Building Planning -5241 536-5271 September 11, 1998 0,124 Application: Lot Line Adjustment No. 98-2 Todd Arita and Dave Wa.lden/Walden and Associates Fax (949) 660-0418 Request: Adjust the lot lines of four contiguous parcels. Location: 2124 Main Street (North side.of Yorktown, between Main and Goldenvest) Gentlemen: There area few issues that have developed since my last cozrespoader?.ce to you, re ucdiang this lot line adjustment, As we've discussed over the phone the past few days, these issues inclule the following. 1. Parcel I of Certificate of Compliance.Nao. 96-3 ,referred to i , LLA N'o, 98-2 appears to .;till consist of four (4) separate parcels as shown in the attached assessor's parcel map page 1 haze researched through the Subdivision Map A.ct and the Huntington Beech Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and have not found a provision 'that allows parcels to be merged b r a CertiFicate of CoripRance: Additionally, f have conferrc..i with two . t her. acai`fplanllersas well as staff frorri, the Public Works Department, and, all have express cI that a parcel map is necessary to merge the subject parcels. If you are, able to find a provision that allows Ce tiFieate of Compliance X10.96-3 to merge the four parcels; please. let me no . 1 can't think of any other soluti ons To this at this point. 2. Asper discussions with Public Works staff', Clay Avenue is still a. public right-oi=way and should be'shown on LLA loo. 98.2. 1 also aosed`the questi n to you that if a ;public way bisects a parcel (as Clay avenue appears to in Parcel 1 of I.LA. No. 982), doesnt that effectively create at least two distinct parcels separated by the right-of-vvay? dditlonally, wouldn't the parcel lines start from the edge o ' die right of-way r itber tha cek tc e? Lot Line Adjustment No. 98-2 Page2 of I I am unable to schedule this for hearing by the Zoning Administrator until these items ar resolved. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your application or need any assistance, please feel free to contact me at (714) 536-56244. Sincerely, Ricky Ra ios Assistant Planner c: Jim Yoder- Shea Business Properties 655 Brea Canyon Road, Walnut, CA 91788-0457 (09) 869-0868 qtr i -1 eA W =: I Building Planning (City Hun't i ngton each 2000 MAIN STREET CALtFOt;N1A92648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SW-5241 536 -5271 September 2, 1998 9 Application : ' Lot Line Adjustment No. 98-2 Applicant: Dave Walden Walden and Associates Fax (949) 660-0418 Request. Adjust the lot lines of four contiguous parcels. Location: 2121 Main Street (North side of Yorktown, between Main Goldenwest Dear Dave: The Plamiing Division has reviewed your request and has determined the application to-be complete, The request is anticipated to be heard by the Zoning AMmiinistr or at the September 23, 199$ meeting. Attached are comments and corrections fromthe Public Works Department which must be completed prior to submittal of the final Lot Line Adjustment No. 98-2 to the Planning Division There were no comments or conditions from -the Building Division and Fire Department; If you should have any questions or concerns regarding the proeesszng ofyrour application. plea feel free to contact me at (714) 536-5624. Sincerely, Ricky. Ramos . Assistant lPlaziner Xc: Jim °oder - SheaBusinessProperties 0457655 Brea Canyon Road, "Walnut, CA 917 (909) ,869-0868