HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1994004 - Signed ApplicationSUBDIVISION APPLICATION: Planning Commission _A,Zoning Adm,nistrator SEACLIFF PARTNERS )ipplicant or Author'ed Agent 520 BROADWAY SUITE 100 "ail ir,g Address SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 310 394-3379 Telephone Number SEACLIFF PARTNERS Pr--perty Owner 520 BROADWAY, SUITF 1O() Mailing Address SANTA MON'IC, CA 9WV) _S!)PARTNERS Subdivider 520 BROADtAY, SUITE 100 Mailing Address SANTA MONICA. )';. WALDEN & ASSOC Eng,P eer 12 COJAN, SUITE 21.0 MINE, CA 92714 Mailing Address ODits}' City of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 Present Zone Y I ' `I General Plan Designation ENTITLEMENT Tentative Parc0C Map ;FEE CASE NUMBER IPM Tentative Tr4 t Neap .,....,__,. _. w.....'TM LctL1 i ne Arljgstrrgnt _. _at °.-L"R Envn ronmontal "Exempt-Envi ronmental ___Assessment Rervi red Coastal Area: Yes .,....,. enpt CDP,.,..,. -Categorical Exclusion Methane Zone Flood Zone Oil District Redevelopment Area Alguist Priolo Area AQMO Zone Ownership Vrerificaticri _Applicant of Authorization 714 660-0110 Telephone Number ,Previous- -Ca es 7 REQUEST: TO ADJUST LOT LTNES AETtvEEly LOTS 9 ANll 1f: 01 'i'RAC! BUILDING CLEARANCE. LOCATI N F PR ?ER Y: o Street address :_PROPOSED I SLS '' BAY LANE o Name and distance to nearest intersecting street: LEGAL DESCRIPTIO o Assessor 's Pa.,-F' Numbe o 'f ract 14244 o Section 3 o Acreage 0.286 ave and understood a-11 statements i ncluding the filing requirements oti the reverse side of this application .I an the property owner of the subject property . I hereby affirm under pcna1ty of perjury that the foregoing stare ,nents, facts „ and attachments are true and correct . I understand that this application for subdivision may be denied, modified or approved with conditions and that such conditions must he complied .yh prior to. submittal of the final map an-' prior to issuance of building permits. I hereby authorize I';LD ENT t ASSOCIATES -`-to act as rtt representative and to bind me in all natters 023-181-- S H1 ock_.¢ Township6c SEACLTPF PARTNERS Please Print Your Name concerning this app3-ication, 10) 1 DE AD D I_ T g{.)NAL Let- Range. Date