HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1994004 - Notice of action Letter with Findings & Conditions of Approvalj4.
F 0. BOX 190,9264B
PHONE (714) 536-5271
April 15, 1994
Petition/Dr ctunent: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 94-4
Applicant: Richard Hauee
Seacliff Partners
520 Broadway, Suite 100
Santa Monica. CA 90401
Request: To adjust the lot lines between Lots 9 ani 10 of Tract No. 1,J244 pursuant
to Section 9811.3.1 of the Huntington 1&77 'l, : sdina:ice Code.
Location; Lots E and 10 ofnew° proposed Island Bay Lane
Dear Applicant:
Your application was acted upon by the Zoning Administrator ot'theCityof fIuntington Bea
on April 13, 1994 and your request was Ct zzdit gzai an Inctuded in this letter are the
Conditions of Approval for this application.
Under the provisions of the Huntington Beal: h Ordinance Code, the a :tion taken by the Zoning
Administrator is final unless an appeal is filed to the Planning Commission by you or by an
interested party. Said appeal must be in citing and znt t Set i th ;A detail the action and
grounds by wh`ckz the applicant or interested Dart vie °.ns hiz11self aggrieved. Said appeal must
be aceompaniec by a filing fee of Two Hundred Doll irs ($200.00) if the appeal is filed by a
single family dwelling property owner appealing thc decision on his own property and Six
Hundred Fifty Dollars ($650.00) if the appeal is fl,. I by any other party. The appeal shall be
submitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission within ten (1) calendar daps of the date
of the Zoning Administrator's action.
The last day foz filing an appeal G nd paying the filing fees for the ahcenoted application is
April 25, 1994.
Provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code are such that w -,y application becomes null
and void twenty-four (24) months after the final approval, unless a plat map has been recorded in
compliance with the conditions of approval has be :n recorded with the County Recorder or an
extension of time has been granted by the Zoning Adrxfinistrator.
1. The lot line adjustment will not create a nonconforming parcel. Although the square
footage of L of 10 of Tract 14244 will he decreased to 5.979 square feet (21 square feet
less than the minimum 6,000 square feet required). Lot 10 is one of four contiguous
parcels under the same ownership (Seacliff Partners) which. when averaged together, all
meet the minimum 6.000 square foot lot size as permitted by Section 9110.2(c) of the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, The four parcels and the results of the averaging are
as follows.
Lot S' uare Footacre Width
9 6.490 76.76`
10 5,979 66.84'
11 6,180 60.0'
12 6.180 60.0'
Total 4 Lots 24,829 Sq. Ft.
Average 6,207.25 Sq. Ft. 65.(
2. The lot line adj. -ent will not create a noneont rzning yard requirement. Both involved
parcels will cone.eue to meet the required yard sizes after the lot lines are adjusted.
The lot line adjustment w "1 net sever existing structures on the two ices. i'lrtere are no
existing structures on either of the mwo ins olved lots. No building p units for new
construction have been issued because `bract Map No. 14244 has not been recorded.
4. The lot line adjustment will not allow a greater number of dwelling irtits. than allowed by
the c .)de prior to the adjustment. Both lots are zoned RI (Lovti ]Density Residential) and
will continue to permit one single tlaniily dwelling e eh after t1ktc lot line are adjusted.
OON;D TI NS OF APP OVAL - 1, OT I+ ;E AI?II ' .1\(), )4.4:
The Lo+ sine Adjustment receivedby,the Department of
Development on March 25. 1994. shall be the approved layou
The building pad on Lot #9 shall be lowe zed a minimum of six 4) inches unless it
is determined by the Public Works Derartmont that it will exceed acceptable
design. standards for on-site drainage: in which case: the pad shall be lowered to an
acceptable level as determined by tb. Public Works, Department. The intent of
Towering the pad is to decrease site distance visibility, between the proposed name
and the existing; single family residence to the west.
3. Monuments for newly-established property lines shall be readjusted in compliance
With the Subdivision Map Act. A record of survey shall be completed to verify
the location of the newly placed monuments.
Authentic data on the bearings on the adjusted line shall be she.,,-<t on a plat map
which shall be certified by the City Enzti weer prior to recordation.
5. Said plat map shall be recorded with the County Recorder prier to the issuance of
a certificate of compliance for the structure and-'or structures upon subject
properties. A copy of the recorded document shall be submitted to the
Department of Community Development for the file.
It is commended that you immediately pursue completion of the Conditions of Approval and
address all requirements of the Huntington leach Ordinance Code in order to expedite the
processing of your total application.
I hpxehy certify that Lin Line Adjustment No. 94-4 was Conditionally Approved by the Zoning
chnitustrator of the City of Huntington Beach, C aafornui, -n Aprii 11. 1994. upon the
foregoing conditions and itatic,.:s.
Very truly yours,
Michael Strange
Zoning Administrator