HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1994004 - Supporting DocumentsMarch 29, 1994 Mr. Robert Franklin Associa t e Planner CITY OF hVh'TIKGTON BRACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Re: Island R - Lot 9 Dear Bob: As ,gnu know, we met with Gerxy Hck er and M!r. and Mrs. Midha, neighbors adjacent to lot 9 of Island ,R, in your offices last week. After that meeting, c also spoke by telephone with both nelgWoxs. This letter will confizw that we have reached mutual agreement regarding the replotting of the new home on lot 9. The details cf the new plotting are as follotes: 1. Lot 9 - Phan 957 (with garage on the north) 2. Lot 10 - Plan 9558 (ri th the garage on the north) 3. Roof elevations of Plan 957 per the attached €oamole elevation exhibit 4. Lot 9 - 22' front yard setback and a rear yard se ck of approximately 29'. The enclosed exhibit depicts the new plotting of lots 9 'and i0 The houses will be built in substantial Conformance to the enclosed exbibi a;. Additiona lly, we are discussing providing trees in the back yards neighbor s as part of the tree replacement program. The new plotting requires a lot line adjusbnent for lots 9 and meeting, you and Scott J ess committee e edi e i pro e s g s AV . of both HgrCj)28th W'e neec your a ssistance to make4drnin 1st rotor approval t m a subrti q e wise ri1. t ing-AdkipU t fo r agenda. if ubrn t ,.,1 e essd fat line adjus tment application Sincerely, . ?ACJ2I1'.F P!R1 f M .Bye h.:ban West Communities an.ic Vice President Cca "i Scott Hess AxVind Hidhh Michael Strange Elo rd Zelefsky (:ttlrtFolr Ph -:1 ,""I f Gray 'c^dmer,^ 4k^,a.ir103 4B28.04'1 MIN. "`-a3 0 FLJ _ , _ .w tD 4 0_ 44,1 FG 2z?,0 -I "'11: Mtn'. 413 ,.J !0353 39Z 0Kv 121,D 442FG ,11 111,01 .C 13.1 FL I.o Fu41 np- 14.00` 6 22.O 8 The Tamarisk t [ p s i BR 1, f"04_1rll SCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPA RTMENT DEVELOPMENT RFVIEW REQUEST TO: ruce Crosby, P1bUc or Dan Johnso Police owa d Hube Fired a I Smi , Parks, Tre s & nds a Ross Cranmer, Building im Lamb, con mic Development rbara Kaiser, Redevelopment Jim Engle, Community Services Pat encer , or.si Other: FROM: A ;`AP V7 R DATE Extension 5x01 PETITION(S): A vtL,'w ++1' w. "3c . REQUEST(S): Vim --lC. -Ie'l ri& °._ Z 3 t QfJ t-Lwh VA Gays ' W'V LO OA A ION . `-M1_-e v .,l IZ'aNE: { GENERAL PLAN: EXISTING USE: !-''k" Phase submit your concerns and recommended ghanges or conditions in Writing on or before i l 4. ` i CO MMEN TS : (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) RESPO NSE BY: Attachments: 1. Ma 2. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPA RTM ENT DEVEL OPMENT REVkE REQUEST TO: ruse Crosby, P blic vXor Dan Johnso Police Iowa d Hubert Fir Da 1 Smi , Parks, Tre nds a Ross Cranmer, Building im Lamb,conornic Deve&oprrent rbara Kaiser, Redevelopment Jim Engle, Community Ser/ices Pat enter ousin Other: FROM: N - It7R DATE: PETITION(S) I D LJ' REQUEST(S):a Extension _1-15:79 11 '4 X-V V')D' A 5 -{. y t" C tY oh LOCATION: L ZONE:i -!)d GENERAL PLAN: EXISTING USE: Pease submit your concerns end recommended hanges or cor:diJons in Writing on or before ' COMMENTS"(Use attachments or back side of sheet <f nec;essarg) RESPONSE BY: Attachments. 1 Ma's _2. _Nar ,if COM MUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOP MENT REVIEW REQUEST TO. ruce Crosby, P blic or Dan Johnso Police,- owa d Hu )e Fib Drama I Smi , Parks, ire s & • nds a Ros; Cranmer, Building Lamb, conomic Development rbara Kaiser, Redevelopment Jim Engle, Community Services Pat encer ousin Other: Extension PETITION(S ): 1'."i14IA FROM: DATE: REQUEST(S): Tvrcl • 4Z tAJ - a*b -VI Ir of Y° C tr°•°tt '1i. "Tvaz" 1 w LOCATION: 'Please submit your concerns and recommended chpngea or conditions in 'Lwriti.ng on or before - 12..94- 1,0,h,4 ZONE: ' L) I GENER L PLAN:_...,..__f- L EXISTING USE: -'r CO MMENTS : (Use attachem'gents or back side of sheet if necessary) RESPONSE BY:. . Attachments : 1. Maps 2. Narrative APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL RECORD OWNERS: PARCEL 1 NAME: ADDRESS: SEACLIFF PARTNERS 520 BROADWAY , SUITE 100 SANTA MONICA CA 90441 DAYTIME PHONE: 310 394-3379 PARCEL 3 NAME: ADDP DAYTIME PHONE: PARCEL 2 SE.ACLIFF PARTNERS 520 BROADWAY, SUITE 100 SANTA MONIC CA 90401 310 394-3379 PARCEL 4 (I/We) hereby certify that 1) (1 am/we arc) the record owler(s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application, 2) (I/w have lmosvledge of and consent to the filing of. this application, and 3) the information submitted in coz r ctron with this application is true and correct, ,signature(s) of owner(s) of Parcel 1 Signature(s) of owner(s) of Parcel 3 ignature(s) of owners of Parcel 2 Signatur Parcel 4 CONTACT PERSON: DAVID COUCH - WALDEN &lk ,SOC .; S ADDRESS: 18012 COWAN SUITE 210 I; NE. 'A 92714 DAYTIME PHONE: _Q14 660-01101 OFFICE USE ONLY DATE. RECEIVE) LAND USE ELEMENT .: h'-Q.A -S•rA-TUS DESIGNATION ZONING AY NUMBERS CITY ENGINEER Nvners of BOARD OF ZONING AD,IUSIM PNTS. DATE ; RECORDED OATFF SDM LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 'LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS) OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBER 5E'ACLIFF PAPTNER5 023-181-,35 SEACLIFF PARTNER5 023-181-38 PROPOSED PAr_ .....S REFERENCE °. ,,BER PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 PARS LOT 9 OF TRACT NO. 14244 IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTOt BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP RECC>, :QED IN BOOK , PAGES THROUGH OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS), RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, TOGEfHER WITH THE SOUTH 2.50 FEET OF LOT 10 OF SAID TRACT NO. 14244. CONTAINING AN AREA.. OF 0490 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 2- fLOT 10 OF TRACT NO. 14244, IN THE CIT' OF HUNTINGI ON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP RECORDED IN BOOK , PAGES THROUGH OF MISCELLANEOUS MAP, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTH 2.50 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 5979 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. OBI;loll QA31LSS/apw No. 19402 *Exp. 3G-91 , LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NG. LL (MAP) OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBER PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBER SEACLIFF PARTNERS X123-181-38 PARCEL 1 SEAGLIFF PARTNER5 023 -181-38 PARCEL 2 END, EXISTING LOT LINES - - - LOT LINE TO BE ADJJSTED NEW LOT LINE N 11'0720' WN 782'40` E 103.53'7.00 3G5212s R = 54.00' 10 L = 34.75' = 31 a'21"PARCEL 2 2.50' R = 4G.O0' SCALE: 1'=4O' N 7&'52'400 E 83.7q'4v N 78'5240" E j3- N 812211' E(Rj, 0.0N PARCEL I L =28.04" N X07200 N 78'52'40' E 2-28,01G' tin AIIIIVI IvV. D..04 5 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LL (SITE PLAN) EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELSOWNERS I AP NUMI UR REFE"-ZENUE NUMUER SE4CLlIT PATNER5 023-18138 SEAGLIFF PARTNERS 023-181-38 EXISTING LOT LINES - -- - - LOT LINE TO BE AVJUSfLD a4 SCALE: fa=40' NEW LOT LINE 27.7' :w r 12 11 PARCEL I q R =4x,00' L = 76UG' N 7,5'5240- E 228.cG r tt anr AJr3 V tt tvvM Iff+S 4 7v 27G/2 3-219 IYfdYlM.M. ?ARGEL 1 PARCEL 2 luv9wawif NOTICE OF EXEMPTION To: Office ofPlannii,g and t?esearch 1400 Tenth Street. Room 121 Sacrain ernto, Ca 9 5814 Orange Countx Clerk's Office Public Ser% ices Division 211 W. Santa Ana B1vcL 2nd Floor Santa Ara, CA 92 y ci2 From: C it} of 1 urtt ,ton Beach PI-m'nina Department MC''1O :Main Street i I;:ntineton Beach, CA 9264 8 Projec t Pixie; tk'r Pr%)ject Location-Specii c; .t` a ,i f.' i tAcatix - 't utzt ;C RT-1 'I :Project Location -City: HUNTP\GTON BF-A LI Proje ct Project Description. tb Public Agency Approving Project.. f";:i- "f Person or Agency Carrying Out Pro Exempt Status: Ministeria' (`Sec..I (i. ts. (l is d wCr it. Declared Emergency (Sec. 2 l) §O(i,?( J. t rr:: ,.. Emergency Project !:Sec. Categorical Ex;Lmption Statutory- Exemption (Stara Coda Aui c, C Other (Govt. Code Sey,i._ Reasons why the project isxertapt ..`- \t.°s I wo'C Lead Agency Contact Person: Zane Madera i5t tt 'sani tr 'I eTei hone. If filed by applicant: 1. ;Attach certified docuni nt of exempts`on finding 2. Has ee'. 'otice of [\ewtron teen filr, b the I "N"i A 7: ti' =t l C`t'Inrw ttiG r-,,o (ct Yw -.w...No Signature .y'JA a At .notSigned by Signed by Applicant A i kTI !C{C) ..-149,30' kry p E Z,A IP-L'TEE AS TO .l,:+CS ANY LIABILITY ' REPRODUCED. 110-01 %;+J;} i Y ASSESSOR 1493 ?CH 1969 834.04' PAR. 4 19.698 AC. ¢a, P.M. 166-10 .9'. r. !04 50. 37 CA LgrCK* PARCEL MAP wa POR. SECS.3, 4 & 10, T.6 S.,R.11 W. 42 0 33 r4, 216.6.3 AC. •.Fq ti . LCJ 49 4 9 45' •p105' 10 P.M. 166-10 11406' 36 99.62's-6420' 112.80' 0 25737' 50 R. S. 97-35 J 127.29 AC. 110-23 ry HUNTINGTON 1SEACL1FF :.. COUNTRY CLUB 371.16 AC, 0 mn ' r r'n 421.24' oo_'23 ENU-. - 28 06 y`ry o *4 132.40' ry 200 ?Op, 65.1:)1 AC. 482,97' +d263' 97t 'x_993 r LPL IV 25s6a'BAR HARBOR DR. eo. 9L NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK d PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES f 110-20 INLY ASTO SURFDALE DR- STREETPRIVATE ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 23 PAGE 18 COUNTY OF ORANGE 23 -18 45'45` 1• = 600' AVE 1