HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1994003 - Notice of Action Letter2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building 536-5241 Planning 536-5271 April 25, 1994 Patrick J. Wood One Park Plaza, Suite 1250 Irvine, CA 92714 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 94-3 16592 AND 16602 CAROUSEL LANE Dear Mr. Wood: The Planning Division has reviewed your request to adjust the lot•liues between Lots 314 sand 315 of Tract 5481 and has declared the application to be incomplete. The following information and/or corrections are requested in order for the Planning Division to continue the processing of your application: 1. Submit complete site plans of both involved properties and plot the locations of the existing homes. Include all proposed setbacks and property line dimensions as this information will be used to analyze the properties for compliance with minimum lot size, lot frontage, setbacks, open space, site coverage, and other aspects of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. Based on the information submitted thus far, ii appears that the proposed lot line adjustment will create a zero (0) foot setback for the existing garage on Lot 315. Unless the original structure was constructed with a zero foot lot line agreement in place, the proposed adjustment will. create a non-conforming parcel which is not permitted by code. Please clarify your request in this regard and address the issue appropriately. Please submit a copy of any zero property line agreements which currently exist. 2. Submit four (4) sets of the revised site plan. comments and concerns may be generated upon receipt of the requested information. Also, Please submit the aforementioned information and/or corrections as soon as possible in order for the Planning Division 'to continue the review process of your request. Please note, additional completion of the corrections and/or the submittal of the additional information does not presinne approval of the entitlement requested. If you should have any questions regarding the aforementioned or the processing of your application, please feel free to contact me at (714) 536- 5271. Sincerely, yt.e,Wac lane Madera Assistant Planner cc: Wes Warvi 16592 Carousel Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Vince Glavanic 16602 Carousel Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649