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Lot Line Adjustment LLA1994003 - Supporting Documents
.ads .IVY HUNTINCTON BEACH CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION TO' F'i'.e FROM: :+r r. Madera, Associate Planner DATE: ^.iay 1, 1997 SUBJECT: INACTIVE FILE This file has been placed on indefinite hold due to. inactivity by the applicant. Should the applicant contact the City in the future regarding the status of the file, an analysis should be conducted to determine if the project should be reactivated. There should be no problem reactivating the file if the code requirements have not changed and the applicant is able to submit all the necessary information to complete the application. LAW OFFICES OF WOOD AND DELGADO ONE PARK PLAZA SUITE 1250 IRVINE , CALIFORNIA 92714 (714) 553-1474 APR2 21994 April 20, 1994 PATRICK J. OOD Zoning Administrator City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 RE: Lot Line Adjustment / Glavanic - Warvi 16592/16602 Carrousel Lane Dear Sir or Madam: on March 10, 1994 I wrote you a letter requesting that you process our application for a lot line adjustment on the above referenced properties. Since that time I have heard nothing. Please provide me with an update on the status of this lot line adjustment. -iP N 11 -2 - 03 a+=Q-ltsa 2- DMCP 2 1 eD2 Ca;!61-d-QQ BUL,.jING DEPARTMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL CUSTOMER REFERRAL DATE: TO: (SthFloor) FIRE COMM. SERVICE ECONOMIC DEV. (SthFloor) (5thFloor) U CITY ATTORNEY BUILDING (4th Floor) CITY CLERK (2nd Floor) U WATER DEPT. (19001 Huntington) OTHER REFERRED BY REASON FOR REFERRAL: TREASURER PUBLIC WORKS ENG. (1st Floor) (1st Floor) CITY YARD (17371 Gotha zl) PHONE EXTENSION: PARKS & TREES (17581 Gothard) LAW OFFICICS OF WOOD AND I)ELGADO ONE PARK PLA_A SUITE 1250 T,RVINE, CALIFORNIA 92,14 Zoning Administrator City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 RE: Lot Line Adjustment - Glavanic\Warvi Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed herewith you will find an Application for Lot Line Adjustment together with photographs and exhibits and a check in the amount of $250.00 to pay the processing fee. Please notify the undersigned in the event you need any additional documents. 00,09 I(a:l 0 \/ may` APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUS TMENT RECORD 01•INERS : FARCE' 1 NAME: Wes Warvi ADT)RESS :_ 16 5 9 2 DAYTIME PHONE Hun NAME : ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: is true and (,orrect. Carrousel Lane PARCEL 3 PARCEL 4 (I/We) hereby certify that 1) (I am/we are) the record owner(s) of all parcels propgs'd for adjustment by this application, 2) (I/we.) have knowledge of and consent to the Si_iar of this application, and 3) the information submitted in eonnectio::with this rpplica:ioi Signature(s) of owner(s) of Signatures) of oiner(s) Parcel 3 Parcel 4 CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: DA'Z'E RECEIVED LAND USE ELEMENT' DESIGNATION PARCEL 2 Vince Glavanic 16602 Carrousel Lane U'/lT )1 I APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL RECORD OVNERS: PARCE' 1 NAMF: Wes Warvi ADDRESS: 16592 Carrousel Lane H DAYTIME PHONE:yG::ysy PARCEL 3 PARCEL NAME: ADDRESS: is true an rrect. (I/We) hereby certify that 1) (I am/we are) the record owner(s) of all parcels propos-d for adjustment by this application, 2) (I/wL•) have knowledge of and consent to the fibLnr of this application, and 3) the information submitted in connection with this cpplica-i,i DAYTIME PHONE: Signatc e(s) of owner (s) of Signatur s- of o tflr; ; .,fF-T Parcel 1 f'a'rcal 2 Signature(s) of owner(s) Parcel 3 rONTACT PERSON:_ AD;)RESS : DAYTIME PHONE: i i)NING LAND USE ELEMENT- DESIGNATION 1-.4-11 NUMBERS OFFICE CSE ONLY C.E.Q.A . STATUS CITY ENGINEER BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT' DATE: RECORDED DATE: d 'U 'r re tl 1 ".V, "A n r APPLICATION FOR LOT L INE ADJUST MENT LL NAME:Wes Warvi AD)RESS: 16592 Carrousel Lane Hunki=1I+-9 DAYTIME PHONE: LI5-q PARCEL NAME: ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: PARCEL A (I/We) hereby certify that 1) (I am/we are) the record owner(s) of all parcels propos'd for adjustment by this application, 2) (I/xa-) have knowledge of and consent to the fa_ing, of this application, and 3) the information submitted in connection with this cpplica-ior. is true an rrect. Signatt; e(s) of owner(s) of P.,reel. 1 Signature(s) Parcel 3 CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: DACE RECEIVED LAND USE ELEMENT' DESIGNATION of owner(s) of PARCEL 2 Vince Glavanic 16602 Carrousel Lane OFFICE U.SE ONLY C.E.Q.A. STATUS CITY ENGINEER BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT! DATE: kECORDED DATE: RECORD O!.'NERS: PARCE' 1 APPLICATION FOR RECORD OWNERS : PARCE' I PARCEL 2 NAME Wes Warvi Vince Glavanic ADDRESS: 16592 Carrousel Lane _ 16602 Carrousel Lane H DAYTIME PHONE: lfS{SS NAME: ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: (I/We) hereby certify that 1) (I am/we are) the record owner(s) of all parcels propos=e or adjustment by this application, 2) (I/ut-) have knowledge. of and consent to the Ei__ng of this application, and 3) the information submitted in connection rrith this cpplica°ior ,, C ---.-;---7 --fSignati. e(s) o owner (s) o Signatur s) or o «r.e.. :,t is true an rrect. P: reel 1 P rcel. 2 Signature (s) of owner(s) of Parcel 3 CONTACT PERSON: DA'L'E RECEIVED LAND USE ELEMENT OFFICE CAE ONLY C.E.,Q.A. STATUS DESIGNATION AP NUMBERS CITY ENGINEER BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT: DATE: RECORDED DATE: APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL RECORD O"NERS : FARCE' I NAME : Wes Warvii ADDRESS:16592 Carrousel Lane Hun i ngtou 11L r. DAYTIME / PHONE; f 7? IS_ PARCEL 3 NAM7.: ADDRESS: (I/We) hereby certify that 1) (1 am/we are)the record owner(s) of all parcels propos'e for adjustment by this application, 2) have knowledge of and consent to the or this application, and 3) the information submitted in donnection with this =pplica:ion DAYTIME PHONE: is true an erect. J i/ i /0-1 VAP-; Signati: e(s) of owner (s) of Signature a of c er,::of P ?reel 1 i-arcel ? Signature(s) of owner(s) of Signature"s) of owner(s) of Parcel 3 Parcel 4 CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: DATE RECEIVED LAND USE ELEMENT DESIGNATION OFFICE USE ONLY C.E.Q.A. STATUS BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT: DATE: RECORDED DATE: c APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE AD JU41STMENT LL -.- RECORD OVNERS: FARCE' I NAME c Wes Warvi AD!)RESS:16592 Carrousel Lane -H h,. CA q26 4q PHONE: / 7 -yi GV DAYTIME PARCEL 3 NAME: ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: is true an r rrect. PARCEL 4 (I/We) hereby certify that 1) (I am/we are) the record owner(s) of all parcels propos-,d for adjustment by this application , 2) (I/st•) have knowledge of and consent to the f:-_6f of this application , and 3) the information submitted in. connection with this app.liea:inn Signatt: e(s) of owner(s) of P:•rcel 1 of Parcel 3 Parcel 4 Signature(s) of owner(s) CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: LAND USE ELEMENT' DESIGNATION All NUMBERS PARCEL 2 Vince Glavanic 16602 Carrousel Lane A '(,(" !1 t o-t o• c': ' APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL RECORD OWNERS: PARCE• I NAME Wes Warvi ADDRESS:16532 Carrousel Lane H DAYTIME PHONE: / 75`YSy PARCEL 3 NAME: ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: PARCEL 2 Vince Glavanic 16602 Carrousel Lane (I/We) hereby certify that 1) (I am/we are) the record owner(s) of all'parcels propos-d for adjustment by this application, 2) (I/M-; have knowledge of and consent to the fi_ing of this application, and 3) the information submitted in connection with this applica`ior P_prcel 1 Parcel 2 CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS : DAYTIME PHONE: TONING LAND USE ELEMENT DESIGNATION CITY ENGINEER is true and )rrect. l/VIC/C yttr Signatt: e(s) of owner (s) of Signatur s- of c. a-. ,f JUL 09 '93 01 :57PM SPEERS T~'a TEAL... BACK BAY SURVEYING, A MAPPING P336 TUSTIN AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 82880 (71411831-1825 S 0. FOSTER No. 4%o rte. sF ,"OFCkosuo 2,fr ,, 1r r' / If. k4" Lot P.8/2 Wfa® s` DOUCL 0. FO TER L.5.459i9 t3 (,'AIC,M WOOD ' FE N CA 50Y 1"x 2" w oav __" rAw-'s -014 MA21L p 1 (1ATf0 RAVE 1.4 b1 .2.LoT LIL&E O S'CUero C,AIZAC;0 WA--L- o.15 'cLIFA2.3'30 of t..cr LINE ,t_ •7$'00 (ric •o ,) `~• 22CA •00' SET 4t1T G2O AT LoT CoMm,;FIZ faNV AT 14 W3•LV[.oN I ACIL of WAL.I OFP`7A'r I Cu0.61 0 57QE2.-r 414MT °(n / illa GIT OF Hu N`CING 1 ON LE ' c ; f r.czr raGE c.ou NcA.L FORra \ 4 5FgT t4vm. IN FirklC oM 8'4F sE7 rdA,Tlr--5c'T cut cg65.5 OM FLOG 5TaMS 9AYIA 1'6FFSET1b L.T ecv L3 E 2- P"reR o- OF 34`{ e co \) use k To O\ P of i 31S JUL 09 '93 01:57PM SPEERS (^'A TEAL... DOUGLAS 0. FOSTER No. 4591 • Exp. >E" OF CM-Wo BACK BAY SURVEYING A MAPPING 2339 TUSTIN AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92888 (71 4) 831.1 B25 P. 812 Q Gb` ,• 0UGI. 0. FO TER L,S.a599` % IN FV-NCE eV $•gFFSE1" crap - 5r-Ir cut ct6s5 A p 1 'r PL4Gi Vramv- ET1A 9u IQ 18G -S 1D "T CM )E5 314- 4,14(6 14 WOOD FENCE SET CWT cQe*S AT l07 LpVypyt 4ap nY 14 WALV-01I SAC-IL of WA6.1.¢' O1 FSEy' ICVaaI O S Q 414MT.I I. M LACE. 1 C,1 OF HVN^C NCa i ON uF-AcLt-, I C " t'-Ac1E. CouNTI,CALF O NIF C)N . pdeR 0 p' NCRo I,a TF 36 JUL 09 '93 01:57PM SPEED S r a TEAL... DOUGL S.O. FOSTER No. K91 s EM 9 %-$ BACK BAY SURVEYI NO & MAPPING 2335 TUSTIN AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH . CALIFORNIA e28 90 (714) 631.1225. P.2/2 A o0 4d u'000GI.S 0. FO rER 1_.5.459.9 06 e 7 $ET'A1L IM F'!uc .E 04$"gr-pSE1" CnRSrrTCU•cz1d55 // p l FL4G STa* C A PA-'la 1o-I.-, T-r 14T c-ovUER G'w1c,m WOOD ,It FC-NCI= 5ET 1"x 2!' woop 54iK* oN a's JIcr S-i tai ou P*YIC - 314 4. 4•,' (nAVC .( .--•y'D.oo 2.20.00' E•oo:- - CAROUSEL 228 • oo• ' F+SE-1 2°t2" WocD 4UCS 5ET CST e-uo*s. AT 1oT e-orkm a A4D &T14 WA Lie ON BACK . OC WAL .4' o1FSE •1 CAICun41 O 57fs:lM'f LIGHT N19° oo'oo"I OUNC Y" SI-l- m Qhtin.,_.vr, _ SET MAILS cI-'Y oI xuNT NG one u A(L , CRc\N C-;E Cour1T' , CA oRNIA i JUL 09 '93 01:57PM SPEERS f •A TEAL... DOUGLAS-G. $TEA No. 4% rFOF CA,-WQw BACK BAY SURVEYING A MAPPING 233E TUSTIN AVENUE NeWPQFIT BEACH . CALIFORNIA 028B0 (71 4) 831-1825 P. 2/2 b DQUGI. 0. FO TER L.S.(459-9 /fie van Mail- IN F114GB 014 8 oFFSE1' CAN'Cf- 5 p-f 6uT C46S5 OK FLgG ST.1>tSI -_ `'CIO i bFCSE7DA'to (-&T eORUc4. + $EY 2 xt'%'lo D MUb-5ET 40T C-Q**S ' AT Lor elok N LCiZ AMP m•"{'M WALVLoN SAC-IL OF•WAIN¢' ovFSE -r 01Cua6 p a SYeEMY LlQW'r CA ROUSE.L.I -M L_AM 4J V Y 0 F=L. L i1 E a GT 'v'i`= t`+ N ,c-r'(OF HQNTIrJC ot u AC 7RA 4C- Cout11 C-p" F:CNIA JUL 09 '93 01:57PM SPEERS r a TEAL... kp `ANOsLA`o OOUCIAS.O. FOSTER9 I No. K9/ Exp. 9•!0.96 %pit 4rFOF CR1-pw BACK BAY SURVEYING & MAPPING 2 336 TUSTIN AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFO R NIA 82860 (714)831-1825 %5'T 441L IN FeNC.E%5-T b° n f"0 0DOUGI L -0 v ..5.599w6i d am F1.4G 5'S44v- 9A1 to 1`6 FGSET it t-DTCpl O FM 4314- 4'u1GM WacoaftF1"NC9 5Ei x 2" waao - --- •.i V. 111,004 s' ncl=.E.T Me2K °u Ph"Clo I p 'SZ STUCC O G%ARAr-e-•o WaL-4. 0•105'CLVAV.3 0 01= L0r LII.1E 26 • oo'I /v* SF--r 2"k?-"%Naob I4ueSST c..JT "e*}r AT I.aT CoM VEIZ a+1+G w-r 14 W4L '-CN 1jACIL cc WALV, ¢' 0? FSi:T OI 00.61 Q SY¢ Y L 14MT C RO U SL i L.f 4E a2o•oo' 8•@ _ N l 9 oo' 00" ' d, OF MQNTt G'TON E1Ct-1 ICS N4 E CQuN7Yr At tQS24 t= ZZ P. 812 °Id 8'pFSEr Ca;rm 55r cu-r C26S5 P P- a F je;n canue, 1b O aeR of L,9-1 36- JUL 09 '93 01:57PM SPEERS r A TEAL... LANDS& 00W,3tltS 0. F033EA a Ib.4591 • E 490.16 .fl`rOF C06e BACK BAY SURVEYING to MAPPING 2338 TUSTIN AVEP' All NEWPORT BEACI•4. CALIFORNIA 92890 (714) 831-1825 w P.-r2 Gov ,t)ourL 0. FO TER L,5.459.9 4 0 T /I ft MAM4 0"?167(C 1 kT taRWER 'It 0 (.'NIC,w WOODaftFC-Neg $HT I'X 2" WCOD S7eesE oN S'*%V5F-T I o0l SEy 2 °:Z"Weda 14u5 5rTct3T G2o*S- ' AT bT LQfLVF-iZ AMPR.Tty WALVLDW 'AC .IL of WALL.¢' OFFSET I CuR41 C $TQft 41 W NT Z %o - C) 0 2 • Qo ut V Y o ti L 1t.;E ", G1-r-OF HVN-T'Nc rON EhC_H, AGE (QUt4-T 1 r CALtF°RNIA h!.Wit' r'r. L{HF_ Lc' .A,t l0 SE't t4okit. IN PeNacE o4 SsFFSE7 (GAYS $c-Y 4u-r C46S5 Out FL4G STaMf- r OA fl O ('6T •I 1 C,A, R O U S F. L :, 't° !?4 I JUL 09 '93 01: SPEERS -0040 TEAL... aw4J NDS`o "' DOUQ S.O. FOSTER . w No. 4S% • ExV. 9." OF CAIXFOP`! BACK BAY SURVEYING & MAPPING 23,4p TUSTIN AVENUENEWPORT BEACH. CALIFOR NIA 92880 (714)631-1825 Nb aft Sgr NAIL . IN FV-NCE oK S gr-pSE7 c p sr.-r ou7 r-16% pM F4G ST.I>• 9A7Ia 06F95E T 77 0 s13T I"x 2" woof ,i----+i a STAKfc 1094 $•®f .E.f 54 lmAai4 ow FATIC 5oVV EYEr LI*1E 45M Feba ' OFFSST LbT (rl'L z0 . z 4,14IG14 WOOD FEHcE LAVE !•4'6VEsLO'T Lii 00 -7 1010 X60.0 226.00'5 -r 2" .V We oa I4u+tT 41T G:itO'}S i AT Iov CQk&jF-y- A4p w rL•y WAL OP4 ACIL, OF WALL¢° efF. ET I rU p S.Q L1411T LL,P,NE 6"v ' bQUCL 0. FOB TER .5.459.9 G'131C•,k Wo6A FENCE - S'f UGCO CCARAr-F-;0 of t_on t- I 4E A 4.7' I c A'r . Z2o•oo' $.oe 94190 oo•1010"vr/ 1=OU'4 W E-L.t- VAcWu+ns-N-I- SuRVF-Y OF= L- tr,4F- lLo "cam- 1 -AHD 31r2 cT °1 c. r2 i G -r'f OF HVNT1ty(i TON AC *, 4RAt&C-,l C o u t11'Y,CALIF'fytA 52 P Nc-a L.IN L a A T t 0Nl . SE7 h(A. ILS P.Li2 3t5 Pv(epo tot 3 { els5(`olweuse -C'o ov)o6 \ ©F U-4!71- 3i VJS WPi2Vt AT 161592,G-"aO5FL I-AN 1-1N t;N>C,TOr T=EA. a-t CA .RV YE= tiny( I4 !993 FO2 a4L1lvARCH19666•3/6="` °•A'^°'wrfrnrrvc-uc4ii; 3C7rJ -. A(VV ll ssWAYS SHOWN'- ONH/S MAP. - - \n3330a`/129-W 1128/W I A/29taw / 801' /274mv312,Z7.313336paN3 3129.97.3433502@)TRACT80Ns-Ali-9733TRACT NO. 5481PARCEL MAP2X..06,127-W I279/126-WyRM/512560,37'n7'!05122.13,an0.aP/ERH£ADLINEBULKHEADLINEPOR. LOT 'A3.0BAC.\109-Wlds•109kPAR.4mN. 1_n PAR 5Br.P. M.3,Im JNOml ' IhlmlmjN y mmI N Ialmlhll oO;40.25ryL1811x11_1,-114ioo/R' 121\ 119p1!!a-pT_-p9Op'as° ¢'120 /19 60'll8117,15-1c30554hn 115116195'M.M. 215 -1I TO 22 INCP.M. 15-47,16-1,19-20AND DESIGNATED BY ARAB/C NUMERALSAND LETTERS DELINEATE AREAS WHICHARE APPURTENANT AND ALLOCATEDTO LOTS BEARING CORRESPONDINGLOT NUMBERS.LEGENDA - A CCESS WAYS0 - DECK ,AND RAMP AREASS - BOAT SLIPS;V- WHARFAGE276a 26h/13/00'06949,'%275/0184-605'2740LuyCi 108-w2790' 108 ' • .15PAR.3 I + "AC.°• ti1 `off PAR.2.O,_. nnPAR. lm, oh99.72 10600/m•105104272271SI0omPIERHEADLINEBULKHEAD27maLINEa--94103II"mlmlml m oIOIgIglglq iYf5'-- 111 °942 "100-Df'999B-p102 /00 99989885'10/96-0309596 /0/94973940 41 n'h°mm7539'V502,' sa'8489'NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK &PARCELNUMBERSSHOWN IN CIRCLES5018cs•PAR. 5 i PAR 2PAR.4 L71OISa3 ` 'I- -7. 0,PAR,57' PAR.I`/ mr90-wae4a'89-U epP. M147.r-26266'HIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR ORACOUNTYASSESSOR DEP1INGE_THE ASSESSOR MAKEL RSJ EEAS TOITS AC URnCY J. .A'';YLIABILITYFOR OTHER U7ES CLOT I LE}EPRODUCEDALL RIGHTS REE i ED'COFFA)bHT ORA,+GE COUNTY ASSESSOR 19872676889-Wlz0'78559' -oc,P - 86hmDRIVE- 5575.3NOS , 481265Ra-w858483 356 0./0082 9Ti31M,9085'8/06 ASSESSOR'S MAPBOOK 178 PAGE 04COUNTY OF ORANGE