HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1994002 - Supporting Documents1 11111010. CALIFORNIA-THERESOUPCES AGENCY jowl', -DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME " EN'?RONMENTAL FILING FEE CASH RECEIPT J Q4 Q 6 "DFG753S 6-91 t)a(,r yA f{Lead ,Agi ncy 0 l l L 11 0 betl Date: fi 1* CountyfStaeAgency afFiling. ; tr G :' DocurPer2t,No.i Protect Title:VCI 'A NO!I `t/.Vq .. tt lk, t,, t tt # yProject Applicant Name Vt * hJ R'• I i 0 OW 5 - .C I f' Phone Number "^° 7" 6 m f r rProject ApplicantAddress: ':LfvZ!It!Xl'• 1 S 1,(r f'it` y!U'1 _ Project-Applicant (cheer!: approprfote box): Local Public Agency School District .' Othe cial Dist ict State AgencyEl -Private Entity { . y Envirorfinental Impact P.eport _ "_ $850.00 Negati ie Declaration t $1;250.00- $ Application Fee Water Diversion (State Water Resources Control Board Only) $850.00 $ Proi:eta Subject to Certified Regulatory Programs $850.00 $' ;ounty Aaministratlve t-ee $tb.uu '.a Project that is exempt from fees Signature anc`title of parson receiving payment : FIRST COPY- PROJECT APPLICANT SECOND COPY-DFG/FASB ITHIRD COPY-LEAD A ENCY FOURTH COPY-COUNTY STATE AGENCY OF FlUNG CHECKAPPL:ICAELE FEES: "a N; NOTICE OF EXEMPTION P 0 T m 97:494 Office of Planning and Research City of Huntington Beach 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 APR 4 1594 Planning Department S2cramento, Ca 95814 2000 Main Street GARYL.GRANV!Huntington Beach.7 9 64L E Orange County Clerks Office olmlyClerk Public Services Division y-_GEPa AM G 4 199211 W Santa Ana Blvd Ind Floor.., Santa Ana, CA 92702 GARY L. GFtNt e county Clerk Project Title : L t VLe- 4)Ii''LQ..GVF' /)V • 9' - 2-B DEPUTY 1 .!to tt s^,F OProject Location.-S pecific: 1 7 (e Z lOM4.L-, Project Location -City: HUNTII'GTON BEACHlProject Location -County:ORANG" . Project L'escription : M Mitt i l it 2A-' W"-pt-Lrs Public Agency Approving Project: itv of Huntin on Beacl Zoning Administrj Person or Agency Carrying Out Project :.£Q- U f ' t iG L L L C . Exempt Status: Ministerial (Sec. 21080rb)(!); 15268). Declared Emergency (Sec. 21O80(b)(3); 15269(a)). Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(e)(4); 15269(b)(c)). Categorical Exemption (Class_L ; Section 15311f . Statutory Exemption (State Cale Number Other (Govt. Code Sec. ). Reasons why the project is exem:pt:_ s fwer t :L' Fi t .. + Lead Agency Contact Person : Jane Madera Assistant Planner Telephone :J714'L536-5554 3; filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exen+pdon been nien by the Public Agency approving the project? Yes Signature : .° • __G. Title-Assistant Plartner Date: '1' 94 Signed by e, d Agency Signed by Applicant 4 k a- HUNT NGTON BEACH FROMTHEDESK OF Bruce Crosby Civil Engineering Assistant )'='obfic Works Dept. 536-5247 I COMMUNITY E° 0 T E DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: 6rue Crosb ublk or owa u' ert, lre,fL Ross Cran Pr, B iAdinq r ara aiser, Redevelopment Pat Spencer, Housing FROM: DATE: 3 PETITION(S):_ Extension SS loo REQUESTS v.. _.e•.` ieus £ J 11 e 1... Lc* L C ; ¶y c- t 14 z.-4 4 . LOCATION, 2- Lt?., '' ZONE: 1112-1k EXISTING USE: GENERAL PLAN: Please submit your concerns and recommended change s or conditions in COMMEN'S: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary writing on or before 1't i L [ r `"{;` cf Ulf b 111 /Ve RESPONSE BY: __Atfachments• t __Man7 lw.. 1199VDan Johnson, Police 1 Daryl Smith. Parks, Trees & Lands &tfi Jim Lamb, Economic Development Jim Engle, Community Services Other: Ji COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Barbara Kaiser, edevelopment Jim Engle, Community Services Pat Spencer, Housing Other:- Br ce Cron" Public Works Dan Johnson, Police ow rd ube , i e Daryl Smith, Parks, Trees & Landscape Ross Cr me Buildin Jim Lamb, Economic Development FROM: A\N AD DATE: V1 ` 'M PETITION(S): L Lrk REQUEST(S): Extension f5` 9 +k.,c [e.x .-2-c) QW,2- L -vat L- r LOCATION:___ v,t ,t ,1 - z f at r,VR2 -14 ZONE : GENERAL PLAN,__ YL EXISTING USE: 3P [ 4 :P510. rt Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or oefort 2 0 COMMENTS. (Use attachments or back side of sheet if nec 's r ) RESPONSE BY: Attacnments: 1. Maps 2.Narratlve it CrO"MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAR TMENY DEVELOPMEN T REVIEW REQUEST TO: gruue Crosh ubli V or s Dan Johnson, Police owa a ert, it Daryl Smith, Parks, Trees r Landscape Ross Cran er, d i din Jim Lamb, Economic Development r ara aiser , Redevelopment Jim Engle, Community Services Pat Spencer, Housing Other: FROM: } r,t -t RA DATE: PETITION(S): .r ' `its t v z `i , dju_.tc-a,I t : a, o. Extension 5:59 4REQUEST(S):-% wl *U . u Ic .v, rt , _- °. r !1 :x _'!r A -x, an, vsI 3 n r14 ran a 1 i",s l1A` V Ai W1 r, 1A. UV C LOCATION ']a MA_ ZONE: Please submit ;our concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before yy ° k<' EXISTING USE: COM MENTS : (Use attachments or bar', sire of sheet if necesse.rv ) RESPONSE BY: Attachme;its: 1 Msns 2 Nsrrafiivp a§ owa u ert, it Darjl Smith, Parks, Trees & Landscape Ross Cranr er, B i din Jim Lamb, Economic Development r ara aiser , Redevelopment Jim Engle, Community Services Pat Spencer, Housinq Other: DEVELOP ME NT RE VIEW REQUEST TO: u e C osb ubli or Dan J 3hnson, Police COMMUNITY DEV ELOPMENT DEPARTMENT" PETITION(S): k °' i FROK SAN DATE: .`3 _J53 -,,-y4 Extension -F \j ISREQUEST(S):_RAS LOCATION: Z- n } IC S L tvo-wt tt ,. a.1 V)1_ r ZONE: - GENERAL. PLAN: lease submit your concerns and recommended ch;ingps or conditions in Lor before 611 L1-A IV, COMMENTS:(Use attalchments or back side of shunt it necessa:; ) EXISTING USE: RESPONSE BY: " Atte hments --_,__-.: -Mao. s-2_,_._.NaKr,afws. F T COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REV!EW REQUEST TO: Br ce Cro Public Works ow rd ube , i e Ro s Cr me Buildin Barbara Kaiser, edevelopment Pat Spencer, Housing FROM: Al '` P ?.-A DATE: ° 1- r "l PETITION(S): L- L I G Dan Johnson, Police Daryl Smith, Parks, Trees & Landscape Jim Lamb, Economic Developrn,ant Jim Engle, Community Services Other: Extension S REQUEST (S):/tJ}VW `'y +[C y LOGATlON: P"/Ylt"t"'S> ^` 5t a-'Ltd, P j ,-142-,4e - :PS c .CL 4-1 ZONE: GENERA L PLAN:,Qty EXISTING USE. F-C> Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or canditior-.s in writing ors or before _ + . COMMENTS: (Use attacttrnents or sack side of sheet if necessary) RESPONSE BY: Attachments: 1. Maps 2. Narrative EXHIBIT A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA 94-2 (LEGA.. DESCRIPTION) OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBER REFERENCE NUMBER HUNTINGTON BEACH COMPANY 023-221-20 PARCEL 1 E.W. AND D.C. MILLER 023-221-21 PARCEL 2 PARCEL 1;: A LOT 21 OF TRACT NO. 6904, IN THE CITY OF HUINTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 270, PAGES 23 TO 29 INCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNIY. EX EPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF LOT 21 OF SAID TRACT NO. 6904 LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE LINE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGr..NING AT THE MOST okORTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 20 Of' SAID TRACT NO. 6904, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHEASTERLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE SHOWN AS "NORTH 6,707'58' EAST, 114.76 I-EE7` ON SAID TRACT MAP, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A NON ANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 124.00 FEET, 0, RADIAL BEARING TO SA!D POINT BEARS NORTH 11'07'20" WEST, THENCE 29.29 FELT SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGL. OF E 3'32'O6" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 474.00 FEET, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 24!39"26' WES:", Ti-IENCL. 84.33 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1 l1'36" TO A POINT Or COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.00 FEET, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS t-.' RTH 3,1-'51'02" WEST; !HENCE 1.82 FEEL` SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04"20'O2" TO A CORNER COMMON TO LOTS 20 A140 21 OF SAID TRACT S-IOWN AS 'THE SOUTHWESTERLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE SHOWN AS "NORTH 6 O:"58" EAST, 114.76 F'EET' ONSAID IRACT MAP; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAIL- LAST MENTIONED CURVE, SOUTHWESTERLY 26.53 FEET, THROUtH A Cr_+4TRAL ANGLE OF 63'2C,,', ', THENCE SOUTH 1 2-31'43°' EAST TO THE WESTERLY LINE CF SAID LC T 20. 1^ssi.. N r,, 1'4O2 319.&I ixp. 9-30-97 CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.365 ACRES, MORE OR .ESS. !!' "N.FIi )YK.is4 -[,'""r te. rh`ic ,HSGn+4 EXHIBIT A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA 94-2 OWNERS (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBER PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBER HUNTINGTON BEACH COMPANY 023-221-20 PARCEL 1 E.W. AND D.C. MILLER 023-221-21 PARCEL 2 PARCFI 2; LOT 20 OF TRACT NO. 6904, IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 270. PAGES 23 TO 29 I",CLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF S..ID COUNTY. TOGETHER WITH THi PORTION OF LOT21 OF SAID TRACT NO. 6904 LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE LINE DESCRIBE') AS FOLLOWS. BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 20 OF SAID TRACT NO. 6904, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHEASTERL4' TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE SHOWN AS "NORTH 63'07`58°' EAST, 114.76 FEET" ON SAID TRACT MAP, SALT POINT ALSO BE=ING ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 124,00 FEET, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 11`07"20" WEST; THENCE 29.29 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13'32'Oc' TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 474.00 FEET, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 2439'26" WEST; THENCE 84.33 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL "ANGLE OF 10'1136" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.00 FEET, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 34 51'02 WEST; THENCE 1.82 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0420'02"' TO A CORNER COMMON TO LOTS 20 AND 21 OF SAID TRACT SHOWN AS THE SOUTHWESTERLY.TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE SHOWN AS "NORTH 63'07'58" EAST, 114.76 FEET" ON SAID TRACT MAP; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID LAST MENTIONED CURVE, SOUTHWESTERLY 26.53 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 63`2O'39"; THENCE SOUTH 12'31'43" EAST TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 20, CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.237 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EXHIBIT B LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA 94-2 OWNERS (MAP) EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBER Hif1TINGTON BEACH COMPANY 023-221-20 E,W. AND D.G. MILLER 023421-21 EXISTING LOT LINES PER TRACT NO, GqO4 EXISTING LOT LINE TO PE AV,QJSTED PROP05ED LOT LINE PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBER PARCEL I PARCEL 2 N 'tO4553°23 2 N 1I07208 WOZ) PARCEL1 '-`N 1"r°i4O7xW2q.71'02N 34 A '02" WIW! 29 \ + N 3gl1'04" WGR)Cl ry, G l`tS cam, P..c. cF. G5 h. L2 H Co 310 T4 8 2 i. 17.54' 04 5GALE; 1`-50' .24' 24' .t V N O7'5I,3q' E 51.66' PARCEL 2 N G732.42"E (k) COURSE' 1 A`. NO.. BRG\DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Cl 04 2O'02R 02 1011'." 03 13'32'0G" G4 5G'Q3'01" 65 G3.2O'39" L1 N O7'S9'3cr l L2 5 12'31'43" E 24 00 182' 474.00 84.33' 124.00''?q.20' 4G.00 B, 24.00 2G,53 --13,82, 139Q' P.O.B. EXHIBIT C LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA 94-2 3, (SfTE PLAN) OWNERS £ X S"T1NG PARCELS AP NUMBER ItUNTINGTON BEACIf COMPANY 023-22120_ E.W. AND D.G. MILLER 023-221-21 MGM - EXISTING LOT LINES PER TRACT NO. 654O4 - - - - EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE ADJ05TED PROPOSED LOT LINE G2.O0'PARCEL I N 24`3a"3 R W(R) N 1T14'07" W 29.71' N 3412° W(k)21 P.G.G.4Tv 3911'04' W4R,C1 r -, ,, V 77 1 05.a o.w L2 SCALE: !?--50' N G3 0948" W 17.84' 70'45538G 2281 ,3 N 1107'20.r.82"z --- C•4 41..15 n5P }rJd 24' 1 24' PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBER PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 49) C3 11 3b N G73242" f(R) GQZ5C TA DL NO.DRG\DELTA RAD!LJ.SLENGTH Cl D4'20 YO2"24.00 1.82' G2 1011'3G"474.00 84.33' 0 l3 2'OGO 124.00'29,29' 04 503'01"46,00 45.00' CS G3'2039"24.00 2'53' L1 N 07'5x'39" E ---13.q2 L2 5 1231'43 E ---13.gD' I ALDEN & SSOCIATES March 11, 1994 Ms. Jane Madera Planning Department City of H untington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 RE: Lot Line Adjustment No, 94-2 Tract 0904 and 14244 0844-273-R Dear Jane: 18012 COWAN, S U I E 210 m IRVINE;. CA 927Id 714, 660-0110 FAX; 660-041k K "A E{. 'N(;' \ RS P1 \V'\1 R'g d,:A' I til :i&1'f ."t)RS Pursuant to y ..r letter dated March 1, 1994 and our subsequent telephone conversat' )n a am submitting this letter tc clarify Item 3 of your letter. The street dedication for a portion of Lot 20 along with the street vacation in favor of Lots 19, 20, 22 and 23 are to be done by separate instruments and are not a past o` the final map for Tract No. 14244 or lot Line Adjustment 94-2. ' he legal description and sketches have teen prepared for separate submittal by our client Seacliff Partners. Both of the issues take City Council action to be concluded prior to the acceptance of the tract improvements by the City. Neither of these issues is a part of Lot Line Adjustment 94-2 which the City determined needed to be heard prior to release of the final tract map. If you hay.'1ny more questions regarding the timing, circumstances, background or details of tz,,.. ,ication or vacation please talk to Steve May or Call me. W need to get the final map released for recordation! Sincerely, David L . Walden DLW\kdg Mr. Steve May Mr. Richard Loyd Mr. Dick Hagee Is Building Planning March 1, 1994 City of Huntington each 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF r'r'. MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 536-5241 536-5271 David L. Walden 18012 Cowan, Suite 210, Irvine, CA 92714 SUBJECT : LOT LINE ADJU STMENT NO.94-2 TRAC TS 6904 AND 14244 Dear David. The Planning Division has revie«ed your request to amend the lot line h4tt cerr I.c is 2CI rtncl 21 oi Tract 6904 and has declared the application to he incomplete. The # ollowinlg into mation and/or corrections are requested in order for the Planning Division to continue the processing of your application: Please confirm who is the designated applicant. You ht. e;ixrned the application as authorized agent but the Huntington Peach Company i. listed on the application as applicant, Also, please indicate the name and title ofthe individual signing for the Huntington Beach Company. 2. The lot line adjustment application form requirestln sigoatures of all irtvcrl d property owners.The submitted tbrra is being returned. to you so that you may secure the proper signatures from Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Miller. It is my understanding that the lot line adjustment was to includu aae portion of lot area at the intersection of the Island Bay, Lane terminus and Mr. Ery irY's west property line. Please at,-,end the application so that the nee lot lines match the street width and improvement plans ap!'ioved under `fentatile: Tact xMap No. 14244, If the pro ect is not amended to include this area, aerase eiariA the reasons why in w'itten form. 4. Please submit six (6) copies of the revised application and the corresponding exhibits. Please submit the aforementioned infonnation and/or corrections as soon as poss;,'in order for the Planning Division to continue the review process of your request. Please note, additional comments and concerns may be generated upon receipt of the requested information. Also, completion of the corrections andJor the submittal of the additional information does not presume app' oval of the entitlement requested. If you should havc any questions regarding the aforementioned or the processing of your application, please feel free to contact me at (714) 536- 5596. Sincerely, Jane Madera Assistant Planner ADEN SSOCIATES February 1.1, 1994 Mr. Scott Hess Planning Department CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 M ain Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 I RE: Thuct 14244, Well Is. "R" T.N. O•. 1-x773- Dear Scott. As per the discussion and decision between you, Jane Madera, and myself I am enclosing the Lot Line Adius+incnt application for Lots 20 and 21 on Island Bay Drive. The lot line adjustment is to move a portion of the common line between Miller's property and the Huntington Beach Company's property to accommodate your concern regarding the final map for Tract No. 14244. It is my un"'erstanding that you will put Tract No. 14244 on the next City Council agenda and process the lot line adjustment concurrently. If there is a delay zn the lOL line adjustment signing you -will hold the final map in the City Clerks office after City Council action. We would like to process with the City Engineer concurrently. You indicated you would release the final map from the City Clerk's office upon signatures with notarizations of the two property owners. The sequence of recording will be the tract map then the lot line adiustmn.ent. This allows us to set the final monuments under the tract map and not have to record a record of survey. It also eliminates putting the lot line adjustment data on the final neap originals which are out eat our lhaands. I want to thank you and Jane for your consideration in belpi,ng us find a solution to This last minute problem. If you have any questions, please do note hesitate to call me. Sincerely, 18012 COWAN . SUITT 210 a IRVINE; CA 92714 , 14: 660 -0110 FA X: 660-0418 [I\Itt'MvIN IRS PIV'S'SFRS 1.1' SlRVI OR:i David L - alden APPLICATION FOR LOT NE ADJUSTMENT 1;ECORD OWNERS: FARCE' I PARCEL 1AMF: ADDRESS:-HUNTINGTON BEACHw C OMPANY_EI`V L V. &N1) DELORE C 'MULER 23 CORrt'RATE PLAZA, SUITE' 250 19762 ISLAND BAY I,ANE NEWPOIti BEACH, CA 92660 HUNTTN(>TON BEACH, CA 926,+8 DAYT I }DA YT PHONE:(714) 729-1284 (310) 944-0255 0 NAME N/A ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: PARCEL 3 N/A PARCEL -, (r/ e) hereby certify t sa- 1) (I arc we are' , t1he record ow ,e; ,s) of . 11 p rz cel propos-; for adjustment by this appl . ration, 2)(I/wC have knowled ge uf ar.d cox:sent to the fl-.Z": of this appxi ,catio:t , and 3) r.he inforratio , ubmi tted in connection with this is true and correct. Si aati:re(s) of ocrrie>r(s P rrel 1 N/A :!A Sigma.;. re (s )of owner (s) of Parcel 3 1 ON.TACT PtRSCII:DAVID L. WALDEN - WALDEN 4 ASSOG I A ADDRESS:18012 COWAN, SLITL 210 11VlN ., LAD USE ELEMENT DES IGNAT i. se$t x3 Parcel 4 a271.4 ta' EXHIBIT A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) OWNERS EXISTIN) PARCELS AP NUMBER PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE CUMBER HUNTINGTON BEACH COMPANY 023-221-20 PARCEL 1 E.W. AND D.C. MILLER 023-221-21 PARCEL 2 PARCEL 1; LOT 21 OF TRACT NO. 6904, IN THE CITY OF HUyNTINGTC.N BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 270, PAGES 23 TO 29 INCLUSihE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF LOT 21 OF SAID TRACT NO. 6904 LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE LINE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 20 OF SAIO TRACT NO. 6904, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHEASTERLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE SHOWN AS "NORTH 63`O7'56" EAST, 114.76 FEET" ON SAID Tf ACT MAP, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 124.00 FEET, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 11'0721U' WEST; THENCE 29;29 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13'C'06" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 474.00 FEET, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 2,4!39'26' WEST; THENCE 84.33 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTNAL ANGLE OF 10° 11'36" TO A r OINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 24,00 FEET, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 34"51'O2' WEST; THENCE 1.82 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04'20'02" TO A CORNER COMMON TO LOTS 20 AND 21 OF SAID TRACT SHOWN AS THE SOUTHWESTERLY TERMINUS CAF 'HAT CERTAIN COURSE SHOWN AS "NORTH 6300758' EAST, 114.76 FEET' ON SAID TRACT MAP. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0,369 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) \,'NF f,l No. 19402 r,-p, 9--.30-97 Vp, IvI p OF G A EXHIBIT A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. I. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION; EXISTIN; PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELSOWNERSAP NU eER REFERENCE NUMBER HUNTINGTON BEACH COMPANY 023-221.20 PARCEL 1 E.W. AND D.C. MILLER 023--221-21 PARCEL 2 PARCEL 2: LOT 20 OF TR uT NO. 6904, IN THE (;-"iy OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA,, AS S" 'OWN ON THE MAP RECORDED INBOOK 270, PAGES 23 TO 29 NCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID %OUNTY. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT 21 t FF : ±I? TRACT NO, 6904 LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE LINE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 3EGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 20 OF SAID TRACT NO. 6904, SAID POINT EFING THE NORTHEASTERLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE SHOWN AS "NORTH 63'O7'58" EAST, 114.76 FEET" ON SAID TRACT MAP, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 124.00 FEET. A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 11`-07`21 ' WEST; THENCE 29.29 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13'32'06" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 474.00 FLET, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 24'39'26' WEST; THENCE 84.33 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10"11'36" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.00 FEET, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 34'51'O2' WEST; THENCE 1.82 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04'20'02" TO A CORNER COMMON TO LOTS 20 AND 21 OF SAiD TRACT SHOWN AS THE SOUTHWESTERLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE SHOWN AS "NORTH 63°07'58" EAST, 114.76 FEET" ON SAIU TRACT MAP. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.233 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EXHIBIT B LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA (MAP) OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS PP HUMEER HUNTINGTON BEACH GDMPANY 02,3-221-2u EA AND D.G. MILLER 023--221-21 LEGc EXISTING LOT LINES PER TRACT NO, Gg04 - - - - - - EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED PROP05ED LOT LINE 62,00' I PROPOSED PARCELSIREFERENCE NUMBER PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 0 5--- 3 223 82'N 11'07'20" 0) N 24'3TG" W() 63 N 1T'14107' W 29:71'P.G.G.G2ItN 3451102" W(R) '0 4 FV(R C1 19X 0N .Wpt . PARCELJv- N G3'0q'4F" W 17.54'C4 " 64 kt.J f v 20 N 075931' E 51.GG' PARCEL 2 P.OB. CWT TABLE NO.DELTA RADIUS LENGTH r 01 04'2u'2'24,00'1,82' 02 1011'36"474,00'84.33 0 1332 Y)G"'124M'29,29'' C4 5Go O3 `01"460,00'45.00' 3 EXHIBIT C LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA (SITE PLAN) OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS AP NUWBEG PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBER t1UNTIt TON BEACH COMPANY 0L3-2.21-20 PARCEL I E.W. AND D.C. MILLER 023-221-21 PARCEL 2 E D: EX15TING LOT LINES PER TRACT NO. 6904 - -- - - - EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED PROPOSED LOT LINE N 7CU'45'53"C 218,11'.-` , a d( )23.82 N 1107 20 G2 .`7D' N 24 3q 2r7 W(R) N 19`!4'07" W 29.71' rN 3452'02" W() 2r' P.G,C"-C1ti 'N 392104 W(R) H G3"Og'48, W 1716- G4 SCALE. 1'=50' C3 7'_;BL NO.DELTA RADIUS 01 0420102"24.00' 02 1011'3G0 474.00 ' 0 13'32'O F 124.00' 64 50031010 4tW0 ' LOGT 1.82' 84.33'292VX 45,00' APPL CATION FOR LOT LI NE ADJUSTMENT LL 9 4 RECORD OWNERS: PARCEL I PARCEL 2 NAME: ADDRESS:H[JNTINGTON 1'EACH COMPANY ERV'IN W. AND DELORES C. MILLER 23 CORPORATE PLAZA. SUI'ITE 250 197452 ISLAND BAY 1ANE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 HUX'TiNGTON BEACH, CA 92048 DAYTIME PHONE:7`14' 729-1284 ,1101 944-0255 FARCEL 3 PARCEL 4 NA-NSE: ADDRESS:N A N,A _.._ DAYTROTE PHONE: (I/We) hereby certify that 1) (r amfwe are) the retard owner(s) of all parcels proposed fcr ar'_jus, ent by this application, 2) (I/we) have krowledge of and consent t-^ the filing, of this application, and 3) the information submitted in connection with this application is true and hwl * t. ll Signature/,-) of o er(s) of Sigratt:IC(t) of o sers of Parcel 1 `,.A() c ,' c Parcel 2 Signature(s) of owner(s Parcel 3 0 Signature(s) of Pared 4 CONTACt PERSON: DAVID L WALDEN WALI)EN & ASSOCIATES ADDRESS: 18012 COWAN SVITF, 210. CRVIN CA 92714 DAYTIME PHONE: :er 714 660-0110 OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED LAND USE M-EMENT C.E Q.A. SV.T17S BOAIZD OF ZONING ZONING DESIGNATION DATE: AP NUMBERS RECORDED DATE: CITY El"GINEER fyt: i1GISTIEh`TS 4 NOTICE OF EXE MPTI ON To: From: Office of Planning and Research City of Huntington Beach 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121.Tanning Department Sac;amenro, Ca 9",814 2WO Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92548 Orange County Clerk's Office Public 'ervices Division 21 1 W. Santa Ana Blvd,, 2nd Floor Santa Ana, CA 92702 Project Title: Lt ftc { Ylrt L L roject Location -Specific:1'-'7("-,7 a.'t,ti-i /Lo Project Location -City: H NTI'4 PTO MACH Project Location -County - 1 N 7E Project Description: 1 k,4 l k = %' . l Public Agency Approving Project: City o Huntin Tti)n Beic Zoni a Admiri trat Or " ! lPerson or Agency Cazrrying Out Project:. Dtr 'tO1/'.J F't--i.LTV V ...r.u' Exempt Sdatus: Mini aerial rSec 21080(b.>(1,I;15268). Declared Emergency 65e,:, 2108 ith)(); I i 2i5eali. Emergency Project (Sec. 21080t ri4i; I *Zra9(bi c,tr. Categorical Exemption (Class i ; 5ecrie 1 ?21 Statutory Exemption (Sfa.eCode Vut,,, er r. Other (Govt. Code Sec, Reasons wh ; the project is e'.enapt: Lead Agency Contact Person : ane Madera A, t.pnt j „lanner Telephone ; 7141, ; ,. If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certifi.-d do: urgent of exemption finding. 2. Hasa Notice of Exemption been filed by the Public ,-enc apprevirg the project"? Yes Signature : Y __ bt•a-- Title: Ass`sta t Pl do t ,,,Date, -'1 1 14 Signed by e d Agency Signed by Applicant á RECORDING REOUESTED BY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH And when recorded mail to: City C!ark City of Huntington Beach P.O. Box 190 Huntington Beach , CA 92ti,18 Sn;ice above this line for Recorder's use EASEMENT DEED I HEREBY DECLARE THE DOCUMENT TRANSFER TAXISS k) THE tYf1' MPUTERIZED ON FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED OR, (/ , C MPUTED ON FULL VALUE LESS LIENS AND ENCL'MERAN ;ES RE"'A:"i NG AT TIME OF SALE. v . St NATURE OF DECLARANT UR AGENT - FIRM NAME FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ERVIN W. ..LLER AND DELOKES C. TILLER do(es ) hereby GRANT to the CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a municipai corporation, a perpetual easement and -right of way for Street and Uti l it T purposes in, on, over, under and across all that real property in the CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: EE EXHIBIT "A" State of r County of DATE before me, personally known to me•OR -proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) isfare subscribed to the within instrument and ackncwteded to me that he/she,/they executed the same in his/'eritheit authorized capacity(les), and that by histheritheir signature(s)on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument, Witty@Ss my hind and official seat, SIGNATURE OF NOTARY g ..„[it (;A, l (- C.C...k J,(-ter _4 -- r P .. °..1 w t .'It NAME, TtTlE OF OFFICER • EA . *JANE 00E , NOTARY PU.'CIO NAME(S) OF $tGNER(S) I CAPACITY CLAIMED O it+)D1VI U#L o CORPORATE_ V GNER TLT(.Et5t t'Awr Efifr) 0 LIMITED GEt EftAL A 'OR EY-tea ,-,r GUAI 01AWCat C]nyrrm,i: SIGNER 1!3" REPRESENTING: NAOO nF PCRSON(5) OR ENTITY{01 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ROAD AND UTILITY DEDICATION BEING A PORTION OF LOT 21 OF TRACT NO. 6904, IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 270, PAGES 23 TO 29 INCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST WESTERLY POINT OF LOT 20 OF SAID TRACT NO. 6904, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 46.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TG SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 11-29'41" EAST; THENCE EASTERLY 5.50 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06051'04"; THENCE NORTH 12°31'43" WEST, 15.57 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 20; THENCE SOUTH 07459'39" WEST 13.92 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 20 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 38 SQUARE FEET, 'VIORT OR LESS. AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B", ATTA( i1ED HERE TO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. ALDEN & SSOCIATLES CIVIL ENGINEERS-PLANNERS - LAND SURVEYORS 18012 COWAN, SUITE 2106 IRVINE, CA 92714 70166O-OIIO FAX, 66O.O418 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ROAD AND UTILITY DEDICATION W.O. No. 0844-273-RX6 Date 2.14 93 Engr. D.C C hk. D.W. Sheet l of . EXHIBIT 'I3" LEGEND: INDIGATE5 AREA DE$CRIPED HEREIN N 70`4555'2gg.tal' 23G 2' 62.00, 2tt rJC r\s r `C NOT5r3c~E ii SGALE: 1°=50' ALDEN & SSOCIATES 13.412' 24' , 24 18012 CO CYAN, SUITE 210, IRVINE, CA 92714 (714) 660-0110 FAX: 660-0418 N 07`59'3T E 20 37.74 N 12'31'43' W 15.57' 105DO )755 N G /32'42" E0R1 CURVE TAD NO. DELTA RADIU5 LENGTH 01 4g1157' 4C.OO' 34.50' G2 OC'51'O4" 46.00' 5X' EXI1IDIT 11Eh 5KETCH TO ACGONPANY A LEGAL DE5CRIPT'ON FOR ROAD APED UTILITY OE'DICATION PURP05E5 W.O. No 4 2.-7a--&X--E- Date .2LLLl`I4 En r: Ohk. D.W.Sheet2__,_Of_.2`: fl2/03 04 11 , 07 V-14 719 1214 Varl t o i f l MMemo 7672 Fax*f., ccr . „.r , CHG .Aq Seacliff December 16, 1993 Mr. and Ws, Ervin W, M'Uor 19762 island Bay Lane Huntington Beach, CA 9264,,' RE: Lot Line Adjustment and- "J+!L:,. -. . PPQJQr C MC NO,, and Mrs. 1ll t;L .dl ['(°r(t[t"CO 1 ?t70.1 x'ax . Th,,nk you for your ongoing dfs,,u ssions ^ar d coo pera tion in acclon-,;-nodavc,- line adjustment affectin i our prope1t k . A per th ter m s of N A agree to execute a qu t claim deed to tr"'e t ,:,,kgton Beach #, ,,piny propz"ot-V the Huntington Beach Compan y groegs t6 txxecute F< ru dt & tk your property,with t,t rRi mope--, rt rr.r'°. "ixolrl in -.ubstant+ai it is understood L at a dkoie _'on o f Lt n l 14` fie' J FS ~ 4 A?1 kncit Y4r ii e °i ,!en Points I and 2 ns illustrate l N, Exhibit Point 1 rcpresei ;.ing the ,eost corner of Vvur hiin e on Lut 20, and the lirrmensiun being;ht rig 't 3in_{ t proposed Island Bey Lane right-of ay ac Point 2. Fi,jr#bermore, it **od + {f,A rea 'B " lY )i l ,r a`s a a „Sit 1 n ,,ys 3 idi4 1Vi} l,t:+. Jtitd l' r ',• Yl {4il [151 P F 9.>V { .Fi 4 th at l:l u'Ilf ew tir)g re a4 property of-*i=;i`, ;.d Ili ,,j c' orrt '(,. w',', C uy''91g at _.i h;t anglt' Fl3r `3iQ.Fri6ai. ll larA Say 6. Oi i C,ii aG Ci t u J 'p' w'.4 3+YiW ;red five feet in. lend, t;lt ot e ; " ( - ,roa ?nen ..20., oiint 3 ? id tj To acciAmodate the lit to: 1, Pay f,,r i iili sa4rveying, r'p ,#19 arid silt Pay $650.00 t y%rrW rr ","'? 1io+ s, the "Dov?I ' ) -r",:'o C"V if H 'Anti r' atoll -`" one Bonsai tren!' ° -,,w '."3d l"or p i'a i7i Cr34 a ti) b Hl.Co. or any action by Developer or HBCu shall not be of any concern. 3, Promptly oro rde to. y ou upon r im +rd ti r of the official documents establlsr-ring the lot lik%o adju t•'ie°T nn po'li'y of title irescar I-Jce i sririn you property not only as to chain r-'§hut as to boundaries issued by an established title ins rank t reed upon C e it p i and y xb y` the Any encumbrances of record Via,r , not the result c; the lot line adjustment 320 Broad1 way, S u,,- 100. Sar 23 Corporate Plaza, ?if i I.?0 02/03/94 11:08 V714 729 121 4 CL&D PC91 1113C0 Mr. and Mrs. Ervin W. Miller December 16, 1993 page two Developed, agrees to demolish the existing Northern block wall and replace a concrete block wall on the new property line resulting from the lot line adjustment (see Exhibit V). In replacing the wall, Developer agrees to T . Repair/regrade the area of your side-yard disturbed as the result of demolition, to like condition of existing yard adjacent. This includes removing and replacing thy; e,istng concrete pad adjacent and attachad to common wall, maintaining drainage i,om backyard to front yard along newly graded area, r placing any deck drains and sidewalk along existing wall that may be damaged during demos tion of wail, and adding any additional irrigation necessary to cover additional yard area. Build the two sections of the concrete block wall at a height of 6' - 6" and approximately 24" to 30".both measured from the new elevation of adjacent sidewalk (see Exh:.'?it 'B' for location of two sections). Block color to be reviewed with you prior to r'cor}stroctio n s"Vxd is Subject to the approva of the City of Hunlircton Beach., 3.Pray your prior surveying costs associated with locating position of expsting block wall in rotation to property line in the fixed amount of 35 All payments to you will be rude when ynu and HBCo execute the quetclaxr referenced herein, You agree to sign any and all documents required by any governing agency, in recordable form if required, o complete the work that is the subject of this agreement, in the event of any litigation to enforce or interpret any provision of thia agreement, the prevailing party shall b, entitled to costs reasonably incurred. including reasonable attorneys' iu Gar ud w. pu" t witness fue'i. Developer agrees to promptly pay, upon presentation of invoice, attorney's fees Ij002 I reasonably and, necessarily incurred by you in conrv.c tion with this matter, not to exceed 4500.00. 02/0 3/94 11 :09 '714 729 1214 CI.&I) I'M 1113C() Oak. Mr, and Mrs. Ervin W . Miller Decemb er 16, 1993 pa6e a three j'6-q if this is your understanding of our agreement please so indicate by signing where indicated below and returning one copy of t his letter to Richard Loyd of Seacliff Partners and retain one copy for your recrrds. Please feel free to contact Richard Loyd should you have any -comments or questions. Again, thank you for your cooperatiorn. This is intended to be a bindin agreement between the Huntington Beach Company and Seacliff Partners on the one part and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin W. Miller on the other part, By their signatures belo , the parties indicate that the y are in agreement with the terms se¢ forth above and that this document shall constitute a binding ccatrar t among them.The word '' s rax .m t ,ti u.iscd r this r r.x .4 rzt: defined as nni..us '.)r r :.. ° , ' z, c rte zz y G ear rneti styrern,etfrt Huntington Beach Cornpar) Agreed to and Accepted This ___ day of 1993 Seacliff Partners by: Pacific Coast Hormmes, its Gene ral Partner 0]003 02/03,9.1 11:09 taV714 72,9 1211 CI,&D PCII 1IR O 188Y2 colrAN. Sun Zip, TY'4l21 :, CA ;; , fix..PAX; t1 -£('7I4) 880-0110 a004 -4 7 *00 APP'V'D 5L A ND N7TE•' ,eE/E,e 7O O/ 5/TE LANDSC',•4P/A/G / 44/5 ,C0,e .°L.4NT/NG, /.C'e/ ?AT/OM .y4,E'OSCAG'E 0,5 TA /Ls V 4OA/STRr/CT/ON ON Y4C47 2 4A /'.E'/V.47 IV/7W/N EKL' 77N CUL -Occ-SAC L 07:. 72 1'\.4 BAY ML 10+0`® 14 ro• `'o C, L rs?LOT L/NE"3 _\,AD USrHtNTPER T,eACT /4244 4- L AND5C, ' /L A,?EA PE,€ L AN05CA/E f{,2C' /TECTS PLANS it /..,-•_ 00. 2 Fy -of fER 0P REFERENCES I0+50 VV4 Ot !r fQT' - i 2o!/GN G,e,4 /N6 / 44/ 10.2 T.P. /4244 FO,e CL21V. TL2 ,C , / Tiy/5 A,2EA. SCAL ,c, / -= 20' 1O" VT/'AL'w P'o/Nr /Ot/t'. &3 ST. O 7 9(v. 78 SE6 40.2 `9T3p'Pc. 5 { Yp •UBG/C C/r/L/T A PEMENT PER cr '" 1ArRA 14244 ,,tHT NOT/5- F4R WATER MARCH 1971 36 ios.62' ZO 'TRACT 35 06 i)6j kI 38 39 40 0.19'34 o ° .29 28 o Q 1.. 33 22 TR,PJ(,6904 2 23 24 bo. 1?b,fb h • ti i 7i.70'rO 213ee e' @ o' 9 So' i,.o.0/' LOT E 18 f6' M. M.270 - 23 29 INC. A V 84.36• 15 SCENIC SAY 4. 5.4' I LOrF 16 k5 6c.sz' M Go.,/.21 9.03. 68,4 7 LANE 22 5 NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES THIS MAP WAS ASSESSOR DEPT,PURPOSES ONLY, THE ASSES-NTF-E As TO ITS ACCURACY MAKES No GUARA NNOOR ASSUMES ANY LIABILITY FOR OTHER USES. NOT TO 9E REPRODUCEDCOUNT YASSESS40R E RS3D,rCOPYRIGHTORANGE ts.28 F3.45, .,,,111 !Tv a m P51 4' ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 23 PAGE22 oO COUNTYOF ORANGE G 23-2c fbc