HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2011022 - District MapPlanning R s Adams Ave. II Dr Atlanta Ave. RL RL Meredtn Dr RL Peck Dr RL00to Harwl- Dr RL owns Dr Dr - CG c -tan c.r RL RL Ed eDr RL qm - RL net Ca nDr RL ro ov CGS I RL Zoning Deagnahon Pacet Pitt- Boonda[c C.1[TTION AITIEN ITSTNG THIS 11LAr D foatiatroa ilrmn4aem v s tmryalanon of data Dm alms of nu.>ox amaan avd as poo.ded as a omteueace to the ma 'me City of BwMOOa Beach doestilt meraatot as emMefinee tie a«ararr Q Pdnc Fuld of R-a;-: J Pln -d o RIZIlt Ot R aC+='j' No ara Dr wool Co Notes: • Se. ksesdpaee for Aeary#.oa of zoauz dea9afioas • aa. --t ... re aat aoMt rIo . a nteodat to mead to the cater ofaa<D r nit of nae SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 8-6-10 City of Huntington Beach Orange County, California .ADOPTED Atwu,t 15, 1960 City Cotuicil Oidiuatx:e No "85 0 tE 500 1000 Feet B m the asti a ,Fpoas,ndin to . Q. atl adoemaeoti to the.. om ®t iaekoti P AreQSProferts.OiLxe _+Zenmo at sDM Mrdt?006