HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP1990002 - Plans2001114 .0Qp' i -i U di rt}jf\_ C01 US -ZI z Cis rf 131. P, co(PEI -r D (20Pi .)1ISG1 E12S` ItUGRG D kS Q c ' SUe S;V-tOe- - R1C•C,L., 4bVG' 11S!KtG ;:-23-F1 eeay eonr -_ Project5,AeF-S ,-,_ _ r. (^'•T yt Customer ApprovalsuperiorAddressll,11AG1!-1pll {1} }(v` NoRe-5`YPhcno( ( r 15,4Q111ElECt! EcaI 3dVEi tisin9 =contact ' I-s1 Fen 219/496.11167 1700W , unsalwin 51 , long Beach, ('a 9091 2131775.9627 r 14,095 7:'56 Acc. MgrM1K.%Designer ITbqscale PJI,,LDat-e l e i g Design No. This a an anginal unoub shed draw,nq Ore-led by su00rror EloclncaI AdoerlIsin5 Inc. I I1] subs lled la 700/001571 1 Uso In COn-neenon nub.a proton beep 011011011 Iceya, by$UOOr or EIOcInCal AUrBnls fig, In cIns nor to be 31000 10 eny0ne outs de Sour Or5amtehIOo. nor 1r II to be USM epro-tluced coped a ea ubletl m any 11311 on Tpe Cbang,nq of cd0rs . btes. or appl,cd-Ibns CI nblornal b dl --,o , shall 001abmine bavctlre+nrq Donersno d design3 field by Sucerbr Eleclncal Aduroislnq,Inc Pernusvon to use m eny lam or 1130• bn Ttdl brsl be obivned Iron supelbf Elecnbal Adernlsmg. Inc 1n 5,11109 IIA A i" rll- C/l- MA GNOLAA STS 39 i QYg91dR g n ,'4 m a 8 m8 isgag 4g.cnr.mrMR! 1561 ff U of gif q O s ap,arrr rnC'wxµ•;, Menem n rn -gym >1 rc 2-1 I/ Si. cow yL t D (2Nv4R r llcC,l ERSA 1.1!_ O'S ' e S Pcf -toe- EL '(' f21. 41. QvG12%S { NC ;_ _ ._ 3.-PJd Ctfh+'Lr. Ce7Y _tril-o -l SUpEE for AddressJci ( )4t0c 4OLIG UNMIJGIIB" Customer Approval ElEctrical advErtising Contact OTlc- ....JA QUISTPhoneC IA62-7SIS Reg No. Ace. Mgr '3/l I Is ( r Designer Design NFaa 213, ,5-1867 1700 W Martin St, Long Beath. C3. 30613 2131775.3627 114/905.7356 Scale d'T C Date I a I, l 8 ,', Protect 1 $( o3. I a X40 thi fan «1puul unpotl1s11Cd drewnptln a led by Superl« Elolncal ACsrem sm0.In0.II is sudrytl0d I« ma' 00000.! of 3, m p0, 00040, will a «01301 I Ad danne0 I«10000500endr Elal,KelM o0nnp,Inc111300110 be .1100010 anyone 0,1.,00000tt0anltdll«3. 0« I. ,! 10 03 1,060 repo-Soiled, copied n 000,0.1,0 m coy Iashio,tthe cha,plnq of 00170 utes. « 'Nit ll .10003 01 maCanal «,IIWNNlIOf,net It1e ba.icdrawrq 00110,300 d 00]100I3 held by 5,00,1« EIai," Ad 0,43 n0.Inc Pd,a3W W l0 Ufe In *10 1«m « lasn•loll frost first be Obtained Iron SUpelidEleclnW AdnCNUnv. Inc 1n 001109 I I 11 M NOLA A S U tjl C9 (tl to H 1, 5t, e cow ti^eu (209AR'r) i1G..-C+l a:z n JOCRE - D kS r supErior Elcctricai advertising= Fax. 2137435.1867 1700 W . Arahern St, Lens Beach , Ca 90813 215/775.3627 714/995.7356 m 2 -'Z -Pp CMiw s: C'Pw Project aJ S - 114 x74 FT 1IAddress t 15I G 1.t Q t.1 UMW 1 , '(W-yBGGe:* ContactoTT b -tJl"QU(STPhone(w n,!SJ a Ace. Mgr M L Designer Scale 4>6 N°1 (7 Date I a 1-1 . 89 //r I Customer Approval Reg No. TIoa u an «.o.nal bnpobllaheddrsw.no Uo-ated by Saterwr Electnry Aitm io no, lno II Is Submitted t« your per5On9 aelnG«1-000100 wdh ®r 001 d «a oby5uoe:ct Awarl sn ncd itto 11 a net 10 be to snymeoutvde you«tlan utwn, rwe 11 .I t0 be usM pro- doted. coo ed nb,ted in, Any 1 shorn TIN dbano. V ol Colon, anew ppl Md1. -s o1 metarlal «.Ilum.nal,sn fbll notnottllhe be,.c drawnp. 0.00,000 of tlevranenA E1001 CY M en mittis held b su ,p .yC)e$ignNo . T Inu Pnmuwn lp uw,n h laen-GC:/iG 5 I Ad nt obtwned «n Sbcerl« EleclnW Aavem>'Iw. Inc m wrnm0 t 71 A /A urt.at"h+!GldCi41'."'""r '°idwwsa.rs. mob,,z(r- 7 ... D Z'F,TK p s r fj4m ' I'fir,(t'I •(n ,1>a 1,41 a 1_ nto 7-(11 lA-4 = r7 1j (n -A W V Z m 11 Ih - 1, SI r 8o cod-.0 LI IPp 'I +l epS II`1C .F-0 ea SUP ' tO2 6L -rRac A L Abv --(1s ftJ l I supErlor ElEctrical advErtising 1700 W Malt sa S1 Paa. 213/4851867 e 17-ui. Ca. 80810 218/775 9627 r4 1 3 9 53 56 2 'Z - i' errr,ee eovr T-Proieat5..EPS'__ t _ - iZ-(.F-T Addres5 `/3I ,C-I-ZL'14 IUIJYII 'it lr3cll GohtP t QTR.eA-CMQjjS'JFhoneC2Q? 4 622, " 7515 Acc Mgt K- Q Des Scale A 30T (D a Customer Approval Reg. No pDessign No E53r I s . TMs Isan angina] unwdiatled damns cre- IedbySuUenahl eClnealAdQoll Hng, Inc Illsiubnulled for hourpersonal Ole In COn• noubdn with a Oroleni bang planned Inyyrn17y Suaeslor ClKlr>:al Adeerl ylrg, Inc.Ipsn11la be Ihairlt Ia allydYehulNIt; UI Organ LtiOn. fOt Is it lO be Used . reOrO-duce.).GGpN oruahared1nanyl uh.on The charging a1 eolors 4tef Or soallU•I Ons 01 mfled.) IX illO- a1 shall notYtlutheb.SKdrw.rnp Ownershq of deign f held by Suoelgr Eleclnoal .OAleng,InG Perm'fsion la Use m an .1y lain Of lash.an must first be Obtained Ilan i e-ltIlulEleclritel Aduen,ong. Inc in writing i lr yafi?14'.. T 1 `fr1 N©LA4 ST L s n OM~ ` J I N« g Ty ?' Ri? 0-0 I O n !qmlla Ji II I \,t IAt(-I I III .Q 1- 6 M !IL, z.' 11 -IQn- to - co fill i M II 01 \ I r 31 • t 3 7 cap-put)( 2 N C O a ) I t S Iti tc rp k$ 0e svpev-toe Aiov 71s f kin- _i, superior ElEctrical advErtising 1700 W. Ar ahem St„ Long Mach, Ca 90613 Fax 2137435.1667 2131775.3627 1141995-7356 2 -23. q eH7anl60 COPY 2i ,AqW I fi T IProtect 5VeP..--_ ;4 rz l.FT Customer Approval rnun an «glnal UnpolInd•v Supen« Electr IInsubmitted I«ynt i shed «awrq to- a lAdvenisinp. Inc. pera0n IIlse mCWt- nOn lnlh a «olecI ,peep planned WAddress ` l3l MAC K1OL1 A }{ 11 81!1 } _u by Superior EIeCVa net p he s lnwn t.KdI Moonising.lnc..... lvaa a your Contact(TT yM(?;I TPhoneC24 o2.7SIS Reg No. orpaNUllon. n« ls duced, coned « axlvm 7ne cnanpmp oI colon to he tine, repro-rsd in any I.snan.. Wes. « appa- Acc higrM I !G$.A' ?Designer 4 nuns or maleiW « III ellnlnebUgdnwm ptol UMnalwn shall not l AOelg.'I l n 4 - Design No,c'Z^1 a / T1(/ d by S-- EleisInc perm-to use mu sll hnlop mo .nce dverh rnw overns:ng.m any l«m « Maltnod Irom Su r«Scale v Date Ia I 1 r S9 r 1 sG% tE1AevemrImngp,s .lcein w: nln9 t rrr rrrr ri'rrcLr mi ,gQ ry g .p, C1 P 'ZzCS'"'NlSl 0 Qv + ` r , •-7 gelG- k y) ZZ • 1 U rfl -,---•----fir 4 m .1 31.8 co ('pit G CAD (2N PA R I1S I C-sS" I iRbJ D ' Ski tdL T! caa. Abv [?INC jtJG; Prolectl a C1f2-(1=T,GK _.,- -. .. ._. Addres4o (5+ VACNOLIA bIuKji JG'iRlgG}_`1 Ph p C rPElectrical adv€rtisng Far. 213/ 435 1867 2131775-3627 74 /885.73561700 W. Anahem St., Long Beach. Ca 008.13 oneContactC, L0"r Y Q (1(T (CJ l jI ) 1 1ACC. Mgr.H I 6n9 n Scale A h107C-,(? Designer Date (al"Ir S Customer Approval Reg No Design Nor rl Tina an On nal ofWttshed &OanfO a0- aced tysupena EIOCU•c2I Mven anO Inc.Ilnsu hedforyoappnonSUiarnms-eahon with a protect te•ng dawned Is, Wo W Sonora EJxlrrcal Mars Ync, Inc t11a MI 10 Ep Cigar 10 anyOnO W Ifrde Ypyfdined.Cnrarwrn11rtrtoused.rap-OneChcowedora 0(1 Snmarm Ophgn. The storm to p1 pGwa . YIM w and O-Irora of macd,. a I Own., mn Chao rml IS hrld byy5.W1w nc PePen Q OAn al AdddeslOnIe ssiontse 0soy M Si lash-Irmramn use rn any lam of lash-pn mull then be ni Otlunc in ing ElpclrUl AAenrvnOPOlla. Inc In -ling lw Iliff If Ili 9"! Aal"R in18, 0HOOH aft 1 4 81 -4J19 I q§S° Q 8 o 5 m2i u SI 0 z- R,a b =' msdsag,m o 00 g 3 g3 N ~ 4 S a ^ c) "' ° R Q o 0 n $0 1 Op Ie/