HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR1999005 - Project DescriptionM R-23-99 ez :5k* AM Ma- 22 9o 11;30 Match 22, t909 V Fnexi file:7,4r 3:4-1#417 Mr N -ter Vaiiek Aesst nt Planue: City of-Hiint.n tor- Sea.: DepartrneL of Conwiun:t D€;vclopnrreut ZMO Maui Steel P U. Box 1uo hun..ungton Beach, CA 9X48 6ubjcd. Comtuur1ty Deve1crrrmant l l aarlmeni prelttirtrt3 re aaw or con. t pla . 716 Pac;fir Coast Higiwvav D;r iwlr,. Vtsrek, i am sub hitting t)rrsi forinadv ..-11 wet to you to cco bpax:y tte proposed iie parr fc:t 7 ib ata:t Coast ii&-Vsy A )O u;ntorm t t n 7 pro)ect team danng o u meetmg on Marsh 19 t plai kill be reviewee-I at the re arty r diedtislt Npru meat meeting on care 2 Pica o cl stab e e copy of this leaer to all theepar iupams of the Dv ea went Rejcw Corn:nutte The subr,tted site pion aid repr eoUtt2y; L:1Lva!jOn is, in 03y ilea , the i .;t nia €rse zf 'b encur,tbered prwerty. The fmcut;ihr n es consist of A property u dtb of f.5 feEt A devcloped ni sl to the wes+ separate prop ty.owurrnhip o± the two pasts adj 1ming tc the ea:.t U:10o0 vate: ov ler of par lc,to the east 'Um sabruiaed site ply deg n Crates a true rr>ikeduse prtr ect I e pr }posed pion s y ou d incorporate grotzrnd ievol Crti (vtaitor acr','n) stint a N;Q. MtoWy reside-t: # atcsp the re st ".nv r, proiect ateCts tote City's parlari, code based on 91-0 sgtitare f of read vitah air owDer pct pied residence Approxiinat it°siq( lparkr ;spacesaill bs rokydcd Thop.ojec't wa °eqirze a '. rann t(.t the Crtr`sProur yy r setback r taro t We 1 ve prcrvic i fcs, a ten R Q foot fiont yat'd sokacic Tltts ,rol3 . ,i aint tirt specto UMtrnL an :os,tQ ty \ Ati nt e re',tuet- Specir":cely, to nnnttn]aI 25 foot Ict width , the ex: star nevtl oPu:aerrt :ra thet t asst tt9o sCparate lot ot,uer :;,p tc'the east concur L with the subje«t site's phy i al special cir tartre,, :re tong t perznasre,rr. dEVelrap ai t 1 ha ing ecuth tnns'taat 1 pt ap se l re pr ' ailed a site rlrtaz fur r1iP txri uei phut'; parcel ttis the east T e site p"ran_ c1 arIy d of aba an iuiegrated deve oprttent that .ii r>rst1+_ in P.02 ra phase pm ect that has the appcaranee oft &VgOar pi-ojec. M R-23 -99 02:58 ra" a Mar 22 88 11 r 3Oa Mr,. Pc;cr Vanek W- rch 22, 1999 Page To accomnaod to this ph sed, integrated project t tecetnmen dthe fallowing Conditi OAo • Reciprocal pars iq • Rtaurucat acceib Compr6ettci4e desi i and development st ndards for alpParcels • Processing of a site plan for alb , arc; s tAs proposed, the C `v would h ve a vticle to etas tee the futssre deei racut of tkre rares;.s te*the east Whciithe ot of d epatcels .o t oast &Xi es. to dev clip, the City vi!* hif e c'ct:i tructed projc r on my parcel that p4abl-shes the site pawti arrliit rey park±nb mid a s- The i mediate pro; et on myparcel world utilize L de . patlong fo, the limited xt'tiu and the residence. Ultimately, the parting would be provide,-4a,,duty on Cie stun^;fitted site pl ; I am toady to move ahead wttn the City or tbis phased developrcen~ 3 am comrnirce4 to ;or ng with you on a plzarnn , pro r in that fulfills our mutual nveodg: 1iis it 7 s 4x t]tat i m tv soh d with the dev lopu:eyt rf a aa!c l e .pe13;i:o sly Please coniayx me fuilowuj your Dt elepntetrt Fear. ew Cot-imtte'e mectu g ttw ..{t tifv t! w planning progrov} for my parse!t appse6ate roUr tita and oosiderata ar d am nath tc rbliz"*;'41t! the+ Ctty Respectfully S14ttut-,44 Sam Hama t4). a.134- 2tv' - v/ 5 `a sad tl gw Y",6, q "Y le;c