HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR1999005 - Supporting DocumentsF. 61 MA'e-06-99 10:72 RK may 2, 1999 Dr. Paul Wakirn 17220 Newhope street suite 127 Vtyuntain Valley , Ca. 92708 M, I i4x - 34j,5 Subje . Master site plan on two adjacent parcels ltcat1d on Pacific Cow Highway between seventh, a.ne. eighth street in Huntington Beacb, (A-FN 02 ,-124-16 &024-124- 18) Dear Paul Thank you for the opporrunk to meet with me again yesterday to discuss the possibility )t developing and master planning th, ahov subject Parcels together as .art site pear: The purpose; of this letter is to prove to the city that I have contac:eJ, Ind raid,P-ocd effort r process ono master platr, on your site and mire In i fat'cn, 1999, 1 submitted 2 cenc ptual site plans and elevati> n for Cir 's re:crew comnrneiu . On April 9, 1999 1 received a letter trora the City Pe;,ommendingto pursue the development rf my property it, conjunction with your adjat;ent pr. perrr-. ;ho east, if desixed by you, Furthermore, the City has advised me that if the neighbors; prooerty ,Wrier (yourseit is unwilling to into into an agreement for the master plan of the properties, development of my prope::y as a stand along project ..nay be pursed at that tiro:, As prc.viousiy explained :n'our 'first meeting )n 4'17'99 , the City Plaruung Divisii.n 5 recommending, that tn., proposed raster site plan and elevation prcpttred t'.,r the ubiect parcels would be a gnat benefit tobodi of us irwe iih together s one project. A ,fter we c-ncluded our second meeting , you indicated that ycta had r;,,viewed and thought about the master site plan and unfortunately decided not 10 join the at this time , and I should pursue the plan alone Paul , if you change your mind , or wish to join roe in toaster planning; the two parcels together, plea,.,let dir. Peter Vanek,City Planning Division know, or Iv-1 tie or my ar.. hitect, Mr. Beluarn knuv by Y. ay 15, 1999 or sooner; Mr. Behnant can be rea.ht:d (714) 5,12- 2384 and Mc. Peter Vanek city planning division cart be reached t (114) 3 74,1684, Should you have any question or require fuxther clarificatiuu , please call me at 1.714) 282-9334 Sincerely, Sam Hanna 2664 Vista Valloy Ad . Orange , Ca. 9286' M4) 282-9334 Mr. Peter Vanek . City Plasudtxg Division Mr. Geor e Behnsrtu, Architect ; Phone Fax City of Huntin gton Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 536-5271 374-1540 374-1.646. September 7, '_ 999 Mr. Sam Hanna 2664 Vista Valley Road Orange, CA 92867 SUBJECT: Initial Plan Zoning Review (IPZR) No, 99-5 (716 Pacific Coast Highway) Dear Mr. Hanna: Thank you for your request for the City to review and comment on a proposal to develop the property located at 716 Pacific Coast Highway. As indicated on the conceptual plans submitted to the Planning Department March 19, 1999, your request includes a multi- story building, to function as a bed and breakfas;., with a residence above, on a single 25 foot wide lot. The Planning Department has reviewed your request, and has developed some general comments for you. As indicated in the letter from the Planning Department dated April 9, 1999, the property is zoned visitor serving commercial, District 1 of the Downtown Specific Plan. The purpose of this zoning district is to i.:ncourage adequate visitor serving facilities in the coastal area. However, there are development -:tandards that any project must ( -.imply with. As an example, the proposed bed and 1 , a,%fhst is not in compliance with the use classification of a bed and breakfast establish :tent, as defined in the Zoning and Subdivisiou Ordinance, To be classified as a bed and breakfast, interior access must exist within the entire structure, and only one, kitchen facility is permitted (Section 204.1O. F.1 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO}). The following is an analysis of the project against the development standards of District I of the Downtown Specific Plan: SECTION ISSUE CODE PRO IOI' -'.3.02 Lot Size Min. 10,000 square feet 4.3.02 Lot Frontage Min. 100 feet 4.3.03 Density/Intercity 1.0 7TrIPCIi2 (FAR) I'JkOPOSE r 2,750 souarc feet* 25 feet's 1.23 FAR* SECTION ISSUE CODE-PROVISION PROPOSED 4.3.04 Building Height Max. 35 feet 31 feet 4.3.05 Site Coverage Max. 50 percent (1,375 sq. ft.) 69 percent (1,892 sq. ft,)* Setbacks: 4.3,06 Front Min, 25 feet Min. 5 feet* 4.3.07 Interior Side Min. 7 feet Min. 0./Max. 3* 4.3.08 Rwar Min. 3 feet Min, 22 feet 4.3.09 Upper Story Covered portion of all stories Approx. 4 fr,r, t* above the second shall be setback an average of an additional 10 feet from the 2"d story facade Section 231 Parking Bed & Breakfast - I space per Parking Layout I - 2 unit + ow: guest space + enclosed 4 2 open managers unit (tandean)* (Total 3 open) Parking Layout 2 - 4 Residence -- 2 covered spaces enclosed+2 open* Turning Radius Min. 25 feet 23 feet* Parking space 9 ft x 19 ft (Regular) Complies dimensions Does not ir„eet code ,Due to the number of deficiencies relative to your plan, staff has not reached a final determination at this time as to which special pt'rrnits and/or variances could be supported, However, the Planning Department would not be in support of a variance to lot width at this time. In addition. a variance to the 50 foot lot width on the adjacent parcel (Assessor Parcel 9024-124-18) also would not be supported by Staff at this time. In addition to the information, provided above, I have included the comments received from the Building and Public Works Departments with respect to this application. Please feel free to contact each respective department in the event that you have any questions regarding their comments This information is provided to aid you in your decision to go forward with the proposed development. If you have any questions regarding this process, or if you need any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at (714) 374-1684. titer Vanek Assistant Planner Cc: Larry Lazear, SunCal Companies, 5109 East La Palma, Ste. D, Anaheim, CA 92807 Andrea Brown, Southwest Strategies, P.O. Box 906, Del Mar, CA 92014 Scott Hess, Principal Planner July 29, 1999 Melanie Fallon Assistant City Administrator City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beacb, CA 92648 Subject: 716 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach Dear Melanie, W The attached plans were submitted to Scott Hess and Peter Vanek of the Planning Department for the Departmental Review Committee meeting held on March 23, 1999. As you can see, the subject property is encumbered by the surrounding properties and its' minimal size. The owner, Mr. Ham's, is proposing a bed-and-brea' fast or a vacation rental on his property. Tina elevations depict bn'.h Mr. Hanna's development and a site plan for the neighboring property inch is under separate ownership. By approving Mr. Hanna'- project the neighboring landowner would be encouraged to develop his property consistent with Mr. Hanna's development. This approach would give the City a vehicle to ensure that the neighboring landowners development coincides with Mr. Hanna's development. Concurrently, t ho parking and access layouts would be modified when the neighboring property is eventually developed Mr. Hanna has been unable to reach a consensus with your staff on the long-t: rm development scenarios with his property and the neighboring property. His pared is 25 feet wide. The neighboring property is 50 feet wide, resulting in a 75 foot wide comprehensive property when both prop es are developed. The neighboring landowner is unwilling to sell or develop his property at this tint. Mr, Hanna's proposal is not the "perfect world" situation but it does provide an attrac ave short-term development plan that allows Mr. Hanna to utilize his property and Will ultimately result in one comprehensive development in the future. The enclosed, biziidiing eiovati n is oousistent with the design standards incorporrted throughout the Huntington Beach main street area. The long-term site plan provides for the neighboring, property to be developed in a manner mat will give the appear ce of one large project upon completion. I am co nittedto working with you and the Planning Department to reach a beneficial development plan for everyone involved. I look forward to talking with you. You can reach meat (714) 693-6715. RECEIVE I CITY OF HUNTINGTON SEACHAOMINI$TAATION OFFICE r 251-01, 25'-0r. EXISTING ALLEY EXISTING MOTEL I I 25'-0" P.,R 46 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY SITE PLAN 1 scnxl VV41'-1'-o EXISTING GAS STATION City of Hunt i ng ton Beach Phone Fax 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPAR:Tftas NT OF PLANNING 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 Apra 9, 1999 Mr. Sam Hanna 2664 Vista Valley Road Orange. CA 92867 SUBJECT: 716 Pacific Coast Highway Dear Mr. Hanna: Thank you for your request for the City to review and comment ,rn a proposal to develop the property located at 716 Pacific Coast lHighwkv. As indicated on the conceptual plans submitted to the Planning Department March 19, 1999. your requeu a multi- story building, with an office on the first floor and a residence al,-ove, big a single 25 foot wide lot. The Planning Department has reviewed your request, and has developed sonic general corns-rents fbr you. fhe property is zoned visitor serving commercial. District 1 of the Downtown Specific Plan, The purpose ofthis zoning district is to encourage adequate visitor serving facilities in the coastal area. However, there are developmeit standards that any. projec t must comply with, As an example. the minimum lot size for this district is 10.000 square feet and the minimum lot frontage is 109 feet. The purpose of'requiring a minimum lot size and lot width is to ensure adequate huilcring setha.ks, landscaped are is and parking consistent with other projects fronting on Pacific Coasi, Highway. As yo.ir site is only 25 feet in width, these are many deficiencies relati toyour plan. These include lot width, lot size,building setbacks, parking and landscaping. In order to develop the property.You would raced to master plan your parcel with adjoining parcels to comply with lot width and lot size; or request special permits and variances to the development standards. In order, to alleviate the majority' of these special permits, it is recommended that you pursue development of your property in conjunction with the adjacent property (Assessor Parcel #1124.124-18). This would require the approval and cooperation of the adjacent property owner, .7'r`r1Prr-1 If the neighboring property owner is unwilling to enter into agreement for a master plan of the properties, development of your property as a stand alone project may be pursued at that time, Currently, Staff would consider supportof special per ;its to the front setback for the office portion of th.e development, so tong as the livable space above complies with the 25 foot front setback and the reasons for the special permit are consistent ,s h. Section 4.1.02 of the Downtown Specific Plan. At this time. Staff would not be willing to support any variances to the parking requirements. If you have any questions regarding v s process, or if you need any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at (714) 3 t4-1684. Peter Vanek Assistant Piaruxer Cc: Scott Hess. Senior Planner 7Tf1PCU PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Bruce Crpsbv, Public Works Tim Greaves, Fire Kh rh i Tguyen, Building Daryl Smith, Park, Tree & Landscape FROM: PETER VANEK Ext: 1684 DAT:: June 16. 1999 PETITION. INITIAL PLAN ZONING REVIEW 99-5 ;BEQUEST: Mixed use project - bed and breakfast downstairs and single family residence above LOCATION: 716 Pacific Coast Highway ZONE: DTSP41 GENERAL PLAN: MV-F8-d-sp EXISTING USE: Vacant Please s. omit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before June 30, 1999. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Use attachments or back side of sheet if ne,.essaryn RESPONSE BY: Attachment: 1. P rns RcuTRlG.ooc JJ CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION HUNTINGTON BEACH From: Gerald Caraig Ext.: 1575 1/1/99 To: Peter Vanek Building Safety comments for: PETITION: Initial Plan Zonin Review 99-5 tJ Proposed structure to comply with 1997 edition of UBC. Please pay particular attention to the following: Occupancy requirements (Chapter 0), Walls and floors separating dwelling units in the same building shall not be of less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Exiting (Chapter 10). Occupied roofs higher than immediately above the 2ndfloor require two means of egress, 0 A third story with a floor area greater than 500 square feet require two means of egress. r1 Accessibility Standards: 0 Per chapter 11 of the California Building Code, Title 24 provisions, the proposed development will fall under the same category as apartment house. /See definitions of dwelling unit, apartment house (chapter 2 Definitions) and chapter 11A, Accessibility for Privately Funded Housing). The ground floor unit shall be adaptable and on an accessibl6 route. Other accessibility measures may apply. cacaraig\pian eheckldevelap..1 HUNTiNGTON BEACH CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEAC INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION TO, Peter Vanek AssistarltPlanner FROM; Bruce Crosby Civil Engineering Assistant SUBJECT: IPZR 99-5 716 PCH DATE: July 2 1999 INITIAL PLAN ZONING REVIEW 99-5 CONDITIONS THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSARE REOUIRl l TO BECOMPL' TED -AS BELOW PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING r ERMITS- I. A Grading Plari prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Department e, Public Works for review and approval. 2.A Landscode and irrigation P!5.", prepared by a Licensed Landscape. Architect,,shall be submitted to the Cepartmirt of Public Works for review and approval by the hark, Tree and Landscape aivisicn: 1 A de-fa Ted'solls analysis shall be,prepared by a regiF red engineer. This analysis shall include on-site soil sampting and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations for grading, chemical and fill properties, found it ans. ground acceleration., retaining walls, streets, and 'Utilities PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFBUILDING PERMITS; 1. The applicant shall det.`i, ate 2.50 feet of alley 2, All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION OR CERTIFICATE: Of- UccuPANC'Y. 1. Insl :il inewnewer lateral, 2.A new, separate dome sticlirrigat an dater meter and service shall beinstalled per stater Division standards, and sized to' meet:the minimum requirements set 4y Ole Unifoirn Plumbing Code (UP(3) and the Uniform Fire Code (UFC), if applicable. The Water lateral service shall be a minimum of ore-inch in size. Meter shall be a touch-read type. 199 3. If the owner/proprietor of the Bed and Breakfast is different from that of the single family, residence, sersrate Water services and meters shall be required. 4. if a separate fire protection system is required by the Fire Department, a backfow device shall be required. 5. If the cast irc,i water main in the alley adjacent to the development is in a state of disrepair and/or presents a health or, safety concern as determined by the Water Division, .it shall be replaced at no cost to the City. 6, Outdoor lighting shall utilize energy-saving lamps, A.ll outside lighting shall be directed to prevent "spill Over" onto adjacent properties and shall be shown on the site plan and, elevations. Lighting shall be capable of being dimmed to a minimum security level during hours of non-operation of the facility. 7. Remove and replace the existing sidewalk along the property frontage to full width Secure Caltrans encroachment permit for this work. 8. Remove and replace one half,alley, INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS These code requirements are providedas information. This is not a complete list.ofall code requirements applicable to this project. The'Traf Traffic Impact Fee shall be paid at the time of final inspection or certificate of occupancy, 2, 1k Public Works construction permit shall be required for all work within the City right-0 Way, COMMENTS Parking layout #1 and #2, an the building plan set, are indecipherable.. Where is this parking proposed? It also, looks intractable; it.appears that highly stacked panting is proposed which would not meet Code requirements; The applicant must provide clear information about fte proposed parking, 35371 PLANNING DEPARTMEN T DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Bruce Crosby, Public Works Tim Greaves, Fire Khanh Nguyen, Building Daryl Smith, Park, Tree & Landscape FROM: PETER VANEK Ext: 1684 DATE: June 16, 1999 PETITION: INITIAL PLAN ZONING REVIEW 99-5 REQUEST: Mixed use project - bed and breakfast downstairs and single family residence above LOCATION: 716 Pacific Coast Highway ZONE: DTSP41 GENERAL PLAN: MV-F8-d-sp EXISTING USE: Vacant Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in i writing on or before June 30, 1999, CONDIT IONS OF APPROVAL. (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) RESPONSE BY: Attachment: 1: Plans ROUTING Doc MAY-01-99 02:46 3Pi .;raz F I'' P ! y N 1. 4 MAY-01 '-99 02 A2 Art It P.01 EXISTING MOTEL EX1S11l 22' HGH all cone el OCR SEPARATION WILL 25'-O^ PARKm 25'-0" 25'_0" EXISTING ALLEY I PAtY+CNO PAR10hwGPARKNG EXISTING GAS ST , f ION PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY