HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1989004 - Signed ApplicationHUNTINGTON REACH
P; am i ng Commission
Toning Administrator
Applicant or Authorized Agent
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
scot !-.,ill
Property Owner
Mailing Address
Soot . LII
Mailing Address
.k ? 6 (e c t^Je: m
Mail i rig Address
City of Huntington each
Department of Community uevelopment
2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
(714) 536-5271
Present Zone IQ)f -° -rez-
General Plan Designation M,
Tentative Parcel Man
i_retiv 7 rack. M,.
Lpt in Adiustmera
1 Ar
empt COP___ .:._
,,,Categorical Exclusion
,r_Appiica t of Authorization
o Street address; 2rv tr L
o Narnoo and distance to nearest intersecting st'eet:,,,,,,
o Assessor's Parcel Numbe
o Tract
o Section
o Acreage
",•s ' y x °."h c< c.,F have rea d and Gdi! VdL'e ` L a;. .'d ` ,,.k"; t 1.1_,, ,.
ease Print Your Name
statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this appli,:ation. I am the property
owner of the subject property. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements,
facts, and attachments are true and correct I understand that this application for subdivision
denied, modified or approved with conditiors and that such conditions must b complied with prior to
submittal of ,the final map and prior to issuance of building permits, I hereby authorize,..
CO. __...M. to act as my representative and to bind ire in all matters
concerning this application.
Signature of. vl t ts'11
Ortywner DatePrope
1. This application must be typed or p-inted and filled in completely,
2. If the applicant is not the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant to
act on his behalf and sign this appliratior.
3. Tentative Parcel Maps require six (6) copies of the tentative map and Lot Line Adjustments require
six (6) copies on the prescribed form available at the Zoning Counter, which shall be submitted
for review aii1 approval by the Zoning Administrator.
4. Tentative Tract maps require twenty (20) 18" x 26'° copies and two (2) 8_l/211 x 14" copies of the
map drawn to a scale not 1n!ss than one inch equals 100 feet (114 M 100'), which shall be submitted
fcr review and approval by the Planning' Commission.
S. Fold all lans to a max'mum size of 1/211 x,.1411 (lower right print side out).
6. Photographs of the subject property.
7. A written narrative shall accompany this application and will include ,e fr lowing infortiation:
(a) Existing use or uses of the property and present zoning,
(b) Proposed use of property, If property is proposed to be used for more than one purpose,
area, lots or lot proposed for each type of use shall be shown on the ten'ative map.
(c) Statement of the improvements and public utilities, including water supply and sewage
disposal, proposed to be made or installed and the time at which such improvements are
proposed to be completed.
(d) Public areas proposed.
(e) Tree planting proposed.
(F) Restrictive covenants proposed.
8. The tentative map shall contain the foliewing information;
(a) The subdivision name and/or number, date, north point , sc,,*le and suffici ent descrip tion to
define the location and boundaries of t,re proposed subdivision.
(b) Name and address of record owner or owners of said subdivision.
W Name and address of the subdivider.
(d) Name, business address and number of the registered engineer, or licensed surveyor
prepared map of said subdivision.
(e) Elevations or contours at interval,, or two (2) feet op to five (5) percent grade, g.ve five
(5) feet up to tars (TO) percent grade, end ten (10 ) feet over ten 10) percent trade, to
determi ne slope of the land and the high and low points thereof, sar,tess approval i, obtained
from the City Engineer to allow greater intervals.
(f) The locations, names, widths and approximate grades of all roads stroots, highways, ways
and lnratic,ns of existinq streets in the proposed xnhdivisicn and along the boundaries
ths?r'?or .
(9) she location and c`aaractear of all tistin or ir('an;ed paiL 't iefi to ;srj
adjoining and contiguous highways, stsaoL'°s ancc ways
(h) Th"' approximate widths, loctiti'in anti ur°orGro of all rxistin <>r'€'<',iri5e?9 e>as runts o(lrrcontiguous to the proposed subdivi,ioosn
(i) Approximate loll layout and app,oximiatu dimt-nsiorns of each lot and each t7 be numbered.
(The outline of any existing !w.ldings to remain in place and their location in relation to
existing or proposed street a'd lot lines.
(k) If -)e subdivision is withi:t a known oil field the map shall include the location of all
exiscing oil wells and appurtenances and a plan of their disposition or treatment including
abandonment, unc`erground placement, screening, fencing, landscaping, conversion of pumping
units, etc, Such plan shall include disposition of treatment of all future wells drill
sites and operations. Such plan shall also include the written concurrence 1+f the oil
lessee or operatc,r concerned.
9. All decisions by the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission are final unless appealed
within ten (10) days of such decision and shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrievement.
10. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative map or tentative parcel map shall expire
twenty-four (24) months from the date the map was approved or conditio-ally approved, The expira-
tion orr the approved or conditionrlly approved tentative map shall terminate all proceedings. Any
subsequent subdivision of the same real property shall require the filing and processing of a
11, Extei.sis.°a on tentative maps and tentative parcel % ri ps,
(a) The subdivider filing a rentatiie map or tentative parcel mars may request an extensioa of
tho tentative map or tentative parcel map approval by written application to the aepartmant
of Community Development, such application to be filed at least thirty (30) days before the
expiration of the approved or condi t°, onally approved map. The application shall state the
reasons for the requested extension. in granting an extension, new conditions and exactions
may be imposed and existing conditions may be revised.
(b) An extension(s) or tentative map or tentative parcel map approval -r conditional approval
may be exte;aded by the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission or City Council for a
period not to exceed one year, with a maximum ref three (3) one-year extensions of time. The
extension of time shall commence with the expiration date of the approved or condi tiorally
approved tentative map or tentative parcel map. The approved now t° 4 shall not oxtend more
than five (5) years beyond the date of initial approval.
Note: Completion of this application does not prostime approval of the subdivision. Such approval is
discretionary with the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission. The Zoning Administrator
or Commission may deny. modify or approve the subdivision with conditions,
( lea,rv'a.