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Environmental Assessment EAX1999008 - Signed Application
SUBDIVISION APPLICATION: planning Commission 7oning Administrator A plioant or Auth orized Aunt 14a.'i,1 i ng Address e W 106)- Telephone N tuber Property Owner Mailing Address Subdivider Mailing Address Mailin Address Engineer 6- J City of Hu:ltington Beach Department of Community Developmen" 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714} 536-5271 I Present Zone " L General Plan Designation - FEEEN ITLEMEN n tiv Pare I p naiv Tra M. Lot Line Adiustme Environmental Exempt -Environmental Asse , : it Required Methane Zone Flood Zon4 Oil District Redevelopment Area Alquist Piiolo Area AQMD Zone Coastal Area: Yes NO-A/- -Exempt CD P____ Categorical Exclusion er Ve ifi ztion _Z_Applicans Authorization _.V _Maps Narrative Concurrent Cases; Date Received I n it i &1 s Receipt Project Planner Telephone Number RE [TEST:VAL- t /IN 7 err ' f'!% 7 LI CATI(;N Of PROPERTY: a Street address:IA! / ". a Name and distans :e to nearest intersecting street :c-/1' 'l,le G LEGAL DESCRIPTION: o Assessor 's Parcel Number o Tract CJ6'/- Block / O - Lot a Section Township Range, o Acreage 149 o r , Owd h ve read and understood all Please Print Your Name statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application. I am the property owner of the subject property. I hereby affirm, under penalty of per-jury that the foregoing statements, facts, and attachments are true anti correct. I understand that this appli„;aH = i for subdivision ;nay be denied, nodifipd or approved with conditions and that such conditions must be canplied with prior to submitt al of the final map and prior to issuance of building permits. I hereby authorize J»,_^. (Agent) to act as my representaiive and to bird me in all matters concerning this ap 2 anion,.7 Z 5inature of:g Property Owner Date Autilorizod Agent Date Gom;ni ssi on may deny, mao:TY U' YI UNa +...., . REQUIREDOF ALL: APPLICATIONS: 1. This application must be typed or printed and filled in completely. 2. If the applicant is not the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant to act on his behalf and sign this application 3. Tentrtive Parcel Maps require si x (6) copies of the tentative map and Lot Line Adjustments require (6) copies on the prescaib?d form available at the Zoning Counter. 4, Tentati ve Tract maps require t°,enty (20) i8" x 26" copies and two (2) 8-1/2 " x 14" copies of the map drawn to a scale not less than one inch equal's 100 feet(I"- 100'), which shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Commission.. 5. Fold all Ian to a maximum siz of -1 211 x 411 (lower right print side out) 6. Photographs of the subject property. 7. A written narrative shall accompany this application and will include the following information: (?) Existing use or uses of the property and present zoning. (b) Proposed use of property. if property is proposed to be used for more than one purpose,- the area, lots or lot proposed for each type of use shall be shown on the '.entative rap. (c Statemert of the improvements and public:' utili+sies, including water supply and sewage siisposal, proposed to be made or installed and the time at which such improvements are proposed to be compl ete*i. (d) Public areas proposed. (e) Tree planting proposed. (f) Restrictive covenants proposed. The tentative map shall contain the following information: (a) The subdivision name and/or number, date, north point, scale and sufficient description to define the location and boundaries of the proposed subdivision, (b) Name and address of record owner or owners of said subdivision. (c) Name and address of the subdivider. (d) Name, business add;:iss and number of the registered engineer, or licensed surveyor, who prepared map of said subdivision. ('e) Elevations or contours at intervals or two (2) feet up to five (b) Per entgrade., give five (5) feet up to ten (10) percent grade, and ten (10) feet over ten (10) percent grade, to determine slope of the land and the high. and low paints thereof, unless approval is obtained frmrn the, City .Engineer to allow greater Tnt (f) The locations, names, widths and approximate grades cf all roads, streets, highways, ways and locations of existing streets in the proposed subdivision and along the boundaries thereof. (g) The location and character of all existing or proposed public utility facilities in said adjoining and contiguous highways, streets and ways, (h) The approximate widths, location and purpose of all existing or proposed easements and contiguous to the proposed subdivision. (i) Approximate lot layout and approximate dimensions of each lot and each to be numbered. (j) The outline of any existing buildings to remain in place and their location in relation to existing or proposed street and lot lines. (k) If the subdivision is within a known oil field the map shall include the location of all i Ist°ing oil wells and appurtenances arida plan of their disposition or treatmen t including abandonment, undsrground placement, screening, fencing,landscaping conversion of pump-ng units, eta. Such plan shall include disposition of treatrneot of all futurawells, drill sites and operations. Such plan shall also incline the written concurrence of the, oil lessi,e or operator concerned. All decisions by the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Cowissien are final •unless appealed within ten (10) days of such decision and shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrievement. 10. The approval, or conditional approval of a tenta ive map or tentative parcel map shall expire twenty-four (24) months from the date the map was approved or conditicnally approed. The ,expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative mad shall ter;:`.nate all proceedii,gs. Any subsequent subdivision of the same real property shall require the filing and processing of a new map. 11. extension on tentative maps and tentative parcel maps. (a) The subdivider filing a tentative map or tentative parcel map may request an extension of the tentative map or tentative parcel map apprnval by written application to the Department of Ccrrxnuni ty Develcement, such application to be filed at least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved mao. The application shall state the reasons for the requested extenson. In granting an extension, new conditions and exactions may be imposed and existing conditions may be revised, (b) An extension(s) o,• tentative map or tentative parcel map approval or conditional approval may be extended by the Zoning Administrator, Planning (,onaission or City Council for a period ot to exceed one year, with a maximum of three (3) one-year extensions of time. TAe extensio7 of time shall commence with the expfra-ion date of the approved or condi- tionally approved tentative map or tentative parcel map, The approved new date shall not extend more than five (b) years beyond the date of initial approval. Note, Completion of this application does not presume approval of the subdivision. such approval is discretionary with the Zonitir' Administrator or the Planning Commissit.-. The Zoning administrator or Commission may deny, modify o prove the subdivision with conditions, (0230D):. ;amr 'JA' HUNTINGTON BEACH Cityof 1.urtington Beach Department of Cornmunity Development 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92548 (714) 536-5271 GENERAL APPS 1C.AT[ON; Planning Commission Zoning Administrator Staff Review Design Review Applicant or Authorized Agen ManiMaiti ddress FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY, Present Zone DM General Plan Designation ENTITLEMENT SFEE Coastal Deveto ment Permit Conditional Use Permit Dcsi n Review Entitlement Plan Amendment General Plan Amendment Limited Si n Permit Planted Si n Pro ram Prec. Plan Street Ali n. S ecial Si n Permit Temforar;r Use Permit CASE CDP cup DRB EPf' CPA LSP PSP PPSA SSP TUP Variance V Zonin Ma Amendment ZMA. Zonin Text Amendment- ZTA Other l3nvironmental Review Flood Zone Exempt Earthquake FaultZone :j Sec._____„_, Class_Oil District Methane District Assessment Req. Redevelopment Area 'Toice..i 4 Noise/CNEL Seismic Hazard Zone Scenic Corridor r(4W 1/ .413 r City State Zip Telephone Number Property Owner Appeal._Won,App, IVLieu of`t_ Coastal Area Yes - No_;,,Pttrsuantto: Categorical Exclusion Exempt Sec, °'•"' [vlari;n Addrers City state Zip Telepho ne Number It1C VEST Use additional a e if neeess -10 Lvu .i Z,-' /D7`" S ems(s / 0 7- Existing. Use: 1 '$/O LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: • Street Address: f AI t./ Ownne hip Veritec on Date Received ikpplicantAuthoiT-nation Receipt # .' 2' 2- ,1 Plans Received by Notifica-:F Req. Project Planner Narrative & Hazardous Site letter Concurrent Casus: /Photograp!ts/Slides tEntertainment Permit ZMap Book Log Previous Cases: Computer Log _,LPlans Date Stamped a Assessor's Parcel Number:O v2-3 /a'i Acreage: f Tract: 6- 04) / t- Block, /'g Ol Lot: & L Pron , have read and understood all statements including the ding requirements on the reverse side of this application,1 aam the property owner of tt i; subject property, hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing staterncnts, facts and ; t,achments are true and correct, I understand that this app{ catiort for entitlement or variance may be d..nied, modified or approved with conditions and that such ccnditions or modifications must be satisfied prior to issuance of building pe:mis. X hereby authorize. A ent: to act as my representative and o)in d me in all matters concerning -thi application. Property Owner Date Authorized Agent Date APPLICATION RE UIREMENTS: (Complete the following circled items prior to submittal and return this, application with your submittal) his application must be typed or printed and filled in completely. 'If the applicant is not the property owner, the property ownershall designate the applicant as the authorized agent to act on his behalf and both shall sign this application. 3, Planning Commission: Twelve (12) preliminary site plans, floor plans and building elevations (and for tew construction submit preliminary grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" in size. Upon acceptance and scheduling, of hearing date, two (2) sets of plans reduced to 8-1/2" X 1 I" and one (1) set ofplans colored to Plustrate the design and development concept of the project shall be submitted. Other plans maybe required depending on the complexity of the project. mooning Administrator: Ten (10) sets of site plans, floor plans and building elevations 'and for new construction submit preliminary grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" in size,and one (1) set of plans reduced to $-1/2" X I 1". Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of4he project. 5. Staff Review or Design Review: Six (6) sets o'f site plans, floor plarr.- and building elevations a maximum of24" X 36" in size. A materials palette and colored rendering including all proposed walls is also tequired'for design review. I plans shall conform to the following r aquirements: (a). Draw to scale (minimum scale 1/8°' or 3f!'); indicate scale; indicate dimensions of building and floor uses; and north direction arrow. Plans .ehall be oriented so that north is at the top of the page. (b) Plot the entire par,ri and dimension all pertinent data such as easements, driveways, landscaping, parking, rnd distances to all property lines. Indicate any grade differential between adjacent properties, all°ys, or streets, (c) Plot all existing and proposed physical features and struetures on the subject property and abutting properties. (d) Dimension to the nearest intersecting street and identify all street names. (e) Include a legend (locate in lower right corner of the site plan) which lists the name, address, and phone number of the recorded owner and the applicant. (f) Identify the legal desc-iption of the subject property on the site plan, (g) Le5e,l existing and proposed uses of each room on floor plan. (h) Fold all plans to a maximum si-e of $-Y2" X 14" (lowerright corner ot;t). (i) Indicate colors and materials on all building elevations, ublic notification requirements for Coastal Development Permit, Variance, Conditional Use Permit, Zoning Map Amendment, Precise Plan Street Alignment, General Plan Amendment, and Special SignIIer:nit (See attached she. t). $,,Allllanning Commissionitemsrequitephotographsandslidesofthesubjectsiteandsurroundingproperties. All other entitlements reouire nhptoaranhs only. 9, Environmental Assessment form ifdetermined necessary per California )rnvirommental Quality Act. 10, A massing remodel will be required for all commercial developrne.it and for all residential developments of ten (10) units or more (three [3] units or more in redevelopment project areas). Minimum scale 1/8' or30', D11 A written narrative of the proposed use or project shall accompany this application. The rzrrative shall contain the following minimum information: (;t) Reasons for initiating this application. (b) Area description and population served by the proposed use of project. (c) Description of project and services, including .square footage, hours and days of operatir;p, numrber of employees, and other information as appropriate, (d) Description of surrounding uses to the north, south, east and west, (c) A signed statement declaring whetner the project site is or is not located within a Hazardous Waste and Substance site pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. 1?.. In order to support findings for approval for a Variance answer the following questions. (a) What exceptional circumstances apply to the . subject. property (including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings) that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed? (b) Explain why the request will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with normai limitations. (c) Why is this request necessary for the preservation and enjoyment ofone or more substantial pro_ nrty rights? (d) State reasons why the granting of this request will not be materiarly detrimental to the public vie) fare, 13. If'equired by the Police Department, an entertainment permit shall accompany this application. 14. Supplemental application submittal requirements (see attached sheet). FOR YOUR INFORMATION: All enticement -decisions are final uiless appealed within ten (10) days ofsuoh decision.. The appeal dial; >e in writing specifying thu areas ofaggrievement, In no case shall building permits, certificate; of occupancy,- or licenses be issued until the appeal period has eiapsed. All appeals shall be accompanied by a processing fee, All applications shall becon;e mill and void if the approved, use or project has not been initiated within one (1) year from the approval date. other submittal information may be deemed necessary by Staff Completion of the application does not presume approval ofthe application, Suet approval is discretionary with the Director,, Tuning Administrator or the Planning Commission. The zoning Administrator or Planning Commission may deny, modify or conditionally ;approva the application. The Design Review 's action is a recommendation to IF.,- Meow-, Zo rot Administrator, yr Planning Commission unle. application has been submitted for DesignReview Board final approval `.- PLANNING DIVISION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SUBMITTAL INFORMATION: If a project is subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is not exempted under any of the provisions of the CEQA Guidelines, the City must conduct an initial study to determine if the project may have a significant adverse effect on the environment, or whether previous environmental analysis has been. performed which adequately addresses the impacts of the specific project being proposed. The attached. Envirorruental Assessment Form is to be filed with all such subjects, and must be accompanied by the applicable processing fee and a legal description of the property.If the Environmental Assessment Committee determines that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required, an additional fee will also be required for reimbursement of costs incurred in the processing of the EIR. Additional fees for mitigation monitoring may be required for approved projects prior to project implementation. Please print or type all responses, Use additional sheets if necessary. If the information requested does not apply to the project, insert "NA" (Not Applicable) in the space provided, Please contact the Planning Division at (714) 536-5271 if you have any questions regarding the Environmental Assessment Form. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: When the Planning Division receives this form, it will 1 - the information to conduct an Initial Study of your project. Following interdepartmental review of the project by staff, the Initial Study will be completed. The Environmental Assessment Committ e will then determine whether a Negative Declaration should be reconunended or an EIF" required. If an EIR. is required, the Environmental Assessment Committee will determine the scope of the EIR. The Planing Division will transmit a letter to you describing the procedure to be followed and the specific areas of concern to be addressed in the EIR. PUBLIC HE ARING: If a Negative Declaration is required, the documentation must be prepared and advertise d for public review for at least 21 days prior to any action being taken on the accompanying entitlement. If an EIR. is required, the report must be prepared, advertised and circulated for public review, and any comments received must be responded to before the project can be scheduled for public hearing. Additional public input on the EIR. may be provided during the public hearing on the project. Processing time required for most EIR's is approximately 4 to 9 months. g,lforsns seainstr.do. CITY OF IWNTINGT ©N BEACH. PLAN NING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Fil'sngJ 'ee - $2,340,00 I. Any other entitlement application required by the Department of Community Development shall be filed co,icurrently with this form. The following information shall also accompany this EnvarotunencalAssessment Form: A. Dimensioned site plan, floor plan and elevations (as applicable), including at minimw;- 1. North arrow and scale of drawing. 2. Location of structures, both existing and proposed, and adjacent streets. Sow footprint of structures on adjacent property. Location, type ana size of existing trees and vegetation, and note whether trees rx vegetation will remain or be removed. 4. Parking layout and means of access from adjacent streets. 5. Proposed landscaping and existing or proposed walls and. fences. B. Photographs of the area in sufficient detail to depict existing physical conditions in the project area. C, Please attach copies of any special studies that have been prepared with regard to this project or the pr site. Examples would include: archaeological survey, biological survey, noise study, geotechnical report, soils report, traffic analysis , et,;. If not provtied, these studies nay be required to complete the initial study. Date Received: EA Number: Concurrent Entitlements: Previous Entitlements: Assessor 's Parcel No: COMMENTS: f FOR CITY USE ONLY Check if applicable: Flood Zone Red velopment Area Alquistrl'ridlo Zone Methane Overlay Coastal Zone . _ _.Oil Overlay Zone Historical District DM. Zone, Gen. Plan: g.\ttrrnslealnstr:doc CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Name of Property Own : Address: City: ter State: Zip: 'rTelephone:- & ,Li ° / 2. Name of Authorized Agent: Address: City: Telephone: State:_Zip: List any other related permits or ap provals required from Agencies other than City of Huntinf. ton Beach, i.e., Caltrans, Coastal Commission: TYPE OF PERMIT AGENCY IF APPROVED, GIVE DATE 4. Is the proposal part of a largr r project or series of projects? A `U If so, describe the proposal's relationship to the project or series of projects:r LOCATION OF PROJE CT: 6. Proj t site is located on the north, south . est :ei cle one) side of -4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 7. Site Sizt: streets. gross acres/square feet. net acres/square feet, What is the surrounding land use to the North: __:, ;44 South: East: West: between"`and g:v.foms`,eainstr.doc FOR RESIDENTIAL =PROJECTS: (IF PROJECT IS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL, SKIP TO ITEM 15) 9. Number. of iots and/or dwelling units: 10. Maxirru'm building height and number of stories: 11. Amount and type of off-street parking proposed: 12. Describe any recreational facilities to be provided: 13. Describe the proposed scheduling or phasing of the project: r14. What per-! ntaae of the project site will be covered by: Paving: % Building: % Landscaping; FOR COM=MERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL OR. INSTITUTIONAL Y-ROJ ECTS (IF PROJECT IS RESIDENTIAL, SKIP TO ITEM 28) 15. Describe the types of uses and/or activities proposed: 16. Size of each proposed building: (In gross square feet): 17. Number of buildings proposed: S. Maximum building height and number of stories: 19. Amount and type of offstzeet parking prop:' •ed: 20. Projected numb er of employees: Total: per shirt 21. Maximum occupancy of building(s): 22. What will be the days and hours of operation: 23. Describe the proposed scheduling or phasing of the project: 24. Fair restam'ants, amount of seats there will there be: If outdoor seatiu is proposed, amount of outdoor square footage: g:Vbnn! `.eainstr doe 25. What uercer.cage of the project site will be covered by: Paving:-% Building: , % Landscaping: 26, What is the distance of the project from the nearest- 2c? ool: Hospital: Convalescent Hospital: Park or Recreation Facility: 27. Does the project in'-,'lve the, handling, manufacture, storage, transport or disposal of any toxic, flammable or hazardous substance? If so, please, describe and indicate what safety measures hay e been incorporated into the project: ENVIRONMENTAL M PACTS: 28, If improvements are to be demolished by the project, please outline them on the site plan and describe them briefly: ^,1 ' 29. Will the project potentially affect a historic structure or object in any way? please describe: 30. List any potential noise sources which could affect the site (i. equipment, machinery, etc,): °t` If so, , roadways, freeways, 31. Describe any noise that will be produced by the project o.uring construction and after project is completed: x - , , 32, Will the project incorporate outdoor lighting?4/ If so, indicate location and source on the site plan. 33. Estimate the average n 7mber of daily vehicle trips (ALIT) generated by the project site currently: After dev6 opment: 34. List type and quantity of any air pollutants the, the project will emir: Describe the type and source of any odes that may emanate from the project or si 36. If the drainage from the project will not be discharged into an existing piblic storm water drainage system, please describe how it will be accommodated: /U ! g:\i'orms\eainstr.doc 37.Has the project site been previously graded?. If so, percent- 38, What percentage of the site will be graded as part of this project?!! 39. Volume of cutting: lii--' cubic yards; maximum cut slope ratio will be 1* reet.maximum fill slope height will be 40. Volum :; of fill : ,ti` cubic yards; ma ' um fill slope ratio will be maximum fill sloe height will be 7r feet. 41. Does the cut and fill volume balance?/L If not, how will impordexport be handled? How long will grading activities occur?A)days/months. 42, Identify species of plants and animals that are found on the site, and describe any areas of vegetation to be removed (to be shown on accompanying site plan)`M' °_ 43. Ho y! will drainage for the project be accommodated? 7 ,-4-A-60 ;, 44. What is the distance to the nearest 1'.,;ach, channel waterway, wetland, degraded wetland or inland water area? /.aa Describe how the project may affect any body of orate:; 45. What is the Flood Insurance Rate Map dh )ignatirsn on the site? If the site is in a floodplain, describe the method of fioodprooi i.ng, and impacts of such floodproofing on adjacent property : (A hydrology study may be required) 46, Will the proj :ect require installation or replacement of water lines? Approximately ho' many gallons of water per day the project will use? 47. Will the project require installation or replacement of sewer lines? Approximately how many gallons of sewage? - - L ,gallons 48. Describe the type and amount (pounds per day) of solid waste generated by the proj;:ct: VI P A , 49. Will any residential occupants be displaced by the project?-A& MITIG ? TION AND CONSER VATION MEASURES: 50.What measures have been incorporated ir.to the project, beyond what is required by existing codes and standards, to: (a) Minim ize erosion and siltation during construction of the project? N1 After completion?:-3 IC Minimize dust during construction of the project? Minimize noise during construction of the project! After completion? ' (d) Minimize air pollution emissions? (e)Protect, e:xihance o conserve energy, non-renewarple resources, wdrer, vegetation, wildlife, aesthetic quality, views , etc.? .! A CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to be the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge or :relief, Date .-...Print,Vane of Preparer Signature of Preparer Print N e of Property Owner or Agth zed Agent Y {Signature-ofProperty Owner or Authorized Agent g;lfornisleainstndoc City of I unting,tion Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92643 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Fhor e Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1 64 March, -9, 1999 Philp Talbert Scott Salkin 1815 Pine St. Huntington Beach, CA 32648 ENTITLEMENT(S): Variance 99-8 Tentative Parcel Map 99-133 PROJECT ADDRESS : 1815 Pine Street PROPERTY OWNER: Philip Talbert Scott Sa lkin DATE RECEIVED AT ZONING COUNTER: March 24, 1999 PROJECT PLANNER: Victor Van Zandl Dear Applicant: Thank you for submitting your entitlement(s) to the City ofHantington Be,li, Community Development Department, The Project Planner indicated above is assigned, to processing your entitlement(s). The Project r canner is responsible for., • Reviewing your entitle! ent(s) for completeness; •Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code and applicable City Or, din-races; Evaluating the project for conformance with the General Plan; • Preparation of environmental documents pursuant to the California Environmental Qua1 ty Act (CEQA); Obtaining other City department's comments relative to he project; Analyzing the site plan layout and., if applicable, the fl a-rplans and elevations; Evaluating the project for compatibility with, and potential impacts to, surrounding uses/structures; Coordinating issues rc -d to the Fire Dept., Public! Works Dcpf., Bfiiiding Division. etc.; Scheduling the project for a public hearing; * Preparing a recommendation(approval/denial) with findings and conditions; ?jd • Assisting you with any follow-up actions and/or conditions of approval. A letter will be sent to you regarding the statuslcOmpleteness ofyour entitlement(s), or yo-Jr pending hearing date, within four weeks. The letter will, indicate either additional inform, lion is required (e.g., revised plans, supplemental plans, environmental information, additional entitlerfi-ents, etc.), or that the planner is continuing to process your entitlement(s) and that, you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a Zoning Administrator, Planning Cornrni.ssion, andlor Design Review Boardhea-ing. If'the project is sucect to Planning Commissic'nreview, a staff report will be prepared with your maps and supplemental information attached; no written staffreports at ; prepared for Zoning Administrator or Design Review Board action. Generally, the total processing time (from submittal to final action by the r ,-,viewing body and expiration of the appeal period) is two (2) to three (3) months for Zoning .Administrator action, four (4) to six (6) months for Planning Commission action, and one (1) month for Design Review Board action, depending upon the complexity of your project, When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative Maps, or prepay on of environmental document are involved, a longer processing time is necessary. Please direct all of your quest=ons and comznunicetions to the Project Planner using the entitlement number(s) assigned to your rase. You Should contact the Project Planner at :x'141536=5271 to discuss any concerns ycu may have regarding your pDaject_ Should yo.i have any conmaeats or need additional clarification, please contact meat the same number, Thank you. Sincer yr, r Scott Hess, AICP Serdo . Planner Current Planning Seckion. cc, Property Owner Project Pile (g:kihi:forms:entltr)