HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1988004 - Signed Applicationa ii HUNTINGTON UEACH SUBDIVISION ANP1ICAT10N: Pla zsrr'Q f'OSt l Scior, Zoning Administrator -,TALDEN & ASSC IATES Applicant or Authorized Agent 18012 Cowan, Suite 210, Irvine, CA Mailing Address (714 ) 660--0110 1 _ }Telephone Number SEACLIFE ESTATES Property Owner 18012 Cowan, Snit. 200 Irvine, CA 92714 Mailing Address Sale Subdivider Mailing Address WALDEN & ASSOCIATES Engineer 18012 Cowen, Suite 211, Irvine, CA 9,2714 Mailing Mdress {714 } 660-0110 Telephone Number I City of Huntington Beach bepartluent of Community Developmen( 2000 Main S{reet Huntington Beach, CA,.264S (714) 536-527) flf.Present Zone Gene? al Plan Designation ENTTfLEMNT Tentative P arcel Man I Tentative Tr c M N ri Linestment M LL- Environmantal Ex Lrlpt EIR 1P I FCc' CASE NUMBER. TPH LLA FAQ Zone Flood Zone Oil District Redev,l opment Area A1quist Priolo Area Cate Rece;*red Coastal Area: Yeses Exel. pt COP, Cate arieal C olus` n ki` 0wne ship Verifit;.titra " pplida,nt of Authorization Aeceipe -Map-W1 Concurrent Cas Tsui o a!NasN"%- 1 r- V111141 REQUEST: To adjust existing lot line betweef,Lo LO ATION OF PR PE'i°` o Street address o Name and d;4tance to neare t intersecting stree U -GAL DE RIPTION: o Assessor's Parcel Number Tract .10069 023-351-03, Block Section Township Range, Acreage.T ;, Seacliff 'Estates 66 have read and understood all statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application . I am the property owner of the subject property, I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts , and attachments are true and correct. I und,irsta.Ad that this application for subdivision may be denied, modified or approved with conditions and that such eoikdi ti ons most be col pl ied jai t# prior to submittal of t a sinel map and prior to issuance of bui`4ing, pernni ts. ` hereby authorize , ,' gal n anti Asspc3.ate.s . to act as myi represontative and to bind m e in all matters concerningthis appl Iona Please Print Your Name Signature of: o ert Ow s 66 and 67 of Tract No, 10069, '-04/37-43 , M.M. Da 8 7/14/f A hor z d Agent Date zgr'k^.rrti RE UIRED OF ALL APPLICATIONS, . ,1 This application must be typed or printed : and' filled in doinpletely, t, f) If the .applicant is not the property owner, the property owner loll designate the applicant to act on his behalf and sign this application. 3. Tentative Parcel Maps require six (6) copies of the tentative map and Lot Lire Adjustments require six (6) copies on the prescribed form available a; the Zoning -Counter,' which shall be submitted for review and approval by the Zoning Admini.,atorW 4, Tentative Tract maps require 'twenty: (24) 181'' x 26" copies and two (2) R-1/211 x 14" eopie , of the map drawn to a scale not less than one inch equals it feet (1" - 10111), which shall be submittedfor review and approval by the Planning Commission, 5 iPole all plans to a:maximum size . -112° x 14" (lowerriaiit print side gut) Photugraphs of the subject property. 7. A written narrative shall accompany this application and will include thofollowing information: (a) Existing use or uses of the property and present zoning.(b) Proposed use of property, If property is propnsed to be used for more than onepurpose, 0earea, lots or lot proposed for each type of use shall bo shown on the tentative map, (c) Statement of the improvements end public utilities including water supply and wage disposal, proposed to be made o-, install-ed and the time at which uc(i improvem0i ts are proposed to,be completed. (d) Public areas proposed. (e) Tree planting proposed, (f) Restrictive covenants proposed: The tentative map shall contain the following Information (a) The subdivision name and/or number, date, north point, scal€ and sufficient description to define the location and, boundaries of the proposedsubdivision, (b) Name and address of record owner or owners of said subdivi s k w,Qs (c) Name And address of the subdivider (d) Name, b asiness address ;and number of the registered engineer, or licensed surveyorlowho prepared ,yap of said subdivision, (e) Elevations or contours at intervals or two (2) feat. up to five (51 percent grada, give fly(?" (5) feet up to ten (10) percent grack, And ten (10) feed over t n (1f1) izerce ,t gr9sdr, to determ ne slope of the land and the high and low pownts thereof, on] c s approval q }ohta ne4 from the City Engineer +t allow greater interval;. (f) The 1ocatiohs, names, widths and approximate grades of 411 roads, stvrcots, hiyh,ays, ways and locations of existing streets in the prcpesid s,jbdivi ion and lung the baurnnarles thereof. (9) The location and chara:tor of all exiting or proposed public utility facilities in said adjoining and contiguous highway.-. streets and ways. ih) The approximate 'widths, location and purpose of all existing or , proposed easements and contiguous to the p roposed subdivision. (i) APpro:,imate lot payout and approximate dimensions of each lot and each to be numbercd !j) The outline of any existing buildings tc remain in place and their location in relation to existing orproposed street and lot lines,(k) If the subdivision is within a known oil field the map shall include the lota.tion of all existing oil wells and a ppurtenances and a plan of their disposition or treatment including abandonment , underground placement , screening , fencing, landscaping , corversion of pumping units, etc. Such plan shall include disposition of treatment of all future wells, drill sites and operations, Such plan shall also' include the written concurrence of the oillessee or operator concerned. 9. All decisions by the Zoning k4'nlnistrator and the Plant ;ng Commission are final unless Appealed within ten (10) days of such decision and shall be in writing specifying the ars1s of aggrieve,toni:, 10. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative map or tentative parcel map shall exoire twenty-four (24).mo.nths from the date the map was approved or conditionally approved. The eapi.ra- tion of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall terminate all proceedings. Any subsequent subdivision of the same real property shall re4ui:-o the filing and processing of a ncw map. 11. Extension on tentative maps and tentative parcel maps. (a) The subdivider filing a tentative map or tentative parse' map may requoat an extension of the tentative map or tentative parcel map -approval by written application to the gepartmoot of Community Development, such application to be filed at least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved map. The application shall state the reasons for the requested extension, In grating an extension, new conditions and exactions may be imposed and exiting conditions may be revised, (b) An extension(s) or tentative map it tentative parcel. map approval or conditional approval may, be' extended by the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission or "ity Council for a not to exceed one year, with a max-,rum of three (3) one-year extq.siins of tame, The extension of time shall cotmien,we with the expiration date of the approved or condi- tior,ally app-oved tentative map or tentative parcel map . T he approved new date shoji not extend more than ive (5) years beyond the date of initial approval Note: Completion of this application does not presume approval of the subdivision. Such approval is discretionary with the Zoning Admir^' `rater or the Planning Catmiission. The Zoning +dniftistrator or Connission may deny, modify or ppruve the subdivision with conditions, {tt2'SQ)