HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1989003 - Supporting Documents61P X. -5rw fo 136K /?a REEOi>= )Rm a 4S M SIGNED DATP SuBJE.c i L>7 ,-.`lam SEND PARTS , AND 3 INTACT PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. AND WHEN RECORLED MAIL THIS DEED` OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL ;AX S, NAMEridr. John T. Fisher str7Ur CITYsrnre711'1 . _w,..--SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE FOR RECORDER'S USE computed on full value less "volut of liens or enc L,Enbrances remalnirtg at tlrne of s+ le F3 Unlncc„pomted area: 'City and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Ms, Deborah A. Cook 6691. Si,etland Circle 'T.:+Vk.ESS ;IENrT TO :''ti II:t Huntington Beact„ CA 926118 Rec 1 of the request of r!DEUTY NATIONAL TITLE INS. CO. q:CI) AUG 1 0 1989 A.M.Official Records Orange County, California tit e2 r-13 RccrJer PAID DOC i MMFFR TAX THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOE<ta) DI=CLARE(s)1E A arWWCH DOCUMENTARY TRANSER TAX is $ :31t .2_i._.041^If Ra011CFf4C;l f C FAX $ T cy). DK.Q computed on full value of property conveyed. or GRANT DEED GRNE N. HILL and GHRI L. HIT,!_ Husband and IJIt:c aaa .Joint Tenranth hereby GRANT(s) to JOHN T. FISHER ; nd DEBORAH A. COOK, Uuslband and F;1ic a5, joint 'Icma l °1-'y c4- the followirg ,ribed real property in the Huntlnhtau Beach County of Orange NO t1'Y'r if fait#Ih 51AttF.OJ S2I III Store of Californirr That portion of Lot 1 of Tx•ar-t NNxow 11471, in t1r,a of OrangE, Snare of California,as per snap rcc; ' r+led It? tloub t2ts,T',a;es 1",' through 14 of Miscellaneous ;taps, in the office of the Lounty Recorder of siild County described as follows; Begi.nni.axg at the Northwest Groner oif raid Lot 1, Thence .r, .h O Off 16" oa1''t 1P19.62 feet; Theivr e north 39° 20' 01" east, 108.29 teet. to the beginning of r r TTa,.r at curve concaNa nort. ,asterly having a ,adieus o;t '15.50 feet; "xence nr}ati -raoteril along said curve an f.rc lenth of 26, 95 feet through a ce,ttraa angle i'f 43'2to the point of a reverse curve concave nra : h-.. , ter1y having a rndioa.rt4 of 00 feet, Thence north-westerly along said curve as or o lenth of 46.17 feet ti s'='ttl,lx a central angle of 26° 33' 58" to the pc tic ut he ,irrTx.irl , STATE ar CAUFORNMA CO!INTY OF " . ..3 f t M aG tir `=w7On unders1gned , a Nobdryrdbliic I,I a.rd Tor r. yd se, k,, _ j 1 w,. r(IP)ra FOP Iho aofl th•;, appyrenl ;.. „ Tiarrcinglly known to me (e proved to me an the basis of s all lactary eadanra) to be thepersar s " whose name F .... auascripecr ro the v tnn Insrrument and ocknawredged that.-3 Executed the some WITNESS my hand and olfIclal sear I RJ£;:T L n'':x\L 7P',h'IgY i'r 1t L`:a i ,•' ;API r'1 t:s r r ti._ t 'B L T "E 67 f.45 ENT1167. GSSy30512 1,0000 U* 116- 7.6; 15 .1, -IT. 3 2E0 EUTI' 21..0r3.2,0 U3 x*. .,ir. L.Qr 11t /O LTSOE 1 1b. 2_9t•O **.t Itt3 .9`3. NP-6664 -f-** 4?.23@@9 ENT1 3,2900 GOO 227-2339 **41, S7, 5"UO ;SBE 6 . 6100 3OCQO **:p 11336.17 i2 ,.':* e+66.9473 $:*: 2; , 2310 E14T-t 4-0066 G00 33 365(1 133.f 130 GSSE 1 3,29t3C f*# 5 r+ 1151, 5. GG1 357 s O, 3E541 EUTI- 11IiBUO GSBS 62, 3656 "* 23.4100 GSBE 23.448d Z -LA g1 5, 00000 5314 t4.1, 116 '.305&10r_. GG0L GSE'E 62c.44C *.#*3a {z0 EnyTt 'L. 0L 96 GS6G 111,p0n3 4** $9c63 I G. ROM 4": {fl { 701.." 35 5000 CSSE 3>,5liL1 44:1: 11, LlNP1 1;'Q'-J706 *:d4 4. 00i 3 C-85 B 13.3644 EI{11 2.U,80 &SPP 355, 1044 t*r`15 .5+'0 .i F8E i66-2-116 A l+ 153.. 51.00 35. i"+Ot0 6SB.• 35,5?30 ;:?E 110'4.4925***1:.C'T00Q *t 6;, 1e44 ENT1 1,06@0 .GSEO B ,10,4 * 11611.661"s 6 T, 3021 44* 1• R4 RI L S.Nd 13.14 L O 1<SSE 13,14 '*-I 6 4.1.}411 11Btii. a. 76.9'52 a 6, 4916 ENTI . Ga0 'SEC' 13. We 119.11344 t:ft, 1 06. G0..,GSBE i13 4.6911* . 711;.4253'•' 3.33A4 EHT1` 1:6060 E">f3N. 6344.440@ El 546h 2 'Q0 472, 36130 1005'.. 316c Iv I PnP.Z k:f: 1SS ".44 GGC'.01300 656E 66, O)60 *ts `,_Ova *: 1065!993: ** 499.0542 $ B9.1 .44 EN 3, 0,906CSEC~ 269.11744 lt* 95.00Gi36 t SE: 4 .6090 :c# a. O0 CC,j- . 1964.631:; **4 964. +3639 4- 19.402 5 EHT-f , 15s . ,7001 G:wL E 151 l u f Ili ?n •f * *lt 1181.053:1::. 6i ,49 .11 4** `".3636 EHT1 4.01370 0556 30j. " 92 35. 5900 C;SBE 5.63C0 $: ' . 1^E=,i 3.3644 EITI CWT CaBB x1167 . i5 x 5 rk*4. C. 9.2003 OUT 4., !1EE i GSSR •t .?9Ob C60E * .10P.2300 1083.913.3 ;** '74'a. 665 47.2309 PIi1' 3a0000 X5130 .'.., ,1.44J19 y Sri 5 611 CS6E 67.5500 * . 995. LIC41 4 65:.1n0 69.104 E14 TT 1, 0000 E;SB3 8.0013 i 1039.1732 ** 6622.9471 t 1.174!1;1 ti. 03O Q=• 46.3300 086E 46. -j706 uu* 347,00 059E 3 41 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION TO Office of Planribig and research 1400 Tenth Street, Rr..:ar 121 cramentot CA 95814 County Clerk Couity of s c Le Line Adjustment No. 89-3 1 o Oct tie 6692 Shetland Circle oect &vit c p c Huntington Beach Orange n Beach LA 4 t Location-City Prryect ocation-County ame of rsb n or Agency Carrying 0;i Project City o f Huntington Beach are of u c Agency Approving reject Zoning Administrator Descriptic'n of Nature, Purpose,and Beneficiaries of Project Ralocl :i ou of the side yard property line.. xe }p' tatusi Check One Reas lrlsterial (Sec. 15073) Declared Emergency (Sec. 15071 a) Emergency Project (Sec. 15071 (h) and (c)) C,,tegorical Exemption. State type and se 1. -1 w y pro ect is exempt. C nt xct er on if n number. :area Code Telephone Extensk: n 1 e y app! cant. 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. Z Has a notice of exempt Ion been filed by the publicthe project? Yes NO Date Received for Filing Signature Title FROM: (Public Agency) gency approving I Revised January 1985 LOT LINE AD JJJSTMENT NO, 89-3 SUGGESTED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: TO 1)E COMPLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SAID PARCEL(S) FOR ANY PURPOSE: 1. The Plat Mep received i)y the Department of Community Development on July 13, 1989 shall be the ',approved layout. 2. Monuments for the newly established lot configuration shall be readjusted in compliance with tae State Subdivision Map Act. A copy of the recorded -+arcel map shall be, filed with the Department of Commw. ity Development. 'P'MENT REVI^CW REQUEST TO : FROM: DATE: PETIT ION(S) L REQUEST(S )A_._ M ti--EXT.. j LOCATION: q ti ZONE: GENLRAL PLAN 6 EXISTI NG USE: I DATE ACCEPTED: MANDATORY PROCESSING DATE: Pleits e, submit your concerns and rece-,nmended solutions i.r> wr .t .xng' 1n or Itl fore __" f A 0n 71 (lc Trite rtnvent ai RLVie4: Final Planni r t Revi e w-, Subdivisio n `cxn-nittee PPIannir C"ssacn:_ COMMENTS: (Use Attachments if necessary) Response submitted by .- ate: Attachments, !\9. 7/'/ JLor K TRACT TROTTER /41P, /a DRI VE 298.30' 4 7 G3' 6/.39' /'3 8 /89.49' TRACT N0.11473 MM 526-12,13,14 TRACT NO.11805 MM 527-1 TO 4 /Nc 119:9,/6 74.44 I Sb. bd iPd 39 2° 28.50,$BY24vz525LOT/ eSHIRE +'h LOT E 16.50 Gd. 0 &5.59 i 27.5G 5o.c8` N 7679 22 94' TRACT 240 3 16• Z.a(LOT C.I Bb.g7 '/6.57 i CIRCLE ,a''rLOT C 14.5634 :22 2.3 to ti• / 347.91' 227.,8 5 /go' NO 11473 95