HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1989003 - PlansAPPLICATION l'c LOT LINE ADJU :`f MENT RECORD OG'NERS ,PARCEL 2 NAME: JOHN T. FISfIER. & DEBORAH A. COOK GENE N. HILL & GERI L. HILL ADDRESS. 6692 SHETL.AND CI.- LT:L._,6731 HE'"LAND CIRCLE HUNTINGTON BEACH CA. 92648 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA. 92648 STATE OF C 1ORNT z;,) COUNTYOF O1NNGE ti 11 'O x 7a-xis d-w of 1--b f x;fir.3 N P tic in and f skl Cir:OWujtj z teel,, prsonalya ec r /1-1 ass v - to m to be the City 1 er ofthe city of Huntl ngton head- the municipal oor rat4 - that epowithin instrument, known to to be th ;person tat to e cu 3 the within irstxv: nt or behalf of said municipal cx oration and awkz ledged to me that sudimu icin pal corporation exected th.ue svn*. DAYTI LE PfiONE : PARGE' 842-,187;( 714 PARCEL 3 NAME : ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE. ( 714 ) 842-3937 ('V{JWe) hereby c_erti.fy thai 1) (J r,nt/w-e are) the record .or adjustment by this applicatio n , 2) ( /wi.a have kno (if this application, and 3) the .nformation submitted is true and,,correct 1 Signatrre(s) of owner(s) T P rcc1 1 PARCEL + owner "s) of all parcels propas: i ,ledge of and consent to the ponrectkonA Witten this cppl cawior APPLICATiQ.tl FOR,, LOT LINE ADJUS ` \4ENT MCORD OWNERS:PARGE' 1 JOHN T. FISHER & DEBORAH A. COOK AD RESS :6692 SH =A, ,F.L_,______ HUNTINGTON BEACH CA. 92648_ 1)AY'C.1ME ( 714 )842-1878PHONE: DAYTIME PHONE: for adjustment by this application, 2) ( wt:;`,have %nowledge o and consent to the of this a,iplicatiora, and 3;1 rha information submitted i Ocnnect on with this pplic•,a:ior PARCEL, 2 GENE, J .HILT & GERX L. HILL 673? HET"LANC CIP:CLE T INTTNGTON BEACH CA., 92648 ,('WW) hereby certify that 1) ( Rm/we are) the record owner(s) of all Parcels propos.-:'_ is true and/ cori'.ect, AIM)} ESS DAYTYH RHfNS'• &T E RF.C:EIVED LM USE ELEMENT' DESIGNATION BOARD Or ZONING AGUS`fiE DATE LOT _11. ADJUSTMENT OWtrCRS {LEGAL DESCIIPTIOitS) EXISTING EYISTI1vG f'AkCCL AP NUMBER JOHN T . FISHER & DEBORAH A. COOK GENE N. HILL GERI L HILL PARCEL 1 159-35-352-19 ( LC)T25 `SR 11805 )___ 159-35-352-18 LOT 1 TR . 1147 PROPOSED PARCELS REFF RED?CE NUMBE; PARCEL I _ P ART E L "Lot 25 of Tract No. 1.1805 as . hown on a Map , r'eco ded in Book 527rPages through 4 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, State of having a North-We; teriy along said curve 26.95 Feet Inc=rerae Curve r thou s of 100-00 Feet;T :r-:nce an arc length of 46.31 central angle of 26° 33 58"to the Point in Book 526, Pages 12 through 14 of,Niscelianeous taps, z ecords o 4 Orange County described as follows Beginning at the Northwest Corner of s aid Lot 1, Thence S 00 491 1.6" I California,alongwith that portion of Lot I of Tract No. 11473 recorded 100.52 Feet; Thence N 390 20; 03" F 108. 29 Feet to the beginning o- a tangent curse co;;cave 14orth-Easterly 11 ;zing a radious of 35.50 Feet;; :t Thence North-Easterly along said curve an arc length of through a central angle of 430 29'58 0 to the 'oint of a Lot 1 of Tract No. 11473 as shown on a Map record 12 through 14 of Miscellaneous Maps, record. of Ora .of California 100.62 Feet; Thence N 390 20' 03' E7 108.291 Feet to the beginning EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described parcel of La ect through a Beginning at the Northwest Corner of said Lot. 1: Thennc : S 0° 49 a tangentcurve concave North-Rasterly having a radious of 35.50 Feet; Thence North-Easterly along said cu.:ve an are 1eligth of 2665,5 Feet througha central angle of 43C 291 5:9" to the Point of a reverse ourv concave North-Westerly having a rad.ious of 100.00 Feet;-Thence ,NorthWesterly along said curve an arc length of ,46.37 Feet through central angle of 260 33' 58" to the point of _Boginnif LOT LINE A JU ! .T E OWNERS J 0 HN T. FSNER' /3 1310Rtigff A,CddK 6 EJV5 N, HILLc CE,r?I L_ f/ILL N I5CAE/ d'` EXISTING PARCELS AP N` JMEER /59-35-.352-/7 +(L o7' 05 /,'8 d 6) ('17,'7.2 /147 ) -,FIN :,o tljl lU'. ir.JVI,r- I ;NP! - d/I_r ' ROPOSED PARCELS icEFERENCE NUMBER iv ,?9o/0 -f#2--!774' NS A14` l • S' no 1v s 14A'# -17 1 C7- / /1ZZ Z,!'6 4 1, 7/2 - `X,' /f./ t1 &1411)1 40"Iiye 11473 L,'L/,4 &V/mpL , ` SITE PLAN LOT OJNERS EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBER LINE ADJUSTM ENT NO. LL '---. .Jul-IA! ? cacti . t /1«G -35- 352-/9 eld 29 7-9. 1160-5 (LOT/7R11473 1- SC E' /o k N 1 l z 10 33' B 4 06'3Z" 26 55" 30 12 30 •. 4351 // 3q4535-47 7) ?RODOS:D i AKCELS Ri F RF,NCE 1NBER 2 36'f4,L i c7 /Mo Ac !/ 73 /53.56' /. % AM.4 Melad" /dd.`.41dr 53 O' 35,5J'26. 55 .36 5,0' 24-72 70, 4,T 79,8z F tGJ"'APPLICATI ON F.OI RECORD Oti'NERS: PARCE' 1 PARCEL 2 NAME: JOHN T. FISHER & DEBORAH A. COOK GENE' N. HILL & Gf Rl L_ HILL AD RESS :6592 _ SHE T LAND CIRCLE 6731 HE 'LAUD CIRCLE HUNTINGTON BEACH CA. 92.648 IIUNTINGTON BEACH CA. 92648 DAYTIME 714 )842-1873PHONE -714 ) 842-3937 PARCEL s+ NAME: ADDRESS DAYT IHE PHONE: (` /tde ) hereby certify that 1)(,,j r1/we are) the r e cord owner (s)of al l parcels propos-.r for adjustment . by this application, 2) (ZWt ? have knowledge of and consent to the or this app1icariar, . and ) the infoccnauion submitted /connection wit'a this spppl,ic:a-inr is Crue and , correct, Vi _- 91 LOT LINE ADJ U 1` E N T Signature (s) of owner (q)of r ircel, 1. ,S.gnature(s) of owner(s) Parcel 3 ,OTACT PERSON:INDER JIT CH, UHAN AD,')KESS: 2140 WEST CHAPMAN AVENUE STE,: 104 C7R1 N:QL DAYTIME PHON'. E :714 )C?4-8270 DATE RECEIVED ,LA;+D USE N'..EMENT DESIGNATION _ 1L XONINC AY NUMBERS- SUMSW OFFICE V.SE ONLY C,E.C,.A. STATUS CIT.; ENGINEER 3OARD OF ZONING SAOJUSTME DATE: EC PFED `A i OWNERS LOT JOHN T. FISHER & DEBORAH A. COOK GENE N. i:ILL GERI L. MILL PARCEL 1 Orange County described as follows Beginning at the Northwest Corner of sai ADJUSTMENT (LEGAL DESC:RI1 TIOij$) EXISTING PARCGL4 PROPOSED PARCLLS AP ML`113ER REFERENCE NWIBER '59-35-352-19 LOT 25 TR. 11805 159-35y -352-18 ( LOT 1 TO. 11473 } .Lot 25 of Tract No. 11805 as sliown on a Map recorded in Book 527, Pages!I 1 through 4 of Miscellaneous Mapn,records of Orange County, State of Calife.rnia,alongwith that portion of Lot I of Tract No. 11473 recorded in Book 526,,F ages 12 through 14 of Miscellaneous Maps ,records of 100.62 Feet; Thence N 3°0 201 03" B a tangent curve concave North--Caste Thence North-Easterly along said through a central angle of 430 29 PARCEL 1 PARCEL. 2 at 1; Thence S 00 49'16"" , 1.08.29 Feet to the beginning of y havi ng a radiouj of 35.50 Fe3t;l ve an arc length of 26.95 Feet concave North-Westerly having a radious North-Westerly along said curve an arc '58ucentral angle of 26° 33 PARCEL 2 12 through 14 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, to the Point of Point of a Reverse Curve 0.00 Feet; Thence of 4637 Feet through a Eeginning Lot 1 of Tract No. 11473 as shown on a Map recorded in Book .oC California EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following desc ribed parcel of Land Beginning at the Northwest Corner of said Lot 1: Thence S 00 49" 16" 100.62 Feet;Thence N 390 20` 03" B, 108.29 Feet to the beginni tangentr ;urve cci,cave North-Easterl y havi ng a radious Thence No;;th-.Esterl- along said curve an ar "to the Pthrougha central angle of 430 29 58 9 of Feet; ength of 2695 Feet int of a reverse cur concave worth -,W steriy having a r'aa3i.ous of 100.00 Feet; -Thence Nor h.47esterly a1orcc" sa,d curve an a_c length of 46.37 Feet throu central angle of 26°33` 58" to the point gi Beginning (