HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR1999001 - Signed Application01 POR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Present Zone 5)0 DM General Plan Designmtion G-- ---, I HUNTINGTO?N REACH City of Huntington Beach L.;partment of Community Development 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (7I4) f:6-5271 GENERAL APPLICATION: Planning Commission Zoning Adtn;nlstrator Stiff Review Desigl Review Applicant or tvifhori d Agent Mailing Address City Telephone ?4ur6er Property Owner T 1 }1 SFEE 'NT IT SPELL CASE It Coastal Devclo ment Permit CDP Conditional Use Pet snit CUP Desi,n Review URB Entitlement Plan Amendment EPA General Plan Amendment GPA I Limited Si n Permit LSP J Planned Si n Pro ram PSP Prec. Plan Stret;t Alm PPSA Special Sign Permit SSs Tem of j v_ Use Permit Variance Zoning Man Ame dmeiit Zonin Text Am::::dn},ent TUP V ZMA ZTA Other Environmental Review',_Exempt Sec. Class Flood Zone l arthqu ;ke Fault Zone Oil District Mekane District Sc;rdc Corridlr Redevelopment Area NoiseICNEL Seismic, Hazard Zone Coastal Area Yes NCi , Pursuant to: Categorical Exclusion Exempt Sec. Appeal._Non. App.In Lieu o Mailing Address City Telephone Number Zip Ri .. ESTT (Use additional c e i necessa : Existing Uses LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OI, PROPERTY, 4D Street Address: -.-Ownership Verification Applicant Authorization -L-plans 'Notification tkeq, Date ez ived Receipt if Received by _ Project Planner T`a>`rrative & Hazardous Site letter Concurrent Cases: '" P'botographs/Slides Entertainment Permit g'' Map Book Log Previous Cases; ;Computer Log Plans Date Stcmped t Assessor's Parcel Number: Acreages '7_ _Block; Lot, (Property Owner), have read and understood all statements including the Whig require ncnts on the reverse side of this application. I aain ilie property owner of tlio subiect propcrcy, I hereby ntfirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing stutontonts, feeds and nttncl; tent ro true Pnd correct. I understand that this applkr atlon for sntlt'lcment or variance may be denied, Modified or approved with o` rdl"€lon iltntsuch conditions or niodlticnttonn must be saiiatIad prior to issuance of building permits, I hereby authorize representative an bind,e- In ea: matters concerning this appltcntlo Signature of ° r porn Owner Dato rV (6&JIft to net as my Authorized Agcat Vale W '4PNr,T0N BEACH CITY OF HUrM CON l EACH PLANNINO,*)EPARr ENT PLANNING AND pNING `P1Af\l CHECK Plan.Che .e r 7 _77 Date tJob dress. Entitii a en .1Va(s;}, Review Body. P lanning Commission Zonlog,,A drniW. _t T Proposed Use Expiration Date las; Board , StE Dkectr3s 1. Legal D6smtption.` L6'. 13f'ock Tratt "7 Z2. Assessor's Parcel Number (s) 1:5' ` DM.. of General Plan Designation General Plan Sub Ar ,RegQtvments3. L 4. Existing l ,ct Size Dedicat(on Required YesfNo (alley, corner sfreel}',Y4et:Lot SiteGt_ 5. ProposedTotalbuil]fngFloorArea P.roposed,NumberUnits 6 Environmental Sl 1ti Study required? Y Exempt (se-_lass ) EALEIR number T: Coastal Zone: "Y? O, Nppealabl&Nonappealable area Exempt . Categorical exclusion (sec caass 8, "SpecialAreas (circle if applicable) esfdential lrifil Noise Contour Design Overlay Redevelopment Earth quake Flood Oil ivfaihalle eismi ,AAA Hisfonr in Check per H2 zoning and Subdivislor Ordinance aid Gonerai PIan Mieimumsullairfd SROt7e WrQiY anus Arta (sq, ft,) Widtth(ft,) wul d5tigtCorite r :sr ' rtlr Setbacks,, r S(M etvtde -ft t Glow, -,6,990 2 50G.;...6,000 60, 45 dry t ( °r1, 2, 6;10 pnone: (714)536 27 1 or PtanChel err. 'Plan Dats Adc(tftan pi«vislar 6,000' 10 0a. (t))(13)(0) 45 45 F10 e 35 35 35 15 15 15 1t1 0,222 2,904 50 50 :... Regtisced Gumman Private Lots'50;"net rItssirtvndth=1unitper25.feetn:`l rfags. Lotsgrftnter than tO teat in Vdctth Unit pew 1,900 square feet drL 1,244 50 75 Garage ProjectionsIntoattacks Maxlmum!;yel tit ft. Dwellings.' ` AccessoryS ut re Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) ? inlriwm LotAroa per Dwelling, Unit s ft'. NIaxlmum Lot Cov 'a Mtctimu,'j :Fjcar Are-. Cpui'ts Minin:urn Usable Open,Space Accessibility wit_'n Dwellings Waterfront Lots )dscdpitig (Sea Ch2pI6rZj2) 4O% front yard esd #".(visibtilty„ Light ng_ Uiioergroggii UHii€les SFreer,ing of Mechanic,'1i > 4u prttdn Refuse Storage Areas Antennae Petforn-lanca Standar,4s Off-S'Groet Parkin aid Laadln ;Stems -: NonconformingStructures Upper rtorySetbacic Sea Section 230,50 ri4 Ct7 'S.e Chanter 17.64. Sea Section 230;76 See Section 2O.78, See Section '280,40' See Section ,30,v See Chapter See hjypi2.r 2.6 F3eul.id --:- Page 2 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS ,HBZSO;veoti`on6 ",.f `` 230.22 Residential infil Lot 230.62 $ 258.02 Legal Budding Site 230,64 Substandard Lot 230.68 PrOJect.':ins into Yams , t-'irealace orchimne Cornice, eaves and omamentai lei I0rss: Mi chanicat eciuirrnant Q covsred porches, terraces, RESIDENTIAL LRega(rarnents xTEr _-.w Requi Yes 'o or Not Ap;J7icabie C mpiiance -windows deaf Notiro submitted r1 Ye 'o roof Required YeslNo If yes, submit cop of recorded map orCertifsjato of Compi'rartde Yes(No ayes, Conditional Use Permit approval by Zoning Adminfstratgr required No individual projection shall exceed V3 of the bu frog length, and the total of au t?.roJectir:37s shall not ex;eed 213 Of the :building length on which they,artt located. Front Yard Side Yard ,treetSide-Yard Rear rer 2.51 2,53x"In clearances 15' 31 2 ` {30 In cleaiancei 2 30" tYnin;earance 2' '30" m' hi Giearanoa,^c' 4'5! tf?rnts,subierraneangoragss, ducks, and pFbosnotx for a than :3 feet k1 height Si9ri'utg anti Lh first floor S1ail6, .canopies, avyninos aid uncovered p,zrche,7n;thart 3 feet n hei bt Ba windews, Hsiconies 'f overedpati $ Z30.76 1i dasuroment of Height Ctraplar 23i 4f -street P ,41' Sipgle farnily "One bedroom orilt Tvi bedroom unit Three ..bo ,tit ar ntors. TOM f quirod„ Nona fe fidential tegl ultemeh'k Urn;n dius .: ,f dVQtiva 'uv`dttt,. zoipirg t,+idhpef sto siicurb3 (3? rrrrarr iearance "4` l t;tirt '2.5' $O" mtn clearance ' 2:5 2 5' 3n 2' 30': clearance 3' 01" (niax pr4ge0tion 912' width ei 5 sfreet side ylard t1 men fors sti+ n' daturit.tap of slab fc s bl roof enclosed ,Opsrr guost } enclosed .peen k ri k tat ent+ogo°.tspers guest motel Oclosed +L Opon uest loial er16lOSi ti ..r1Rbn grre5t. 9' .G't5` Iniilirnu rl 1ltti' 7", Slnit(t al Cledr noe 8' ic.17' (max. 20% on non-guest In -2:;, resides nl'a ., 20` noinresi tlal use in rasidentfal zone Cain ectswfthto orsrtt3re units w -1 f length 150' oriess for single raanllly; 20'= all alhr trrnvn (erD nrartt 1 G oy td site, fan - `Ad rlc+ttovtalk s'.buildings,fe'aao oriandscaping Wheel stppsforbs Gn; gral Pian• Maximum Heigttt Affordable f Kusing. Density Noise Scenic1 andscape Corridor Uri:;an Design Historicai/Cuitural Economic R},Q'UIR'i 2i PRIOR. Adjacentto vrilkwaA( build rgs, fencing, or iandst rping RQ ritr©tnepts Provided 0 OUILDINg 11,11I;RNTIT SU13MI 4 AL,1SSUANCv A'if!OR FINAL €NSP f2 quire iterit . _ Residential ?Putt Proof of Maiiir Noise Study Reoipro aiAccessEase ntDocunerit Maintenanc E(3sement Doctinient, Joint,lse Parking Agrttewent Copy oi Recorded Map Copy a GerG rcate,°t GdmpJ ".ioe Approval from Coa; tat Commission, Ca1e9e .a( xciusion (Caastai);Lotter Gandsrepe, and lrriga;Jian Plan Urading Plan CCi R Rev]elhiand Appre ml Piaiatio t Certlfioata Mitigaliort Monitoring Rpgra-m Notice o#-f`icstriptlor[ _ Paifloi+d Dedic bwt itk'lieu Fee Downtown Sppcilic; plan Fee In i ou P r aria t 00 '.fUZttlurit'Gis_ $83.1 :per acre ;t TIO Cor ippted ieielpinchccitttcsitic ttiAl a e .tistc * *:r 03109f.12 City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 911648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 3741640 March 22,1999 Don Glowacz 32221 Weeping Willow Trabuco_ CA 92679 ENTITLEIVIL'?°tT : ln.',ial Plan Review 99-1 PROJECT ADDRESS: 6742 Shetland Circle PROPERTY OMNER: Bruce Bent DATE RECEU,IED AT ZONING COUNTER- March 11, 1999 PROJECT PL ER: Victor `Van Zandt Dear Apps;cant: Thank you for submitting your entitlement(s) to the C i of Htmf.ngton Beach, Community Development Department. The Pi ject Planner indicated above is assig:cd to processiu, your entitlement(s). The Project Planner is responsible for. •Reviewing your entitlement(s) for complcteaess; •Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code and applicable City Ordinances; Evaluating the project for conformance v th the General Plan; Preparation of environmental documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); Obtaining other. City department's comments relative to the project; Analyzing the site plan layout and, if applicable, the floor plans and elevations; ,,--valuating the project for compatibility with, and potential impacts to, surrot, ding uses/ structures; Coordinating issues related to the : ire Dept., Public Works Dept., Building Division, etc.; Scheduling the project for a public hearing; Preparing a recormnendation(approvaVdenial) with findings acid conditions; and Assisting you with any follow-up aci ins and/or conditions of approv;1, A letter will be sent to you regarding the statiislcompleteness of your entitlement(s), or your pending hearing date, within four weeks. The letter will indicate eith er additionalinformationis required (e.g., revised plans, supplemental plan., ciwironnmental information, additional entitlements, etc.), or, that tl; , plarmer is cou'dnuing to process your entitlement(s) and that you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a Zoning Administrator, Pla_+zning Commission, and/or Design Review Board hearing. If the project is subject to Planning Commission review, a staff report will be prepared withyour maps and supplemental information attached; no written staff reports are prepared for Zoning A dniinnistrr .:cor or Design Review Board action. C enerallly, the total processing time (from submittal to final action by the reviewin g body and qxpiration of the appeal p(.riod) is two (2) to three (3) months for Zoning Administrator action, four (4) to six (6) months for Planning Commission action, and one (1) month for Design Re•jevs Board action, depending upon the complexity of your project. When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative Maps, orpreparati4 n of enviror.,mental documents are involved,a longer processingtime is ne+,ussary. Please direct all niyour questions and comrnunicatiL to the Project Planner uv g the enfitlement number (s) assigned tcw your case. You should, contact the Project Planner at 7141536-5271 to discuss any concerns you may have regarding yot c project, Should youhave any comments or need additional clarification, please contact me at the same number. Thank you. Sinter 1, Scott Hess, AICP Senior Planner Current Planning Section. cc, Property Ownecr Project File (g:kim:forms:entl tr)