HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR1999001 - Supporting Documentsi3a Building P1€tining City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNrTY DEVELOPMENT 536-5241 G S&5271 December 7, 1998 Don Glowacz 22431 B-160 Antonio Pkwy, #509 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Subject: Lot 2 T ract 11473 Dear Mr. Glowacz: Planning staff has reviewed your conceptual grading plan submitted November 19, 1998, Our comments are as follows: 1. The site has a grade differential of three feet or more between the high and low points. Section 230.70C of the Huntington Beach Zonhig and Subdivision Ordinance (HBZ:)O) requires Conditional Use Permit approval. 2. The subject property is located in the Ellis-Goldenwest Specific Plan (SP7). Therefore. L esign RevivY r Board review and recommendation is required by 1-TBZSO Section 2,; 4.02. 3. Setba: ks shall comply with Exhibit A of SP7. 4. The proposed layout encroaches into the open space corridor wtiich is an area below the fifty (50) foot contour as depicted on the 1982 topography map. The plan must be revised to comply or a:request to relocate the open space corridor may be submitted wit'- Conditional Use Permit application for Planning Commission review and approval. 5. Proposed finished floor elevations suggest that the conceptual plan (x,-;ed.s the maximum two (2) foot cut/fill limitation as stated in the specific plan (Section 111.);). A variance must be approved by the Planning Commission to allow this deviation. 6. The maximum 35 foot building height must comply with the development standards of the speci;ic plan. In addition, the measurement must co1r i ly with HBZSO Section 230.70A and B. The e sections require catum at curb/centerlinc of street and the maximum building height measured fzont top of slab a maximum of two feet above datum to top of the roof. Any deviatior, to the maximum height is subject to variance approval by u e Planning Commission. Dori Glowacz Page Two 7. Maximum site coverage shall not exceed 35% of the net lot area which excludes easern,Dts that do not allow surface use except for s to access. 8. Plans should include a matrix depicting compliance with SP7 and Appendix A as well as existing site and net site area. 9. Architectural design shall comply with SP7 Section IVD and Design Review recommendations. 10. Plans should include one 1982, existing, and proposed contours, 11, Any fencing that may exceed 6 feet in height should be included in the Conditional Use Permit application request. Additional con!-aients may result following review of the necessary zoning entitlexnent applications. We appreciate the opportunity to review your plans in advance. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me, Sincerely, Susan Pierce Associate Planner ,P:rk DON CHARLES GLOWACZ CUSTON BUILDERS RESIGN nEVELOPMENT CCNSTR(JC11O N MG'. 22431 B-160 Antonio Pkwy, #509 RanctioSanta Mar ante, CA 92688 Lio,#i, .332767 (714) 888-8505 • Ax (714) 888.8285 City of 2000 MAIN $TREET luritin ton Beach , --I- ,--.I-rrYMSoP.iVV•V.u..r.- CAL' FORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 74-1540 374-1648 'l.: Don Glowacz 22431 B-160 Antonio Parkway #509 Rancho Santa Margarita, 92688 Re: 6742 Shetland, r't'ZR No. 99-1 A;7ri121, 1999 Dear Don, Based upon analysis rf the submitted plans dated March 11, 1999, Planning staff has deterrnined that the following entitlements are required: 1. A onditional Use Permit to the Planning Commission for a new single family dome pursuant to se. uon III (A) (1)(a) of the Ellis-Goldenwest Specific Plan. 2. A Conditional Use Permit to the Zoning Administrator for building height above 30" pursuant to the Hinting on Beach Zoning and Izaijdivicio.. Ordinance section 210A6(M)(,')(c), 3. A Conditional Use Permit to the Zcning Administrator for a lot with more than a 3' grade diffe-ential pursuant to the x-luntington Beach Zoning and Subd? isic•.i Ord';,ance section 230,70 (C). 4, A Variance to Planning Crmmission for more than 2' cut and bl' from the existing topography pursuai.tto , ertion III (D) of the Ellis-Goldenwest Specific Plan.. 5. A Design Review Board approval of the project pursuant to the Huntington Beach Zoning nd Subdivision Ordinance section 244.02. All applications for entitlement will be heard by the Planning Commission, except for the application for Design Review, which will be heard by the Board and recom mended to the Plann Lag Commission. If you need any clarification on what :ntitlements are required for the proposed project, or specific submittal reuuests, please call me at (714) 536-55'71. Sincerely --,fa Victor Van Zandt I'lannor Attachment: Fee Schedule City of.Zf tinting i° Beach FAX DATE: April 21,1999' NO OF PAGES (including cover sheet), 2 0: Don Gbwacz FROM: Victor `an Zandt Community Development Department 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 FAX NO,. (949) 888-8285 FA:X. 714-874-i54O PHONE 714-536-5571 Sent for your; Information -Review Approval comments. Don, here is the letter. 1 tivill send ct hard ioprry orrt tronight wvith the Planning Dept..fee sehe:hde. The tees for the entitlements are as Susan listed on the appVkatian. Call if io u have questions! S'anc:erely>, I7ctor Jan Zanclt City of H untington Beach FAX DATE: April 30,1999 TO: Don Glowacz 1 2000 Main Street Hunt; gton Beach-, CA 92648 FAX NO., `949) 8884285 Sent for your: Information_.-Review _-Approval f: omrents , Don, In order to get a temporary electrical pole and a construction trader you will need.- 1. An Electric al Permit, for the pole--S60 2. . " cash bond for the trailer (use th&; Bond Agreement at the Ph comwer)-S500 3. A site plan showing where the trailer is to be located Edison will not relh use power to the site unless these items are completed. NO. OF PAGES ;including cover sheet): 2 FROM Victor. Va.n Zandt Community Development Departs-rent When you come in, hit Planning first for the bond and site plan, then go to Building & Safetu jbr the Electrical Perinit, Good luck with the proIect! City of Hun ting t on . Beac h 2000 MAIN STREET CALI FORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phosr_- 536-5271 Fax 374-1540 374-1648 To: Don Giuwacz 22431 B-160 Antonio Parkway #509 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Re, 6742 Shetland, IPZR No. 99-1 April 14, 1999 Dear Don, Per our conversation today, please provide Planning staff v, au the following exi ".r rite clove referenced proposed project: 1, A cut and fill exhibit based upon the Grading Plan, page CPT-2 2. A depiction or explanation of the hardscape tr' help staff understand the height of the proposed hardscape in relation to the proposed grade. We need to verify that there are no structures above 42" in any setback-side or rear. 3. Several additional sections including- A. A sectio,i of the north property line facing west to include the neighboring props, iy and equestrian trail and the nearest portion of the proposed home R. A section of the south west property line approxia'ately, 135' from the curb facing south east to include a portion ofboth t`.e neighboring home to the south and the proposed home C. A section bisecting .':e middle of the upper pad (PAD 1) facing east to include portions ni`the adjoining property to the south D. A section bisecting the middle of the upper pad(PA D l) facing north to include portions of the adjoining properties. For all sections, please call cut the various elevations---1982 topo, existing, and proposed. 1 will take these plans to our project review meeting Tuesday, April 20, 1999. If you need any clarification, please c;d11 meat(714) 536-5571, 1 am cooking forward .) helping you get this. project through the various public hearings. 5in9ere r" Victor Van Zandt Planner -6 VAOtAIt Choy of Huntin g ton Beach F AX DATE: April 14,11199 TO: Don G owacz FAX NO (949) 88-8285 NO, OF SAGES (including cover sheet): 2 FROM: Victor Vari and Community Development Departm ei r 2000 Main Street Zluntirg>on Beach, CA 92648 FAX: 71:4-374-154 HOME; 714.536-557 Sentforyour : _Information Review Approval Comments: L'Yl Here is the letter detailing the items I need for project revie- next week. It Wa great to ineetYou today. Victor Van Zandt CITY OF HUNTINGT N BEACH INTER DEPARTMENT CO'flvfUNICATION H,Jrt r GTot -Fact PROM: 1PZ NO, 99-1 CONDITIONS THE FOLLOWiNC:' CONDITIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED AS INDICATED BE.LO\V. PRIOR TO'ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERM?', 1.A grading plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. (This plan, in addition to grading, shall include any required off-site improvements), 2. A Landscape, and Irrigation Plan, prepared by a Licensed Landscape Architect, shall be submitted ,to the Department of Public Works for review and approval by the. Park, Tree and Landscape Division. 3. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a registe 'odengineer, This analysis shall Victor Van Zandt Bruce Crosby 1 Civil Engineer Assistant SUBJECT: 'PZP:99-1 5742 Shetland DATE: May 6, 1999 inclu(,e on-site soil sampling and laboratory testing of riaterials to provide detailed recommendations for grading, .lquefactior,, chemical and !ill properties, retaining wells, PRIOR TO ISSUAh CE OF BUILDING PERMITS; Al! fees shall be paid. PRIOR TO FINAL_ INSPECTION OR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 1, The developer shall install new seiner laterals per City i tiandards. 2. Rackflow levices shall be required for all dwelling units required by the rice Department to have fire sprinklers. Additionally, all structures o ,'Crctwo stories in height shall require a baJcflow protection device, unless otherwise approved in Writing by the Water Division. 3. This project shah conform to all requirements of the "Ellis-Goldenwest Spec.'fic Plan'", INFORMATION ON SP'' CIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS These code requ r nients are provides` as information. This is not a complete list of all code requirements applicable to this project: 1. The Traffic Impact Fee shall be psaid prior to occupancy or final inspection. ($91)O.JO1/ 2. An encroachment permit shall berequoed for all work within puh?ic right-of-bray. NOTE T is project will require a variance to 2 foot cut & fill r action requirements of spL cifi plan. 34756 CITY OF HU TI GT BEACH INTER-DEPARTMENT CC MUNICATION TO: Amy Wolfe Associate Planner FROM: Bruce Crosby Civil Engineering Assista- SUBJECT: CUP 99-51 6742 Shetland DATE; Seppteanber 1, .1999 CONDITIONA L USE PERMIT NO. 99-51 REVISED CONDITIONS THE FOLLOW ING CONDITIONS ARE R 'QUIRED TO BE CO MPLETED AS INDICAT E I3 BELOW: PRIOR TO ISSUAN CE OF GRADING PERMITS - 1. In accordance with NPDE5 requirements, incorporate "Best Management Practices" (I3MP) into storm water runoff design as related to water quality. 2. A Grading Plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. PRIOR TO ISSUAN CE OF BUILDING PERMITS: I . A. Landscape and Irrigation Plan, prepared by a 7,:icensed Landscape Architect, shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval by the Park, Tree and Landscape Division. 2. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a registered engineer. This analysis shall include on- site soil sampling and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations for grading, chemical and fill properties, foundations, ground acceleration, retaining walls. streets, and utilities. 3. A grading permit shall be issued. 4. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTIO N OR C'.RT IFIC ATE OF OCCUPA NCY- I Any new or existing overhead utilities ,hail be undergrounded per City Ordinauce. 2, Tl'° proposed building shall have anew, separate domestic/irrigation water meter and service, sized to meet the miuirnum requirements set by the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and the Uniform Fire Code (UPC), if applicable. Minimum water service lateral shall be one-inch. Meter shall be a touch- read type, 3. All structures over two stories in height shall require a backflow protection device, unless otherwise approved in. writing by the Water Division, INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE RE UIREMENTS These code requirements are provided as information, This is not a complete list of all code requirements applicable to this project. 1, The Traffic lnipact Fee shall be paid at the time of final ins,)ection or certificate of occupancy. 2. A Public Works construction permit shall be required Tor all work within the. City right-of-way. 36000 T,tiJj MAp WAS PREP.4RE'JR r 4;`IVE i QUA'TY ASSESSOR DE°T. PdRPOS ,?w THE ASSESSOR MAKES NO UARA 'JTEE .4 S Ar_CURACY NOR ASSUMES A,`. ,'.4B/L ITi, 4z .OR OTHER USES. NOT TO SE E=71^JCED ALL RGHTS RESERVED. COPY RIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSORR TRACT POLO' 5084•78' loo' h9J 10148' 14939• 16.19'.- ?. TROT TER #7.}.85'7671' C6 22' 2760 TRACT NO. 11473 TRACT NO.11805 TRACT NO.13714TRACTNO.-"14.035..v j51 4 :6 90.8.:1 M„ 1 7 1GJ 5 9E 5t• ) 72' .3'j ;;T A 90' 4J 10 4 46 78' .4 11 78• e2'5 T 20' M.M. 2 -12,13,14 M.M. 527-'. T; 4 M M. 666-21 '''To 25 MliM. 667 -31,32,3 74 - DRIVE 5. NO. 14 035 12 1o5' e2' 6 7 84 O 82' 149.18- 298 30' 5150-56' •1 a5 R;' 049'• 4718' { u V 0N 47.63' 39 4.2 4.44 1.,LJL07 C m SHIRE* ( . 52, 'S.. pZ l1 3 15 1.17'1 •7 8 4 \ 111.03- 65 cC' 21 9E. 20, 761 ,22. 655 85'17 7F. 56 56' 1 49 :5' 60•a'y05tl6 '•X .. A,LP ,s9a,i 5f• LOT L 21)R.$0R v 50,68 7! e7. 7..'+T B 165')'. cS`5 `'5488' 9'`3 J s?.) JI Il nl I' a m 95' 89• 2J ?:: SS•E SSOR'S BL OCf . NU•.''ISE"RS ,LC9 94' 24 52 Sl °' TRACT 58,54' IF 50' CIRCLE 89' 87' 1, • 1,y2394.1l' 1 1 / vs ` 11 'qAa 25 $'a e.J 7 // 1 nl 91, 40 41 1 l C b7 9. ' I 5' 02 . co• 55.60• LOTC23\6'41.1651•°5• 66,-/1438' Cl'?+ 0 LOT C 16,76' 53 E a aG0. 701'0 2''y, 2 , 1 Il.' (11, A SST; SSOR S MAP 8C! 159 PA^f 35 ,'L 1V 1 Y OF fir'- P'Gr 227 8, 17? 61 2 ' n'A ;Area8AND EQUESTRIAN TRA(L EASEMENT 180' # PRII'.4TE STREtT 16 C6 eIr r , 1,y ;nJi /0 X59-35