HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1998003 - Signed ApplicationSUBDIVISION APPLICATION: Planning commission Zorung Administrator City of Huntington Beach Applicant or Authorized Agent 2000 Main St. Mailing Address Huntington Beach Telephone Number 714/336-5271 Property Owner Pcl. 1 -- City of HuntIngton Beach Mailing Address Pls. 2&3 Douglas Realty Co... Inc. 4060 Lakewood Blvd.; 6th Floor Long Beach. CA 90808-1700 Subdivider City of Huntington Beach Mailing Address City of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development 2000 Main Street Huntington Beacn, CA 92648 (714) 6.36-6271 pjp"_> Present Zone Lrt D General Plan Designation__ Entitlemcot Fee. $- kD - Case Na Tentative Parcel Map _ _ _ 'i"PM_„ Tentative Trat;t Map -TTM,,, *Lot Line Adjustment ALA. E"v{ror,mental Ei mpt Environmental Assessment Requ Coasal Area Yea Methane Zone FiGod Zone Oil Distract AQMI) Lone Redevelaorn rat AreaN Atnuist Prick Area N Date Received ._,_Exempt CDR _„Cafegoricai Exclusion r$i€ia Ownership Verification Applicant Authonzetior Ree NI Maps/ », °Narrative Concurrent Case is Plante Adams Streeter Engineer 15 Corporate park Mailing Address Irvine, CA 92606 949/474-2330 Telephone Number Previous Gases: REQUEST: Lot Line Adjustment - Addition of t1v northerly Street Address: Name and Distance to Nearest Intersec Assessor's Parcel Number 195-112-4 Parcel 93-202 Block Section 9 __Township Z t Acreage 11 .97 Mail to Net lot size Proof of creation of 16 It44 Association Reviser. Oil 'Contiet Fire Dek:artment) Legal « Ic A, sossor's Parcel NujKb 011 CITE" OF ) UIW nE MTY i Ca M DEPAMIM P I AM I IV' 11 4-4. Zone I General 4 # "` S. Lot size Pian Che 4k No. Pan Uate . _, LCT 1,!` Lion R&q.ired ... . ing Counter fev;wmel) i ZOAMA t ator Plot plan full y dimensionod shirring property line And adjacent property improvements , distance to centerline o A K Fib K ovation cf all pa rking, landscaping, buildings, fences to e within _ feetn Show affslte treets arr.; alleys, 0 F1aor left 'all dimQnsion d sho ire all rate uses--4-----p y e IN NF MATT iv RE R } T Pal' ,10. Building height measured pep S.90$O..22 A1DIT Nu ber of units Floor Area Ratio 13. Building area ____ I* i to Coverage 15. Front Yard Roq. 16. Rear Yard Req. Proposed - . habi tobl z .a ._ .. Garage Plan. Allowed Prop Prop. 17. Exterior ~ Side Yard Req,.....w.. 18. Interior Side Yard Cargos Setback Req. 26, Setback from public easement 21. Open Space Area Prop. Prop. 72. Haight measured per 5.9080.22 » M ..Max, Al 10 23. Natural grade line shown on all olevationn 24. Number of stories/f 4 PI V I Needs UsLui:mrl 25, Accessory structure height 26. Architectural features 27. eaves 28. Stai rs „. 29, Fencing/separation will 30. Trash area 31. Storage Area (Apartments /condos) 32. Landscaping Required 33. Distance between buildings 34. Site angle requirement 35. Alley cutoff 36, Corner cutoff P rki n 37. Residential Req.-_ 38. Retail Req. 33. Office Req. 40. Manufacturing Req. 41. Warehousing 42. handicap 42. Size 44. Compact 4$. Turning radius 46. Striping Detail 47. Wheel stops/curb, 48. Driveway width/type-.t,., .,,, -Proposed 4,Notes to Site Ply 49, All fences require separate perr,.i t. 50. All signs require separate permit. 52. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from g roun d view. Submit drawings'to i _ 51. Provide cable T. V, per Huntington Beach Municipal Code and Public Works specification Plann ng Division prior to installation. Plan check number to lower right hand corner 54. Conditions of Appro°.al printed verbatim fie ui red Prior t Permit: 55. Park and Recreation Fee due 56. Downtown Sp,:cific Plan Foe due . . .._ 57. M quist Priolo Geologic Hazard Zone Fee Landscaping and Irrigation Plans.,,, , Reciprocal Ear lent Documents Recorded Letter of agreement Satisfaction r ' Conditions of App Completed FAA calculation sheet Two copies of approved grading plans Evidence of private easement Return of Release 51 ips from CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEAU APPLICATION PROC ,SSING CH"IECKI, ENTITLEMENT NO; APPLICANT-, {APPLICATION FORAI REVIEW- Request Complete (Special Permits/Variances) Owner's Signature/Letter of Authorization Legal Description/AP No,/AP Map Verify Zoning: Verify General Plan: FLAt, .IREVIEW: ENVIRONA[ENTAL R VW W: Proper Number PLANNER: ADDRESS: 1 °, Additional Feet; Paid Addres, Correct Narrative (Justiticzrion for l egttest} L -1 Complete and internally consistent srts (Site Plan, Elevations, Floor Pl aaas, Sections I)iaati in r) Must include Property Lines, Streit Naives, Street ti °i,. a 1: i,tiir,uiaal F'i aagaasF a l3uildin f:a tncrits, Ail jit,erit Accurate, t ully Diuiaunsioned, Drawn to Scale and with North ArroaN mprovements & Uses, Floor Plan Applicant's Nance, Address,'l'elephoi Development Compliance Matrix 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST SENT (Tract M aps ASAP) ('°et I r t:naerrt Rovie v Request 1Lt 1 Categorically Exempt Negative Declaration Check Mitigation Measures of Previously approved LIR/N.1). COASTAL STATLM Not Applicable Exempt Appealable Area Categorically Excluded CONCURRENT PROCESSING (Other E ntitleil lenis/ ee ) FIELD INSPl :CTION;_-44 737 Existing Use(s) Adjacent Uses/Architecture Landscaping C:ronditit n 11 C ta,t,ttal l,^s+ l,ipin nt l?urirritt Pxarking.,'Orive iy 1Lte * d circa, turn, +: lit r,ait ar,a,lanr_ jE N")II t',;,ntortnin Si":- l,€ Non--Appealttb)le Area_-- F-v PRELtI\IINARY PLAN { IHECK (Se Han (heck lici() OTHER ISSUES; nda Flood Plain FAA (projects near Heliports or include tall bnilditre s) , p tttc 'hl i Alquist-Priolo/Seismic ()it We lis Hazardous Waste Site A at l,tttitlentents and (,"on Previous Entitlements and Conditions PROJECT DESIGN ISSUES (See Separate List) PROJECT REVIEW MEETING SEND FILING STATUS TO APPLICANT SUBDIVISfON MEETING REQUIRED (Notices Sent) DESIGN REVIEW MEETING REQUIRED (Materials& Color)3oard) OWNERSIJIP MAILING LIST AND MAP ACCURACY- Veritied t1 Mast Current (Niao amid w- ailnu labels ofOwi (on,mennan, O e menno ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE LEGAL SERVICES REQUES a SENTOrdi ce ApiidC d t) and/or Tenants, Applicant Site Property Owner Agent and Mailing Matrix per Policy Memo) SEND LEGAL NO'T'ICES (with labels) P EPf1RE4TAFFREPORT1CONVEI7'IONNSO.FAPPROVAL: FKA4 Prepare Attachments Revised plans PLANNING COAfAftSSION17-ONING AIDMIINISTR4TOR ,MII:E I.t'vG: f Massing Model Colored Site Plans, Floor Plans and Elevations J s''ttatt+- r{tp#as PRE PARE CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION LET' ER FOR COASTAL NOTICE OF CEQA CATEGORICAL -EXEMPT ION (CnllCnlleet Proee in Fee) NOTICE OF ACTION LETTER SF N r (Inuicating 10 Day Appeal Period) TO CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION (At'tin- 10 day appeal permit)) NOTICE OF ACTION -M COA`" TAL DEVELOPMENT PERMI T (APPEALABLE U 1`I' I OPMEN I') LETTER SENT I