HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1995004 - Signed Application2 50.dQ SUBDIVISION APPLICATION: Planning Coxission Zoning Administrator First American Title lnsuran<c Cf,r. 'A=pprtcant or Authorized Agent 114 F. Fifth Street Mailing Address Santa Ana, CA 92701 1714 Y 558-3211 Telephone Number Rodne & Fenny Chinn Property Owner 16246 Tisbury Circle Mailing Address Huntin'ton Beach, CA Jackson & Kathr,n Bransford Sat7d7TrderProperty owner 16252 Tisbur Circle Mailing Address Huntin ton Beach, CA Williamson & Schmid/flu ,Engineer 15101 Red Hill Ave Nailing Address Tustin, CA 92680 t-Zoliars City of Huntington ueach Department of Community Development 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 Present Zone OH General Plan Designation cNTITLEHEP4T Tentative Parcel Maw„ Tenta iv Trac Ma Lot Ling Adju m nt Environmental Exempt i _Environmental ssessmeft Required Methane Zone Flood Zone ail District Redevelopment Area Alqu,st Prioio Area AQMO Zone seal Area: Yes, rxempt CDP_ Categorica.€ Excl ?aici :>wnership Verification L .,_Applicant Authorization Narrative Previ Gate f eceived ject Pla ieiepnone numoer RE !JrST We hereb re nest the a royal of aI lot lime ati'itstment hctwc>(n t 7e )r() ert.i commonly referred to as 16246 and 16252 Tisbur .Circle' Httntin Yton Beach t accommodate existing improvements. ExIstiag, f proposed ilse is residential. LOCATI N F PROPERTY: o Street address : 16246 & 16252 Tisbur Circle, ffiintinton Beach, CA o Name and distance to nearest intersecting street:,. LEGALDESCRIPTION: o Assessor's Parcel Number o Section o Acreage Block Town s,hi p_ band `P1sase Prir t sc,,r ;ar;e statements including the filing requirements on :caner of the subject property.I 'acts, and attachments are true cenied, modified or approved with submittal of the final map and prix T cerni ng thi s app`i cats,.t 111 revers hereby ar`firi outer peraity f correct . . .naer 'stano .:rat "'is conoi ti ons and t '?at Sicn " ;ndi't' rS -USt to issuance of building permits. . ereoy aat A e,t "t;: act as my representativeano c C` i OF Iil1T7'1'a Ili 1 137:ACH y APPLICAT ION P1tOC1";;SL.. C11rC1CLLIIlT IENTITLEMENT NO, APPLICANT W- PfELXMINARRY PLAN C11%(,7 4C;rei? 'P1tari ';Iotl-1r Applicant, S...ae 1'>r`r;'!t'Y'f:y aa ;o;', A. ont rind 1xr:Grp (Mazy and Mail rlrl Lobcl.'i r ': ^aruir r, ;rrtil/or: I'ealant Ownership Lit,I: ALcura;: rxrsir, x MCi.'>k rtr.;,cnf,: Annlieant ' a i'+amor .iop)io nr 14jrn1)rr Plan, SLree Width) Proposed t3ur1 dingl;, twiihly 73icncr::kiancd, X::Y,;averl ::,1 riwn Scale,North At-row,, A:Ijacr:r1l: Iaalrr »rnr;nL 1 Us'e';, Floor Complete an(1 int;C;'Ynolly ccrt i.ilrral: 1. jw 1t;c Plan, Elcv Lion,;, Floor Plrrn•";, `rrr I.i-orvs Dr:awi.rir':) Accurate (Property and Legal DancripLion/AP No./AP Map -Verify Zoning/Ccnernl Plan Narrative PhoLograph&, Additional Torn Paid Address, Corrects PLANS: Proper Nunber NJ- REVIEW PILE FOR COMirX,ii'1'ENE :,; Entitlement Logged in (I1rol and M„p) APPLICATION Request Complete (Spacial Owner'., Signature/LCLLer or,' Authnri;rat:f.ron OT119R ISSUES: Flood p1jin FAA A7Ua L'2L",ice" C3r`.,; `int.*k iiaznrdouu:, Tla3",b, :axis- Previoura En i L c;rn r+t r, and Cond itions TAF MEETING (Pr o)c::. VELCPMrNT RIc' r,c (See EnL}.Lllornen1'. i ENVIRONMENTAL Check Mitigation COASTAL STATUS (........ CONCURRENT PROCI ,;1.N'; Ad)OccnL U r.r' -Illega l Nora-Conrorminq ,3 SEND FILING STATUS TO t6 T.a "i Ir, f'.:". Yet r P t r FI t ^''S.r .``i 1 k SUBDIVISION Mr1-1, Xt G lA Notices Sent LEGAL SERVICES PIQUES a DESIGN S1EVXEt+1 Mr1T,VVIC ItI?{`i3XI71:;1 ,a .n t; 1. ENVIRONMENTAL AS:SESSMf: t'S' Send Legg' NoLicr, , (wi Ui 1 ;;,11,v'1 ,,,) Prepare AL'1:ichtrirnl:h , _,. 1 evivad Plan;; Reduced Size P2anr.. PLANNING COMMISSION,Mr r.s:.k"n.1 .w, PREPARE STvP P REPORT Cnlorocl Sil:n l1:rt; :. F'locks' Ma ,inc Model lrerrare CaLecorica l I?xc lur,ir.Ar'u 'IeL Notice of CCQA CaLego is i 1'.xrrs(.1;,3: ill-,6 11 .i rcvoC lIR/13 D City of Huntington beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 9264 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Bu 'acting 53$-$241 Planning 535"•5271 October 23, 1995 First American Title Insurance Co. 114 E. Fifth Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 ENTJTLEMENT S : LOT LLNE A.D.TCSTMENT NO.95-4 PROPERTY OWNER : ROD'\TY & PENNY GU S JACKSON KATHRYN BRANSFORD PROJECT ADDRESS. 16246 & 1625? TISBURY CIRCLE DATE RECEIVED AT ZONL\TG COUNTER-. OCTOBER 13, 199: Pl OJ7CT PLANNER: MARY BETH BROEREN Thank, you for submitting your entitlement(s) to the City.of I untington Beac h, Community Development Department. The Project Planner indicated above is assigned to processing your Dear Applicant, entitlement(s). The Project Planner is responsible for. Reviewing your entitlement(s) for completeness, able City Orc Preparation of environmental documents pursuant to the California Enxviro;.mennta Evaluating the project for conformance with the General Plan; Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code and ap Coordinating issues related to the Fire Dept,, Public Works Dept,; Building Division. ,etc.; uses /structures; Evaluating the project for compatibility with, and pot.,ntial. impacts to, stzm uww i in . Analyzing the site, plan layout and, if applicable, the floor plans and elev noun; Act (CEQA); Obtaining other city department's comments relative to the project; Preparing a recomrr4endation(approval/denial)wwith findings and conditions, and Scheduling the project for a puoiie hearing; Assisting you with any follow-up actions and/or conditions of approval A letter will be sent to you regarding the status/completeness of your entitlement(s), or your pending hearing date, within four to six weeks. A longer period may be required depending upon the length of response time necessary by other departments. The letter will indicate either additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplemental plans, environmental information, additional entitlements, etc.), or that your project is ready to be scheduled for a Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission hearing, If the project is subject to Planning Commission review, a staff report will be prepared with your maps and supplemental information attached; n^ written reports are prepare. for Zoning Administrator action, Generally, the total processing time (from submittal to final action by the reviewing body and expiration of the appeal period) averages two months for Zoning Administrator action and four months for Planning Commission action, depending 1mponthe compie .iry of your project; When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, or Tentative Maps are involved, a longer processing time is necessary. Please direct all of your questions and communications to the Ptoject Planner using the entitlement number(s) a:.:,igned to your case. You should ccmta :t the Project Planner at 714/53o-5271 to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your project.. Should you have any comments or need additional clarih.catior, lease contact me at the same number. Thank yo Sincerely, Sc tt Hess, A.ICP Senior Planner Current Planning Set:tion