HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1999001 - Signed ApplicationSUDDIVTSIOII APPLICATION: Planning Commission Zoning Administrator PAULA McKINNEY ApoPcant or Authorized AgentOQUAIL STREET , STE. 209 Mailing Address NEWPORT BEACH, CA t949 862 -1408 v - T 1&DRYeAl.FYFFE / EDWARD CLARK P)ert Ownerro 2362 / 22372 WALLINGFORD LANE Hailing Address HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 9264 SAME AS 'OWNS Subdivider Hailing Address DAVID ROSELL Engineer 10231 SLATER AVENUE STE. 201 Hailing Address FOUNTAIN V LL 92.7nfi City of Huntington Beach Daparteient of Community Uavalopment 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 Present Zone DH IZ`7" General Plan Designation) _> LU.1 BE YRni.'' TentrljyTract tin 33€75 Env -ronmental -Exempt -Environmental `--Assessment Required ill Methane Zone Flood Zone Oil District redevelopment Area Alquist Prinlo Area AQMO Zone Coastal Area: Yes- )lo -Exdmpt CDP ,__Categoric al Exclusion Ownership Verification Applicant Authorization Hap! IIarrativa Concurrent Canes: 2/ *Z t' Dats Received Pap- Initials Recd' # Project Planner Previous Cases. `1 Cl 2. -- L7 - Telephone Number RE01JE T: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LO Tlnrl of PROPERTY a Straet address: '2362 & 22372 WALLINGFORD LANE, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 o llama and distance to nearest LEGAL. E CRIPTinrJ: intersecting street: to o Assessor's Parcel Number 149-371-033, 149-371-034, 149-362-01 o Tract :;664 Block N A Lot 43 & 44 o Section 19 'Township Rnnga 10 TAT o Acreage----95-4L- TERRY A. FYFFE, ETUX AND EDWARD CLARK Please Print Your Name ProQgrty hwnt1 have read and finderstoad all statements including the filing requirements . on the reverse side of this application . T am the property owner of the subject property . I hereby affirm under penal4y of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts , and attachments are true and correct . I understand That this application for subdivision may be denied, modified or app-ovad with conditions and that such conditions must be complied with prior submittal of tho fin map and prior to `.ssuanca of building permits . I hereby PAULA MKI Signature a c/ TERRY A. FYFF ___._..< -..- (o23onj signature of:/ DONNA L . FYF Prti arty . authorize e to act as any representative and EA DRIVE :nobind pate PAULA MCKINYJur1torizo Agent tr in all matters teat RtOUIRED OF ALL:.APPLICATION : SUBDIVISION APPLICATION: Planning Commission Zoning Administrator Applicant or Authorized Agent Mailing Address Telephone Number Property Owner Mailing Address Subdivider Mailing Address Engineer Mailing City of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 Present Zone General Plan Designation -ENTITLEMENT Te ative Par 1 M T n tiv Tra Map L in Ad m OM FEE A E NUMBER TP -T(-M LLA Environmental Exempt Environmental Assessment Required Methane Zone Flood Zone Oil District Redevelopment Area Alquist Priola Area AQMD Zone Coastal Area: Yaw.-- No_ Exempt CDP Categorical Exclusion Date Received Initials Ownership Verification _Applicant Authorization Receipt Y Maps Narrative Project Planner Concurrent Cases: Previous Cases: Telephone Number REQUEST: LOCATION OF PROPERTY: o Street address: o Name and distance to nearest intersecting street LEGAL DESCRIPTION: o Assessor's Parcel Number o Tract Block^ Lot, o Section Township Range o Acreage I,_Pro ert Owner) , have read and understood all Please Print Your Name statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application, I am the property owner of the subject property . I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts, and attachments are true and correct. I understand that this application for subdivision may be dinied, modified or approved with conditions and that such conditions must be complied with prior to suomittal of the final map and prior to issuance of building permits. I hereby authorize concerning this application. Signature of: (0238D) (Agent) to act as my representative and to bind me in all matters Property Owner Date Authorized Agent Date REQUIRED OF ALL•APPLICATIONS; This application must be type printed and filled in, completely. If the applicant is lint the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant to act on his behalf and sign t hi_ application. 3. Tentative Parcel Maps require six (6) copies of the tentative map and Lot Line Adjustments require six (6) copies on the prescribed form avvai able at the Zoning Counter. 4. Tentative Tract maps require twenty (20) 18" x 26" copies and two (2) 6-1/2" x 14" copies of the map drawn to a scale not less than one i;+ch equals 100 feet (1"n 100'), which shall be submitted for review and approval by the'Planning Commission. 5. Fold all lans to a maximum size of 8-1 /2" x 14" (lower right print side out). 6. Photographs of the subject property. V7. A written narrative shall accompany this application and will include the followinq information: (a) Existing use or uses of the property and present zoning. (b) Proposed use of property . If property is proposed to be used for more than one purpose , the area, lots or lot proposed for each type of use shall be shown on the tentative map. (c) Statement of the improvements and public utilities , including, water supply and sewage disposal, proposed to be made or installed and the time at which such improvements are proposed to be completed. (d) Public areas proposed. (e) Tree planting proposed. (f) Restrictive covenant .. proposed. 8. The tentative map shall contain the following information: (a) The subdivision name and/or number, date, north yoint, scale and sufficient description to define the location and boundaries of the proposed subdivision. (b) Name and i dress of record owner or owners of said subdivision. (c) Name and address of the subdivider. (d) Name, business address and number of the registered engineer, or licensed surveyor , who prepared map of said subdivision. (e) Elevations or contours at intervals or two (2) feet up to five (5) percent grade, give five ',6) feet up to ten (10 ) percent grade, and ten (10) feet over ten (10 ) percent grade, to determine slope of the land and the high and low points thereof, unless approval is obtained from the City Engineer tr- allow greater intervals. (f) The locations , names, widths and approximate grades of all roads, streets, highways, ways and locations of existing streets in the proposed subdivision and along the boundaries thereof. (g) The location and character of all existing or proposed public utility facilities in said adjoining and contiguous highways, si eets and ways. (h) The approximate widths, location and purpose of all existing or proposed easements and contiguous to the proposed subdivision. (1) Approximate lot layout and approximate dimensions of each lot and each to be numbered. i' (j) The o utline of any existing buildings to remain in place and their location in relation to existing or proposed street and lot lines. (k) If the subdivision is within a known oil field the map shall include the location of all existing oil wells and appurtenances and a plan of their disposition or treatment including abandonment, underground placement , screening , fencing, landscaping , conversion of pumping units, etc.. Such plan shall include disposition of treatment of al '` future wells ,drill sites and operations. Such plan shall also include the written concurrence of the oil lessee or operator concerned. 9. All decisions by the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission .-e final unless appealed within ten (10 ) days of such decision and shall be in writing specifying the art 4 of aggrievement. '0. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative map or tentative parcel snap shall expire twenty-four (24) months from the date the map was approved or conditionally approved , ?he expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map sha l l terminate all proceedings . Any subsequent subdivision of the same real property shall require the filing and processing of a new map, 11. Extension on tentative maps and tentative parcel maps... (a) The subdivider filing a tentative map or tentative parcel map may request an extension of the tentative map or tentative parcel map approval by written application to the Department of Community Development, such application to be fil4d at least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved map. The application shall state the reasons for the requested extension . In granting an extension , new conditions and exactions may be imposed and existing conditions may be revised. (b) a-i extension (s) or tentative map or tentative parcel map approval or conditional approval may be extended by the Zoning Administrator , 'lanning Commission or City Council for a period not to exceed one year, with a maximum of three (3) one-year extensions of time . The extension of time shall commence with the expiration dote of the approved or condi- tionally approved tentative map or tentative parcel map . The approved new date shall not extend more than five (5 ) years be-rnd the date of initial approval. Note: Completion of this application does not presume approval of the subdivision . Such approval is discretionary with the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission . The Zoning Administrator or Commission may deny , modify or approve the subdivision with conditions, (0238D) CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPLICATION PROCESSING CHECKLIST ENTITLE IENT NO; APPLICANT: q -/PLANNER: o ADDRESS ; /(D 2J I-ILI S APPLICATION FORM REVIEW.' C Request Complete (Special Permits/Variances)3 4 Photographs _ Owner's Signature/Letter of AuthorizationAdditional Fees Paid _Legal Description/AP No./AP Map Address Correct Verily Zoning: ,D t;.t t t.0 ti Narrative (Justification for Request)j Verify General Plan: PLAN REVIEW Proper Number Complete and internally consistent sets (Site Plan, Elevations, Floor Plans, Sections Drawings) Accurate, Fully Dimensioned, Drawn to Scale and with North Arrow Must include Property Lines, Street Names, Street Width, Existing and Proposed Buildings, Easements, Adjacent Improvements & Uses, Floor Plan Applicant's Name, Address, Telephone Number Development Compliance Matrix DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST SENT (TractMaps ASAP): (See EntitlementReview Request Li;AMem(i} ENYI ONMENTA L REVIEW. Categorically Exempt(JJ Negative Declaration II EIR Check Mitigation Measures of Previously approved E1R/N.D. COASTAL STATUS: Not Applicable Exempt g y cludedCate oricall Ex CONCURRENT PROCESSING (Other Entitlements/Fees)' FIELD INSPECTION: t-, I Existing Use(s) 6,1 Adjacent Uses/Architecture Landsc ing Condition Existing Trees Appealable Area C 6 I I Non-Appealable Area Coastal Development Permit J Parking/Driveway Illegal Structures/Illegal Grading Non-Conforming Signs IExisting Walls/Fences'; rJ% l-'lr PAJtdti 1NARY LAN CHECK (See Plan ''Check Sheet) rHE, R ISSUES: =Flood Plr.in U FAA (projects near heliports or include tall buildings) Alquist-Priolo/Seismic Hazardous Waste Site L Previous Entitlements and Conditions 1PROJECT DESIGN ISSUES (See Separate List) casements Specific Plan Oil Wells I1 Adjacent Entitlements and Condition J Q, PROJECT REVIEW MEETING SEND FILING STATUS TO APPLICANT SUBDIVISION MEETING Rr,QUIRED (Notices Sent) DESIGN REVIEW MEETING REQUIRED (Materials & Color Board) 1 and/or Tenants, Applicant, Site Property Owner, Agent and Mailing Marix per Policy Memo) rNVIRONNIENTAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE OWNERSHIP MAILING LIST AND MAP ACCURACY: Verified & MostOurrent (Map and Mailing labels of Owners LEGAL SERVICES REQUEST SENT (Ordinance, Opinion, Code Amendment) 0 SEND LEGAL NOTICES (with labels)_cr_i .7 1- -"L C. PREPARE STAFF REPORT/CONDITIONS OFAPPR'O I'AL: Prepare Attachments Reduced Size Plans Revised Plans PLANVJNG COMMISSION /ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MEETING: Colored Sits.; Plans, Floor Plans and, Elevations Massing Model I Slides/Photographs PREPARE CA'T'EGORICAL EXCLUSION LETTER FOR COASTAL NOTICE OF CEQA CATFGORICAL EXEMPTION (Collect Processing Fee) NOTICE OF ACTION LETTER SENT (Indicating 10 Day Appeal Period) NOTICE OF ACTION-COASTAL DE V ELOPMENT PERMIT (APPEALABLE DEV ELOPM ENT) LETTER SENT TO CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION (After 10 day appeal period) L': (g:lorms:ckistsk:2) (10/26/9&) City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 March 4, 1999 Paula McKinney 1300 Quail St.. Ste 209 Newport Beach, CA 92660 ENTITLEMENT S : Lot Line Adjustment 99-1 PROJECT ADDRESS: 22362 & 22372 Wallingford Ln. PROPERTY OWNER: Terry A. Fyffe and Edward Clark DATE RECEIVED AT ZONL D G COUNTER: February 22.1999 PROJECT PLANT N'EI:: Wendy Bounds Dear Applicant: Thank you for submitting your entitlement(s) to the City of Huntington Beach, Community Development Department. The Projtct Planner indicated above i.-, assign:.d to processing your entitlement(s). The Project Planner is respor_isible for: B Reviewing your entitlem<,'nt(s) for completeness; • Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code and applicable City Ordinances; • Evaluating the project for conformance with the General Plan; • Preparation of environmental ;documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); • Obtaining other City department's comments relative to the project; • Analyzing the site plan layout and, if applicable, the floor plans and elevations; • Evaluating the project for compatibility with, and potential impacts to, surrounding uses/structures; • Coordinating issues related to the Fire Dept., Public Works Dept., Building Division, etc.; •Scheduling the project for a public hearing, O i reparing a recommendation(approvalldenial) with findings and conditions; and • Assisting you with any follow-up action-z ar Jor conditions ai approval. A letter will be sent to you regarding the statuslcompleteness of your entitlement(s), or your pending hearing date, within four weeks, The letter will indicate either additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplemental plans, environmental information, additional entitlements.etc.), or that the planner is continuing to process your entitlement(s) and that you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, and/or Design Review Board hearing. If the project is subject to Planning Corn---'on review, a staff report will be prepared with your maps and supplemental information attached, no writtea staff reports are prepared for Zoning Administrator or Design Review Board action. Generally, the total processing time (from submit';nl to final action by the reviewing body and expiration of the appeaiperiod) is two (2) to three (3) months for Zoning Administrator action, four (4) to six (6) months for Planning Comm s is _ action, and one (1) month for Design Review Board actio,z, depending upon the complexity of your project. When Zone Changes, General Plan, Arnenc:ments, Tentative Maps, or preparation of environmental documents are involved, a longer processing time is necessary. Please direct all of your questions and communications to the Project Planner using the entitlement number(s) assigned to your case. You should contact the Project Planner at 714/536-5271 to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your project. Should you have any comments or need additionell clarification, please contact meat the same number. Thank you. Scott Hess, AICP Senior Planner Current Planning Section cc. Property Owner Project File (g:kim:fo rms: entltr)