HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Amendment GPA1990004 - Strata-Tech Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation4 ,STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AT 4121 WARNER AVENUE, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA Conducted For: Mr. Feraydoun Ahadapour Huntington Harbor Bay Club 4121 Warner Avenue Huntington Beach, California STRATA - TECH G E O T E C I- LA I C A L C O N S 11 1 T A N T ct 7372 Walnut Avenue, Unit F, Buena Park, California 90620 • 714,521-5611 • 213.427-8099 August 29, 1989 W.O. 15389 Mr. Feraydoun Ahadapour Huntington Harbor Bay Club 4121 Warner Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Residential Development at 4121 Warner Avenue, Huntington Beach, California Dear Mr . Ahadapour, Pursuant to your request, a Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation has been performed at the subject site. The purposes of the investigation were to determine the general engineering characteristics of the earth materials on and underlying the site and to provide recommendations for the design of foundation and underground improvements. ft is our understanding that the proposed development will consist single family three story wood-frame-stucco houses over slab on grade. The structural loads are not known at this time, but for the purpose of this report, they are assumed to be on the order of 35 kips for column loads and 1.5 kips per lineal foot for wall loads. SCOPE The scope of the investigation carried out was based upon the planning information provided us and consisted of field, laboratory and office evaluation of site conditions. Field work consisted of reconnaissance of =he site, examination of 5 exploratory borings, and collection of representative soil samples. Office and laboratory work consisted of laboratory testing of selected soil samples as described in Appendix A, geotechnical evaluation, and preparation of this report. SYRATA -TECH G E O T E C 1-1 LA I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S e MR. AHADAPOUR -2-W.O. 15389 SITE CONDITIONS The subject site is an essentially level, irregular shaped parcel comprising approximately 2.6 aces of developed land. It is presently occupied by the Club House and its appurtenance which include; 2 tennis courts, patios, cabanas, parking lot and a sandy beach. Property boundaries front Sceptre Lane on the east, Warner Avenue on the south, condominiums towards the north and a turning basin and marina towards the east. Site configuration is further illustrated by the accompanying site plan. EARTH MATERIALS Earth materials encountered in the exploratory borings consist of two basic types, namely fill and native soils. Fill soils encountered consist of dark-green-black silty clays, silts and fine sands with bits of concrete and brick rubble to depths ranging from 2 to 5 feet. Natural soils encountered in the borings consist of gray silt, clays with layers of peat, sandy clays and red-brown. sandy clays. Soil materials are further described on the attached Boring Logs. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS DF:velopment of the site as proposed is considered feasible from a soils engineering standpoint, provided that the recommendations stated herein are incorporated in the design and are implemented in the field. GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS The existing structures shall be demolished and all debris hauled from the construction site. Subterranean service and old systems shall be stripped and also removed from the building sites. All existing vegetation and debris shall be stripped and hauled from the site. Grading for the proposed building pads where conventional footings may be employed (see plan) will require overexcavation and recompaction of the existing fills (approximately 3 to 5 feet) below and 5 feet outside building footprint. STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHADAPOUR -3-W.O. 15389 Where pile foundations are required, recompaction of the upper 2 feet of existing soils is required. Grading and/or foundation plans shall be reviewed by the Soil Engineer. All recommendations are subject to modification upon review of such plans. The entire grading operation shall be done in accordance with the attached "Specifications for Grading". Any import fill materials to the site shall nct have an expansion index greater than 2G, and shall be tested and approved by our laboratory. FOUNDATIONS The proposed structures may be supported by isolated and continuous spread footings placed a minimum depth of 18" inches below lowest adjacent finish grade utilizing a recommended safe bearing value of 1,500 pounds per square foot where permitted (see plan). This value is for dead plus live load and may be increased by 1/3 for total including seismic and wind loads where allowed by code. Increases in bearing capacity for increases in footing dimensions are tabulated below: Minimum Minimum Bearing Increase Type Depth Width Value De th Width Maximum (inches) (inches) (psf) (psf/ft)(psf/ft) Continuous 18 13 1,500 200 100 2,000 Where friction pile foundations are required (see plan) design shall conform to the followi-q criteria. 1) See Plate A for allowable !Gad for driven 12" and 14" square pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete piles. 2) The recommended pile capacities may be increased by 1/3 when considering total loads including transient wind or seismic loadings. The weight of pile may be neglected in the considering of dead loads. 3) Piles in groups shall be placed at least three (3) feet on centers. For this spacing, no reduction in pile capacity need be applied to count for group affects. STRATA-TES H G E 0 T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHADAPOJR -4-W.O. 1538.9 All piles shall be driven to the predetermined design lengths as shown on Plate A, except as may be modified on the basis of the driving criteria. The pile driving criteria to be used in the field during pile driving operations depends on the types of pile driving equipment used. The criteria shall be determined by driving approximately ten (10) indicator piles prior to the start of driving for the project. These indicator piles may be actual foundation piling driven in their final position. The indicator piles shall be driven prior to ordering piles. 5) The driving resistance will range from low within soft soils to relatively high within the deeper dense sand. To facilitate driving of the piles, predrilling may be required. The need for predrilling, however, shall be determined by the installation of indicator piles. The actual predrilled d =th and the size of predrilled hole shall be adjusted so that the desired driving resistance is obtained. All pile driving operations shall be observed by the Engineer. All foundation excavations (pile, caps, etc.) shall be inspected and approved by the Soils Engineer prior to placing of forms, reinforcements or concrete. The excavation shall be trimmed neat and level. No loose, sloughed, or moisture softened material from foundation excavations may be spread in slab-on-grade areas unless compacted and tested. The point of fixity is estimated to be at a depth of 18 feet below the existing grade. LATERAL DESIGN FOR CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATIONS Lateral restraint at the base of footings and on slabs may be assumed to be the product of the dead load and a coefficient of friction of 0.30. Passive pressure on the face of footings may also be used to resist lateral forces. A passive pressure of zero (0) at the surface of finished grade, increasing at the rate of 200 pounds per square foot per foot of depth to a maximum value of 2,000 pounds per square foot, may be used for natural soil and compacted fill at this site. If passive pressure and friction are combined when evaluating the lateral resistance, the value of the passive pressure should be limited to 2/3 of the values given above. STP 1-'TA-TECH G E O T E C 11 N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHAHAPOUR -5-W.O. 15389 LATERAT DESIGN FOR PILE FOUNDATIONS Lateral loads may be resisted by batter piles, soil friction and passive bearing of soils. The axial capacity of the batter pile may be taken as equal to the capacity of a vertical pile driven to the same tip elevation. Passive bearing of one hundred and fifty x150) pounds per square foot and a coefficient of friction of 0.20 may be use where slabs or pile caps are cast against the natural materials or compacted fill. If passive pressure and friction are combined when evaluating lateral resistance, the value of passive pressure shall be limited to 2/3 of the values given above. FLOOb SLABS Slabs on grade should be designed according to recommerlations for high expansive conditions, as shown on Plate B. Care should be exercised to ensure that reinforcing mesh is placed in the center of the slab. The soil should be kept moist prior to casting the slab. However, if the soils at grade become disturbed during construction,. they should be brought to approximately optimum moisture content and be rolled to a firm, unyielding condition prior to placing concrete. in areas where a moisture sensitive floor covering will be used, a vapor barrier consisting of a plastic film (6 mil polyvinyl chloride or equivalent) should be used. The vapor barrier should be properly lapped and sealed. Since the vapor barrier will prevent moisture from draining from fresh concrete, a better concrete finish can usually be obtained if at least two (2) inches of sand is spread over the vapor barrier prior to placement of concrete. UTILITY LINE BACKFILLS It is recommended that backfills placed below and within five (5) feet of buildings and below asphalt c rete pavement and portland cement concrete flatwork be compacted to at least ninety (90%) percent of maximum density . Backfills placed in other areas to be landscaped need only to be compacted to eighty-five (85%) percent of maximum density. All backfills require testing at two (2) foot vertical intervals during placement. TENTATIVE PAVEMENT SECTIONS Final pavement sections should be based on the results of R-Value determinations performed at the completion of rough grading. For i STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHADAPOUR -6-W.O. 15389 planning purposes, an R-Value of five has been assumed. Use of this assumed value, together with Traffic Indexes (TI) of three and one- half (3.5) for parking and four and one-half results in the following sections: (4.5)for driveways, Area TI GE Pavement Sections AC AB Subgrade Driveways 4.5 1.36 **8"*24" or 4"**6" Parking 3.5 1.06 3"**5"*24" * Compacted to 90%relative compaction ** Compacted to 95%relative compaction ENGINEERING CONSULTATION TESTING AND INSPECTION We will be pleased to provide additional input with respect to foundation design once methods of conotruction and/or nature of imported soil has been determined. Grading and foundation plans should be reviewed by this office prior to commencement of grading so that appropriate recommendations, if needed can be made. Areas to receive fill should be inspected when unsuitable materials have been removed and prior to placement of fill, and fill should be tes':ed for compaction as it is placed. GENERAL INFORMATION This report presents recommendations pertaining to the subject site based on the assumption that the subsurface conditions do not deviate appreciably from those disclosed by our exploratory excavations. Our recommendations are based on the technical information, our understanding of the proposed construction, and our experience in the geotechnical field. We do not guarantee the performance of the project, only that our engineering work and judgments meet the standard of care of our profession at this time. In view of the general conditions in the area, the possibility of different local soil conditions may exist. Any deviation or unexpected condition observed during construction should be brought to the attention of the Geotechnical Engineer. In this way, any supplemental recommendations can be made with a minimum of delay necessary to the project. .STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHADAPOUR -7-W.O. 15389 If the proposed construction will differ from our present understanding of the project , the existing information and possibly new factors may have to be evaluated. Any design changes and the finished plans should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Consultant. Of particular importance would be extending development to new areas, changes in structural loading conditions , postponed development for more than a year, or changes in ownership. This report is issued with the understanding that is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative , to ensure that the information and recommendations contained here are called to the attention of the Architects and Engineers for the project and incorporated into the plans and that the necessary steps are taken to see that the Contractors and Subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. This report is subject to review by the controlling authorities for this project. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Respectfully submitted: STRATA-TECH '/. rP,ACIcARt tBRU E; GE 62 `1re::3si -7T-7 Cgl4 -•%/0 ROLAND ACUNA STAFF GEOLOGIST STRATA-TECH ` G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S PLATE A DOWNWARD DRIVEN-PILE CAPACITY ALLOWABLE LOAD (KIP) 20, 40 60 00 100 120 RCCOt,2MCNDED MINIMUM PENETRATION = 40' 40 45 50 55 10" SQUARE PRESTRESSED 1 CONCRETE PILE 16" SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE NOTES: 1. Minimun pile penetratio, 40 feet below pile cap 2. Piles in group shall not be spaced less than 2 1/2 diameters on centers 3. Values may increased 1/3 when considering total loads including transient wind or seismic loading 4. The recommended uplift capacity of each pile is one-half (1/2) of the values shown above 5. The indicated values are based on the strength of the soils; STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N( C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. FERAYDOUN AHADAPOUR W.O. 15389 APPENDIX A This appendix contains a description of -Lie field investigation, laboratory testing procedures and results, site plan, and expansive soil recommendations. FIELD INVESTIGATION Field investigation was performed on 7/11/89, consisting of the excavation of 5 exploratory borings by truck mounted hollow stem auger equipment at locations shown on the attached site plan. As drilling progressed, personnel from this office visually classified the soils encountered, and secured representative samples for laboratory testing. Undisturbed samples for detailed testing in our laboratory were obtained by pushing or driving a sampling spoon into the materiil. A solid barrel type spoon was used having an inside diameter of 2.50 inches with a tapered cutting tip at the lower end and a ball valve at the upper end. The barrel is lined with thin brass rings, each one (1) inch in length. The spoon penetrated into the soil below the depth of boring approximately twelve (12) inches. The central portion of this sample was retained for testing. All samples in their natural field condition were sealed in airtight containers and transported to the laboratory. Descriptions of the soils encountered are presented on the attached Boring logs. The data presented on these logs is a simplification of actual subsurface conditions encountered and applies only at the specific boring location and the date excavated. It is not warranted to be representative of subsurface conditions at other locations and times. LABORATORY TESTING Field samples ware examined in the laboratory and a testing program was then established to develop data for preliminary evaluation of geotechnical conditions. Field moisture and dry densities were calculated for each undisturbed sample. Maximum density-optimum moisture relationships were established for use in evaluation of in-situ conditions and for future use during grading operations. Direct shear tests were performed on specimens at near saturation under various normal loads. The results (af test are based on ,- -.:.=apt STPATA-T ECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S ultimate residual values. MR. AHADAPOUR -2- W.O. 15389 Expansion tests were performed on typical specimens of natural soils in accordance with the procedures outlined in U.B.C. Standard 29-2. Corrosion tests of on site soils were conducted. TEST RESULTS In-Situ Moisture Densit Boring No. Depth in Feet Field Density (pcf) Field Moisture % (pcf) 1 5 104.6 21.0 1 3.0 103.8 23.1 1 3.5 104.8 21.7 1 20 106.2 21.1 1 25 88.6 33.0 2 5 120.4 11.9 2 10 112.0 17.3 3 5 123.0 28.9 3 10 104.1 22.0 3 15 109.7 16.5 4 5 93.0 28.9 4 10 104.1 22.0 4 15 109.7 16.5 5 5 111.8 18.2 5 10 101.1 23.0 Maximum Densit 0 timum Moisture ASTM:D-1557-70 Boring Depth in Maximum optimum No. Feet Density Moisture% (Pcf) (Pcf) 1-3 123.5 20.0 1-3 132.1 23.1 r STRATA-TECH G E O T E C I- N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T 9 MR. AHADAPOUR -3-W.O. 15389 Direct Shear Boring Depth in Cohesion Angle ofinternal No. Feet Lbs./Sq.Ft. Friction (Degrees) 1 5 200 18 1 10 150 28 Ex ansion Index U.B.C. Standard 29-2 Boring Depth in Expansion Expansion No. Feet Index Index 1 3-4 94 High 2 5 72 Medium 4 3-5 87 Medium EXPANSIVE SOIL RECCM1ENDATIONS W.O. 15389 PLATE B 11 EXPANSION INDEX VERY LC(V 0 - 20 LCW 21 - 50 MEDIUM S1 90 HIGH 91 - 130 FOOTING WIDTH 1 Story See Body 12 12"12" 2 Story of Report 12"12"12" -----------------------------:------------------------------------------------- EXTERIOR FOOTING DE PT7-N 1 Story See Body 12" - 18 24" 2 Story of Report 18"18"24------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ -------------- INTERIOR FOOTING DEPTH I Story 12 12"12 2 Story 12"12"18 1, 24" 24" ------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ------ FCOTP- ;I REINFORCEMENT Not Required 2 1)4 Bars 2 115 Bars 4 114 Bars--- 1 Top I Top 2 Top 1 Bottom 1 Bottom 2 Bottom ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- SLAB THICK NESS 4" Nominal --4" Nominal---- 4" Nominal 4" Actual ------------------------- -------------- ----------------- -------------- SLAB REINFORCE?-ENT Not Requ ired 6" x 6" 6" x 6" 113 Bars on 18I -------- ---10/1110------- --116/116---------- -Center----- -a ----------------------------------------------------- MOISTURE BARRIER (2) 6 Mil 6 Mil 6 Mil 6 Mil I visqueen Visqueen Visqueen V.isqueen 2" Sand 2" Sand 2" Sand 2" Sand ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- GARAGE REINFOPCEMENT Not Required 6" x 6" Free Floating Free Floating 1/4 Slab (3)1110/1110 or 6" x 6"6" x 6 1/4 Slab (3)1110/1110 116/116 GRADE BEAM - GARAGE Nc.r Required.Not Required Sarre as Adj.Satre as Adj. Erfl'RANCE Ext. Ftg Ext. F'tg. SUBGRADE Not Required Not Required 4" Coarse 4" Coarse Sand (4)Sand (4) ------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- PRESATURATION Not Required , Above Opt. to 110% of Opt . 120% of Opt. Depth of Ftg. M/C to Depth M/C to Depth (No Testing) F`tg. Ftg. NOTE: 1. The surrounding areas should be graded so as to ensure drainage away from the building . 2. Concrete floor slab in areas to be covered with rmisture sensitive coverings shall be constructed over a 6 mil plastic membrane. The plastic should be properly lapped, sealed and protected with sand. 3. Quartering of slab should be accanplished by the use of pre-melded expansion joint material and not by saw cutting. Two (2") inches of sand over moisture barrier may be included in this four (4") inch total. Ir k` /gSMq/I / I\1 /II I`Ir•I 11 1•17 I.L;III`,-• , ,:iii ,,, , ' , ';uT,,rIIIK _1 z q I(j158 n d--'- •I=i•_/,'`_ ' ,%_./*i::• 'fL' 1''i...A.a_.u..-.Ti-. r_SOLSq ___..JIIO .CHICA nll _„/POHI'OI:A 'I'l '-'- 1);!+-l c:-AVHoe_ -------. .?'1 .7 _:;.UGC'.:1",-,+T-6U!{YUHr1Ti •'-1,-.-.P.U4\fl!r P.1' 11 ,L re laJL"1L,_1 ..7 S6 r 24 STRATA-TECH VICINITY MAP U-al e+'! 1 h J LJ ± `=ceNwk! J J oa Ty, Z I r L20 r I JIIrT, _t,l J - -gf 1 •-^ .J.,JI - 141L • li 1 Lam'Qr..:•ii _P L -i 1 i,tI-IC "".'r _ P.-I_uIl IIJI 5 r m L..PJCR T11 U`,; ij'I W.O./53 89 SCALE ! "=:C,ooo DATE %q PLOT PLAN STRATA-TECH W.O. 153 $'9 SCALE DATE 19/ STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S BORING LOG PROJECT:HUNTINGTON HARBOR II LOCATION:SEE PLAN BORING NO.: 1 ELEVATION:a rox. 6'DRILL DATE:7/11/89 LOGGED BY:TDH DRIVING WEIGHT: C7 J Z } L_I L)U) Vi LL E75 LL LU a DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS 0WW J ¢3 p ¢o UmOW¢uU W U Z 0 WO CC7 ?j al Cr O o_j a U A/C/Base 12" Dark grey, black clay, silty, organic, very moist, moderately firm, layered with brown medium sands, damp FILL 5 Dark grey silt, clayey, moderately stiff, moist, layered with peat, oranic odor 1 Black with sandy clay , silt, very 4/10 moist to wet , highly organic,and odor, soft Grey black with fine sand, very claye moist, moderately soft to loose, dccasional peat stringer, fresh organics 20 Brown clay, stiff/hard moist, layered with brown medium sand , saturated, I loose 4/6 , 12/20 STRATA-TECH G E 0 , T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S BORING LOG PROJECT: BORING NO.: HUNTINGTON HARBOR II LOCATION: 1 ELEVATION: - DRILL DATE: _. LOGGED BY: DRIVING WEIGHT: 5 - 30- z } O 0 -L w 0cn Q Q)w z > DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS O O w 0 w 0 zD LLm Qm 2 cc U EOH 0 30 feet Water encountered @ 20 feet STRATA--ECH G 'E O T E C H N C A L C O N S U L T A N T S S BORING LOG PROJECT:HUNTINGTON HARBOR II BORING NO.: 2 ELEVATION: LOGGED BY: DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS A/C Base 12" 5 Red brown sandy clay, moist, stiff, grades to clayey sand dense, moist 1 Brown medium to coarse sand, moderate y dense, clean, saturated 15- "0 Brown sand , medium to very coarse grain , saturated, dense LOCATION: aprox. 6' TDH SEE PLAN DRILL DATE: 7/11/89 DRIVING WEIGHT: J z OU) C6 "- _ U) Wa:> u v El 3: wO T-0 (D to >0 W0 am O co (LO STRATA-TECH G E O `T E C H N 4 C A L C O N S U L T A N T S BORING LOG HUNTINGTON HARBOR IIPROJECT: LocATION: BORING NO.: 2 ELEVATION:DRILL DATE: LOGGED BY: DRIVING WEIGHT: ri (00J J QN U) Z Q, LL }F-k (n W j > -10 U)W H = a DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS W J 0 <co o9 g2 w Q O Z-1 0 }U)0 WO O Cr Z W m CC co 2 CC OOZ)a o 25 30 Brown sand , predominately medium grain , trace small pebbles, saturate sands are gradational 11/41 35 EOH @ 35 feet STRATA-TECH G- E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S BORING LOG PIOJECT:HUNTINGTON HARBOR II BORING NO,; 3 00J 0 a U ELEVATION; LOCATION; aprox. 6' LOGGED BY; DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Concrete/4" Sand Grey and black silt clay, moist, soft, organic odor, minor brick fragments FILL TDH SEE PLAN DRILL DATE:7/1 1 /89 DRIVING WEIGHT; J z } U °LL ~LL ¢ = wo WQ QN Ir C7 W F-c d -0 w0 m o 0 wO Z W m mJ a: 6 D 4.0 11/24 Red brown sandy clay, stiff, moist, trace of organics I 10 Red brown sandy clay, stiff, moist, trace of organics Sand, brown, medium grain, saturated 17/3 11/1 /1 STRATA -TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S BORING LOG PROJECT:HUNTINGTON HARBOR SEE PLANLOCATION: BORING NO,:4 ELEVATION:aprox. 6 'DRILL DATE;7/11/89 TDHLOGGED BY: DRIVING WEIGHT; J z >- LL U) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS woJ OIr c o I o° UJ Co 00 Concrete/Sand Grey black /brown silty clay, clayey sand, moist , loose to sort, brick fragments,peat FILL o Black clayey silt, very moist , modera ely soft, very organic , peat stringers 6/15 !Gr Brown grey clay, slightly sandy, moderately stiff, very moist 6/21 15 Sand, saturated, dense 15/2 / 20 EOH @ 20 feet 6/31 STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S s PROJECT:HUNTINGTON HARBOR II BORING NO.: 5 BORING LOG LOCATION: ELEVATION:aprox. 6' SEE PLAN - DRILL DATE:7/ 1 1 /89 LOGGED BY:TDH DRIVING WEIGHT: (9 J0 Us`DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS WUj GF 0-0.u' WO zC7 A/C Base Grey black silt, clay, organic, very moist, soft ?_ 0 t} W QtL W u) LL D >10.C7 W o; Q.r-3 O Q 0 cn QJ L'm ¢J 2 QWm U om W O 5 10/16 Red brown clay, slightly sandy, moderately firm , moist, 10 Olive grey silt with fine sand, stif 9/16 / very moist, hard concretions 15 Brown sand, medium grain, moist, very dense layered with grey olive silt, very stiff to hard, moist 20 EOH 2 20 feet 8/13 I- SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING SITE CLEARING All existing vegetation shall be stripped and hauled from the site. PREPARATION After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed until it is uniform and free from large clods, brought to a proper moisture content and compacted to not less than ninety (90) percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM;D-1557-78 (5 layers - 25 blows per layer; 10 lb. hammer dropped 18"; 4" diameter mold). MATERIALS On-site materials may be used for fill, or fill materials shall consist of materials approved by the Soils Engineer and may be obtained from the excavation of banks, borrow pit9 or any other approved source. The materials used should be free of vegetable matter and other deleterious substances and shall not contain rocks or lumps greater than eight (8) inches in maximum dimension. PLACING SPREADING AND COMPACTING .'ILL MATERIALS Where natural slopes exceed five (5) horizontal to one (1) vertical, the exposed bedrock shall be benched prier to placing fill. The selected fill material shall be placed in layers which, when compacted, shall not exceed six (6) inches in thickness. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to ensure uniformity of material and moisture of each layer. Where moisture of the fill material is below the limits specified by the Soils Engineer, water shall be added until the moisture content is as required to ensure thorough bonding and thorough co,iipaction. Where moisture content of the fill material is above. the limits specified by the Soils Engineer, the fill materials shall be aerated by blading or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not les., than ninety (90) percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM:D-l557-78 (5 layers - 25 blows per layer; 10 lbs. hammer dropped 18 inches; 4" diameter mold) or other density tests which will attain equivalent results. Compaction shall be by sheepsfoot roller, multi-wheel pneumatic tire roller or ocher types of acceptable rollers. Rollers shall be SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING PAGE 2 cf such design that they will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. Rolling shall be accomplished while the fill material is at specified moisture content. Rolling of each layer shall be continuous over the entire area and the roller shall make sufficient trips to ensure that the desired density has been obtained. The final surface of the lot. areas to receive slabs on grade should be rolled to a dense, smooth surface. The outside of all fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compaction operations shall be continued until the outer nine (9) inches of the slope is at least ninety (90) percent compacted. Compacting of the slopes may he progressively in increments of three (3) feet to five (5) feet of fill height as the fill is brought tc grade, or after the fill is brought to its total height. Field density tests shall be made by the Soils Engineer of the compaction of each layer of fill. Density tests shall be made at intervals not to exceed two (2) feet of fill height provided all layers are tested. Where the sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of several inches and density readings shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface. When these readings indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion there is below the required ninety (90) percent density, the particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density has been obtained. The grading specifications should be a part of the project specifice1;ions . The Soil Engineer shall review the grading plans prior to gradi::;. INSPECTION The Soil Engineer shall provide continuous supervision of the site clearing and grading operation so that he can verify the grading was done in accordance with the accepted plans and specifications. SEASONAL LIMITATIONS No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled during un favorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rains, fill operations shall not be resumed until the field tests by the Soils Engineer indicate the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. EXPANSIVE SOIL CONDITIONS Whenever expansive soil conditions are encountered, '--he moisture content of the. fill or recompacted soil shall be as recommended in the expansive soil recommendations included herewith. STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N C A L C O N S U L T A N T S PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AT 4121 WARNER AVENUE, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA Corducted For: Mr. Feraydoun Ahadapour Huntington Harbor Bay Club 4121 Warner Avenue Huntington Beach, California August 29, 1989 W.O. 15389 's``ff STRATA-TECH 1 A C O G S U L T A N T S 7372 Walnul Avenue, Unit F, 8u 3 Park, California 90620 • 714-521-5611 • 213-427-8099 11 August 29; 1989 P7.O. 15389 Mr. Feraydoun Ahadapour Huntington Harbor Bay Club 4121 Warner Avenue Huntingtcn Beach, CA 92649 Dear Mr. Ahadapour, Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Residential Development at 4121 Warner zvenue, Huntington Beach, California Pursuant to your request, a Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation has been performed at the subject site. The purposes of the investigation were to determine the general engineering characteristics of the earth materials on and underlying the site and to provide recommendations for the design of foundation and underground improvements. It is our understanding that the proposed development will consist single family three story wood-frame-stucco houses over slab on grade. The structural loads are not known at this time, but for the purpose of this report, they are assumed to be on the order of 35 kips for column loads and 1.5 kips per lineal foot for wall loads. SCOPE The scope of the investigation carried out was based upon the planning information provided us and consisted of field, laboratory and office evaluation of site conditions. Field work consisted of reconnaissance of the site, examination of 5 exploratory borings, and collection of representative soil samples. Office and laboratory work consisted of laboratory testing of selected soil samples as described in Appendix A.geotechnical evaluation, and preparation of this report. 3TRA1'A-TECH L E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHADAPOUR -2- SITE CONDITIONS W.O. 15389 The subject site is an essentially level, irregular shaped parcel comprising approximately 2.6 aces of developed land. It is presently occupied by the Club House and its appurtenance which include; 2 tennis courts, patios, cabanas, parking lot and a sandy beach. Property boundaries front Sceptre Lane on the east, Warner Avenue on the south, condominiums towards the north and a turning basin and marina towards the east. Site configuration is further illustrated by the accompanying site plan. EARTH MATERIALS Earth materials encountered in the exploratory borings consist of two basic types, namely fill and native soils. Fill soils encountered consist of dark-green-black silty clays, silts and fine sands with bits of concrete and brick rubble to depths ranging from 2 to 5 feet. Natural soils encountered in the borings consist of gray silt, clays with :Layers of peat, sandy clays and red-brown sandy clays. Soil materials are further described on the attached Boring Logs. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Development of the site as proposed is considered feasible from a soils engineering standpoint, provided that the recommendations stated herein are incorporated in the design and are implemented in the field. GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS The existing structures shall be demolished and all debris hauled from the construction site. Subterranean service and old systems shall be stripped and also removed from the building sites. All existing vegetation and debris shall be stripped and hauled from the site. Grading for the proposed building pads where conventional footings may be employed (see plan ) will require overexcavation and recompaction of the existing fills (approximately 3 to 5 feet) below and 5 feet outside building footprint. STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHADAPOUR -3-W.O. 15389 Where pile foundations are required, recompaction of the upper 2 feet of existing soils is required. Grading and/or foundation plans shall be reviewed by the soil Engineer. All recommendations are subject to modification upon review of such plans. The entire grading operation shall be done in accordance with the attached "Specifications for Grading". Any import fill materials to the site shall not have an expansion index greater than 20, and shall be tested and approved by our laboratory. FOUNDATIONS The proposed structures may be supported by isolated and continuous spread footings placed a minimum depth of 18" inches below lowest adjacent finish grade utilizing a recommended safe bearing value of 1,500 pounds per square foot where permitted !;ee plan). This value is for dead plus live load and may be increased by 1/3 for total including seismic and wind loads where allowed by code. Increases in bearing capacity for increases in footing dimensions are tabulated below: Minimum Minimum Bearing Increase Type Depth Width Value De th Width Maximum (inches) (inches) (psf) (psf/ft)(psf/ft) Continuous 18 6 1,500 200 100 2,000 Where friction pile foundations are required (see plan) design shall conform to the following criteria. 1) See Plate A for allowable load for driven 12" and 14" square pre -cast and pre -stressed concrete piles. 2) The recommended pile capacities may be increased by 1/3 when considering total loads including transient wind or seismic loadings . The weight of pile may be neglected in the considering of dead loads. 3) Piles in groups shall be placed at least three (3) feet on centers . For this spacing , no reduction in pile capacity need be applied to count for group affects. STfATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHADAPOUR -4-W.O. 15389 4) All piles shall be driven to the predetermined design lengths as shown on Plate A, except as may be modified on the basis of the driving criteria. The pile driving criteria to be used in the field during pile driving operations depends on the types of-pile driving equipment used. The criteria shall be determined by driving approximately ten (10) indicator piles prior to the start of driving for the project. These indicator piles may be actual foundation piling driven in their final position. The indicator piles shall be driven prior to ordering piles. 5) The driving resistance will range from low within soft soils to relatively high within the deeper dense sand. To facilitate driving of the piles, predrilling may be required. The need for predrilling, however, shall be determined by the installation of indicator piles. The actual predrilled depth and the size of predrilled hole shall be adjusted so that the desired driving resistance is obtained. 6) All pile driving operations shall be observed by the Engineer. All foundation excavations (pile, caps, etc.) shall be inspected and approved by the Soils Engineer prior to placing of forms, reinforcements or concrete. The excavation shall be trimmed neat and level. No loose, sloughed, or moisture softened material from foundation excavations may be spread in slab-on-grade areas unless compacted and tested. 7) The point of fixity is estimated to be at a depth of 18 feet below the existing grade. LATERAL DESIGN FOR CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATIONS Latera" _estraint at the base of footings and on slabs may be assumed to be the product of the dead load and a coefficient of friction of 0.30. Passive pressure on the face of footings may also be used to resist lateral forces. A passive pressure of zero (0) at the surface of finished grade, increasing at the rate of 200 pounds per square foot per foot of depth to a maximum value of 2,000 pounds per square foot, may be used for natural soil and compacted fill at this site. If passive pressure and friction are combined when evaluating the lateral resistance, the value of the passive pressure should be limited to 2/3 of the values given above. STRATA - TECH G E 0 T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHAHAPOUR -5- W.O. 15389 LATERAL DESIGN FOR PILE FOUNDATIONS Lateral loads may be resisted by batter piles, soil friction and passive bearing of soils. The axial capacity of the batter pile may be taken as equal to the capacity of a vertical pile driven to the same tip elevation. Passive bearing of one hundred and fifty (150) pounds per square foot and a coefficient of friction of 0.20 may be use where slabs or pile caps are cast against the natural materials or compacted fill. If passive pressure and friction are combined when evaluating lateral resistance, the value of passive pressure shall be limited to 2/3 of the values given above. FLOOR SLABS Slabs on grade should be designed according to recommendations for high expansive conditions, as shown on Plate B. Care should be ex-rcised to ensure that reinforcing mesh is placed in the center c `he slab. The soil should be kept moist prior to casting the slab. However, if the soils at grade become disturbed during construction, they should be brought to approximately optimum moisture content and be rolled to a firm, unyielding condition prior to placing concrete. In areas where a moisture sensitive floor covering will be used, a vapor barrier consisting of a plastic film (6 mil polyvinyl chloride or equivalent) should be used. The vapor barrier should be properly lapped and sealed. Since the vapor barrier will prevent moisture from draining from fresh concrete, a better concrete finish can usually be obtained if at least two (2) inches of sand is spread over the vapor barrier prior to placement of concrete. UTILITY LINE BACKFILLS It is recommended that backfills placed below and within five (5) feet of buildings and below asphalt concrete pavement and portland cement concrete flatwork 1_ compacted to at least ninety (90%) percent of maximum density. Backfills placed in other areas to be landscaped need only to be compacted to eighty-five (85%) percent of maximum density. All backfills require testing at two (2) foot vertical intervals during placement. TENTATIVE PAVEMENT SECTIONS Final pavement sections should be based on the results of R-Value determinations performed at the completion of rough grading. For STRATA-TECH G E O T E C N N I C A L C g N S U L T A N T S MR. AHADAPOUR -6- W.O. 15389 planning purposes, an R-Value of five has been assumed. Use of this assumed value, together with Traffic Indexes (TI) of three and one- half (3.5) for parking and four and one-half (4.5) for driveways, results in the following sections: Area TI GE Driveways 4.5 1.36 Parking 3.5 1.06 Pavement Sections AC AB 311 *811 or 4" **611 311 **511 Subgrade *24" *24" * Compacted to 90% relative compaction ** Compacted to 95% relative compaction ENGINEERING CONSULTATION TESTING AND INSPECTION We will be pleased to provide additional input with respect to foundation design once methods of construction and/or nature of imported soil has been determined. Grading and foundation plans should be reviewed by this office prior to commencement of grading so that appropriate recommendations, if needed can be made. Areas to receive fill should be inspected when unsuitable materials have been removed and prior to placement c f fill, and fill should be tested for compaction as it is placed. GENERAL INFORMATION This report presents recommendations pertaining to the subject site based on the assumption that the subsurface conditions do not deviate appreciably from those disclosed by our exploratory excavations. Our recommendations are based on the technical information, our understanding of the proposed construction, and our experience in the geotechnical field. We do not guarantee the performance of the project, only that our engineering work and judgments meet the standard of care of our pwofession at this time. In view of the general conditions in the area, the possibility of different local soil conditions may exist. Any deviation or unexpected condition observed during construction should be brought to the attention of the Geotechnical Engineer. In this way, any supplemental recommen dations can be made with a minimum of delay necessary to the project. STRATA-TECH . G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHADAPOUR -7-1 W.G. 15389 If the proposed construction will differ from our present understanding of the project, the existing information and possibly new factors may have to be evaluated. Any design changes and the finished plans should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Consultant. Of particular importance would be extending development to new areas, changes in structural loading conditions, postponed development for more than a year, or changes in ownership. This report is issued with the understanding that is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained here are called to the attention of the Architects and Engineers for the project and incorporated into the plans and that the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractors and ^ubcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. This report is subject to review by the controlling authorities for this project. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Respectfully submitted: STRATA-TECH 'i 2J -'`S 1`BRU E; jA. PACW*g'= -'GE °62 f OF CA L""%" ROLAND ACUNA STAFF GEOLOGIST s,'rRATA - TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S PLPTE A DOWNWARD DRIVEN-PILE CAPACITY ALLOWABLE LOAD (KIP) 20, 40 60 80 100 120 RECON€NDED MINIMUM P^NETRATION = 40' 40 - 45 50 55 18 SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE 16" SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE NOTES: 1. Minimum pile penetration 40 feet below pile cap 2. Piles in group shall not be spaced less than 2 1/2 diameters on centers 3. Values may increased 1/3 when considering total loads including transient wind or seismic loading 4. The recommended uplift capacity of each pile is one -half (1/2) of the values sh3wn above 5. The indicated values are based on the strength of the soils;i i STRATA-TECH G'E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S I MR. FERAYDOUN AHADAPOUR APPENDIX A W.O. 15389 This appendix contains a description of the field investigation, laboratory testing procedures and results, site plan, and expansive soil recommendations. FIELD INVESTIGATION Field investigation was performed on 7/11/89, consisting of the excavation of 5 exploratory borings by truck mounted hollow stem auger equipment at locations shown on the attached site plan. As drilling progressed, personnel from this office visually classified the soils encountered, and secured representative samples for laboratory testing. Undisturbed samples for detailed testing in our laboratory were obtained by pushing or driving a sampling spoca into the material. A solid barrel type spoon was used having an inside diameter of 2.50 inches with a tapered cutting tip at the lower end and a ball valve at the upper end. The barrel is lined with thin brass rings, each one (1) inch in length. The spoon penetrated into the soil below the depth of boring approximately twelve (12) inches. The central portion of this sample was retained for testing. All samples in their natural field condition were sealed in airtight containers and transported to the laboratory. Descriptions of the soils encountered are presented on the attached Boring logs. The data presented on these logs is a simplification of actual subsurface conditions encountered and applies only at the specific boring location and the date excavated. It is not warranted to be representative of subsurface conditions at other locations and times. LABORATORY TESTING Field samples were examined in the laboratory and a testing program was then established to develop data for preliminary evaluation of geotechnical conditions. Field moisture and dry densities were calculated for each undisturbed sample. Maximum density-optimum moisture relationships were established. for use in evaluation of in-situ conditions and for future use during grading operations. Direct shear tests were performed on specimens at near saturation under various normal loads. The results of test are based on STRATA-TECH G C O' E C fi N i C A L C O N S U L T A N T S ultimate residual values. MR. AHADAPOUR -2-W.O. 15389 Expansion tests were performed on typical specimens of natural soils in accordance with the procedures outlined in U.B.C. Standard 29-2. Corrosion tests of on site soils were conducted. TEST RESULTS In-Situ Moisture Densi -tuy Boring No. Depth in Feet Field Density (pcf) rield Moist ire o (pcf) 1 5 104.6 21.0 1 10 103.8 23.1 1 15 104.8 21.7 1 20 106.2 21.1 1 25 88.6 33.0 2 5 120.4 11.9 2 10 112.0 17.3 3 5 123,0 28.9 3 10 104.1 22.0 3 15 109.7 16.5 4 5 93.0 28.9 4 10 104.1 22.0 4 15 109.7 16.5 5 5 111.8 18.2 5 10 101.1 23.0 Maximum Densit' 0 timum Moisture ASTM:D-1557-70 Boring Depth in Maximum Optimum No. Feet Density Moisture% (pcf) (pcf) 1 4 1-3 123.5 20.0 1-3 132.1 23.1 STRATA-TECH G 0 t N S U L T A N T S MR. AHI:DAPOUR -3- W.O. 15389 Direct Shear Boring Depth in Cohesion Angle ofInternal No. Feet Lbs./Sq.Ft. Friction (Degrees) 1 5 200 18 1 10 150 28 Ex ansion Index U.B.C. Standard 29-2 Boring No. Depth in Feet F'-nansion ;idex Expansion Index 1 3-4 94 High 2 5 72 Medium 4 3-•5 87 Medium STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S MR. AHADAPOUR -3- W.O. 15389 Dij.ect Shear Boring Depth in Cohesion Angle ofrnternal No. Feet Lbs./Sq.Ft. Friction (Degrees) 1 5 200 18 1 10 150 28 Ex ansion Index U.B.C. Standard 29-2 Boriny Depth in Expansion Expansion No. Feet Index Index 1 3-4 5 3-5 94 High 72 Medium 87 Medium EXPANSIVE SOIL RECC?1iENDAfIONS W.O. 15389 PLATE B VERY LCW LCw MEDIUM HIGH EXPANSION INDEX 0 - 20 21 - )0 51 - 90 91 - 130 FAT I NG WIDTH 1 Story See Body 12"12 12" 2 Story of Report 12"12"12" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTERIOR FOOTING DEPTH 1 Story See Body 12"18"24" 2 Story of Report 18"18"24" ------- --------------------------------------------------- INTERIOR FOOTING DEPTH 1 Story 12"12"12"24" 1 2 Story 12"12"1a"24" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOOTING REINFORCEMENT Not Required 2 114 Bars 2 15 Bars 4 H4 Bars 1 Top 1 Bottom 1 Top 1 Bottom 2 Top 2 Bot,;n ------------------------- SAAB THICKNESS ------------------------- SLAB REINFORCEMENT ---------------- 4" Nominal ---------------- Not Required 4" Nominal ----------------- 4" Nominal ------------------- 6" x 6" 116/-6----------------- 6 Mil 4" Actual ---------------- 113 Bars on 1811 Center Both Wail ---------------- 6 MilMOISTURE BARRIER (2) _JkRAGE REINFORCEMENT ---------- --------------- GRADE BEAM GARAGE ENTRANCE ------------------------- SUBGRADE PRESA'ILIRATION ---------------- 6 Mil Visqueen 2" Sand ---------------- Not Required 1/4 Slab (3) Not Required Not Required Not Required 6" x 6" 1110/1110 ---------------- 6 Mil Visqueen 2" Sand ---------------- 6" x 6" 1110/1110 or 1/4 Slab (3) Not Required ----------------- Not Required Visqueen Visqueen 2" Sand 2" Sand ----------------- ---------------- Free Floating Free Floating 6" x6" 6"x6 1110/1110 116/116 ----------------- ---------------- Same as Adj. Sarre as Adj. Ext. Ftg. Ext. Ftg. --------------------------------- 4" Coarse I 4" Coarse Sand (4)Sand (4 ) --------------- 120% of Opt. M/C to Depth Ftg. ---------------- ----------------- Above Opt. to 110% of Opt. Depth of Ftg. M/C to Depth (No Testing) Ftg. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N'TE: 1. The surrounding areas should be graded so as to ensure drainage away from the building. 2. Concrete floor slab in areas to be covered with moisture sensitive coveritgs shall be constructed over a 6 mil plastic membrane., The plastic should be properly lapped, sealed and protected with said. 3. Quartering of slab should be accomplished by the use of pre-rrolded expansion. joint material and not by saw cutting. 4. Two (2") inches of sand over moisture barrier may be included in this four (4") inch total. .v t•r1:,4..iiL +pi- riirrucl:-r?VICINITY MAP p I`SCCNAR 3 OR, Irl'i I II Il f J J. =Jia ;--.G t ... STRATA-TECH 4 ,t FA5 MA4/li ¢q. / li xl17 11 FF c•l ,4 / ' i1f' -fl Mfr :T i r_' Isand`.. Sa I r GIrrGn- t---,/ f enr_:•-mil E-__.._..,•_",. "-"Dflll _ CCIH I'OI:A7'I. 111)l"4I){{;1- _ - _ `T Hole ltl OHnTE L\=J -- - -1,7 .,.i Cp GAR) I lI I'< -',-- G 41 C!I' I m Is 2LI (--U G I 5=55UU, 2,L ' W V n•r ,erc"_ STRATA-TECH W.O. 953 81 DATE /917 STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S BORING LOG PROJECT:HUNTINGTON HARBOR 11 LOCATION:SEE PLAN BORING NO.; 1 _ ELEVATION:2pLOX. 6'DRILL DATE:7/ 11/89 LOGGED BY:TDH DRIVING WEIGHT: C7 J Z 0 } u. -OV) (6 LL LLto W> - M W 0.DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS o f i U W O Om CJ < co o v N 0 0?W Wm OM Cr CL '' A/C/Base 12" Dark grey, black clay, silty, organic, very moist, moderately firm, layered with brown medium sands, damp FILL 5 Dark grey silt , clayey, moderately stiff, moist, layered with peat, oranic odor Black with sandy clay , silt, very 4/10 moist to wet , highly organic,and odor, soft Grey black with fine sand, very claye moist, moderately soft to loose, dccasional peat stringer, fresh organics 4/6 20 Brown clay, stiff/hard moist, layered 12/20 with brown medium sand, saturated, loose STRATA-TECH G E 0 T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S BORING LOG PROJECT:HUNTINGTON HARBOR II LOCATION: BORING NO.: - 1 ELEVATION:DRILL DATE: LOGGED BY: DRIVING WEIGHT: U) C6 M a DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS o 2 z (9 EOH @ 30 feet Water encountered @ 20 feet 12/32 LOCATION: aprox. 6' TDH SEE PLAN DRILL DATE :7/ 1 1 /89 DRIVING WEIGHT: zO } (n LL u) LL w >' DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS w J¢3 O ¢owC-) uv w0 m 0 wOzz03wcorQL) -'a A/C Base 12"I STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S BORING LOG PROJECT:HUNT tGTON HARBOR II BORING NO.: 2 ELEVATION: LOGGED BY: 5 Red brown sandy clay , moist, stiff, grades to clayey san -, dense, moist Brown medium to coarse sand, moderately aense, clean , saturated Brown sand , medium to very coarse grain , saturated, dense STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S y BORING LOG HUNTINGTON HARBOR IIPROJECT:LOCATION:- BORING NO.: 2 ELEVATION:DRILL DATE: LOGGED BY: DRIVING WEIGHT: Co0 zO >_ ~Cn B LL u-i C:l x DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS 0W¢O ¢WLWdu U WOO 0 m u O0W >..¢m JIL0 8/2625 30._.l Brown sand, predominately medium grain, trace small pebbles, saturate sands are gradational 11/41 35 EOH @ 35 feet STRATA-TECF-H G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S DESCRIPTION OP MATERIALS Concrete /4" Sand Grey and black silt clay, moist, soft, organic odor, minor brick fragments FILL r PROJECT;HUNTINGTON HARBOR II LOCATION: DRIVING WEIGHT: BORING NO.: 3 ELEVATION:aprox. 6'DRILL DATE:7/11/89 LOGGED B`(: 5 Red brown sandy clay, stiff, moist, trace of organics 10 Red brown sandy clay, stiff, moist, trace of organics Sand, brown, medium grain , saturated J Z , O QLL LL WQ Q ary W WO m oUuJO-1 U tp Z Wco cr COZ)a o -' 11/21 SEE PLAN 17/3 / W CL 0 2 .d WOCc O j I 20- EOH @ 20 feet BORING LOG TDH 9/17 STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S BORING LOG SEE PLANHUNTINGTON HARBOR LOCATION:PROJECT: 'BORING NO.:4 - ELEVATION: aarOX.DRILL DATE:7/11/89 TDHLOGGED BY: DRIVING WEIGHT: (D 0 J zO t}W U_J U (!) 0 U) F- U.. U)0 U) U_WZ)? -S DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS U O 0 WW U ZOO U m }u)0 w D W ma cocc _j0 2 U Concrete/Sand Grey black/brown silty clay, clayey sand, moist , loose to soft, brick fragments,peat FILL 5 Black clayey silt, very moist, modera ely 6/15 !G l soft, very organic, peat stringers 1 Brown grey clay, slightly sandy, moderately stiff, very moist 6/21 15 Sand, saturated, dense 15/2 / 20 EOH @ 20 feet 6/31 1 STRATA-TECH G E O T E C H N I C A L C O N S U L T A N T S f a ? PROJECT: BORING NO,. BORING LOG HUNTINGTON HARBOR II 5 ELEVATION: LOF ;ED BY: _ LOCATION: _ aprox. 6' TDH SEE PLAN DRILL DATE:7/ 1 1 /89 DRIVING WEIGHT: (0 z0 Y1(n °L ¢wo a U 0.DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS 0 W J < I- 3O Ct0 C7 <m Z 00 I---.°F-d J W0 ZO w 0 co } ¢j 0 :2 WOCC 0 n._o A/C Base 5 Grey black silt, clay, organic, very moist, soft Red brown clay, slightly sandy, moderately firm, moist 10 Olive grey silt with fine sand, stif very moist , hard concretions 9/16 15 Brown sand , medium grain , moist, very dense layered with grey olive silt, very stiff to hard, moist 8/13 -20 EOH 2 20 feet SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING SITE CLEARING All existing vegetation shall be stripped and hauled from the site. PREPARATION After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed until it is uniform and free from large clods, brought to a proper moisture content and compacted to not less than ninety (90) percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM;D-1557-78 (5 layers - 25 blows per layer; 10 lb. hammer dropped 18"; 4" diameter mold). MATERIALS On-site materials may be used for fill, or fill materials shall consist of materials approved by the Soils Engineer and may be obtained from the excavation of banks, borrow pits or any other approved source. The materials used should be free of vegetable matter and other deleterious substances and shall not contain rocks or lumps greater than eight (8) inches in maximum dimension. PLACING SPREADING AND COMPACTING FILL MATERIALS Where natural slopes exceed five (5) horizontal to one (1) vertical, the exposed bedrock shall be benched prior to placing fill. The selected f1.ll material shall be placed in layers which, when compacted, shall not exceed, six (6) inches in thickness. Each'layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to ensure uniformity of material and moisture of each layer. Where moisture of the fill material is below the limits specified by the Soils Engineer, water shall be added until the moisture content is as required to ensure thorough bonding and thorough compaction. Where moisture content of the fill material is above the limits specified by the Soils Engineer, the fill materials shall be aerated by blading or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread'evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than ninety (90) percep t of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM:D-1557-78 (5 .ayers - 25 blows per layer; 10 lbs. hammer dropped 18 inches; 4" diameter mold) or other density tests which will attain equivalent results. Compaction shall be by sheepsfoot roller, multi-wheel pneumatic tire roller or other types of acceptable rollers. Rollers shall be SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING PAGE 2 of such design that they will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. Rolling shall be accomplished while the fill material is at the specified moisture content. Rolling of each: layer shall be continuous over the entire area and the roller shall make sufficient trips to ensure that the desired density has been obtained. The final surface of the lot areas to receive slabs on grade should be rolled to a dense, smooth surface. The outside of all fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equig...znt. Compaction operations shall be continued until the outer nine (9) inches of the slope is at least ninety (90) percent compacted. Compacting of the slopes may be progressively in increments of three (3) feet to five (5) feet of fill height as the fill is brought to grade, or after the fill is brought to its total height. Field density tests shall be made by the Soils Engineer of the compaction of each layer of fill. Density tests shall be made at intervals not to exceed two (2) feet of fill height provided all layers are tested. Where the sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of several inches and density readings shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface. When these readings indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion there is below the required ninety (90) percent density, the particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density has been obtained. The grading specifications should be a part of the project specifications. The Soil Engineer shall review the grading plans prior to grading. INSPECTION The Soil Engineer shall provide continuous supervision of the site clearing and grading operation so that he can verify the grading was done in accordance with the accepted plans and specifications. SEASONAL LIMITATIONS No fill material shall be placed, spread. or rolled during un favorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rains, fill operations shall not be resumed until the field tests by the Soils Engineer indicate the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specif_'.ed. EXPANSIVE SOIL CONDITIONS Whenever expansive soil conditions are encountered, the moisture content of the fill or recompacted soil shall be as recommended in the expansive soil recommendations included herewith.