HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Amendment GPA1990004 - Gordon Bricken & Associates Acoustical Studyi GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONS:. ,TING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY EN 3INEERS Jun-- 25, 1990 A C O U S T I C A L A N A L Y S 16 B A Y 90/4.77 C I T Y O F Prepared b • 040-111 Gordo ricken Pres dent /mmb C L U B P H A S E H r' N. T I N G T 0 N B E A C H Prepared for: MS. KATHLEEN TERKLA COULTRUP DEVELOPMENT 13001 Seal Beach Blvd.,#300 Seal Beach, California,90740 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714) 835-1957 90/477 GORDON BRICKEN & ASS OCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS S U M M A R Y The analysis has been completed to determine the exterior and interior noise exposure and the necessary mitigation measures for the proposed Bay Club Phase II project located in the City of Huntington Beach. A detailed list of recommendations and requirements is given the following summary. Details are discussed in the body of the 'port. A. NOISE CONTROL BY BARRIER DESIGN An eight foot (8') high sound wall must be constructed along Warner. The location is shown in Exhibit 4. B. NOISE CONTROL BARRIER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS The required noise control barriers may be constructed using one of the following materials: (1) Masonry block (2) Stucco on wood frame (3) 3/4" plywood (4) 1/4" glass or 1/2" LEXAN (5) Any combination of these materials or any material rated 3.5 pounds per square foot surface weight or greater. 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K Santa Ana, California 92701 •Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714) 835-1957 1 i M 90/477 Each completed noise control barrier must present a solia face from top-to-bottom. Cutouts and openings are not permitted except for drain holes. C. INTERIOR NOISE CONTROL The buildings would be expected to be constructed, as a minimum, in accordance with the outline of Table 6. This is adequate for all buildings and units with the following exceptions: Add STC 31 or STC :.9 glazing as noted on Exhibit 6 for windows facing Warner Avenue. D. VENTILATION When calculations depend on having windows closed, as it is in this case, it is desirable to provide adequate fresh air ventilation or air conditioning without resorting to the opening of the windows, should the occupant desire not to do so. 90/477 GORDO N BRICKEN & ASSOCIA'T'ES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a noise impact and design study of the proposed Bay Club Phase II project located on Warner Avenue in the City of Huntington Beach. Included in this report is a discussion of the expected exterior community noise environment and the recommendations for control of noise in the exterior and interior living areas. A vicinity map showing the general location of the construction site is presented on Exhibit 1 -- Site Location Map. The proposed development is 18, single family detached buildings. 2.0 APPLICABLE NOISE CRITERIA ,The City of Huntington Beach requires all residential projects to conform to the requirements of Table 1. TABLE 1 APPLICABLE NOISE CRITERIA(1) Exterior ...... 65 CNEL Interior ...... 45 CNEL (1) Please see NOISE RATING METHODS (Appendix l) for a complete explanation of acoustical terminology. 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K Santa Ana, California 92701 • Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714) 835-1957 i 90/477 3.0 EXISTING NOISE LEVELS 3.1 ROADWAYS A measurement was performed on the site. The record of this measurement is attached as Exhibit 2. Measurements are conducted using a Bruel and Kjaer (B & K) Model 2209 Type 1 Sound Level Meter, a B & K Model 2306 Strip Chart Recorder, and a B & K Model 4426 Statistical Noise Analyzer . The Average Noise Level reported from this measurement was 70 Leq. The measurement was taken at a point 65 feet from the centerline of Warner Avenue. A ten minute traffic count was taken during the measurement period. The results of, that count are given in Table 2. TABLE 2 TEN MINUTE TRAFFIC COUNTS AUTOS MEDIUM TRUCKS HEAVY TRUCKS TOTAL TEN MINUTES 202 2 0 204 HOURLY EQUIVALENT 1,212 12 0 1,224 PERCENTAGE 99.0 2.0 0 100.0 The primary function of the measurements is to calibrate the Noise Model (FHWA RD-77-108) used to compute the CNEL data. The model relies on the acoustical metric of the Average Noise Level (Leq). By taking the traffic count during the measurement, calculating the Leq value for that sample, and comparing it to the measured sample, it is possible to calibrate the CNEL model for any factors which are present, and riot adequately identified in the prediction equations. The computer print-out.is attached in Appendix 2. The calculated levels and the measured level are compared in Table 3 on the following page. 90/477 TABLE 3 COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED AVERAGE NOISE LEVELS Calculated 70 Measured 70 DIFFERENCE 0 The calculated and measured values correspond. Therefore, no corrections need be applied to the CNEL calculations. 3.2 RAILROAD There is no railroad near the site. 3.3 AIRCRAFT There is no airport near the site. 3.4 STATIONARY There are no stationary sources near the site. 4.0 DESIGN NOISE LEVELS 4.1 ROADWAY The expected future roadway noise impact was projected Ling the Federal Highway Admini- stration's Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA RD-77- 108) together with several roadway acid site parameters, which determine the projected impact of vehicular traffic noise, including the roadway crossection (e.g. number of lanes), t e roadway active width, the average daily traffic (ADT), the vehicle travel speed, the percentages of auto and truck traffic, the roadway grade, the angle-of-view, the site conditions ("hard " or "soft"), and the percent of total average daily traffic which flows each hour throughout a 24-hour period. The forecast traffic volume was obtained from the Warner Avenue widening EIR at 42,000 ADT. 90/477 The percentage of truck traffic was obtained from a 1987 Study of Thirty-one Arterial Intersections. by the County of Orange. The same source was used for the distribution by the time of day. The data is listed in Table 4. TABLE 4 TRAFFIC INPUT DATA -- WARNER % DAY % EVENING % NIGHT % VOLUME Autos 75.51 12.57 9.34 100.0 Medium Trucks 1.56 .09 .19 100.0 Heavy Trucks .64 .02 .08 100.0 Volume = 42,000 ADT The calculations are listed in Appendix 3. The calculations yield a. design noise level of 75 CNEL at 50 feet from the centerline of Warner. The noise contours are shown on Exhibit 3 for the vacant site. 4.2 RAILROAD Railroad noise is not expected to occur. Thus, railroad noise will not impact the site. 4.3 AIRCRAFT Aircraft noise is not expected in the future. Thus, aircraft noise will impact the site. 4.4 STATIONARY Stationary sources are not expected to impact the site. 5.0 MITIGATION MEASURES 5.1 EXTERIOR The mitigation of exterior noise will require a barrier along Warner since the levels will exceed 65 CNEL. The assumptions for the barrier calculations are listed in Table 5 on the following page. 90/4.77 TABLE 5 BARRIER ANALYSIS GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FOR RECEIVER AND SOURCE GEOMETRY RECE IVERASSUMPTI0NS HORIZONTAL GEOMETRY VERTICAL G23METRY Distance behind top-of-roadways Height above pad for ground barrier: 5' to 10' level receivers: 5' Distance behind individual Height above pad for second patio and balcony barriers: level receivers: 14' 1' to 3' S 0 U R C E A S S U M P T I O N S For roadways with grades no Automobiles: 0' above center- greater than 2%, all vehicles line road grade were located at the single lane equivalent acoustic center of Medium Trucks: 2.3' above the full roadway. For roadways centerline road with over 2% grade, vehicle grade count was divided in half and located at the single lane Heavy Trucks: 8' above equivalent acoustic center for centerline road each side of the roadway. grade Single lane equivalent (SLE) location. The results of the barric,r calculations, contained in Appendix 4, show that an eight foot (8') sound wall will be needed to reduce noise levels to a maximum exterior level of 65 CNEL. Balconies are not required to be attenuated since these are not stacked units and private open space is available at the first floor level. The barrier location is depicted on Exhibit 4. HORIZONTAL GEOMETRY* VERTICAL GEOMETRY 90/477 The required noise control barriers may be constructed using one of the following materials: (1) Masonry block (2) Stucco on wood frame (3) 3/4" plywood (4) 1/4" glass or 1/2" Lr^,XAN (5) Any combination of these materials or any material rated 3.5 pounds per square foot surface weight or greater. Each completed noise control barrier must present a solid face from top-to-bottom. Cutouts and openings are not permitted except for drain holes. 5.2 INTERIOR The City's exposure criteria for new resi- dential construction requires that the interior noise e:vironment, attributable to outside sources, be limited to 45 CNEL. Analysis and recommendations for control of outdoor-to-indoor noise intrusion are presented in this section. The exterior-to-interior rio--.se reduction expected for the planned construction was' based on a detailed analysis of sample rooms and units planned for the development. Calculations of the expected typical noise reduction performance were performed for sample rooms. The analysis was based on the typical spectra expected for the primary sources of community no:)se impact, the typical octave-band transmission loss for each element in the planned building shell, the relative square footage of each element of the planned building shell, the expected typical interior surface treatment, and the acoustical absorption coefficient for each interior surface treatment. Corrections for the "A" Weighted room absorption factors are also included. Each component of the building shell (e.g. exterior wall, windows, doors, etc.) provides a different amount of transmission loss for each "A" Weighted octave-band of community noise. With the knowledge of the building shell components and their individual octave band transmission loss values for the noise sources, calculations of the composite building shell transmission loss can be made for each room. 8 90/477 I The Table 6 construction minimums will provide around 20 dBA interior noise _r. eduction. This would be adequate for the first floor since the sound wall reduces levels to 65 CNEL, and 20 dBA of reduction is all that is required to achieve 45 CNEL . At the second and third floors, the situation varies. The required redaction is noted on Exhibit 5 Calculations were carried out for sample rooms and are contained in Appendix 5. The variable was the glazing. The results are given in Table 8. TABLE ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUES STL PLAN ROOM 21 25 27 29 31 Bedroom #2 19 22 24 26 28 Bedroom #3 21 21 23 25 27 Master Bedroom 21 24 25 27 29 The calculations are used in conjunction with Exhibit 5 to produce the allocations shown on Exhibit 6. PANEL The characteristics of the basic building shell are listed in Table 6. TABLE 6 BASIC BUILDING SHELL CHARACTERISTICS CONSTRUCTION Exterior Wall 7/8" stucco, 2" X 4" studs, R-11 Fiberglass Insulation, 1/2" Drywall Windows 3/32" single pane aluminum horizontal sliders Sliding Glass Door 3/16" single pane aluminum horizontal sliders Roof Shingle over 1/2" plywood, Fiber- glass Insulation, 1/2" drywall, Vented Floor Carpeted except kitchen and baths 9 90/477 5.3 VENTILATION When calculations depend on having windows closed, as it is in this case, according to it is desirable to provide adequate fresh air ventilation without resorting to the opening of the windows, should the occupant desire not to do so. 10 ',EdINGER cow tAVAT DR AO TE6iO DIVi I ~"irai i f FS & BOA r A U141f EXHIBIT 1 SITE LOCATION MAP CM e J 9 O(LPH1 LUOE DA z 2 F c <.SEA P IRtf R J MAR w1T St „.>$r IIRCA oss c `Dti Ia F A 2J 1 o L4- 'TTYPCIR A 1 i18Ir.- CA01 FxTA 1110`•('aOAOWAE CiusTT I5 P 0A 4_ tPOl1 s (AT$Etu Lo nv4k1.M ). al jLO CIR 2. F4L RPIEIELD tvW r. STILES UR S. hIRSF CIR z A 0 zz r T EXHIBIT 2DATE11/3/89100CHART SPEEDSCALELOCATION.3mmA65' FROM C/L OFWARNERL%40 50 60 DB 708009050--5040- ----40OP Q102.80--90-8070-_. --D880- f50-40-OP 0102 EXHIBIT% 3CNEL NOISE CONTOURSVACANT SITEZ ZVw'VVVVV IVV_S 17SITE PLAN r7-,F7'OUL ° Ui° f GICOpIIULIIi LOLLrlC`rb°oO5 MI ©WUMC1LtSC Ll-CAOiIAAEAHkiMlx 1111OIUII[0040fi lY1511C DINTULtlClLLT DUD-01'r51A'ID:10' 1-W4 WALL+AY AND L[ecll - jot ACT.OWNERS CONTAIAUTION ADIUSA OITn LAND I lr - wl l, - ? , r InvOL rvoLIC orLA uxD NC.M&SC5TO em 0111'rlu5uwmnOI 10'010 Iq AIIIA UdrtSIo•xla'DFFA(-ATARUNITS111 lm"IC' DEF1 'II TA O'SOrFV$UUUNTUI W'1I'I'HMI,vA UnrtIN TOTAL UbrtSI'A1lAIoCIIEOUIIIL'L' I'ADUIIC I 'IW11111,1'COURSED - 11 COVETED- 51cunr - 1J cuE - ITTOTAL TOTALAFAUTAED- AI•S &OVIOCD- IluI!IIIIIIII':Illllllfllla` ; EXHIBIT 41SOUND WALLz ZMr011 •!N 1111•Y UrflO,n,i11LIit nlnlCnu..,.nnr(.rII. bl.rnl.neu c,rlmuru+.nmm ann.!u lr, dnanl •,rl!.[ tU5UC Olp14l, NU1.n01J In lie nI.I ,wmp rM'u.up. unt ilIlls Mlq ,r l frr Vnl ,lIII I111 M:r.!- Vnl,'nII „U[UnrtirAGGICG 11ONn[V- Y.nn rlryYlll Inronn1,• ,I (055510- ucum a CULT, - H1,001 T.UI.III II II IIIIII Io I.L.I„ wAgN EJ ._C©UULTRUUP DD I IELOo P1 T ©©uC UvMT16 T'GK1 [fd° oO:R' P SAY CLUBIlllllll'IIIfiliI z 2vvvww.vvr-1--1-I__JL„l r•Jza6s,k•C UAL °Up Df /C OPI T ChuLO&MI1[ ° O RELaW CLUB\ r.III IIII II II Illll i0CIWULJ00aEXHIBIT 5REQUIRED NOISEREDUCTIONf,IL II., 704}0110}0 1v1NVI}}I} 1YI}DIVf0l0 01011 1 YIDWC1LL1W1CDIlIlIAlD: .VIII IC• '0 l}x01.40}I1(0. )pi Nrr,0•I+r.N0001.II01 IOn ODIy111 0 101.1 0.0 I.I'. n.. Ir. l lrIrI,,,.I r0}u0010$ unp 10C}fe11} 00 IIIWIIWN i}I•, 00Y4 00V,nIID b}b prr 011•VnlllIII Y}II 'Drr .0100 O l•1tlIr rof.l 60011'0.7100 N.ON4IVpmn1D" e00(40 - u,0007amuo" n1,O_VfxUE007E FPLA, NN EXHIBIT 6rGLAZING RATINGS2nd/3rd FLOOR WINDOW/SGDFACING WARNER511CI41'1Azt'lld0G1U 0„3OIf AAG Inln31GA23AoNneoeAUn IulGWC1l uO11C.0rI o.1O;10' fllrllt WA0000t AND fG,C11 - "1,C,11oWxruGOI 1Ux Anlumune 0naulo-. wnn'In1IInyAVOALICOr11OrW1 IAYO GAGCNL'10 nG 11 t2n1UWNUn1 wAn'u,uxA Uxm1 w14W ofr xnuxmnl w.lm'orrA?GG Uxmn•.In•o-rr WA,uxcxnuvmp ..... -I TOTAL 11x11,1'.1110110 ILLOAIIIIIU 1'01111711111Jl lx ll1COATICO- 11 COACOCO- 11GUNS? - rl OYNSr --OrAl. TOTALAGp10xIO- ,il rlonlOro-.. UUIIII II II IIHI II-I31w>t RNEnCO`UL Uvp DG IELOpIku/ EmTr COOcf-Tco`M [LO MEW CLUAVENUE _, _--__... 0 GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS A P P E N D I X I NOISE RATING METHODS 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714) 835-1957 I Page 1 of 3 GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS N 0 I R A T I N G M E T H O D S The A-weighted decibel of "A" scale on the sound level meter is often used in the measurement of noise because the weighting characteristics of this scale approximate the subjective response of the human ear to a broad frequency band noise source by discriminating against the very low and the very high frequencies of the audible spectrum. Since community noise is seldom constant, varying from moment to moment and throughout the day, the "A" weighted noise level needs to be further described to provide meaningful data. The Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Department of Transportation, foreign countries and private consultants are now using three time-exceeded percentile figures to describe noise, which are: (1)L90 is the noise level 90% of any sample time hours) and is used to describe ambient noise level. (2) L50 is the noise 50% of the time. (3)L10 10% fluctuating is the level which is exceeded period (such as 24 the background or which is exceeded it is the median level. noise level which is exceeded of the time and is a good descriptor of noise sources, such as vehicular traffic. It indicates the near-maximum grouped single events. Being annoyance to community noise, levels which occur from related to the subjective it is a good design tool 1 621 East Seaenm,eenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana, Cat forr,,ia927010 Phone (7141835-0249 Page 2 of 3 in the planning of acoustical barriers. More recent noise assessment methods are based on the equivalent energy concept where Leq(x )represents the average energy content of a fluctuating noise source over a sample period. The subscript (x) represents the period in which the energy is computed and measured . Current practice references the quantity to either one (1 ) hour, eight (8) hours, or twenty- four (24) hours . Wher referenced to one (1) hour, Leq is also sometimes called HNL (Hourly Noise Level). Since Leq is the summation of the functional products of noise level and duration, many combinations of noise level, duration time and time history can make up the same Leq value. Thus, an Leq (24)equals 50 means only that the average noise level is 50 dB. During the 24-hour period there can be times when the noise level is higher than 50 dB, and times when it is lower. If the period of the measurement is only a single event, the energy content is not averaged . The energy expression for a single event is simply the sum of the functional product of the noise level and duration time of the event , This term is called Le or SENEL (Single Event Noise Exposure Level). The summation of Le values averaged over one hour is Leq(1), Leq(8 ), and Leq (24), etc. L•eq is further refined into Ldn (Level Day-Night) and CNEL (Community Noise Equivalent Level) , where noises that occur during certain hours of the day are weighted (or penalized) because they are considered subjectively more annoying during these time periods: (1)Ldn is the sound level in dBA which corresponds to the average energy content of the noise being measured over a 24-hour period including a 10 dBA weighting penalty for sound levels which occur during the nighttime hours of 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. This is a rating method recommended by the Environmental rage .s or .3 Protection Agency because it takes into account those subjectively more annoying noise events which occur during the sleeping hours. (2) CNEL is the sound level in dBA which corres- ponds to the average energy content of the noise being measured over a 24-hour period including a five (5) dBA penalty for noise which occurs during the evening hours of 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M., and a ten (10) dBA weighting penalty for noise that occurs durina the night- time hours of 10;00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. For typical high- way vehicular traffic situations, computer analysis has shown that CNEL and Ldn correlate within 0.5 dBA. The percentile figures L10,L50,and L 90 can be directly scaled from a graphical recording of the measured noise over a particular time period. They are also convenient to implement in automatic measurement equipment. Energy parameters Le' Leg' Ldn'and CNEL require expensive and complicated equip- ment. As a result, engineers have devised ways of estimating Leq (and hence, Ldn) using standard instrumentation and methods. I I GORDON BRICKEN &ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS A P P E N D I X 2 CALCULATIONS FROM '1RAFFIC COUNTS 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone (714) 835.0249 FAX (714) 835-1957 T, HOURLY NOISE LEVEL PROJECT C1 STREET NAME WARNE SITE TYPE HARE) INPUT DATA SPEED: AUTO 50 METK 5O HVTK 50 VOLUME S9 1 C) VOLUME =1224 HVY TRK GRADIENT =0 D9A NOISE LEVEL AUTO 69.81 MED. TRK.59.89 HVY. TRK.0,00 TOTAL 70.23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- LEO AT SPECIFIED DISTANCES DISTANCE LEG. 50 70.23 75 62.47 100 67.22 1't5 66.2 5 150 65 .46 175 64.79 2Q0 64 .2 1 250 63.?4 300 62.45 350 61.78 400 tj.. 20 45:1 60.69 500 60 . 550 5P.82 600 59 .4 650 59.09 7011 58.17 7 50 52.47 800 59.1''? 10.10 57.22 GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS APPEND I X 3 DESIGN CNEL CALCULATIONS 162' East Seventeenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714) 835-1957 PI-{L RD-17-105 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL ------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJECT NAME CT SITE LOCATION HUNTINGTON BEA(: H OESCF:IPTIOhd :WARNER SITE TYPE :HAND --------------------------------------------------------------- I NPUT DATA SPEED AUTO 4i: MEDIUM TRUCK 45 HEAVY TRUCK 45 '„DAY 75. 51 1 . 56 .64 EVENIN G 12'.57 0.09 0.02 NIGHT 9..4 .1.9 .518 7.VOLUME 100 100 100 VOLUME 42000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNEL -------AVERAGE HOURLY NOISE LEVELS AT DAY EVENING NIGHT 50 FEET------ 24 HOUR ------------------------- AUTO 71.91 70.14 64.08 70.01 71 .27 MEDIUM TRK.65.29 58.92 57.39 6 2 .99 66.06 HEAVY TRK.66.02 57.05 58.301 6 1 .70 66.77 TOTAL 70.61 70.65 15.78 71.57 74.78 NOISE LEVEL DISTANCE AT SPECIFIED DISTANCES CNEL. 50 74.78 77 7 3.01, 100 7 1 . 7 6 125 70.80 170 70. [)t_) 175 69.--. 20(1 68.75 225 62.24 1250 6 7.79 2!5 67.17 00 66.99 325.86.65 '50 375 66,02 400 450 45.M? 500 64.78 550 64.36 4t0 63.92 650 63.64 700 63.±1 750 6 3 .01 1 Got-.) GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS APPEND I X 4 BARRIER CALCULATIONS 1621 East Seventeenth Street. Suite K Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone (7.4) 835-0249 FAX (714) 835.1957 RAF:P„TER NOISE REDUCTION ANAL'IR]:S. WALL HEIGHT VARIABLE PROJECT ...... CT P2 DESCRIPTION- SOUND WALL ALONG WARNER SOURCE. ELEVATION,....... 0 RECEIVER ELE'VATION..... r: BARRIER ELEVATION ...... RECEIVER HEIGHT. .... 5 DISTANCE TO SOURCE..... 65 DISTANCE TO RECEIVER... 10 qUTO NOISE LEVEL ...... 7 3 . 27 M, TRi< NOISE LEVEL ...... 66.06 H. TRK NOISE LEVEL...... 66.77 SOURCE NOISE LEVEL..... 74.77 ANGULAR CORRECTION(DI) - G WALL HEIGHT NOISE LEVEL 0.00 73.01. 1.00 73.01. 2.00 73„01. 3.00 3.01 4.00 73.01 INSEF:TION LOSS 0.00 0.00 0. 00 01.00 0.00 6. ic> 90 6.11 .. 00 65. 70 7 .31. @. 0`J0l 64 .26 9.75 9.00 62.92 10 .20 i GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS APP END I X ROOM CALCULATIONS 162, East Seventeenth Street. Suite K • Santa Ana, California 92701 • Phone (714) 835.0249 FAX (714) 835.1957 I I L ORr SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE, REDUCTION VAI_LIF ROOM NAME. P3 MEIR/RETREAT+STG31 FLOOR AREA 41Q SURFACES Ti_ @ AREA TTS---------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. WALL 1 40 196 .0196 EXT. WALL. 2 0 0 0 FXT. WALL 3 0 i:i C> WINDOW 1 2 c?.0.5 60 7.5 53 551E-02 WINDOW 2 0 .05 0 0 WINDOW 3 Q Qti 0 0 SGP 0 . 03 c)0 DOORS 0 .04 0 i ROOF 0 . 04 0 0 FLOOR .6 4.19 -------------------------- ------------------------------------ 9.513551E-02 -10LOG!ET*;S)10.21657 1OI_O!A 24.52-1 NR 28.74057 --------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES=1/10'"( TL 10) I$r:P :r SHEET FOR CALCULATING :=:OOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME P3 MBR !RETF:EAT •+SIC27 FLOOR AREA 4t9 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*33 ------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. WALL 1 40 196 .0196 EXf.WALL 2 CY C) t> EXT. WALL 3 0 0 C) WINDOW 12 3 .05 60 .1897366 WINDOW 2 0 .05 i0 WINDOW ' 0 .05 C) 0 SGD 0 . 05 0 C> DOORS 0 . 04 CJ iI ROOF U .04 0 0 FLOOR .6 419 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ET *:S -1OLOG(ET*S) 10LOGA NR .2093066 791549 24.524 25.31555 NOTES=1110'•( TL/iO) WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE R EDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME P3. MGR?'RETREAT+STC' .? FLOOR AREA 419 SURFACES TI._ AREA T•S EXT. WALL 1 40 196 ,.0196 EXT.WALL 2 C+ 0 0 EXT.WALL t U 0 0 WINDOW 1 27 .011-1 40 .1197157 WINDOW 2 C) .05 0 0 WINDOW 3 s? SGD C0 . 05 UDOORS Co . 04 0 ROOF )T) O4 0 0 FLOOR ..s 41'? --------------- ------------------------------------------------ ET *S, -10LOG1ET'*'_7 1 CILOGA NR . 139.315 9.55999 8 24.524 27.48399. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- NOTE:SFL/i( ( TL/iC;) (A(1RI. SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM h,OI SE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME P3 MDR/RETREAT FLOOR AREA 419 SURFACES TL. :11 AREA TrFS ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------- F_.XT. WALL 1.40 196 C?1 . EXT. WALL. 2 0 0 0 EXT. WALL 3 0 0 0 WINDOW J.'20 .05 60 6 WINDOW 2 i.r .05 0 Cr W:rNDOW Cr -05 0 0 SED 0 .05 0 0 DOOF:S 0 . 04 Cr 0 ROOF 0 .04 C>0 FLOOR .6 419 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ET*S .6196 -•10LOG(ET*S) 2.07839' 1C 1L_Of{} 24.524 NR 20.60288 NOTE S=1 / 10- ( TL/10) WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE F:OOM NAME F'. MEIR RETREAA+'STC2S FLOOR AREA 41P SURFACES TL 9 AREA T*S --------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. WSL.L 1 40 1 96 .0196 F=XT.WALI.. 2 0 0 Cr EXT. MALL _0 0 0 N N0OW i .05 60 007121. WINDOW 2 0 .05 i s it W'CNDO1AWti 0 .055 0 SGII)C). 05 t:r 0 DOORS 0 . 04 Cr ROOF 04 Cr .t6 41. ------------- ------------------------------------------------- ETS. -1 01.OC (ET*S) 1.OL OGA NR Nti I E`: ._=°:I 10"• C "l-(_ / 1 0) .3203124 4.944262 24.524 23.46826 I WORk SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME P1 ER3+6STC31 FLOOR AREA 143 SURFACES TL AREA T*:S --------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.WALL_ EXT.WAL_L 1 2 40 64 C) .0064 EXT. WALL 3 0 WINDOW J..05 C)f) WINDOW 2 7).05 C) WINDOW .03 C) SGD 29 .05 40 5.035701E-02 DOORS .04 C)41 ROOF C).04 0 0 FLOOR .6 143 ------------ ET* ',3 3.475701E-02 -10LOG SETA:S)12.45981 10i._c:)GA 20,02425 NR 26.48406 ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE:S=1110''( TL/10) WORK SH EET FO R CALCI!I_ATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA P1 DW&STC 27 14;3 SURFACES EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL. 2 EXT. WAL_L_ 3 TL @ 40 C0 Ci AREA 64 U T*:S .0064 U WINDOW 1 0 .05 C 0 WINDOW 2 0 .05 C;Q WINDOW 3 0 .05 0 C0 SGD 25 .05 40 . 126491 DOORS 0 .04 Ci O ROOF 0 .04 0 0 FLOOR .6 14' ET*:S .1322911 -1OLOG (ETAS)8 .765042 1OL_OGA 20.02425 NR 22.7893 NOTE:S=1i 1i: ( To/10) WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATINO ROOM NOISE R=DUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA P 1 BR.3+STC2' 143 SURFACES TL AREA TES EXT. WALL 1 40 b4 .0064 EXT. WALL 2 0 0 0 EXT. WALL 3 0 C)C) WINDOW 1 0 .05 C)0 WINDOW 2 0 .65 WINDOW 31 ;l 05 t_t o 80])27 .05 40 7,981049S-02 DOOMS Cl . 04 0 r y ROOF C,.011 0 Cr FLOOR .6 143 jT :L: S 9.6210495-02 -10LOG (ET :S')10.6444 1 ULOo-20.02425 NR 24.66865 --------------------------- r,.1lTE:S=1 10 [ Ti_l1O) WORL,SHEET FOR CAKQULATINf ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE RCON NAME FLOOR AREA RI BR 14 SURFACES TL S AREA T:S EXT. WALL 1 40 64 .G)64 EXT. WALL 2 43 82 4.410447E-03 E_XT.WALL 3 4 0 ii WINDOW i iY .015 0 W I NDOW 2 (Y . 05 C>t;Y WINDOW 3 .05 0 tY SGD 23 .05 40 . 2004 749 DOORS cY .04 0 ROOF O .04 U tai FLOOR /-,143 --------------------------------------------------------------- ET :S .2112054 -10LOG(ET :S)6.751305 1 oLOUA 19:96951 NR 20.62081 NOTE S=1 /10- ( TL_! 1O) WOF:1+ SHEET FGR CFn_CULAT.INS ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA P i BRS+STC2 S 14 SURFACES TL_:AREA T*S EXT. WALL 1 40 64 . 00_4 EXT. WALL.w 43 88 4.410447E-03 EXT. WALL ;TY t i h WINDOW I CY . 05 to t_s WINDOW W I NDOW SGD t) 2 _ .05 .05 .05 a 40 t) C1 .2004749 DOORS 0 .04 iY CY RI IOF 0 .Oil CY FLOOR 14.- --------------------------------------------------------------- ET4 S --10LOGt:ETl1S) 1 OLOGA NR NOTE:S=1 /10-( TL!1Q) .2112054 . 751305 1'9. 869`1 24.62081 r A WORk SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA P1 E)R2+STCS 1 150 SURFACES Tl_AREA T*;S EXT. WALL 1 40 68 .C068' EXT. WALL 2 0 l.) EXT. WALL C)C) W I NDOW J.29 , Of,32 4.028561E-02 WINDOW 2 0 .05 C)0 WINDOW 3 C).05 ii C) SGI)C). 05 C)p DOORS C)o4 C ) F:OOF C).04 0 ) FLOOR 150 ET*S 4.708561E-02 -bC)LDG ((ET*S)12.27112 1 OLOGA 20.29394 NR 27.56496 NOTES=1!10 ?TL/ 10) r WORK SHEET FOR CALCULAl INU' ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME P1 DF:2+48TC2 7 FLOOR AREA 150 SURFACES TL AREA T*S --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. WALL 1 ,}t)48 0068 EXT. WALL 2 C,0 0 EXT. WALL C>0 0 WINDOW 1 25 .05 3 2 .10119 2 9 WINDOW 2 ,.05 0 0 WINDOW 1,.05 C,0 SED C). O5 0 DOORS ROOF 0 t> .04 .04 0 0 FLOOR .6 150 -------------------------------------------- ET%.S .107998 -1 OLOG (ET*S)9. 666051 1 OLOGA 20.29384 NR 23.95989 --------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE:S=1/10`( TL/10) WORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME F1SR2+8TC29 FLOOR AREA 150 SURFACES TL @ AREA T*S ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- EXT. WALL 1 EXT. WALL 2 EXT. WALL 3 40 0 tj 68 0 C) .006.2 0 C) WINDOW 1 2-:.05 32 .0638424 WINDOW 2 0 .05 t i C> WINDOW sGD 3 0 C) .05 t's 0 ci DOtORS 0 .04 C,0 ROOF 0 . o4 C>i FLOOR .6 15C> -------------------------------------------------------------------- ET*S -IC>LOO(ET*S) 10LOGA NR 7.06483 9E-02 1 . L . 50398. 25.80282 NOTE : S=1 :i0`.' L TL 1 ii, J r' WOFRk:;, SHEET FDf- CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA P1 BR2 150 SURFACES 1'I_AREA "f*`. EXT. WALL 1 40 62 .0003 EXT. WALL 2 0 0 U EXT. WALL 3 t.)(r WINDOW 1 20 .05 32 . ,..._ WINDOW 2 0 .05 0 0 WINDOW 3 0 .05 0 0 SGY)0 . 05 0 0 DOORS 0 . 04 t r r ROOF 0 .04 rr 0 FLOOR .6 150 ----7---------------------------------------------------------- ET*S .326B -10LOG(ET*B)4.957131 I OLOGA 20.29154 NR 14.15102 --------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE :S=IYIO •( TL/10) I.ORK SHEET FOR CALCULATING ROOM NOISE REDUCTION VALUE ROOM NAME P1 3R2+STC2S FLOOR AREA 150 SURFACES TL AREA T*S - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - EXT. WALL 1 E_?:T. WALL 2 EXT. WALL.3 40 0 i? 68 0 0 . trCr,3 WINDOW 1 2 A .05 32 .1605 WINDOW 2 0 . 05 0 0 WINDOW Z,0 .05 it f r SGD 0 .05 0 c ; DOORS 0 .04 [r 0 ROOF {.r .04 ty i'r FLOOR .6 .1 S0 ET*:S -1 OLOG (ET i% I OL.OGA NR -------------- 1,571:7 9 7.765159 20.2q394 22.062 t1OTE:S=J /lu ••t TL'IO)