HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Amendment GPA1990004 - Draft Huntington Harbour Bay Club Specific PlanHUNTINGTON HARBOUR
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A. Area A - Public Marina
1. Uses Permitted
2. Parking
3. Pump-out Facilities
4. Live Aboard Prohibited
B. Area B - Residential
1. Uses Permitted
2. Building Height
3. Building Bulk
4. Site Coverage, Setbacks, and Open Space
Requi -ements
5. Private Open Space
6. Minimum Floor Area
B. Area B - Residential (continued)
7. Private Access Ways
8. Parking
9. Landscaping
10. Address Signs
11. Cable Television
12. Fire Hydrant System
13. Fire Protection
14. Laundry Areas
15. Lighting
16. Private Storage Space
17. Sewer and Water Systems
18. Signs
19. Street Signs
20. Street Trees
21. Trash Collection Areas
22. Vehicular Storage
23. Common Areas
1. PURPOSE - The purpose of this Specific Plan is to permit a mix
of open space and recreational use, residential use, a public
marina, parking, and uses incidental to these activities within the
area herein referred to as the Huntington Harbour Bay Club.
There are several constraints affecting development of this
property. They are:
A. The property consists of 5.3.6 acres of land, plus a
public•marina.•Approximately-three (3) acres of this property is
100 feet to 13.5 feet wide, which may impose some constraints on
B. The California Coastal Commission has expressed a desire
to have a public walkway adjacent to the bulkhead, thereby further
restricting the developable width of the property.
The Specific Plan process provides a means of addressing these
constraints by setting forth standards for development.
A Specific Plan includes policies and descriptive maps which
are more detailed than the General Plan, but do not include detail
found in an application for a specific development proposal.
The Huntington Harbour Bay CL.,., Specific Plan is designed to
meet the planning requirements of the Land Use Element of the
General Plan. It is intended to
conditions and regulations that
serve as a general set of
will promote the orderly
development of the property, while providing sufficient flexibility
to permit design creativity.
Specific Plan encompasses that area delineated
subsection (a) hereof and described in subsection
The Huntington Harbour Bay Club
(a) Area Map
on the map in
(b) hereof.
(b) Le al Descri tion - The Huntington Harbour Bay
Club Specific Plan includes the real property described as follows:
Tract No. 11811, Book 592, Pages 20 through 23 inclusive of
Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California, excluding
the northerly 50 feet of Lot 1.
III. DEFINITIONS - The following definitions shall apply to the
Huntington :arbour Bay Club Specific Plan. Terms not described
under this section shall be subject to the definitions contained
A. Bulkhead Line - is the line or point where the outer
portion of the bulkhead meets the water.
B. Grade (Ad'acent Ground Elevation - is the lowest point
of elevation of the finished surface of the ground, paving or
sidewalk within the area between the building and the property
line, or when the property line is more than five (5) feet from the
building, between the building an-,' a line five (5) feet from the
C. Hei ht of Buildin - is the vertical distance above the
sidewalk adjacent to the bulkhead measured to the highest point of
the coping of a flat roof, or to the deck line of a mansard roof,
or to the highest point of a pitched or hipped roof.
D. Pierhead Line - The line between the bulkhead and the
waterway which separates the area open for navigation from the area
extending outward from the bulkhead in which only the mooring and
docking of vessels is permitted.
E. Specific Plan - shall mean the Huntington Harbour Bay
Club specific Plan as adopted by the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach.
IV. APPLICATION PROCEDURE - Any request for a development proposal
shall be accompanied by an application for a conditional Use
Permit. Any request for subdivision or res,.,bdivision of any parcel
shall also be accompanied by a Tentative Tract Map. Such
applications shall include preliminary site plans, grading plans,
floor and elevatica plans, and a statement of statistics. All
plans shall be submitted concurrently and shall meet the following
A. Conditional Use Permit - Any proposed development within
Lae Specific Plan area shall be subject to the approval of a
Conditional Use Permit as provided in Article 984 of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code. Prior to the transmittal of a permit, the
applicant shall submit to the Director of Development Services, a
determination from the State Lands Commission that:
1. No state lands and/or lands subject to the public
trust are involved in the development and all necessary
authorizations required by the State Lands Commission have been
obtained; or
2. State lands and/or lands subject to the public trust
are involved in the development and all necessary authorizations
required by the State Lands'Colnmissioz have:been obtained; or
3.. State lands or lands subject to the public trust may
be involved in the development, but pending a final determination,
agreement has been made with the State Lands Commiss? n for the
project to proceed without prejudice to that determination.
B. Site P].an - Site plans shall include the following:
1. Location of all proposed structures;
2. Preliminary landscaping proposals showing the
location, and type of plant materials;
3. Location of pedestrian walkways;
4. Circulation pattern of vehicular traffic;
5.Structural street sections of all access ways;
6. Type and location of outside lighting;
7.Size and location of maintenance and storage
8.Type, size and location of trash areas;
9.Use... of. common open space areas;
10.Type and location of all vehicle parking;
11.Type and location of fences and signs; and
12.Layout showing proposed sewage and water facilities.
C. Preliminar + Gradin Plan Re irements - Preliminary
grading plans shall indicate the following:
1. A full inventory of the natural features of the
site, including all trees exceeding a diameter of six (6) inches;
2. Preliminary soils report and chemical analysis of
existing soils conditions;
3. Cut and fill proposed on the site;
4. Proposed surface drainage of the site;
5. Ground floor elevations of all proposed structures;
6. Differences in finished grades on the site and those
grades on abutting property;
7. Underground services; and
8 . Statement on quantity of excavated material.
D. Floor and Elevation Plan Re irements - Floor and
elevation plans shall indicate the following:
1. Proposed exterior materials to be used
2. Colors of all exterior materials;
on all
3. Height of all buildings and/or_ structures; and
4. Energy sources proposed for heating and cooling of
all buildings.
E. Tentative Tract Ma Re irements - Tentative Tract Maps
shall indicate the following:
1. -Sufficient-description to define the location and
boundaries of the proposed subdivision;
2. Existing natural topography with contours at
intervals of two (2) feet up to five (5) percent grade, five (5)
feet up to ten (10) percent grade, and ten (10) feet over ten (10)
percent grade;
3. Locations, names, widths and approximate grades of
all streets within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision;
4. Approximate layout and number of each lot proposed
and all dimensions of each said lot;
5. Outlines of all existing buildings on subject site;
6. Areas of property subject to inundation or storm
water overflow and location, width and direction of flow of all
7. Location, width and purpose of all existing and/or
proposed easements on or contiguous to the subdivision; and
8. Typical street section.
F. Statement Re i.. meats - A detailed statement shall also
be included containing the following information:
1. Distance from the property to any known geological
2. Gross area within the blue line border (area
boundary) of the Tentative Map;
3. Net lot area (i.e. gross area minus all public and
private streets and/or driveways, and waterways);
4. Number and type of units and number of bedrooms;
5. Total number of units and bedrooms per gross acre;
6. Floor area of each unit;
7. Area. and minimum dimensions of private patios (open
space) and balconies.;
8. Percentage of site coverage of all buildings;
9. Number and type of covered parking spaces;
10. Number of.open parking spaces;
11. Amount of usable common open and recreational space
provided, using regulations set forth in this article;
12. Types of recreation facilities proposed; and
13. Schedule and sequence of development if proposed in
V. ACCESS CIRCULATION - Ingress and egress to and from the site
shall be provided at the locations shown on Exhibit A. All
internal streets and drives shall be privately owned and.,
maintained. The standards for such streets and drives, including
width and construction, shall meet the requirements of the Director
of Public Works, and conform to the requirements of this Article.
VI. TRAFFIC CONTkOL - The Planning Commission shall determine the
need for traffic control devices (i.e., traffic signals) . Such
determination shall include the appropriate time of installation.
The developer shall pay the entire cost of installing traffic
control devices. The developer shall provide for the future
installation of any such improvements prior to issuance of building
VII. RECIPROCAL ACCESS PARKING - In order to provide for efficient
use of the parking facilities and to permit flexibility in site
layout and design, access to and the required parking for one area
may be satisfied within. another area , provided a reciprocal parking
agreement between each area is executed, and the total number of
required parking spaces are provided.
VIII. NOISE - Prior to the issuance of building permits for
residential development, a noise study conducted by an acoustical
engineer to determine existing ambient noise levels on Warner
Avenue, shall be submitted, to the Development Services Department
for review and approval. Structural. designs for props`: 'd
residential units shall be reviewed, and design modificati
recommended in the noise study shall be incorporated into the
project design.
IX. LANDSCAPE PLAN - A preliminary landscape plan shall be
submitted along with the Conditional Use Permit application. Said
plan, shall include provisions to provide a buffer between the
Huntington Harbour Bay Club and adjacent uses.
X. APPEARANCE STANDARDS - The following standards shall be
considered by the Planning Commission when reviewing a development
A. Architectural features and general appearance of the
proposed development shall enhance the orderly and harmonious
development of the area or the community as a whole.
B. Architectural features and complementary colors shall be
incorporated into the design of all vertical exterior surfaces of
the buildings in order to create an aesthetically pleasing project.
C. Particular attention shall be given to incorporating the
design of signs, including colors of signs, into the overall design
of the entire development in order to achieve conformity.
D. Vehicular access ways shall be designed with landscaping
and building variation to eliminate an alley-like appearance.
XI. PUBLIC ACCESS WALKWAY - The owner /developer shall dedicate a
ten (10) foot wide easement for public access along the bulkhead
as shown on Exhibit "A." Such public walkways shall be sponsored
by the Homeowners' Association. Provisions shall be made to permit
construction and/or installation of utilities and/or facilities
that serve the public marina within the walking easement.
Provisions shall also be made to permit use of the walkway for
activities relating to the public marina, as long as such
activities do not interfere with the main purpose of the walkway.
The applicant shall cause to be executed and recorded a
document, in a form and content approved by the Director of
Development Services, irrevocably dedicating an easement for public
access and passive recreation along the shoreline and the beach,.
The easement shall be for the length of the property. Along the
bulkhead it shall be measured from the inland edge of the bulkhead
a distance of ten (10) feet and the applicant shall provide a
walkway within the easement area. On the beach the easement shall
include the entire sandy beach area as shown on Exhibit D. The
easement shall be recorded free of prior liens except for tax liens
and free of prior encumbrances which the Director determines may
affect the interest being conveyed. The easement shall run with
the land, binding successors and assigns of the applicant or
Prior to issuance of any permit for development, the applicant
shall record a document such as a covenant running with the land
agreeing for himself and all successors in interest to maintain and
otherwise keep open and free from impediments to pedestrian use the
accessway along the boardwalk, beach area and parking. The
document shall be re,rrded free of all prior liens or encumbrances
except tax liens and shall bind the applicant, his heirs and
successors in interest.
No facilities or activities shall be permitted within the
easement area which could obstruct public access.
As a condition of development, the applicant shall provide
signing of all public accessways, recreation facilities and
As a condition of development, the applicant shall execute and
record a deed restriction allowing public use of all recreation
facilities on-site (excluding private open space area of the
residential units). A minimum of ten (10) !wrking spaces shall be
restricted, and signed for public beach use.
Access dedications, deed restrictiins and signing shall be
assured prior to issuance of certificates of use and/or --,_eupancy
of the residential structures.
As a condition of a coastal permit on this site, the applicant
shall be required to open and maintain accessways and facilities
for public use concurrent or prior to issuance of certificates of
use and/or occupancy permits of any residential structures.
XII. ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICT AREAS - The configuration- of the
property for which this Specific Plan is prepared is such that
there are two (2) distinct areas. These areas are delineated on
the Specific Plan Map shown on Exhibit "A." A description of
development standards for these areas are included in the sections
that follow.
XIII . DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - Proposed development within the
Huntington Harbour Bay Club Specific Plan shall comply with the
following standards:
A. Area A - Public marina
1. Uses Permitted - Public marinas, parking and related
2. Parking - Parking shall be provided at a ratio of
three (3) spaces for each four (4) boat slips (0.75 spaces per
slip). The access, dimensions, landscape provisions and turning
radii for all parking shall conform to the provisions of Article
Vehicular access from the parking lot to Edgewater
Lane shall be prohibited. To assure compliance with this
requirement, vehicular access rights to Edgewater Lane shall be
dedicated to the City of Huntington Beach.
3. Pum -out Facilities A pump-out system shall be
installed to accommodate the total number of boat slips that can
be docked within the public marina. The type and adequacy of such
facilities shall be approved by the Department of Public Works.
4. Live Aboard Prohibited - Living aboard boats docl:ed
or moored at the public marina shall -be -prohibited. To assure
compliance with this requirement, the owner or operator of the
public marina shall provide a cla---se within each lease agreement
prohibiting living aboard any boat, docked or moored , at the public
B. Area B - Residential
1. Uses Permitted
a. Phase I - A;aximum of thirty-six (36) attached
residential units and related recreational facilities.
b. Phase II - A maximum of 19 residential units
within a planned development.
2. Buildin Hei ht - The maximum building height shall
not exceed three (3) stories or forty--five (45) feet for Phase I
and three (3) stories or thirty-five (35) feet for Phase II.
3. Building Bulk - The following design standards are
recommended for controlling building bulk.
a. Building exteriors shall be provided with
offsets in the building line to provide variation; and
b. Building roof lines shall be designed so as to
provide variation; and
c. Structures having dwelling units attached side-
by-side shall be composed of more than six (6) dwelling units
on any one level.
4. Site -Covera e Setbacks and O en S ace Requirements
No buildings shall be constructed outside the building envelopes
shown on Exhibit "B" for Phase I and Exhibit "C" for Phase II. The
setbacks of such buildings shall also conform to the setbacks of
the building envelopes. "All areas that are not within the- building
envelopes and are not paved for access or parking, shall be
landscaped and maintained as permanent open space.
a. The common open space areas shall be designed
and located for maximum use by all residents of the project.
b. Such areas shall be fully improved.
Improvements may include paved surfaces, landscaped areas, water
featureq•, and recreational facilities, not to include fully
enclosed structures.
c. At least one (1) main recreational area shall
be provided and two (2) or more of the following recreational
activities shall be provided within the main recreational area:
swimming pool, spa, sauna, basketball court, playground equipment,
volleyball court, lawn bowling, outdoor cooking facility, or
similar facilities. Phases I and II may share common recreation
5. Private 0 en S ace - Private open space areas, in
the form of patios or balconies, shall be provided for each unit.
Such areas shall be located adjacent to the unit they are intended
to serve. The minimum size of such patios or balconies shall meet
the following standards.
a. Phase I - Where patios are provided, the
minimum areas shall be as follows:
Unit Minimum Floor Area Minimum Dimension
Type S . Ft.** Ft.
Efficiency/or one 120
(1) bedroom
Two (2) bedrooms 200
** This area may be divided into two (2) separate areas;
however, neither area shall contain less than sixty (60) square
Three (3) or more 300
b. Phase I - Where balconies are provided, the
minimum area shal' be as follows:
Unit Minimum Floor Area Minimum Dimension
Type S . Ft. Ft.
Efficiency/or one 60
(1) bedroom
Two (2), three (3) 120
or four (4) bedrooms
c. Two story units which are provided with a patio
at the lower level are permittd a ten percent (10%) reduction in
the patio area requirement if a balcony having a minimum area of
sixty (60) square feet is provided. Balconies which serve as
entrances or exits shall not satisfy this requirement except where
entrances or exits are for the sole use of a particular unit.
d.Phase iI -Where patios are provided, the
minimum areas shall be as follows:
Minimum Floor Area Minimum Dimension
(Scr. Pt.**)(Ft.)
Four (4)bedrooms 200
Five (5)bedrooms
Phase 11
- 'Were balconies are provided, the
minimum area shall be as follows:
Unit Minimum Floor Area Minimum Dimension
Type _J P . Ft. Ft.
Four (4) bedrooms 150
Five (5) bedrooms 150
6. Minimum Floor Area Each dwelling within the
development shall have the following minimum floor area:
Minimum Floor Area
S . Ft.),
One (1) bedroom
Two (2) bedrooms 1200
Three (3) bedrooms 1300
Four (4) bedrooms 2800
Five (5) bedrooms 4900
7. Private Access Wa s - The following standards shall
apply to all private vehicular access ways.
a. Private ways serving as access shall be
provided with a minimum paved width equivalent to not less than two
(2) twelve (12) foot wide travel lanes, - not including curb and
b. Access ways exceeding one hundred fifty (150)
feet in length, but less than three hundred (300) feet in length,
shall be provided with a curbed turn-around having a minimum radius
of thirty-one (31) feet or a "Hammerhead" turn-around per Fire
Department standards.
C. Access ways exceeding three hundred (300) feet
in length, but less than six hundred (600) feet in length, shall
be provided with a curbed turn-around having a minimum radius of
forty (40) feet, a "Hammerhead" turn-around per Fire Department
standards, or an intertying loop circulation system.
d. Access ways exceeding six hundred (600) feet
in length shall be provided with an intertying loop circulation
system; a turn-around meeting the requirements of the Fire
Department may be permitted where a loop system is impractical;
e. Exceptions to the above standards may be
granted by the Planning commission upon recommendation of the
Department of Development Services and Fire Department.
8. Parking - Parking shall be provided at the following
a. Efficiency and one (1) bedroom units shall be
provided with two (2) parking spaces.
b. Dwelling units with two (2) or more bedrooms
shall be provided with two and one-half (2 1/2) parking spaces.
c. One-half (1/2) additional parking space shall
be granted for each unit for guest parking.
d. At least one (1) parking space per unit shall
be covered. The remaining spaces may be open.
e. All parking spaces required by this section
shall be distributed at convenient locations to serve both
residents and guests.
f. All required covered parking shall be located
within two hundred (200) feet of the dwelling unit it is designed
to serve.
g. The access, dimensions, and turning radii for
all parking shall conform to the provisions of Article 960.
9. Landscaping - The purpose of this section is to
insure a more pleasant living environment through the use of plans
and decorative design elements.
a. All set back areas fronting on or visible from
an adjacent public street, and all recreation, leisure and open
areas shall be landscaped and permanently maintained in an
attractive manner.
b. Permanent irrigation facilities shall be
provided in all landscaped areas.
c. One (1) thirty (30) inch box tree, or
equivalent, shall be provided on-site for each residential unit.
Seventy-five percent (75%) of the total requirement shall be thirty
(30) inch box trees. The remaining twenty-five percent (25%) of
such requirement may be provided at a ratio of one (1) inch for one
(1) inch through the use of twenty (20) or twenty-four (24) inch
box trees.Additional trees and shrubs shall also be planted to
provide a well balanced landscaped development.
d. A landscape and irrigation plan shall be
submitted to the Department of Development Services for approval
prior to the issuance of building permits.
10. Address Sins - The placement of address numbers
shall be at a uniform location throughout the development, and the
placement of such numbers shall be approved by the Department of
Development Services.
11. Cable Television - No exterior television antenna
shall be permitted. Underground cable service shall be provided
to all dwelling units.
12. Fire H Brant S stem - A fire hydrant system shall
be installed to provide an adequate fire flow. The adequacy of
such system shall be approved by the fire marshal after review of
plans and engineering calculations have been submitted. Plans
shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of building
permits, and the fire hydrant system shall be in operation prior
to the time of construction with any combustible materials.
13. Fire Protection - All fire protection appliances,
appurtenances, emergency access and other applicable requirements
pursuant to Chapter 17.56 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code
shall meet `_he standard plans and specifications on file with the
Fire Department.
14. Laundr Areas - Laundry areas E. .all be located
within individual dwelling units.
15. Lighting - The developer shall install an on-site
lighting system on all vehicular access ways and along major
walkways. A .lighting plan shall be submitted for approval to the
Director of Development Services. Such lighting shall be energy
efficient and shall be directed onto driveways and walkways within
the development and away from adjacent properties. Lighting shall
also be installed within all covered and enclosed parking areas.
16. Private Stora e S ace - Where the proposed
development is to be constructed with other than an attached garage
for each dwelling unit, a minimum of one hundred (100) cubic feet
of storage space shall be provided for each dwelling unit.
2.7. Sewer and Water S stems - Sewer and water systems
shall be designed to City standards. Such systems shall be located
within streets, alleys or drives. In no case shall individual
sewer lines or sewer mains for one building be permitted to extend
unU,. eath any other building.
18. si gns - All signs in the development shall conform
to applicable provisions of Article 961.
19. Street Signs - The developer shall install on-site
street name signs at the intersections of access ways, as approved
by the Director of Public Works. Street names and signs shall be
approved by the Fire Department.
20. Street Trees - Street trees along Warner Avenue
shall be provided pursuant to city standards with twenty (20) inch
box trees planted at approximately forty-five (45) foot intervals.
A plan showing the type ar" placement of such trees shall be
approved by the Department of Public Works and the Department of
Development Services. An equivalent alternative to this basic
requirement may be permitted subject to the approval of the
Department of Development Services.
21. Trash Collection Areas - Trash collection areas
shall be provided within two hundred (200) feet of the units they
are to serve. Such areas shall be enclosed or screened, and shall
be situated in order to minimize noise and visual intrusion on
adjacent structures. Individual trash collection shall be
permitted where the intent of this section is met.
22. Vehicular Stora e - Outside uncovered and unenclosed
areas for storage of boats, trailers, recreational vehicles and
other similar vehicles shall be prohibited, unless specifically
designated areas for the exclusive storage of such vehicles are set
aside on the final development plan and provided for in the
association's covenants, conditions, and restrictions. Where such
areas are provided, they shall be screened from view on a
horizontal plane frcn adjacent areas by a combination of six (6)
foot high masonry wall or permanently maintained landscaping.
23. Common Areias - Common open space shall be guaranteed
by a restrictive covenant describing the open space and its
maintenance and improvement, running with the land for the benefit
of residents of the development. The developer shall file with the
Department of Development Services for recordation with the final
subdivision map, legal documents which will provide for restricting
the use of common spaces for the designated purpose, as approved
on the final development plan.
All lands to be conveyed to the homeowner's
association shall be subject to the right of the grantee or
grantees to enforce maintenance and improvements of the common
development proposals shall be subject to submission of a legal
instrument or instruments setting forth a plan or mariner of
permanent care and maintenance of open spaces, recreational areas,
and community facilities. No such instrument shall be acceptable
until approved by the City Attorney as to legal form and effect,
and by the Director of Development Services as to the suitability
for the proposed use of the open space areas. If the common open
spaces are to be conveyed to a homeowners, association, the
developer shall file a Declaration of Covenants to be submitted
with the application for approval, that will govern the
A. The homeowners' association shall be established prior
to the sale of the last dwelling unit.
B. Membership shall be mandatory for each buyer and any
successive buyer.
C. The open space restrictions shall be permanent.
D. Provisions to prohibit parking upon other than approved
and developed parking spaces shall be written into the covenants,
conditions, and restrictions for each project.
E. If the development is constructed in increments or phases
which require one or more final maps, reciprocal covenants,
conditions, and restrictions and reciprocal management and
maintenance agreements shall be established which will cause a
merging of increments as they are completed, and embody one
homeowners' association with common areas for the total
XV. APPROVAL PERIOD - Notwithstanding the provisions of Article
984, Conditional Use Permits, each Conditional Use Permit
authorized under this Article shall become null and void within two
(2) years, unless a Final Tract Map has been recorded with the
County Recorder's Office on any portion of the approved plans
within such two (2) year period. Extensions of time may be granted
pursuant to the provisions for extending approval of the Tentative
Tract Map.