HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Amendment GPA1990004 - General Information-H\107?/S` CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION HUNTWCTON BEACH Mike Adams , Director Community Development From PARKING INFORMATION FOR Subject BAY CLUB AND PORTOFINO -COVE Date BAY CLUB Robert Franklin Associate Planner November 15, 1989 Attached is an exhibit which illustrates the parking requirements and distribution for the Bay Club mixed use project. Also, a matrix which identifies specific parking requirements is provided below: LAND USE REQUIRED PROVIDED TOTAL ON-SITE PARKING SPACES 281 327 Condominiums Tenant 72 36 Units @ 2.5/unit Guest 18 90 90 Marina Parking 164 Slips 128 Public slips @ .75/slip 96 96 Private slips 0 0 (assigned to each unit) Banquet Facility (8,500 sq.ft.)85 85 Coastal Access Parking 10 10 281 281 Excess Parkir.g 46 (14%) PORTOFINO COVE A 131 space parking lot at the terminus of Countess Drive currently serves the 60 condominium units (30 were included to accommodate guests of the condominiums) and Seabridge Park.' The addition of 47 boat slips to a private residence does not require additional parking. The proposed slips are for use by condominium residents only and a covenant has been recorded to assure that slips are not sold or rented separately from the residence. STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR HUNTINGTON BAY & RACQUET ,CLUB GROSS AREA 14.68 acres GROSS LAND AREA !,2 acres o-,PARKING Marina: Public Slips ,,. 116 @ .75 Pcivate Slips-- 42 -PUBLIC BEACH spaces per slip - 07 spaces parking provided in subter.y ainean for residents 10 spaces allocated pursuant to Coastal'Commissionrequi.rements;, CONDOM '`' L UH% RESTAURANT 83 tables In restau rant/banquet e5 spactta. TOTAL PO 11cBeach 10 spac A Marina 8 RestaurapE 5 05-90 Condominiums 105 7 equire8/307 j,roposed ?r i•p 1 I SUMMARY OF CHANGES REQUIRED TO PERMIT THE PROPOSED BAYCLUB PHASE II PROJECT Page Chan e Re uir d 28 Revise racquet and yacht club inventory. 30 Remove racquet club w/dining facilities from paragaraph #2. 102 Rewrite paragraph #1 of Mixed Uses. 103 Add third category of Mixed Development from Land Use Element of General Plan. 109 Remove reference to the existing boat and racquet club. 111 113 I (8789d) Revise Exhibit to show beach (Open Space/Recreation) area and area for Medium Density Residential. Revise policy "a" to allow the proposed uses. SUMMARY OF CHANGES REQUIRED TO PERMIT THE PROPOSED BAYCLUB PHASE II PROJECT Page 28 30 102 103 109 111 113 (8789d) Chan e Re uired Revise racquet and yacht club inventory. Remove racquet club w/dining facilities from paragaraph #2. Rewrite paragraph #1 of mixed Uses. Add third category of Mixed Development from Land Use Element of General Plan. Remove reference to the existing boat and racquet club. Revise Exhibit to show beach (Open Space /Recreation) area and area for Medium Density Residential. Revise policy "a" to allow the proposed uses. RESOLUTION NO. 5341 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTIrNGTON BEACH ADOPTING COASTAL ELEMENT AMEND- MENT NO. 83 -2 TO THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach desires to update and refine the General Plan in keeping with changing community needs and objectives; and A public hearing on adopting of Coastal Element Amendment No. 83-1 to the General Plan was held by the Planning Commission on December 6, 1983, and approved for recommendation to the City Council; and Thereafter, the City Council after giving notice as pre- scribed by Government Code Section 65355, held at least one public hearing to consider said Coastal Element Amendment No. 83-2; and At said hearing before the City Council all persons desiring to be heard on said amendment were hard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, pursuant to provisions of, Title 7, Chapter 3, Article 6 of California Government Code, commencing with Section 65350 , that Coastal Element Amendment No. 83-2 to the General Plan, consisting of the following change, is hereby adopted: 1. Two visitor -serving commercial nodes have been , designated for the half blocks from, Pacific Coast Highway to the alley between 16th and 18Lh Streets and between 8th and 9th Streets. 2. The half blocks from Pacific Coast Highway to the alley between 11th and 14th Streets have been redesignated high density residential from visitor-serving commercial. 3. The area north of Pecan and :south of Hartford, between in Street and Lake Street has been redesignated mixed use office/residential from general commercial. ADL: ps 12/13/83 i Res. No. 5341 S'fA,i'I OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ) I, ALICIA M. WENTWORTH , the duly elected , qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is seven; that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd day of Januar , 19 84 , by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Pattinson MacAllister Kell Finle Baile Mandic NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None NOT 'JOT1NG: Thomas City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California The for: ggnicg instrument is a correct copy of the original on file in this office. Attest---- ALICIA M. WENT11'olit H_ City C'.;k ;.fflcic Cl"of tile C."'q Council of City cf fiurt:ngton Berh. California. By Deputy PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the day of January 3 , 1984. F. or ATTEST: City Clerk REVIEWED AND APPROVED: City Administrator APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney ;. INITIATED AND APPROVED: irector of Development Services RESOLUTION NO. 5327 A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN NO. 83-3 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach desires to update and refine the General Plan in keeping with changing community needs and objectives; and A public hearing on adoption of Land Use Element Amendment No. 83-3 to the General Plan was held by the Planning Commission on October 4, 1983, and approved for recommendation to the City Council; and Thereafter the City Council , after giving notice as prescribed by Government Code §65355, held at least one public hearing to con- sider Land Use Element Amendment No. 83-3; and 5 At said hearing before the City Council all person srdesiring to NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach pursuant to provisions of Title 7 , Chapter 3, Article 6 of California Government Code commencing with S 65350, that Land Use Element Amendment No. 83 -3 consisting of the following changes is hereby adopted: 1. That Section 5 .1.3 for Administrative Items is added to the General Plan document . Administrative Items shall i nclude the following: 1. Creation of new General Plan land use designations. 2. Minor word changes ifithin the General Plan document. 3. Procedure changes within the General Plan document. 4. Revisions to the Zoning and Land Use Consistency be heard on said amendment were heard, Matrix. 5. Interpretations of General Plan Land Use Map boundaries. 2. That a new Estate Residential 0-3 units per acre designa- tion is established. 3. That 40 .51 acres bounded by Ellis Avenue to the north, Goldenwest Street to the east, the Estate Residential (0-4 units per s A"G:ps 1_,518 3 1• ,Rev. acre) Land Use designation boundary to the south and Edwards Street to the west are redesignated from Estate Residential (0-2 units per acre) to Estate Residential (0-3 units per acre). 4. That 1.6± acres located at the southeast corner of Banning Avenue and Magnolia Street immediately north of the Orange County Flood Control Channel are redesignated from Industrial Resource Pro- duction to Open Space. 5. That 37.6± acres bounded by Slater Avenue to the south, Nichols Street and Oakview School to the west, a parallel line 145 feet norh of Mandrel Drive to the north, and a parallel line 300 feet west of Beach Boulevard to the east are redesignated from Medium Density Residential to Medium High Density Residential. 6. That 26.6± acres covered by the Pacific Community Specific Plan and 4.40± acres covered by R-5 zoning, both areas generally located on the south side of Main Street and 290 feet west of Beach Boulevard, are redesignated from Office Professional to Mixed Development; and that 4.17± acres covered by R-3 toning in the vicinity of Shaffer and Palin Circles are redesignated from Office Professional to Medium Density Residential. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of adjournedHuntington Beach at a/regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of November 1983. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Clerk City Attorney -J In' REVIEWED AND APPROVED: INITIATED AND APPROVED: City Administrator ector of Development Services STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) es: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ) Rea. No.5327 I, ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, the duly elected, qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is seven; that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council at a regular adjourned meeting thereof held on the 28th day of November ,19 83 , by the following vote: AYES:Councilmen: 'n K F' NOES:Councilmen: A, 11 City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California None ABSENT: Councilmen: MacAllister (Thomas - out of room Y. e RESOLUTION NO. 5267 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING COASTAL ELEMENT AMEND- MENT NO. 83-1 TO THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN .WHEREAS, the City, Council of the City of Huntington Beach desires to update and refine the General Plan in keeping with changing community needs and objectives; and A public hearing on adopting of Coastal Element Amendment No. 83-1 to the General Plan was held by the Planning Commission on April 19, 1983, and approved for recommendation tp the City Council; and Thereafter, the City Council after giving notice as pre- scribed by Government Code Section 65355, held at least one public hearing to consider said Coastal Element Amendment No. 83-1; and At said hearing before the City Council all persons desiring to be heard on said amendment were heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, pursuant to provisions of Title 7, Chapter 3,Article 6 of California Government Code, commencing with Section 65350, that Coastal Element Amendment No. 83-1 to the General Plan, consisting of the following change, is hereby adopted: That all housing policies and all discussion of housing issues are removed from the Coastal Element. ADL;ps `/9/83 Res. No.5267 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa.: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ) I, ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, the duly elected, qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of tl,e City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is seven; that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of , 19 83 , by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen:It i son Thomas Kell MacAllister 3aile Mandic NOES: Councilmen: N ne ABSEI:T: Councilmen: Finle City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach , California a PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council. of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of May ,1983. Mayor ATTEST: 62- 1 , -.111, City Clerk 4./ APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ci Attor REVIEWED A _ APPROVED: INITIATED AND APP-ROVED: City Administrator d irector of Development Services U r RESOLUTION NO. '5223 V RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING IN PART LAND USE ELE- MENT AMENDMENT NO. 82-1 TO THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach desires to update and refine the General Plan in keeping with changing community needs and objectives; and A public hearing on adoption of Land Use Element Amend- ment No. 82-1 to the General Plan was held by the Planning Commission on November 16, 1982, and continued to and closed on December 7, 1182, and approved for recommendation to the City Council; and Thereafter, the City Council after giving notice as pre- scribed by Government Code section 65355, held at least, one pub- lic hearing to consider areas 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 of said Land Use Element Amendment No. 82-1; and At said hearing before the City Council all persons desiring to be heard on said amendment were heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE,IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach pursuant to provisions of Title 7, Chapter. 3, Article 6 of California Government Code, commencing with section 65350, that Area 2.4 of Land Use Element, Amendment No. 82-1 to the General Plan, consisting of the following change, is hereby adopted: That 5.7 acres, located north of Warner Avenue between Sceptre and Edgewater Lanes, be redesignated from open space to mixed development subject to the following conditions: 1. Only residential and recreational uses are to be permitted. 2. The mixed use designation is to be implemented by a specific plan. 1. s I 3. The maximum number of units permitted is forty-two (42). 4. The building and open space area must'conform to the precise locations specified in attached Exhibits A and B. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of February, 1983. e')' N. Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Clerk REVIEWED AND APPROVED: City Administr for Cit'At orney , INITIATED AND APPROVED: D rector of Development Services Res. No,5223 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) se: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ) I I. ALICIA M. WENTWORTE, the duly elected, qualified City Clark of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is seven; that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of Februar , 19 83 , by the following vote: AYES: Cbuncilment Pattinson MacAllister Mandic Finle Baile Kell J NOES: Councilmen: Thomas ABSENT: Councilmen: None z. City Clerk and ex-officio'Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California The foregoing instrument is a correct copy of the original on file in this office. Attest I *'-,/ 19 f .i ALICIA JM: WEN [WORTH City Clerk and Ex-officio Clarkof the City Council of the Clty of Huntington Beach. Cal. By 1 n Deputy RESOLUTION NO. 5147 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REVISING THE COASTAL ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach desires to update and refine the Coastal Element of the General Plan to meet the needs of the community better; and A public hearing on the proposed changes and additions to the element was held and a report on those changes and additions was prepared by the Planning Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves the changes and additions to the Coastal Element listed in the Planning Commission's report, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2d day of August, 1982. Mayor, ATTEST:APPROVED AS TO FORM: ity Clerk City Attorney W REVIEWED AND APPROVED: City Adminis ra r INITIATED AND APPROVED: irector of Deve opment Services d J J J Res. No.5147 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa: CITY OF HUNTI"NGTON BEACH ) I, ALICIA M . WENTWORTH, the duly elected , qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that -the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach , is seven; that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the ' 2nd day of Au ust , 19 82 , by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Pattinson MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: Councilmen: Finle , Bailey ABSENT: Councilmen: Thomas City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of ttfnjtoo loch, California The foregoing instrument is a correct copy of the original on file in this office. t /3 i vA Ciite Clerk and Ea-officio Clerk of the City t cil of the City of Huntington Beach, Deputy I 6- RESOLUTION NO. 4954 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL Oi l THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING, THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM IN THE FORM OF TilE COASTAL ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. WHEREAS, California Public Resources Code Section 30500 requires all cities lying within the coastal zone to prepare a local coastal program for that portion of the coastal zone within their jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, said local coastal program must contain a land use plan (California Public Resources Code Section 30108.6) which may be submitted in the form of a coastal element to the general plan (California Public Resources Code Section 30108.5): and WHEREAS, a coastal element has been prepared in compliance with California Public Resources Code Sections 30000 through ;0900 and relevant guidelines adopted b y the State of California; :utd WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Planning and Zoning Law and the California Coastal Act of 1976, the Huntington Beach Planning Commission and Huntington Beach City Council. have had separate public hearings relative to the proposed adoption of the coastal element: to the general plan, wherein both bodies have carefully considered all information presented at said hearings, and after due consideration of the findings and recommendat;ions of ';he Planning Commission, including CitY Council amendments by chnn;ris and additions listed in Attachments 1, 2 and 3, by this refeveric•cr incorporated herein and made a part hereof', mid n l l e 1 ident,o, presented to said City Council, the City Co.unccil finds thn+ onc'lr locn L coastal program is proper, and internal l,y consistent 4v f t.h the general plan; 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that thO City (:ounc't1, ut' the City of Huntington Beach hereb y approves said coal*^1 element of the general plan. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of' f{untington Beach at a regular day of Januar , 1981. Mayor APPROVED AS To FORM: City Clerk- ATTEST: meetir.n thereof' held on the 19th C , At o n REVIEWED AND APPROVEDt C ty Admini trator INITIATED AND APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 45 Development vices Director. "4' Res. No. 4954 S'TA'LE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ) I, ALICIA M . WENTWORTH, the duly elected, qualified City .-L.11 City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California The f91r'^^If'.` 1'1c.rw-t!('.n( i7 "c'rtti.t copy of ties uriginal on fife un this office. Attest F4 19000 City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of M(' City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach , and ex-off'.cio Clerk of the City Council of said City , do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is seven; that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council at a, regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of Januar , 19 81 , by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Pattinson , Finle , Thomas, Bailey , MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: Coenciltwan: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None y I- 8.40.030--8 .40.040 other than a fixed noise source. (k) "Noise level" shall mean the "A" weighted sound pres- sure level in decibels obtained by u..ing a sound level meter at slow response with a reference pressure of twenty (20) micro- pascals (micronewtons per square meter). The unit of measure- ment shall be designated as db(A). (1) "Person" shall mean a person, firm, association, co- partnership, joint venture, corporation or any entity, public or private in nature. (m) "Residential property" shall mean a parcel of real property which is developed and used either in part or in whole for residential purposes, other than transient uses such as hotels or motels. (n) "Predominant tone noise" shall mean a noise character- ized by a predominant frequency or frequencies so that other frequencies cannot be readily distinguished. (o) "Sound pressure level" of a sound, in decibels, shall mean twenty (20) times the logghrithm to the base of ten (10) 'of the ratio of the pressure of the sound to a reference pressure, which reference pressure shall be explicitly stated. (Ord. 2379, 1.8 Jul 79) 8.40.030 Noise level measurement criteria. Any noise level measurements made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be performed using,a sound level meter as defined in this chapter. The location selected for measuring exterior noise levels shall be at any point on the property line of the offender or anywhere on the affected property. Interior noise measurements shall be made within the affected unit. The meas- urement shall be made at a point in the affected unit at least four (4) feet from the wall, ceiling or floor nearest the noise source. All noise level measurements shall bra performed in accordance with procedural rules and regulations of the Orange Cbunty health department. (Ord. , 2379, 18 Jul 79) 8.40.040 Desi nated.noise zones. The properties herein- after described, whether within or without the city, are hereby assigned to the following noise zones: Noise Zone 1: All residential properties; Noise Zone 2: All professional office and public 21 5-3 J. 8.40. 050--8.40. 060 ,institutional properties; Noise Zone 3: All commercial properties with the exception of professional office properties; and Noise Zone 4: All industrial properties. (Ord. 2379, 18 Jul 79) 8.40 05,, Exterior noise standards. (a) The following noise standards, unless otherwise specifically indicated, shall apply to all residential property within a designated noise zone: EXTERIOR NOISE STANDARDS NOISE ZONE NOISE LEVEL TIME PERIOD 1 55 db (A) 50 db (A) 7 a.m . - 10 p.m. 10 p.m . - 7 a.m. 2 55 db (A)Anytime 3 6e db(A)Anytime } 4 70 db (A)Anytime (b) In the event the alleged offensive noise consists en- tirely of impact noise, simple tone noise, speech, music, or any combination thereof, each of the above noise levels-shall be reduced by five (5) db(A). (Ord. 2788, 18 Sep 85; Ord. 2379, 8/79) 8.40.060 Exterior noise levels rohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person at any location within the incorporated area of the city to create any noise., or to allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied, or otherwise controlled by such person, which causes the noise level when measured on any residential, public institutional, profes- sional, commercial or industrial property, either within or without the city, to exceed the applicable noise standards: (a) For a cumulative period of more than.thirty (30) minutes in any hour; (b) Plus 5 db(A) for a cumulative period of more than fifteen (15) minutes in any hour; 216-4 8. 40. 070--3. 40. 080 (c) Plus 1.0 db(A) for a cumulative period of more than five (5) minutes in any hour; (d) Plus 15 db(A) for a cumulative period of more than one (1) minute in any hour; or (e) Plus 20 db(A) for any period of time. In the event the ambient noise level exceeds any of the first four noise limit categories above, the cumulative period applicable to said category shall be increased to reflect said ambient noise level. In the event the ambient noise level ex- ceeds the fifth noise limit category, the maximum allowable noise level under said category shall be increased to reflect the maximum ambient noise level. (Ord. 2379, 18 Jul 79) 8.40.070 Interior noise standards. (a) The following noise standards, unless otherwise specifically indicated, shall apply to all real property within a designated noise zone: INTERIOR NOISE-STANDARDS NOISE ZONE NOISE T,EVEL TIME PERIOD 1 55 db(A) 7 a.m. 10 p.m. 2, 3, 4 45 db(A! 10 p.m. - 7 a.m. 55 db;2,) Anytime (b), In the event the alleged offensive noise consists en- tirely of impact noise, sample tone noise, speech, music, or any combination thereof, Each of the above noise levels shall be reduced by five (5) db(A). (C d. 2788, 18 Sep 85; Ord. 2379, 7/79) _. 8.40.080 Interior levels of noise rohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person at any location within the incorporated area of the city to create any noise, or to allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied, or otherwise controlled by such person, which causes the noise level when measured within any other structure on any residential, public institutional, commercial, or industrial property to exceed: (a) The noise standard for a cumulative period of more than five minutes in any hour; 216-5 '90 09/05 09:01 ' 213 598 1577 COULTRUP 01 COULTRUP Development Company Pax #: (213) 598-1577 DATE : !/ < q 0 M AX TRA AL glob-/ 7 ":/1q REFERENCE: THERE Wi BE -7 PAGE(S) TO FOLLOW. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE 1'1tCES, PLEASE CONTACT THE UNDERSIGNED. *****;4•*** *-k***********tik*********************************il****** COMMENTS:/ A I? lY?G) d Gd. -Z06 SENT BY: 13001 SeaWeach Boulevard • Suite 3Q0 • Seal Beach, California 90740 a (213) 430.8118 * Fax (213) 598-15.77 i '90 09/05 09:01 ' ' 213 598 1577 COULTRUP RAJ 02 SEN1 BY: XEROX Telecopier 7017 B-01-90 1 12;15 7148551057-+ 212 598 151111# 1 90/664 August 31,, 1990 MEMO TO- KATHLEEN TE141CLA SUBJECT: COMENd ON REQUIREMENTS OF }HUN'T'INGTON BEACH GENERAL PLAN Dear Ms, Terkla, I have read the material stunt over for the General Plan. There are several points you may wish to consider; 1. In the language Of the plan the 60 LDN value is to be used to trigger the need for an acoustical study, The language is " 6OLDN ...implies that acoustical analysis could be -required in areas where the optimum standard ib exceeded ". There is never any mention of using it as a design criteria for exterior noise control, 2. The language goes or to say 11 ..... that fi=QtAtAJ_ modifications could be noceseary". The language statee further " These levels are presented as guidelines in noise control to determine what development proposals Could need acoustical analysis and where ,,t tural modifications for new development may be nACeesary", It is clear in two plares the Intent is to control only interior noise since structural modifications only produce that result. Thus in your project, using these guidelines, any reference or requirement for exterior noise control can be deleted. However, you ghotuld be aware that the City has not followed the General Plan provision for years. We routinely receive instructions to consider exterior noise control and to u,ee 65 CNEL (LDN) as the standard. A number of projects in the vicinity were done on that baftis including our 1983 analysis for the City for the widening of Warner. Therefore, From m point of view the request to examine 60 LDN has revealed that strict use of those guidelines reduces 190 09 /05 09:02 '` 213 598 1577 COULTRUP StNI SY ; XEROX r,lecopier '1017: B -31-90 ; 12 15 1 714835195'1-4 ' 03 213 508 1077;# 2 90/654 the requirements on theproject and you R lay e1 inlinat.e the+sound walls listed in our report, The portion regarding glazing modific4tions remains intact since it is based on the guideline of 45CNEL(LON). '90 09 /06 09:02 1 2 213 598 1577 COULTRUP [a 04 90/517 GORDON BRICKEN & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ACOUSTICAL and ENERGY ENGINEERS 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a noise impact and design study of the proposed Bay Club Phase I1 project located on Warner Avenue in the City of Huntington Beach. Included in this report is a discussion of the expected exterior community noise environment and the recommendations for control of noise in the exterior and interior living areas. A vicinity map showing the genRral location of the construction site is presented on Exhibi -- Site Location Map. The proposed development is 18 single fam detached buildings. 2.0 APPLICABLE NOISE CRITERIA The City of Huntington Beach requires all residential projects to conform to the requirements of Table I. TABLE 1 APPLICABLE NOISE CRITERIA(') Exterior... ._65 CNEL Interior...... 45 CNEL (1) Please see NOISE RATING METHODS (Appendix 1) for a complete explanation of acoustical terminology. 1621 East Seventeenth Street, Suite K • Santa Ana, California 92701 • Phone (714) 835-0249 FAX (714) 835.1957 09-05 _er,10r2'9AM F04 '90 09 /05 09 :03 '& 213 598 1577 COULTRUP !J 06 90/517 3.0 EXISTING NOISE LEVELS 3.1 ROADWAYS A measurement was performed on the site. The record of this measurement is attached as Exhibit 2. Measurements are conducted using a Bruel and Kjaer (B & K) Model 2209 Type 1 Sound Level Meter, a B & K Model 2306 Strip Chart Recorder, and a B & K Model 4426 Statistical Noise Analyzer. The Average Noise Level reported from this measurement was 7Q Leq. The measurement was taken at a point 65 feet from the centerline of Warner Avenue.. A ten minute traffic count was taken during the measurement period. The results of that count are given in Table 2. FABLE TEN MINUTE TRAFFIC COUNTS AUTOS MEDIU M TRUCKS HEAVY TRUCKS TOTAL TEN MINUTES 202 2 0 204 HOURLY E UIVALENT 1,212 12 0 1,224 PERCENTAGE 99.0 1.0 0 100.0 The primary function of the measurements is to calibrate the Noise Model (FHWA RD-77-108) used to compute the CNEL data. The model relies on the, acoustical metric of the Average Noise Level (Leq). By taking the traffic count during the measurement , calculating the Leq value for that sample, and comparing it to the measured sample, i t is possible to calibrate the CNEL model for any factors which are present and not adequately identified in the prediction equations. The computer print -out is attached in Appendix 2. The calculated levels and the measured level are compared in Table 3 on the following page, '91) 09/05 09:03 $ 213 598 1577 COULTRUP TABLE 3 COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MFASU1U D AVERAGE NOISE LEVELS Calculated 70 Measured 70 DIFFERENCE 0 0 08 90/517 The calculated and measured values correspond. Therefore, no corrections need be applied to the CNEL calculations. 3.2 RAILROAD There is no railroad near the site. 3.3 AIRCRAFT There is no airport near the site. 3.4 STATIONARY There are no stationary sources near the site. 4.0 DESIGN NOISE LEVELS 4.1 ROADWAY The expected future roadway noise impact was projected using the Federal , Highway Admini- stration 's Highway Noise Prediction Model (L"HHWA RD-77- 108) together with several roadway and site parameters, which determine the projected impact of vehicular traffic noise , including the roadway crossection (e.g. number of lanes ), the roadway active width', the average daily traff i c (ADT), the vehicle travel speed, the percentages of auto and truck traffic, the roadway grade, the angle-of-view , the site conditions ("hard" or "soft"), and the percent of total average daily traffic which flows each hour throughout a 24-hour period. The forecast traffic volume was obtained from the Warner Avenue widening EIR at 42,000 AI)T. 0 ,4 b- ICG 10:::9a11U F106 '90 09 /05 09:04 %Y 213 598 1577 COULTRUP [I 07 90/517 The percentage of truck traffic was obtained from a 1.987• Study of Thirty-one Arterial Intersections by the County of Orange. The same source was used for the distribution by the time of day. The data is listed in Table 4. TABLE 4 TRAFFIC INPUT DATA -- WARNER % DAY % EVENING % NIGHT Autos 75.51 12.57 9.34 Medium Trucks 1.56 .09 .19 Heavy Trucks .64 .02 .08 Volume 42,000 ADT % VOLUME 100.0 100.0 100.0 The calculations are listed in Appendix 3. The calculations yield a design noise level of 75 CNEL at 50 feet from the centerline of Warner. The noise contours are shown on Exhibit 3 to- the vacant site. 4,2 RAILROAD Railroad noise is not expected to occur. Thus, railroad noise will not impact the site. 4.3 AIRCRAFT Aircraft noise is not expected in the future. Thus, aircraft noise will impact the site. 4.4 STATIONARY Stationary sources are not expected to impact the site. 5.0 MITIGATION MEASURES S.1 EXTERIOR The mitigation of exterior noise will require a barrier along Warner since the levels will exceed 65 CNEL. The assumptions for the barrier calculations are listed in Table 5 on the following page. 00-05-90 10:L9 fidd P07 1k '90 09/05 09:04 '£ 213 598 1577 COULTRUP fj 08 90/517 TABLE 5 BARRIER ANALYSIS GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FOR RECEIVER AND SOURCE GEOMETRY R E C Es I p V RA S S U M P T IG.IIIIaas=_o-oo...avspG =.v..^__._-=_==.=qc_oo ,r= .__ a"'cGaaaao HORIZONTAL GEOMETRY VERTICAL GEOMETRY Distance behind top-of-roadways Height above pad for ground barrier: 5' to 10' level receivers: 5' Distance behind individual Height above pad for second patio and balcony barriers; level receivers; 14' 1' to 3' S O U R C E A S S U M PT JO N=S___ For roadways with grades no greater than 2%, all vehicles were located at the single lane equivalent acoustic center of the full roadway. For roadways with over 2% grade, vehicle count was divided in half and located at the single lane equivalent acoustic center for each side of the roadway. VERTICAL GEOMETRY Automobiles: 0' above center- line road grade Medium Trucks: 2.3' above centerline road grade Heavy TrubkS: 8' above centerline road grade * Single lane equivalent (SLE) location. The results of the barrier calculations, contained in Appendix 4, show that an eight foot (8') sound wall will be needed to reduce noise levels to a maximum exterior level of 65 CNEL. Balconies are not required to be attenuated since these are not stacked units and private open space is available at the first floor level. Tt.a sound wall is to be placed along the private rear yards of the units adjacent to warner Avenue from Sceptre Lane to the first parking area just east of these units. The barrier location is depicted on Exhibit 4. 7 HORIZONTAL GEOMETRY*