HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP1989001 - Signed ApplicationHUNTING)ON BEACH
City of Huntington Beach
Department of Community Development
2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 536-5271
Planning Commission
Zoning Administrator
Staff Review
Design Review
Applicant or Authorized Agent
10845-D Wheat lands Ave.
Mailing Address
Santee CA 92071
City State Zip
619 562-4200 CIA-)J92t.1,1
Telephone Number
Huntin ton Marina Executive CtrN L-)
Property Owner
9227 Reseda BI. ATTN: Dave Cilp
Mailing Address
Northrid e CA 91324
City State
818 885-1153
Telephone Number
have read and understood all
REQUEST: In I 2) new
faced wall si ns each 2'0" x
20'0" and two (2) new
Please Print Your Name
illuminated double faced cab-
inets onto existin center
pole sign structures.
Lo e -r Ai
.9SZ WPP Ao 51"C 10 f
Pursuant to: 0.9 C
o Street address: 4952 l
Present Zone Ch
General Plan Designation
OM 34-
Administrative Review Au
Code Amendment CA
Conditional Exception
variance CE
Conditional Use Permit CUP
Desi n Review Board ORB
General Plan Amendment GPA
imi ted Sign Permit SS LSP g - 1
Planned S n Pro ram PSP
Precise Plan
Street Ali nment PPSA
Preliminar Plan Review PPR
Site f i Amendment SPA
Site Plan Review SPk
S ecial Si n Permit
Use Permit
Zone han e
Exempt ND
Coastal Area: Yes No
-Exempt COP
-Categorical Exclusion
__,lOwnership Verification
l/Applicant Authorization
Plans, APs , JustifiI. a.s4,llaAvl,
s65 3
PI, u
m teals Pro 'ect Planner
Concurrent Cases:
Previous Cases:
In Lieu of._
o Name and distance to nearest intersecting street: Bo I sa Chic
u Assessor 's Parcel Number (D a l
-- Acreage
o Tract Block Lot
o Section Township Range
statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application. I am the property
owner of the subject property, I hereby af'irm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements,
facts and attachments are true and correct. I understand that this application for entitlement or variance
may be denied, modified or approved with conditions and that such conditions or modifications must be
complied with prior to issuance of building permits. I hereby authorize _Inte rated Si n Assoc.
Signature of
to act as my representative and to bind me in all atters concerning this
Z__7_ V
Property Owner Date Authorized Agent Date
FAA Zone nlr
Flood Zone
Oil District
Redevelopment Area
Alquist Priolo Area
Receipt #
is I, tci NOJLcam.1- t C«n-, \J cuc;-xt't )(0238D)
i This application must be typed or printed and filled in completely.
2 "'If the applicant is not the p riperty owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant to act
hison s beh lf and thi li tii
applicath n for Planning Commission must be accompanied with five (5) preliminary site plans,
sa gn s app ca on.
floor plans acid building elevations. Upon accepte.nce rid scheduling of hearing date fifteen (15)
sets of site plans, --F+_.o_+ and building elevations' 24" x 36" and two (2) sets of plans reduced
to 8-1/2" x 11" will be required. One (1) set of plans shall be colored to illustrate the design
and development concept of the project. Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of
the project.
4. All applications for the Zoning Administrator must be accompanied with six (6) sets of site plans,
two (2) floor plans and two (2) building elevations 24" x 36" and two (2) sets of plans reduced co
8-1/2" x 11". Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of the project.
5. All applications for staff review or design review must be accompanied with three (3) sets of site
plans, floor plans and building elevations 24" x 36". A materials palette and colored rendering
are required for design review.
6. Planned Sign Program applications shall ccn ly with submittal requirements outlined in the Sign
Code (Article 961).
All plans shall con'orm to the following requirements:
(a) Draw to scale; indicate scale; indicate dimensions of building and floor uses; and north
direction arrow.
(b) Plot the entire parcel and dimension all pertinent data such as easements, driveways,
landscaping, parking, and distances to all property lines.
(c) Plot all existing and proposed physical features and structures on the subject property and
abutting properties.
(d) Dimension to the nearest intersecting street and identify all street names.
(e) Include a legend (locate in lower right cc ner of the site plan) which lists the name,
address, and phone number of the recorded ovrner and the applicant.
(f) Identify the legal description of the subject property on the site plan.
F ld all Tans o a maximum size of -1/2" x 14" (lower right print side out).
C) Photographs of the subject property.
10. Public notification requirements for Conditional Exception, Conditional Use Permit, Coastal
Development Permit, Use Permit, Zone Change, Precise Plan Street Alignment, General Plan Amendment,
and Special Sign Permit. (See attached sheet).
A written narrative of the proposed use or project shall accompany this application. The narrative
shall co'rtain the following information:
(a) Site reasons for initiating this application.
(b) Area description and population served by the proposed use or project.
(c) Description of the project and services.
(d) Description of surrounding uses.
12. For Conditional Exception (variance), Limited Sign Pe , or Special Sign Permit answer the
following questions:
(a) What exceptional circumstances apply to petitioned property (including size , shape,
topography, location or surroundings) that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed?
(b) Will the request constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with normal limitations?
(c) Why is this request necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of one or more substantialproperty rights?
(d) State reasons why the granting of this request will not be materially detrimental to the
public welfare.
13. All Planning Commission and the Zoning Administrator decisions are final unless appealed within ten
(10) days of such decision and shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrievement. In no
case shall building permits or licenses be issued until the appeal period has elapsed.
14. All applications shall become null and void if the approved use or project has not been initiatedwithin one (1) year from the approval date.
NOTE: Completion of the application does not presume approval of the entitlement or variance. Such
approval is discretionary with the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission. The Zoning
Administrator or Commission may deny, modify or conditionally approve the entitlement or variance.