HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP1989001 - Staff Report/Executive Summaryr huntington beach department of community development, AFt EpOR TO:Planning Commission FROM:Community Development DATE:April 4, 1989 SUBJECT:LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 89-1 APPLICANT:Steve Therriault DATE ACCEPTED: 10845-D Wheatlands Avenue March 2, 1989 Santee, CA 92071 MANDATORY PROCESSING DATE: OWNER:Huntington Marina May 1, 1989 Executive Center 9227 Reseda Blvd. ZONE: C4 (Highway Northridge, CA 91324 Commercial) REQUEST: To modify two existing GENERAL PLAN: General nonconforming freestanding Commercial signs and extend the use of the signs for two years. EXISTING USE: Professional and medical office complex LOCATION: 4952 Warner (south of Bolsa Chica) ACREAGE: 2.34 acres 1.0 SUGGESTED ACTION: Approve Limited Sign Permit No. 89 -1 with findings and conditions of approval. 2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION: Limited Sign Permit No. 89-1 is a request to modify two existing multi-tenant freestanding signs at an office complex southwesterly of Warner and Bolsa Chica. The applicant is requesting to add four 30 square foot identification panels for Coldwell Banker to each side of the two signs. Section 9610.8(c) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance code specifies that the Plannina Commission may allow a change of face for nonconforming signs and extend their use for up to two years. A cash bond is required to guarantee their remo-a1 at that time. 3.0 SURROUNDING LAND USE ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS: Sub'ect Pro ert : GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: General Commercial ZONE: C4 (Highway Commercial) LAND USE: Office complex ') - I A-FM-23C North of Sub'ect Pro ert : GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONE: LAND USE: East of Sub'ect Pro ert : GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONE: LAND USE: South of Sub'ect Pro ert (Across Warner Avenue) General Commercial C2 (Community Business District) Retail center (Across Bolsa Chica Street) General Commercial and Medium Density Residential C4 (Highway Commercial)and R2 (Medium Density Residential) Retail and apartments GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: General Commercial ZONE: C4 (Highway Commercial) LAND USE: General Telephone Exchange West of Sub'ect Pro ert : GENERAL FLAN DESICNATION: High Density Residential ZONE: R3 (Medium High Density Residential) LAND USE: Multiple family residential 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: The proposed project is categorically exempt pursuant to Class 11, Section 15311(a) of the California Environmontai Quality Act. 5.0 COASTAL STATUS: Not applicable. 6.0 REDEVELOPMENT STATUS:Not applicable. 7.0 SPECIFIC PLAN: Not applicable. 8.0 SUBDIVISION COMNi:TTEE:Not applicable. 9.0 ISSUES AND ANALYSIS: The following is a zoning conformance matrix which compares the existing signs with the current Sign Code r-quirements of Article 961. Type Number Height Size Total Square Feet Existing Signs Freestanding tenant identification sign 2 25 ft.190 sq.ft.380 Allowed b Code Freestanding monument sign primarily identi- fying center name and/or major tenant 1 7 ft.50 sq.ft.50 Staff Report - 4/4/89 -2-(2322d) Existing on the site are two, large multi-tenant sign structures, one at the Warner frontage and one at Bolsa Chica. The side of each sign has three slots for illuminated sign panels and several more for non-illuminated wooden panels . The applicant 's reques`; is to mount another cabinet sign stretching between the columns of the structure which will replace so me of the area available for the wooden panels. Since the time the applicant prepared the plans and surveyed the site two changes have taken place. First , the Schwinn bicycle store that had used one of the lighted sign panels is no longer in business on the site . Staff is therefore recommending that a sign face for Coldwell Banker be inserted in this location rather than permitting installation of a new sign cabinet as requested. This requirement would more clearly meet the intent of the limited sign permit provisions, which allow sign face changes only and not the addition of new sign cabinets. It should be noted that the existing panel is about 5 square feet smaller than the sign proposed by the applicant , but would accommodate the same size letters and logo as shown on the plan. Second, a sign for Harbour Medical Center has been illegally installed in the blank area just below the Medi-Prompt sign at the top of the structure . Although a -ently this work was done by another sign company and for a d ' .rent client, staff is recommending that the problem be resolved. A sign permit would be required to be obtained prior to the issuance of permits for the .oldwell Banker sign. 10.0 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Limited Sign Permit No. 89 -1 with the following findings and conditions of approval: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. Allowing the maintenance of the signs for an additional two years will not adversely affect other signs in the area. 2. The proposed sign face change will not be detrimental to property located in the vicinity of such sign , and will be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area. ?. The signs in their existing locations along Warner and along Bolsa Ciiica will not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic vision. 4. Due to the unique circumstances applicable to the signs, immediate alteration , removal or replacement of the signs will result in a economic hardship. Staff Report - 4/4/89 -3 - (2322d) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The site plan and sign elevations received and dated March 10, 19&9, shall be the approved layout with the following modifications: a. The Coldwell Banker sign panels shall be placed in the existing empty sign cans , which on the submitted elevations are the second from the top. These had identified a Schwinn bicycle store which is no longer in business. b. The plan shall be modified to show the Harbour Medical Center signs and sign permits shall be obtained prior to the installation of the Coldwell Banker signs. 2. Limited Sign Permit No. 89 -1 shall be valid for two years (until April 4, 1991). 3. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall file a cash bond in the amount of $4,000 with the City for the purpose of indemnifying the City for any and all costs incurred in the removal of the two signs. If the signs are not made to conform with the applicable provisions of the sign ordinance after two years from the date of approval , or remodel of the property, whichever comes first , the City of Huntington Beach or its agents or employees may enter the property where said signs are located and remove said signs and the cost of removal shall be deducted from the cash boi :d and summarily forfeited and paid over to the City of Huntington Beach, and the remainder , if any, returned to the person depositing the bond. 11.0 ALTERNATIVE ACTION: The Planning Commission may deny Limited Sign Permit No. 89-1 with findings. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Area map 2. Narrative 3. Site plans and elevations dated March 10, 1989 4. Letter from property owner dated January 19, 1989 5. Alternative Findings for Denial SH:JA:k1a Staff Report - 4/4/89 -4-(2322d) KJwOR.RI•CZRI-CC xlNUa" Ro:qR3NR2.ptllEN\..rERI-CZRI-CZ-CZ --;L-RIeR3'R2.R2UILO srn xnuL -R3AR3-19WL.SRRIR3R3 R3 = RC2 j= 3.WARNER -- -RIR21S#vLSr.RIMEADOWLARKR2 SPECIFIC PLAN(Q)R2;C4ICl e48RIRIRIM91AA..................... ....ff_6RIRI4-A ,l1 OPR3C41!_JRZRI_Ib RIOR.-"PENOLEINY 83-23 R2aLiRI ° RI RIRIRI-CZ RIRI-CZHIaF,3;lrs_uw.::.Rn2•- •W KENILWORTH Mq3- URIRA-CZxNN....NE RI-FP2OR.RINUDRuittRIRO-R,RI!xp NRIIcRhP U j o"IRI Fl X1.3°l %( ./_ ,ra 1R3HUNTINGTON BEACHHUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING DIVISION ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION LSP 89-1 Coldwell Banker - Huntington Marina Executive Center Narrative (Application requirei-.ents - item #11) As a major tenant moving into the Huntington Marina Executive Center, Coldwell Banker is requesting approval to be included on two (2) existhig freestanding tenant directory signs located within the Center. It is our understanding that these tenant directory sirens are non-conforming. As a result of discussions betweer Susan Pierce of the Planning Department, Coldwell Banker, and the landlord, an agreement was forge, between the parties that by permitting the Coldwell Banker displays, the landlord agrees to bring both freestanding signs into conformance within two (2) years of the installation date. I 1 =IIIII;I'III'i w O OR _unvvef.t, r.ANY-rI- tlugfil 'VO eo'FIF'.curl r'/ ul'•"K•ic1`}1° ORIGINAL CONCEPT INa d.1r%0e -emiegolcd s,,Avo 1.-Ca Mt be mp+oouced h ulde d N u O..A ;tw' aKK wane., to 1 I 1-i-11 11 5ntegrated S!GN ASSOCIATES "a visual communications company" SIGN SYSTEM PLANNING *. .-cvaA*LL PNKlte, I 'Lk ltd TAN Ft? ei Gf+ "'"fcy 11I r p dA- r}j; 0 OPIGINI]L CONCEPT iry deign N the udwn¢ o'ow of Imcgae0 0. 0 a'-w. and corvot Ce .t;aoo c d h hol a hav,umwl 1 a u.men 0 Elntegrated SIGN ASSOCIATES "a visual communications company" ' SIGN SYSTEM PLANNING EXHIBIT "C" City of Huntington Beach Planning Department P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 RE: Huntington Marina Executive Center - Coldwell Banker Sign To Whom It May Concern: As the owner of Huntington Marina Executive Center, I authorize Coldwell Banker and their agents to apply for sign permits as follows: two (2) building signs conforming to the City of Huntington Beach sign code and two (2) double faced signs to be added to the existing freestanding tenant directory signs located on Bolsa Chica and Warner Avenue. It is my understanding that the existing freestanding tenant directory signs are non-conforming and that a limited sign plan permit application must be approved by the Planning Commission priorto allowing additional Coldwell Banker signs added o the existing displays. I authorize Coldwell Banker to file a limited sign plan application and will agree to abide by the conditions set forth by the commission. I agree to bring signs into conformance as required by the City of Huntington Beach and will post a cash bend as required by the Planning Department anda/or Planning Commission as a show of good faith. Sincere y, ,andlord Huntington Mama Executiv e Center Date:/ C/ m)?e5--//5 -3 It D-1 ALTERNATIVE FINDINGS FOR DENIAL LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 89-1 FINDINGS FOR DENIAL: 1. Allowing the maintenance of the signs for an additional two years will adversely affect other signs in the area. 2. The proposed sign face change will be detrimental to property located in the vicinity of such sign , and will not be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area. The signs far exceed the maximum square footage and height permitted by the current sign code. 3. The signs in their existing locations along Warner and along Bolsa Chica may obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic vision. 4. Requiring the immediate alteration , removal or replacement of the signs will not result in an economic hardship. P4 EDI PROMPT® ICI1CRCIMEDICAL GROUPkiaRelo u Fa. wMSO104L c 41Eg.APPLICANT PROPOSAL.RIMEDI+PROMPT92CEM OI.wmmMEDICAL GROUPNaFa Mo u f-mp-olcAL CENTEP,gSTAFF PROPOSAL.ID-1