HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Amendment GPA1986002 - Signed ApplicationPETITION FOR: General t'lan Amendment [] Code Amendment [] Precise Plan of Street Alignment ['Zone Change Instructions: 1. Please complete all applicable portions of the petition and attach ail apneo, priate supplemental materials as fled on the reverse side of this form. 2. File petition and accompanying data with the Development Services Dept. together with a check, cash or money order in the appropriate amount payable to the City of Huntington Beach. cei o B,pplicant ' IWSEV;"' i1mg Address Ji i0;\tri u ''i C 1-tmIcity (1(t S -6 ,y State 'telephone Number s S Aote Property Owner Mailing Addresa City State Telepho.io Number Is) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES O ship Alignment Zone Change HUNT(N(r;ON BEAC erifica 4. A)u Letter of Authorization r.O. U0, 11 ,96_(t (fiectived by Ziip ?IjI l'y(,Hl Beach, CnDate Filed Env, Status 0 COMMISSION A010NIApproved IMni®d. DATE; hdrawn City of Huntington Beach Development Services Dept, J P. 0. Box 190 Huntington ')each , Ca. 92648 Tel: (714) 5365271 HUNTiNGTON REACH T of Petitiot,Fee Case No. JE Cenral Plan Amendment requiring a change of zone All other General Plan A t sevdments Code Amendments O Precise Plan of Street APPEALED YES COUNCIL ACT ION DATE., rst,ained _ ommis'sinn Overruled Commission Acti fl t VVthdcawnfl LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1. Street Address:l ql l)4 111'e-2. Side of Street? /VOP- 3. Distance from nearest intersecting street: 4. Name of nearest inter ,ecting street: 1C (CNC a)e95CVEI.r t 0 'r-• LEGAL DESCRIPTION j (Assessor's Parcel number (s) dtl6 #/wl 7 ° :73 a` #r ? 1, Lot Block Tract 14/;- G/rf/_/ Section Township Range ... or 2. Metes and Bounds: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 1. General Plan elements etitione for amendment: 2. Cite specific section (s vyi hin the eneral p n pe titioned for amendment: C -k I VG . vo +,. [e 3. How wi I this ame dment to the gener I plan letter,aphieve a quality living 4. Cite your desi d j,gq ndtttents: CODE AMENDMENT 1, Cite your reasons for petitioning the code ac.iendment: 2. Cite your desired amendments- nviro ment for the citizens gn'in gto Beach STAFF REPORT CHECK LIST Item: Date Filed: Planner: Date Accept ed: Meeting Date: C Time Yes N/A Date Spent 1. Filing Status sent to a licant 2. Legal Services Requested 3. Legal Notice Published with A.P. Notification Field Ins ection 5. Issues - a. Environmental b. Design Review C. Redevelo ment d. Coastal zone 3o a rd e. Flood Plain f. F.A.A. Alquist-Pr iolo/seismni c h. Specific Plan i. Ot)-:Gr 6 . Plan Review a.bevelo ment Services b, Public Works c. Fire Department d. Police Department e. Community Services 7. Meetings a, Applicant b. Staff Review c. Sr.5d vision Committee 8__,_§peeial Stud i es Requested Critical Dates Notice of Determination sent coastal Appeal. ex iration date c. Zone Chan e effective date d. Entitlement A eal ex iration e. Entitlement expiration date Items I 8 to be completed prior to hearing Itein 9 to be completed upon Planning Commission/ (3329d) 10/85