HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Amendment GPA1986002 - Notice of Filing StatusCITY OF HUflTIfl GTOfl BEACH liZ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ENViRtANMENTAL RESOURCES P. O. BOX 1.0. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92FAS (714) 536.5271 Civic Center, 2000 Main Street NOTICE OF FILING STATUS Date, This date constitutes your legal filing (date unless the petition /document has been rejected. Petitions/Documents : GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 86-2j ZONE CHANGE NO. 86-1 Applicant :Lick Nerio been accepted for processing. The above referenced ite;ns will be hea.i d by theme; Planning Commission AdjustmentsD Design Review Board. Time and Place: At t he earliest possible date following staff and/or environmental documentation revieLL A notice i nforming you of the scheduled time and place of hearing will be sent under separate cover. Please direct all of your communications and questio ns using the petition /document nuu r(s) to the Project Coordinator assi gned to your case . 'Sour Project Coordinator is: General Plan Amendment - Change fr-,m Low Density Residential to Planned Lurnxnunity Zone Change - R-1 to Specific Plan 5141 Warner Avenue (northeast corner of Roosevelt Street and Warner Avenue)