HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Amendment GPA1986002 - Notice of Public HearingIN THE Superior Court OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA In and for the County of Orange State of California ) County of Orange ) That. I am and at all times herein Mentioned was a citizen of the United States,.over the age of twenty-one years, and that I am not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter, that I am the principal clerk of the printer of the Huntington Beach Independent a newspaper of general c^rculatiir t, published in the City of Huntington Beach County of Orange and why,-b newspaperis published for the disernina- lion ofJocai news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, 'printed and published at regular intervals in the said County of Orange fora period exceeding one year, that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, on then following dates, to wit: Jan. 28) 1988 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing i and correct. Dateeat -- ........costa,Mesa California. this....` clay of... a . _ . , 19 .... . . .w.....,.a „, xa..„ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC E RE-NOTIFI ATION SEPTEM BER 29, 1987 indicated below to receive and conrlder the statements of all parsons who wish to be heard relative so the epp!iaatl(in PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC 1OTICI Phi ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPOT 87 -2 ZONE CHANGE NIO. 87-1 %3' LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT 87-90 PWLI OTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Huntlnjyon i*'eech Planning Commission will hold a.public hearing in the Council Chamber at the Huntington geagh Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California, on the date and at the time described below. BATE/TIME, Tuesday, September 211, 1987, 7:00 R APPLICANT: Dick Nerlry land use designation . Land Use Element Amendment $7-2C and Zone Change No. 87-1a ,ire a ldrnstted by Environmental residential totaling 750 units arid 15 acres of retail a;ommerciat (see attached map[. Zorta Chpnge No. $7-13, processed, concurrently, is a requesttc iooptaMeadlowlarkSpecificPlanorgualifieciio)zoningtolmp!'meetthePlannedGonnrnuciity . Meadowlark Airport site from Low Density residential to Planned Conm€rtunity containing 50 acres of medium density REQUEST., Land Use Element Amendment 87-2C Is a request to amend the General Plan by red ignatind the f impact Report No. 87«2. LOCA`flQN: Approximately 600 feet north and east of the;ntersection of Solsa Chico Str Alegal description and copy ofthe abovedescribeddr«curnentaareonlife in the Department et 2000'Matn Street, Huntington Beach, California 02648. for inspection t y the pubic, ALL I NT171eSTEl3 PERSONS are invited to attend said hearing and exprei--otainiens or submit evide application as outlined above. If there are any further garestaotis pli ase cal, t mina fjf sl; ure, Assistant PI Mike Adams Huntington beach Planning Commission Published Huntington Each independent S eptember 24: 1 t 8? +$UFFER ZONE I !S-.OPTIONAL11ISENTOR - RESIDENTIAL1 AC. OPTNALIO SENIOR LOCATION WE 8.2C IEIR872 APPLICANT'S PROS hunfington beach planning division IN 1111' Supcarfor Court sal :11f ll:.`4 L''h ; ca `.(C'•' g 31It' 1'1C 1'1 f1CC i`ti a 1 i !'t^ -z' ,1c"; 5.-1+.4, I.i,.«"3If;1sin4biaL ."`, L°S t'+II A7L'd . and 1":> 4 > d_ u_ lii; ?" Sept. 24, °1"Zs-nsi 0uut?tdue sassy 'a.znsxetquake-TRT0.x0=0D rTt qa=n GL0''t6UTT o3 IRTIU !PISsa pax uro . ^. TullW111O pauu1'Ia O t1 X'4U; pT$eTtuox4 a °ts ;zadats1 eY opf al+ e zoe59ZT :RRuB7EPap8i fq uej! tt?1aueDGtl4 puatue Oq the'v:0t;ate )Z)TQ«V I`I dpi00:L `4961 I$ZJtnp 'Pan,;3Yd1 lQ•> OTaq Pao xosep uOx;90'Etiddeate 04 eAT4eTea pateq aq o4 t[STM OW4 suosxadIYes: uelfua e saqxaptauod pus aAta090-4 M0 10q, p xj+eotpux awe 044epus` a4ep et ua' e ; U.TOJT'teD'140eag uo46uT4unj4 14993;g uxew0002 ' ae4aa3 otn-c:) tloeaquO45tzt4ctnH aq4 4eoat suer 6 trounooagouti Zu avatl of ygnd ept9q TT?MUOISSxWUIQD 5U Ut:2 d g0f>a5 UO46UIIunH aq4 le ,RT3 J.' h id : BSI I QkZ-4 R JWda t S3YdWI `IVI&SM011Zi N3aZ -L fl Bra ct 'jt2N 9 Hsn W YI3311ON 317484 301ION MOW 331ION 3110ildJanuary, r r.. ,aow v ,. vpr,u,iw ......v ..ew......, r. .NO.F235540 be recorded in the county Isigned caused said notice ofPizza 500, Inc., A Cali-'where the real propetty Is default and of election to beforma Corp.. 11,81.85 N_ Lin-coln Ave,, Anaheim, Calif.This business was con-duOfed by a corporationThis statement was t',edwith the County Clerk of Or-angeCounty on May 29,located,recorded January 13. 1987Date: July 16. 1967 as Instr. No 87.020705 InSamuel Cubeta, as said book page of Offic'al Re-trustee, 8071 Sister Av- cords in the Office of the Re-enue, .245, Huntington corder of Orange County;Beath, CA 92847 (714) Said Sale will be made,842-4848, By Samuel but without Covenant or war-Cubetoranty, express or implied, re-bush33110N 0118!10 33110N 0119f1dnieuurla 1V10131nIrl S.uUll- Vdflufl,4n t. . ,,,,,--ty of Orange F-216886 Adams St., Santa Ana, CalShiro Yoshioka. 3901 92704Parkvlew =i 1813, Irvine, CA This business is co92714 ducted byy. an IndividualThis business was con- Veronica T. Dolinducted by: an Individual This statement was filThis statement was filed with the County Clerk of Cwith the County Clerk of Or-ange county on Juneange County on July 16, 1987.987 FZ479ublishad Huntington'Published Huntington gard nq fitie possession, orPublished Huntington Published HuntlngtFtea wa }ratlap nrlr,t Ele'rclr Independer+t July 23. encunitrrafice to pay the lFeaeh Independent July 23,Beach Independent JulyJulya.nust 6. 1l)'i i rcrr a.ry ncix? uurrr t 80. August 5, 11, 1987 1i. 23, 30, 1987871'4 Rff A'1^, d1997n; Aue eas a. q4;ianoge p.9uT.tgno s-eaouapTAa .xwgns so suoxu°dO sea t Xae 04p04T4ut aJeSI oSHas Q2ISMI LMI TIV20a'ti1V9Z6sTu'031Te3 Rgdeaa uou&u- unHMicI: 4 'trrturttt0D 40 4u8utgaedeZ. at u2 aTijOqu041;4100pus `i0t;dt osap Zt26*iy' atttUa V J0uav ptti4a,a r; Vtxt{D e$Iag40gie 494 40 s1~a pus.4x tt 404; 009 AIa4VWTX03ddY Hu nt i 9 CAL.IENTE .k AAdhras ch Planni n g Commis.. ircu s BttFF R I i CF -RD USITYZONE RE IOE fTIIL 30 AC'.' S FFE ^k.450.,bnits 0NE sT. SENIOR CITIZEN I ULUUTTAL 250 MEDIUM HunitsloFN RESIDENT, j AC 375 unite5 014, 4YAli": e WARNP, EL OMAOO IN Itit' Superior Court OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA In and for the County of 0i arige State of California j Count} of Orange ) ` s That I :tn and at all rin cs hen°in n6c111xattc'Ci cA,t-, if catit.n of the I'nited States. o1-er inc atze Of 1«ent1,.no War% arf,;" tna I :arts tW! t. party to. nor interested in the abos e cni tleA anatte r. that I anv tit: prir it-. clerk in the printer cal the Huntington I. at i Inrl°Fcrttclcttt a ^cuspaper of general crtcutatiort. tr ihlc hej an ;het ilk a=t Huntington l3sach County ofO range and which newspaper is published tur the otseminaa Lion of local news and intelligence of a general thaeaetcr. and sleaci newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona tide, subscription list of paving subscribers. and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the sad County of Orange for a period exceeding one year, that the notice, o, which the annexed is a printed cop}. has been published in diet o arta9.i; and entire issueof said newspaper, and not rn am 5upp lesoe'nt n a:'cW on the following dates. to wit: July 23, 1987 IruTiit fordcefagse esr[dr ls;,tabNoft}5enoi thattin}r'i:=ate:4"y a r:,... _:.and t M.. L ,s aI6l cltE at alift+rnia l 01K, `u kill, A'pv?lar.; rl.s f3Ua1 t PSkJF'1Jgn #92/031t P"quo1Mt7'It U Dh% utoltV -its,i 3Nnoo A..1.10 43V33 N0.L0NuNnHatlgnd eu% An uollo9dsul aot 'eiulolite0.t dlblltan4l '1r€etur ;t f tsrtr. r a:,1,; , .,,;,4lvm iq iio ale Ipcodord Stitt lo suolldtlosep Due Isllgnixa'sucineotldde 11W '0A000a utsef li i# gttl isarc;,i al, l ps; ; r .,. •,. I.; Jta ;arixrr pue t3ulja-atf Ptus PU9i o1 p8t1AU(aJUSNOSH3 Q $$ 1491141-1 VtuswdataAea Allunwwoo;31i4 NO'ItoUnoD 7,;t:J oUlSqw'y PI d t=;h a. t;uaw 1 r1,-„3414 , uzsr,-„) sp 's28 "oft vode4 Soadwi IetUEWUQ)tAUa :Sn.LY!,8 'f'1'1N9WNopatAN3tl-FtMi+x l' 1,2 attn41fi= tYi4„°" E 1,U. d at Jetfl Mkt -1 r.r yJolu* U q'.]* pauJgww'i/)I i A+^uu T 4iua3 npuuo v,211m1v1Iu0Pl lj>iv; eS 6; ,i, w ii;a.41tt-Itua18desfl Ieuottipuo094) )0 eouenssl ell4tlM luo.unauoa tu9lwaaj6aiMM01ieptn0M uo11114sapSitl'snuoq Atleuep lueoaad ogedill'(xIJjns Ieituoplsa 3F'arlt rnlp0,^ prri)i;en}y5-£b01 (eaasgsilun 91 utnwixew)l6vot-.-,, iaJ w01) aU4j auzt,ir,:004 LU01) 0116 aJaaI.a 6Ultau0lsepal Aq u1314. ia,Isueo eqtPuawy a1VS0d0UdPlurriµul ',141 141 iltJ0u1,ca1 088 AI9taWfxoldda '14911$ el9Mtalaq )o 9p sIsO3;NOI,1 V30-1sluawalole ottt1tlaE Uo15ulturtH' fld :O 30L1ON30110t~f lit tld 91i{11 I l et _. 331ION 3I1fl 3311DU 3I1aild33116m o11a(l i101 ! 8nAk2y.4eap neappr la rc,,,pPOLaundryFroom, at built-,.With jacuzzi & parking, t : I I Xcar gar, $145r/rno,655 i per on 642-9666req. Linda 540-5027: ., - 675-959090oror 642-8971 .ins good locationto bolt. 818-8482296_ _.pIiST GTIts17M1r0lux quiet & cozy 18r Food Strip Mail. $35,000to shares6. Goodessential.+CLEAN PRIVATEDPLExBachpad. Sngt alrage.'MALE roommateskills/type essenta1l.2Er 1', Ra Towr-houseBayfront property. Y,ly38r house in Nwpt Bchinventory & fixtures.edReil38R 28ff/dhR- _ . _ ... . WWIIiAsk for Betty or Charliecarpet '$974. 675-5131 77 n . 646-7363BAVRIDGE 254 113AMale 25.40 to shr quietl ITALIAN R STAITh T494-5901Clean & bright _28r tSa rSi . .NowQtcondo, gated, like new,charming spacious CapelMade money from day --PART-TIhME_ _p4-aic, w/d.pool spt. gar-bitins, $825, Pvt dock }bitlns, gar $i000mo,agew/d /mo 644 5788Cod intlpt Hts1GM$375. one. Net profit increasingOffice help Newport Bch.pool, 2 car spaces. 4 talks 642-7334 673-7:576 646-2331, 548-0100 msg monthly Located In a1G '- + 2m-6 m M-Thmicro, no tilt, utils inctd 3104 no pets $350 root. No pets 545-48-55avai a .. tra g ems84EXT 1160. Open 7 daY`FULL TIME PossibleF, n s+tk S500rraag-$x00 sec. 548 7237r..._.., .. $365+ u1, 494.51,, ,.._.,- _.673T43at!IE $1D i t quiet 2klrs turn/upturn Y*OCEANFRONTrlyrly, sn-alBACH*lC_jLovely 2br apt 1,0 shr in FLOWER BUSINESSAbility to take directiontaro . tutees, re-y patio, fort rr,627lona riot Mar, 1 bit( i Retail long F,5tabimperative.Npt/alrpori$1,saint, laundry, patio, dep, 650.1858bolt, VP 4001mo.Calif outstanding 760-30223857 girch, corner Quail.2Br 28a new w paint p9 1/ t 4 675 95.- 11 .clean, quiet & pot, frig &1 garate, tndry, bitins, Frig,dishwasher. stovesas•info 1-04) 641-1s11 bl s i it fr.675.71922785fma.EASTBLUFFhshr 38cm 28i_ _renFlees4+dozy iBdrm upstairs Apt, 078 Thurin 1Br wlpatio, vu. Nr shops. Costa Mesa, Ig backyard,Washer/Dryer, patio SL MGMT 642-1603 $795 No pets 640-1364 $416 me -- dep &'•s utlls.$ 7 0 0 / in o , 70 11,2__Avi 2/11, 662-0872 Lv msAvocado, sx75-56951BR, pot patio, pool, cable LARGE GOOD QUALITY c1_ TV, & gas paid, refs req'd. & 3BEDROOM UNIT. ON }ivi%F to shr cute CdM 28RrDECOFrAS i OF Furnished No Pets. $570/MO, OR OFF OCEAN. Yearly.16A $375 walk to beach.Townhouse. Fr lc, pool & 147 dower. 645-8161 1PLAYA R.E. 673-1900Call Shari days 641-6619tennis court. $1295/mo. f -_._ __/ W712-0006eve mesL9 2Bdrm 184 cottageLovely 1Bdrm w/view ofOrX673-0896$rSteel Building Dealership_ w/carport. Ideal for smalllboth bay & ocean Encl14f 0 ' J E IN NOW' rtl 2Br with Major Manufacturer-107e 103 33 B r 2 B - a u p p e r Dplx family. No pets. $875 m0garage- N o pets apt, prof, near Hoag Sales & Engineering sup-w/vu. Cpts, drps, Inside Avl 1/IF, 722-6294$850/mo, 675-0447$375ma - ®'xutits. port. Starter adsInd,'y rm, enci gar, no1,g E ,side tw se, 2Br 722-6900* furnished. v me areaspets $1375, 675-660611,iBa frpic, Indry, Ig yd,NEAR OCEANGrtaken, (303) 759-32002Ba, bitins, garage, $1200 Mhseprofv25-35 shr CdM 2BrW!k 1,0 'bcUpper dplx 191encl gar, new opt, drps. lc r, Exf 2401, WedgCor Ac-Owner/Agt 751-5235*blockspaho,beach,3Br, 2Ba, dbf gar, f/p, n-, No pets $850 760-0918w15,ceptance Corp, 6800 E.pets $1450$4 2 ,s e c_Newly remodeled 2Bdrm1,$450 'ax tent 720.3991Hampden, Denver. CoLE6dURY TO'WNHn4ESoa2MWORK OUTDOORSThe Orange Coast DailyPilot is looking for anenergetic person to as-sist our nistrict Managers3 days during the week,weekends and holidays.Applicant must have re-liable car with valid CAdrivers license, proof ofinsurance and DMVprint-out, Starting pay is$7.00 per hour plus gasallowance.Came in to apply at:Daily Pilons, ne r if -- .r7 U ,URATCU2br iba, Pvt patio, pool $721-0104 eves*$35-$55K 1 EAa j11EfL$550/m0, 706 James St.2Br iv,Ba w/gar, crpis carport adults, no pets i__.. . 5 Serious people neededl979.4410 or 549-7007drps, bitins, tncd patio $950r•no 675-2520 }PPOf F, n-smh.r Shr 28r immediately. Major Nat'li 330West Day St.2 harm uniumi.,tied up- 636-4120 Call 1.5PM SMoGdbridrid condo, w/d Co. expanding locally .I' costa Mesa, GA g'G2stairs S575, 15t 1 1 la t1243q Orange 'A' $750 OCEANFRONT 2Qp/4QoI& use all arrr;nlttas, Previous Restaurant or? between 9am & 5pm M-Fa,.. 2a r„ v-,u A r ter, ti - I gait tint a-, rh, A. -it tarot At642-432-42-432•830-154211 mI ba, I bik to bcft or bay i.___.__ . _ _-.830-1542 11NEWNLY REMODELED Lndry rm. no pets. N-smk, student or youngCosta Mesa 2€2 28r 1',•2Ba, $795-$805 I $775/mo, i75-6606prof shr 2Br, 2Ba apt inTHIS IS iTI2190 college 548-7367 Nwpt Na, pool, jaz $48518R, adults, balcony, bit- NEWPT HGTS, Secluded- 'mil - 640-8904-d,SERIOUS Md,EnoMnvl dPts rtaepl'.d ' ltr"cUxiolaIaO vr1OJO010 tai1C100 tlartaJ Aq petu9se1da1 pets8e,8 'MUop13 t.LNVQ11ddVilrt-3ak P1 i 1,r 1u41wz<t1aaRAU'itss.at,-1,te0ue4;,iauoZ`£"L8 )U9WPu8wV lUaweiges0 p'1e-l 1, ctaransa P o a 11!M 1I.3111100 Alfo410095 uolsulluny 91,11 1041 N3A10 A,83U3H SI 3DLLONaM vH - a J, 3 \.1lE 3S GNVI)'V'd 00',4:3 0111&PUOy,) '£961 'l, (eruged ;3 .' G-r; -M pagilasop uoileoildde aqt o1.8A1191e1 pa$a4 eq o1 gslM 04M SUo519d lie 40uI ad.i1r,41 lr' ic alep 044 uo `eiwojlle0 '4aeag uolsu{luny`18a11g ujkW0006 `18tUGO MIAION RAAO4CD Ml CD MI-O-CD W-O N11-0 7 *'1..r51 gip.T .J"S• R6 A' _ EXIST 5