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General Plan Amendment GPA1986002 - Meadowlark Specific Plan Final 2/1/83
Attachment 1 MEADOWLARK. SPECIFIC PLAN TABLE OF CQNTENT A. PURPOSE B. SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARIES C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT APPLICATION PROCEDURE 1. Conditional Use Permit 2. Conceptual Master Plan 3. Statement Required 4. Phasing Plan for Development E. SEWER AND WATER INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY F. CIRCULATION 1. Perimeter Streets 2. Internal Circulation G. TRAFFIC CONTROL H. TRANSIT FACILITIES 1. AIR QUALITY MITIGATION MEASURES 3. GEOLOGY/SOILS/SEISMICITY K. ARCHAEOLOGY L. PERIMETER SUFFERS M. ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICT AREAS N. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 0. HOMEOWNERS OR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION P. APPROVAL PERIOD MEADOWLARK SPECIFIC PLAN A. PURPOSE - On the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adopted an amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan This amendment designated approximately 65 acres of land located approx- imately 600 ft. north and east of the intersection of Bolsa Chica Street and Warner Aven ,.e as a Planned Community. The General Plan Document, Land Element Amendment 87.20 states that the Planned Community designation is to be imple- merited through adoption of a Sp, .ific Plan. The following policies were adol ed by the City Council to provide direction for preparation of a Specific Plan: I. The 15 acre retail center shall be located on Warner Avenue extending between Roosevelt Street and the residential project to the east. 2. The total number of residential units, includi g any proposed affordable units, to be constructed on the 50 acre portion of the property due north of the commercial portion, shall not exceed 600 units and shall be distributed among several product types. A buffer shall be provided betw the existing single family ho es and any attached residential units which are developed at greater than 7 units per acre.. An internal traffic circulation plan shall be provided that will; a. ProviL,-- street connections between Warner Avenue and Hell Avenue that would not encourage non-project related through traffic. Limit the amount of traffic on Pearce Street to a tote daily trips, of 2500 v c. Locate vehicular access points to Warner Avenue and Heil Avenues( minimize traffic conflicts: C Provide a phased development plan which coincides with the available capacity in the sewer and water systems. Meadowlark Specific Plan Within 60 days of City approval of the first entitlement for development, the airport operation will cease, 7. This Specific plan enacted through Zone Change No. 87-13 will be in effect until a subsequent zone change is adopted, The Planning Commission shall conduct an annual review of the Specific Plan until such time as a master plan is approved for the site. The Meadowlark Specific Plan .s designed to meet the planning requirements of the Land Use Element of the General Plan, It is intended to serve as a general set of conditions and regulations that will promote the orderly development of the pro- perty and provide direction for preparing a plan for development while providing sufficient flexibility to permit design creativity. SPECIFIC PLAN 13© ND13h'TES - The Meadowlark Specific Plan encompasses that area as delineated on the Exhibit 1. 2. Legal Description - The Meadowlark Specific Plan includes the real property described as follows: Parcel 1 in the City of Huntington Beach as per map filed in Book 146, Page 21 of Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said Co,.mty; and Parcels 24, 25 and 26 in the City of Huntington Beach, asper map filed in Book 146, Page 24 of Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said county, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT See Environmental Impact Report 87-2 APPLICATION PROCEDUR. - Any request for a development proposal shall be accompanied by an application for a Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Tract Map. Such applications shall include preliminary site plans, grading plans, floor and elevation plans and a statement of sta,:istics. Ali plans shall be submitted con currently and shall meet the following requirements; Meadowlark Specific Plan (06311)) Gh--H L.I - „- __I_ . _ - -__ vE N' lw,ir L (usRS7.A'. LJ L i a _ .A4 E4 -E - - „q 4eID0E»CFr EL 3d LAN )SCA,PEK o m RE ON ytiM!prp•p+ca SE HACK , siAr[ n M E W K E. `MdF E.Cj.1'RTT I 1. Conditi nal Us P rmit - Any proposed development within the specific plan area shall be subject to the approval of a conditional use permit as provided in Article 984 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 2. C(Inc t al Master Plan - A conceptual master plan for the overall project shall be submitted at the time of the first Conditional Use Permit, the conceptual master plan shall include the following: a. Perimeter buffer alignment b. Location of pedestrian walkways, c. Circulation pattern of vehicular traffic; d. Use of common open space areas, e. Layout showing proposed sewage and water facilities. 3. taternent Reoured ._ A detailed statement shall also be included containing the following information; Distance from the property to any known geological hazard b. Existence of known contamnination from hazardousmaterials on- c. Phase x results and Phase 11 proposals for the Archeological Assessment of the Meadowlark Airport; Gross area of product type within the total project area boundary. Number and type of units and number of bedrooms; f. Total number of units and number of units and bedrooms per gross acre; g. Schedule and sequence of development if proposed in phases. Phasin PI n f r Dev&I9'P_rr r t A plan identifying phased development he :esidential rid eammeria area shall be submitted in conjunction with the submittal of the conceptual master plan and any conditional use permits. E. EWER AND WATER TNFRASTRt CTURE CAPACITY Prior to issuance of building permits within any of the area designated as a separate phase of development on the phasing plan, clearance shall be obtained from the Orange County Sanitation District and City Water Department stating that such development will not adversely impact the sewer and water systems, Stich clearance shall be in the form of a letter to the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development, F. CIRCULATION The conceptual ma: plan shall establish a plan concurrent with the issuance of the first entitlemen4. This conceptual master plan will establish the general alignment of Pearce Street if it connects into the new development, the connector street alignment arid the internal circulation pattern of the development. w andards for streets and drit shall be as follows: 1. treets The street right-of-way for Warner Avenue, He 1 Avenue, and Pearce Street shall be dedicated as public streets and x ully Yjnproved to City standards. The eastern side of Roosevelt Lane (approximately 500 linear feet south of Pearce Street) shall be fully dedicated and fully improved to Cit. standards, if needed, 2. Int rnal irculation •- Circulation within the Specific Plan Area shall be such that a connection between Hell Avenue with Warner Avenue shall be provided. Project access points shall generally be at Warner Avenue/Leslie Lane and Heil Avenue/ Del Mar Lane. Any access to Pearce Street shalt be such that traffic on Pearce Street does not exceed 2500 average daily trips, Roosevelt Lane shall not be a through street to Warner Avenue. The points of intersection with Warner Avenue, Hell Avenue, Pearce Street and Roosevelt Street shall generally conform to or accomplish the objectives identified in Exhibit "I". Specific locations shall be determined through the Conditional Use Permit process. Meadowlark Specific Plan (0631D) G. TRAFFI NT The Planning ComnLission, upon recommendation of the Department of Public Work:, shall determine the need fo, traffic control devices (i.e., traffic signals). Such determination shall include the appropriate time of installation. The developer shall pay the entire cost of installing traffic signals at Heil ,P venue/Del N far Lane, and Warner Avenue/Leslie Lane, at the entrances to the development. If the proposed project requires arses. L.o Bolsa Chica Street from Pearce Street then the developer shall pay one-fourth of the cost of a Traffic signal at llolsa Chica and Pearce. The developer shall provide for the future installation of any such improvements prior to issuance of building permits. T RAN IT FA ILITIE - Bus turnouts and bus shelters shall be provided at locations designated by the Department of Pub' c Works and Orange County Transit District. The design of such shelters and turnouts shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Orange County Transit District. AIR UALITY MITIGATION MEASURES 1. Rideshar'i= The Orange County Transit District has a rideshare program, called "Commuter Network," which matches origins and destinations of commuters by c,,n mere The developer shall design a program for the site prior to the issuance bull--"n g permits. 2. Pedestrian Access The project shall 'include pedestrian accessways from the interior of the site to the existing bus stops on the area streets and to the shopping center. The accessways shall be paved, lighted ?nd I'iandicataoed accessible. 3. Child Care FacBities The provision of neighborhood child care facilities are encouraged in the project in order to reduce the frequency and length of trips related to child care 11 GEOLO 'Y/SOILS/SEISMICITY - The following geology, soils and seismicity measures shall be employed prior to the issuance of building permits: 1. Submittal of a structural engineering study evaluating proposed foundation designs with respect to ground shaking and liquification hazards on the property, The study shall be subject to the review and approval of the Departments of Public Works and Community Development. Foundations and structural components of the buildings shall be designed according to recom- mendations contained within the structural e Zgineering study. 2. Submittal of a soils study detailing grading and site preparation recom- mendatior,.'. This study shall be subject to the approval of the Departments of Public Works and Community Development. Grading and site preparation shall be accomplished in acco. dance with recommendations presented in the soils study 3. Submittal of a soils analysis identifying the absence or presence of methane gas and/oi contamination by :,azardous materials. If contamination is found, all affected areas must be cleaned up to the satisfactioti of the City and other appropriate agencies. If methane gas is present, a mitigation plan must be submitted to and approved by the City and ether appropriate agencies. ARCHAELO 'Y Prior to the issuance of* entitlements, an archaeological analysis of three areason the Meadowlark Airport, identified in the existing archaeological assessment (see Exhibi 2) shall be cor!duct-d. The analysis include some excavations to determhie the existence of historical 19th century habitation and American Indian habitation, pre-19th century. Meadowlark Specific Plan ( i 13}-7- L. PERIMETER BUFFERS A landscaped perimeter '-puffer shall be provided between existing off-site single family units and any development related multi family units pursuant to section N, D•_velopn_„nt Standards, see number 3 for specific standards. M. ESTABLISHNfENT OF DISTRI T AREAS The configuration oftbe property for which t,x.3 Specific Plan is prepared is such that there are two (2) district areas. 1 hese areas are delineated on the Specific Plan Map shown on Exhibit 1. A description of Development standards for these areas are included in the following section. N. DEVELOPMENT STANDARD Proposed development within the Meadowlark Specific Plan shall comply with the 'following standards: 1. Uses Permitted nd Rel ted Densities - The following uses are permitted within the specific plan area: a. Area AwCommercial This area must comply with the requirements and standards set forth in the C4 District (exclhding hotels and motels), b, Area 'B - Residential The conceptual master plan and cumulative conditional use permits shall use the following scenario as a guide in describing the type and distribution of residential product types. Three product types not exceeding 600 units shall be provided: Acres Type of Unit Minimum D-,tached nsi of 18 Single Family 7/acre Maximum Multi Family 12/acre of 20 Medium Density Maximum Multi Family 201acre of 12 Medium-high density Total 50 acre Meadowlark Specific Plan 0631D) r'Iu w_5'FA.,^Iz'fnx "t-- Density bont:ses within individual product types may be granted, however the total number of units for the entire project shall not exceed 600. Bedroorns/ nit The maximum number of bedrooms (see Section 9080.18 of the City Code for the definition of a bedroom) per acre will be established by standards set forth in Article 915, Planned Residential Developments, Section 9150.4 of the City Code: 9150.4 Maximum densit'. Maximum density shall be as shown in the following chart. Frr the purpose of calculating density, acreage shall include area to the centerline of" abutting street right-of--way, but not to exceed 7.5 percent of the net area. Maximum Units Maximum Bedrooms jlifstrict pgr acre , ..per acre,,, Single Family Detached 7 20 Multi 'Family Medium Density 12 30 Multi Family Medium-High Density 20 40 Parkin Within the development, parking will be allotted cording to Article 915 of the City Code, Planned Residential Developments Parking standards (9150.17). These conditions will include tandum, parking for single family residences. Also, any residential unit that has four or more bedrooms will require .5 parking spaces per bedroom in excess of three bedrooms. Off-street and driveway parking may count towards additional parking requirement. Meadowlark Specific Plan 3. Perimeter Buffers a. Adjacent to existing off-site single family development a minimum one hundred (100) foot wide landscaped perimeter buffer will be requ*,, cd, of whici. 50 percen' of that width may be driveway or drive aisle (excluding open or enclosed parking), or 75 percent cd which may include attached low density residential units, or 100 percent of which may include detached single family residential units. In all cases, the landscaped area shall be the outer portion of the buffer area. If structures are proposed within the buffer area .io structure may exceed a height of 25 feet. 4. Setbacks a. If attached structures are proposed along Heil Avenue, a 50 foot land- scaped setback shall be provided. Single family detached units shall only be subject to the normal setbacks established by the City Ordinance Code, Commercial uses must be set back from residential areas in order to minimize light and noise impacts. Commercial setbacks shall be conditioned according to Article 922, Commercial District C-4 standards with the exception of the ,' astern perimeter of the proposed commercial center (between th,v existing Fernhill residential development and the subject site) where building heights shall not exceed 30 feet within 70 feet of the property, and no buildings or service drives shall be constructed within 20 feet of the property line. This 20 foot setback area shall be limited exclusively to landscaping. c. A 20 foot landscape setback on either side of the collector street shall also be required for the section of the street bi-secting the commercial center. d. The front setback line for the proposed project shall be 50 feet from Warner Avenue consistent with the setbacks depicted in the City's District Maps, 5. Landscaping - The purpose of this is to insure a more pleasant living environment through the use of plants and decorative design elements. a. All setback areas fronting on or visible from an adjacent public street, and all recreation, leisure and open areas shall b,! landscaped and permanently maintained in an attractive manner. b. All landscaped buffer areas shall be landscaped in accordance with an appro•ied landscape plan. The preliminary landscape plan implementing this requirement shall be submitted along with the application for a Conditional Use Permit(s) and/or Tentative Tract Map(s). The final landscape plan shall plan shall be approved by the Department of Community Development. c. Intensified landscaping may be required adjacent to the commercial portions of the proposed project. All requirements set forth in this Specific Plan shall apply. When a conflict exists between this Specific Plan and the requirements of Division 9, the most restrictive requirement shall apply, 0. PARK DEDICATION Park dedication for the proposed project could be used for a greecibelt that would provide access through the development to Gibbs Parks, and/or as an area on the western edge of the Park that would be set aside for park parking, providing it does not change the character of the Park. Any proceed augmentation of Gibbs Park will be subject to Community Services approval. (0631 D) -HOMEOWNER'S OR CQMM NITY A IATI N - Approval of all development proposals shall be subject to submission of a legal instrument or instruments setting forth a plan or manner of permanent care and maintenance of open spaces, recre- ational areas, and community facilities . No such instrument shall be acceptable until approved by the City Attorney as to legal form and effect , and by the Director of Community Development as to suitability tor the proposed use of the open space areas. If th, ;ommon open spaces are to be conveyed to a homeowners' association, the developer shall file a declaration of covenants to be submitted with the application for approval, that will govern the association. 1. The homeowners ' association. shall be established prior to the sale of the last dwelling unit. 2. Membership shall be mandatory for each buyer and any successive buyer. 3. The open space restrictions shall be permanent. 4. Provisions to prohibit parking upon other than approved and developed parking spaces shall be written into the covenants, conditions, and restrictions for each project. 5. If the development is constructed in increments or phases which require one or more final maps, reciprocal covenants, condition. , and restrictions and reciprocal management and maintenance agreements shall be established which will cause a merging of increments as they are completed, and embody one homeowners` association with common areas for the totat development. APPROVAL PERIOD - Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 984, Conditional Use Permits, each Conditional Use Permit authorized under this Article shall become null and void within two (2) years unless a final tract map has been recorded with the County Recorders office on any portion of the approved plans within such two (2) year period. Extensions of time may be granted pursuant to the provisions for extending approval of the tentative tract map. Meadowlark Specific Plan