HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Amendment GPA1986002 - Land Use Element Amedment 87-2 EIR 87-2USEELEMENT AM ENDMENT 87-2C le7'1-719 Environme ntal Impac t Report 87-2 Augdl 11I-h huntington ° ..i development services E.U.L. ADDENDUM AND AIRPORT FEASIBILITY STUDY ATTACH MENT 7 .A ATTACRNT 2 AI ORT F IBILI Y A.VALYS1S Meadowlark Airport was incorporated into the City in 1964. By 1970, the City had created a committee to investigate safety conditions at the airport. One outcome of the committee's analys'as was the recommendation that "the City take steps to ensure that proper aviation authorities institute proceedings to require compliance with all existing air regulations." In 1972, another committee was formed to investigate the feasibility of a joint purchase of the airport by .h e..iY rd Orange County. In 1973, the City withdrew its support of the study on Mead:&wiark, "based on the fact that the airport is not compatible with existing zurr ;ru,Hdirg residential area and would rather find a location more suited for this use." II. By the late 1970's, as discussed in the EIR, the Airport Board was formed which has contributed to a better relation hip between the City, the airport and residentiaa areas surrounding the airport. fazellkt As in 1972, the City is once more investigating the feasibility of owning and operating Meadowlark Airport. If Improvements to bring the airport up to FAA standards are feasible, Meadowlark could become amity - "yB general aviation airport, This type of airport serves most of the single-engine and small twin-engine airplanes used for personal and business purposes plus air taxi-type twin engine airplanes (example, four passenger commuter plane). Currently, there are approximately 200 aircraft tied down at Meadowlark. According to CALTRA , that number could be increased by SG -- 100 percent in the space available on the airport site. The increase in tie downs directly relates to revenues generated by uses at an airport. An outline of major revenue sources associated with a municipal airport are as follows. A. Personnel 'Property Tax-This de ends on the value of the aircraft. Currently, the City receives approximately 3U per year in personal property tax revenue per aircraft. An increase in tie downs would Increase the amount based on additional aircraft and a1sc, newer aircraft that would generate more than $30 per year. Note: A municipal airport would not generate property tax based on land value and improvements because it would be public property. B. Tie Down Fees -- based on discussions with the manager of Orange Codnty's other general aviation airport, Fullerton Municipal Airport manager Rod Murphy and CALTRANS consultants, monthly tie down fees would range'as follows; General Tie downs Note: Landing Fe o -Pz i rn,°te air pons are usually not charged at municipal anrponu . C. The City would also receive revenue dro fuel safes and business leases at the airport, referred to as fixtieddbns operators. The following businesses are commonly found at airports: Aircraf t. Pales (also generates retail sales tax) Flight instruction Aircraft leasing Air cra ft maintenance Additional compatib'e ;. °,art property (specifically adjacent to Warner Avenue) would a general retail and hotel/motel. These commercial uses wiul.i .,.c: ae r,° fated revenue plus retail saes tax and, transient occupancy tale rev -n,14 Prgfits Would Meadowlark According to the FAA, costs and/or generate som statement is based on r; $5003,000 per acre. .1. wa:, years said the Fullerton ate:xt years as they payoff CAL T RA'f increase fees. Fullerton has been The goal to breaking even ur r of FAA grant funds. v Iv ? ... 'Epaj would be affected by the availability In Southern California, ;;V re vtr c ov m ental entities involved in airport acquisition and opex atious the Southern California Associ ation of Governments (SCAG), the Federal A i #= a A rc s stratio (FAA) and the California Department of Transportation, Aeron autics nevi S on (CA LT RAMS * Aeronautics). scnc SCAG has an C'Aviatior, Sy,neirms a I an` tout assess aviation needs in the region and forecasts future demands. SC AG r°evtw and support of a proposed airport , or in this case, the redevelopment of r nr or°t, is necessary befor, the FAA will consider the proposal. The review p riod at SCAG is approximately four months; According to Tim ierwrin.„SCAG staff, SCAG would probably support tare City if it proposed to own and operate Meadowlark. eriatns assessment is based on aviation growth and local d ward for tie down space. While the region as a whole was stable regarding aircraft coursts, between 1983 and 1986, there was a three percent Increase In general aviation in Orange County. Thy.-efore, based on the growth of general aviation in °W e Cor'nty,SCAG would probably support retaining an existing facility. The next step in the process would be, assuming SCAG suppo propos?l, to take the prop sal to FAA. generate enough revenue to cover costs? rally genera te enough revenues to cover is important to note,however, that this : ml not for property that is valued at managed Fullerton Airport for three should break even within the next two crease hanger/tie down space and a municipal airport for over 20 years. ed the City>s (8985d) FAA According to Robert Btu !i-u ok' Standards Section; in a lettc- eligible for an FAA grew k.. National Plan of Integrates .: Angeles Division of FAA (Supervisor u-t 5, 1987), Meadowlark would not be &, i r ;sent time because it is not in the FAA t v f:: erns. In order to become a candidate K41 lsa National Plan, the following criteria would have to be met: I. SLAG Recommend its regional plan, place Meadowlark in 2. Environmental Federal) and l.rb Flr ; . determin e the rv,~ Concurrent with required to deter -YA: of the improvernens in, re'al environmental pr:>es#>:.; Meadowla rk. Another comprehensive soils c n.ar ir:Meadowlark, dumping of air-craft fu . operate Meadow lark the ground surface, by CAL TPUNS. The FAA would exam 7 ,i determine if it would L Meadowlark. I hey cG) funding nationwide. If FAA decided to wit Ulu: C land acquisition costs. $ A.A`% master plan. The cost to, a' Y"estimate of the cos ts would cost/benefit analysis, r k ster liar, two years„ rig CALTRA S aeronautical staff that, :,old accom modate a longer and wider runwa; t SLAG would place Meadowlark in and formally recommended that FAA pot (EJR -State) would required to ironmerital impact Statement (ElS acts associated with the City's proposal, of Its of the City's proposal,. Because pendent feasibility study would be rx l ; y since the rn,id-1970's the : l lv included a new noise study for andsurface from year s of casual mon to find, on Airports like environmental process would be a nts If the City were to purchase and fio bably incur a cost to replace a portion of Vsis and replacement would also be required City's request against other request for assessed within an FAA priority list. to invest in a municipal airport at impacts and aviation contributions to e. The env lronmentJ process, s would be incurred by the City, an ould cover 90 percent of the re the City to prepare an airport i•°AA review time would take appr°ox-lit,tely As stated previously, at ih Fx ; the airport does not meet FAA standards . The environment z'i >>° ss wa uld also assess if the airport site cou accommodate the, necessavy i er .. :5 n s. Figure A and l Illustrate the exits runwa y in relation to the site vet ,u- a longer and wider runway that would be.k required to meet ;AA staidar,. illustrates a design developed by on the existing airport si a. airport property impacting pub Department of T ran pay ration, design sh ould Include a each end of the runway I for airport hazard a ems? s, the clear zones extend beyond the nd: private property, According to the Administration (FAA)` r the airport protection, where no development exists.. es. A clear zone is an. area,required and a clear zone of 1000 feet at •-` ti.i„snz :=.["LS..Y:..x :: .t.=.3C="i::,., w1"'jY 6' f NEA)0WL %,ti Shaded ar,, xtiM ,., r,7XA' .' 7 I 'i CF-E nt i rovide CAL a A In order to provide, th south and north of th6 clear zone would also ,4i,,ti i cQ,' would need to real asxuo26, .f beyond the identified clear accommodate real i nme.nt i ""::; In a recent telephone: co" °P r. considering FAA, funding. pt',, would be reluctant to su ,r, If the City chooses ao tz would be advisor y and r ,, k r> While the FAA has jurisdiction over the The City would b' The airport would hay vkv'e ._, .. runway, to qualify for .: has specific requ ir me , permit . They would ruture development art: antenna and tree height .6. about are several 'Ei Avenue. The trees ioc<< t nearby telephone lira attempting to take of"f example, for seversi s, being seen by pilots runway . CALTRA" $ height of the telepho -i available , i" does ha; improvements . If thu., CALTRANS could iena CALTRA NS does not a They would not require *r E,. •fisaY_=',zones at each end of .he According to Dua .e support the coralrat d municipal airport. Mr. Ferguson met w facility . His in t ai property to accom.` standards . He also sL improved , would proba, including a restaur ant, °i ty adjacent to the airport and also u:pr a to be cleared of existing structur es. The ner Avenue and Heil Avenue . Both streets late the clear zones . In that case, areas have to r devoid of structures to and Hell. ito l ie. Bloom, August 18, 1987, he said that air traff ic conditions in the region, FAA .t a z` cirpor t at Meadowlark_ ,e FAA funds then FAA standards i,yt and aircraft , CALTRANS has for a permit to operate the airport. requirements , such as a lon ger and wider They are concerned about building, the area around the airport to control to be met before it would issue a TRANS . In addition to FAA, CALTRANS an existing condition they are concerned tree obscured an incoming aircraft from ;E thing aircraft coming in to land. For le,view of aircraft on the ground properties exceed the height of the wea to the north of the airport on Heil NfZ and individuals standing next to the o Live the trees cut back below the RANS does not have grant money for land acquisition and capital Lr°a ent of the funds to purrnase th+ land, wlance. ould even waiver the 200, foot safety rnents as FAA regarding clear zones. .coin .odate a longer runway. consultant, CALTRANS 74 also a conversion to a on August 13, 1987 and toured the F %re was enough land on the airport dwould bring Meaowlark up to FAA f land along Warner, if the airport w id related commercial development s, and services (some of which currently exist on the air"', Mr. Ferguson also acted rtconversat ion with FAA Bloom expressed concert ;ar urwi l ,y of t he site at Meadowlark to accommodate the ne ess¢ - l r R raa; to meet FAA standards; this has been il:ustrated in Figures A and 3 It the airport is close d. CAL ` : a aQ ,,° iocatiori program and will assist the aircraft owners in locatin g to airoat,4 w While not involved in the p rcawG Commission (ALUC) will play {: or near the airport. Currently , the Cit y is in within a 10,000 foot radii :: ' eeview proposed developn.e ; primary concern of the A fl Y risk on the groun d, simile t' FAA is advisory while the permits for development wi to prevent develo pment, but aircraft obstructions and ct:,. ground. Also, the Airport Land Use supports the continue o m2oui. IV. Staff has c m mun wat : availabilit y of C ounty funds to Meadowlark Airpcrt. As 1987)"it does not appear that this matter". V. L The military air Army. Accor ding to Chris land Use Commission. tl'- the air station as a joint ua plans to abandon Vie racimit f. the States Disa str'r Plan. will serve as a rnrnur:ic-ataon currently a Coast Guard conazin c -,:-a, based medical unit available: for can r ,envy rev : Defense has no int,.tio . of operating7y/civi lian) nor does it have any future Alamitos is a major component in use of a, regional or national disaster, and medical relief center. There is he air station which includes a The Nerio Family has sr t. , S1 v, ant to sell the property . Their pro development plan for the site. w ul in the family retai ning ownership a 'and whet h-w they leased: or any str ct e that would built. a they can find new tie-down spaces. the Orange County Airport Lard Use a z 4-,, ewkring proposed development adjacent to FAA of any proposed development The State mandated ALUC wi' also 10 ,000 foot radius or planning area. Ty:e y oLL people in the aircraft and those at er=ce be tween the agencies is that al; tired the ALUC to delay or deny City ., COO foot planning area . T he purse is not .-,zs es to mitigate situations that may cause ryy for pilots, passengers and people on the ;tier dated September 21, 1987) rib Airpo, •,:. Wit-der's Office regarding the ssible City purchase and operation of n Wieder's letter (dated September 14, will be able to assist Huntington Beach in s oiwned by the Navy and leased to the L. f pla nner for the Ora- .e <'crusty Airport If the property Graz 'a a`& 5 , t mr 'irettnan of the City's Property Management Department, b lam costs would be approximately $5+0,000per acre or a total of $32,503,()00. Essentially, In o °th r to a municipal facility that meets FAA and CALTRANS star, ard.% r i= y would have to redevelop the site, removing and/or demolishing existing S c 3t' build more support and commercial structures and lengthen and widen the nmv yo In addition to the airport development, private property would have to ire przu,chased, families and business relocated and both Warner and Heil would have be realigned to accommodate the clear zones discussed previo',ly4M,the land cost, it Is estimated that the entire project would cost between 40 5,; _ ;4 on dollars. The City could, t .uw through either cn : cr' acquire the site hyt,: agency could sell ton According to R6bert r .' .<- City does not have th Assuming that the e_ purchase price of € nc, Franz estim ates tt11 would nod, in the foz e ( cost of land and ho fro - rw VII.Rsk gam!O- Staff would re-comm., purchase anc op assessment cnduc Mtc1tiu the City determine the risks am, and clear zones. redevelopment area or an airport r uthority and 'Wes the City would have the legal authority to t domain. An airport authority or redevelopment to funds for airport improve nen cs. poky City Administrator in charge of finance, the reserves recesary to purchase the airport site. sport structures do not have a measurable value, the ';.,.4ouid be at least $500,000 per acre, At that pricer _s of how well a refurbished airport functio;q d, it future generate enough revenue to recoup the initial first step in the Porrdal process of proposing to ial airport at Meadc,wlark would be to have a risk yg.: ul rant to determine the rides and liability impacts nicipal airport. It would also be import Ant to associated with an airport with or without safety