HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP1991005 - Signed ApplicationCity of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development 2300 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 Administrative Review AR Code Amendment CA G"'4ERAL PPLICATION: Conditional Exception a ri ante Conditional Use Permit Design Review Board CE CUP DRB P1/ anning Commission General Plan Amendment GPA Zoning Administrator Limited Si n Permit ' D v LSP Staff Review Planned Si n Pro ram PSP Design Review Precise Plan Stret Alignment PPSA_ lrrwcT S ,Preliminar Plan Review PPR Applicant or A thorized gent Site Plan Amendment SPA Mailing Address Site Plan Review SPR City State L{. Zip S ecial Si n Permit Use Permit SSP UP Telephone Number Zone Chan e ZCva' s r ' I19lf En`s• mi ental Methane Zone Flood Zone s^ 4 Exempt Oil District ty OwnerPro Assessment Required Redevelopment Areap , r, Alquist Priolo Area5 9 (n t l o,AZmn.l- r.)lrv AQMD Zone Present Zone ' FPz DM Z General Plan Desiccation ENTITLEMENT 'F.E - CASE NUMBER Mailing Address City State G g Zip Telephone Number REQUEST: 4 (Coastal Area: Yes -No DATE RECEIVED -Exempt CDP __Categorical Exclusion Ownership Verification k AAglicanj Authorizati,17/x% --Plans r ustifi ation Receipt #/ l ni ti al s Concurrent Cases: Previous Cases: Pursuant to: '10 3 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: o Street address: Prolect Planner o Name and distance to nearest intersecting street: o Assessor 's Parcel Number f "' _5 l Acreage o Tract Block Lot o Section - Township Range I, have read and understood all Please Print Your Name statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application . I an. the property owner of the subject property . I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts and attachments are true and correct. I under Land that this application for entitlement or variance may be denied , modified or approved with conditions and that such conditions or modifications must b- complied with prior to issuance of building permit'. I hereby 'abthorize to act as my representative and to bind me in all matters concerning pis application. Signature of Property Owner Date Authorized Agent Date (0238D) APPLICArrON REQ ??R6MEPITS: `f.1s This application must ',e typed or printed and filled in completely. If the applica nt rni-s not the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant to act Lam/ on his behalf- e.md sign ^this.app ication. All applications for'Pla^A '7g ommision must be accompanied with _:x (6) preliminary site plans, .floor- plans and buildingt elevations plus one adlitior,.l set of plans for each additional entitlement . Gpon accept nce and scheduling of hearing date -ifteen (15) sets of site plars, Boer .plans and buildit,i /elevations 24" x 36" and two (2 ) sets of plans reduced to 8-1/2" x 11" will be required . One (1 ) •ot of plans shall be colored to illustrate the design and development concept of the project . t/her plans may be required depending on the complexity of the project. 4. All applications f7or the Zoning Administrator must be accompanied with six (6) sets of site plans, floor plans and building elevations 24" x 36", plus one additional set of plans for each additional entitlement and two (2) sets of plans reduced to 8-1/2" x 11". Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of the project. 5. All applications for staff review or design review must be accompani e d with three (3) sets of site plans, floor plans and building elevat io ns 24" x 36". A materials palette and colored rendering are required for design review. 6. Planned Sign Program applications shall comply with submittal requirements outlined in the Sign Code (Article 961), 7. All plans shall conform to '-he following requirements: (a) Drah to scale; indicate scale; indicate dimensions of building and floor uses; and north direction arrow. (b) Plot the entire parcel and dimension all pertinent data such as easements , driveways, landscaping, parking, and distances to all property lines. (c) Plot all existing and proposed physical features and structures on the subject property and abutting properties. (d) Dimension to the nearest intersecting street and identify all street names. (e) Include a legend (locate in lower right corner of the site plan) which lists the name, address, and phone number of the recorded owner and the applicant. (f) Identify the legal description of the subject property on the site plan. Fold all lans to a maximum size of 8-1/2" x 14" (lower right print side out). Photogrnphs of the subject property. 10. Public notification requirements for Conditional Exception, Conditional Use Permit, Coastal 9evelopment Permit, Use Permit, Zone Change, Precise Plan Street Alignment, General Plan Amendment, and Special Sign Permit. (See attached sheet). A written narrative of the proposed use or project shall accompany this application. The narrative --shall contain the following information: (a) Site reasons for initiating this application. (b; Area description and population served by the proposed use or project. (c) Description of the project and services. (d) Description of surrounding uses. For Conditional exception (variance), Limited S;gn Permit, or Special Sign Perm answer the following giestions: (a) What exceptional circumstances apply to petitioned property (including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings) that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed? (b) Will the request constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with normal limitations? (c) Why is this request necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of one or more substantial property rights? (d) State reasons why the granting of this request will not be materially dr.trimental to the public welfare. 13. All Planning Commission and the Zoning Administrator decisions are final unless appealed within ten (10) days of such decision and shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrievement. In ro case shall building permits or licenses be issued until the appeal period has elapsed. 14. All applications shall becomc null and void if the approved use or project has not been initiated within o.a (1) year from the approval date. NOTE: Completion c` the application does not presume approval of the entitlement or variance. Such approval is discretionary with the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission. The Zoning Administrator or Commission may deny, modify or conditirnally approve the entitlement or variance. (02380) ('LICATION PROCESSING CFIECY, "ST ENTITLEMENT NO. PLANNER APPLICANT ADDRESS REVIEW FILE FOR COMPLETENESS: Entitlement Logged in (Book and Map) Application: Request Complete Owner's Signature/Letter of AuthorizaL-ion Legal Descrip':ion/APIL/AP Map Zoning/General Plan Narrative Photographs Plans: Proper Number Complete Sets (Site Plan, Elevations, Floor Plans) Accurate (Property Lines, Street Names, Existing and Proposed Buildings, Fully Dimensioned, Easements, Drawn to Scale, North Arrow) Applicant's name, add'-ess, phone number Ownership List Accuracy: Verified (Map-and Railing Labels of Owners and/or Tenants, Site Property Owner and Agent and Matrix) i PRELIMINARY PLAN CHECK (See Plan Check Sheet) STAFF MEETING (Preliminary) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST SENT: Director Redevelopment Deputy Director Community Services _ Plan Check Building (Krejci) Public Works (Patapoff) Other Fire (Parker) ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW (Cat. Exempt, Neg. Dec., EIR) Request Sent COASTAL STATUS (Exempt, Cat. Excluded, CDP) CONCURRENT PROCESSING 'FIELD INSPECTION: Adjacent Uses Parking/Driveway Existing Use STAFF MEETING SUBDIVISION MEETING REQUIRED Notices Seiit' DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING REQUIRED LEGAL SERVICES REQUEST SENT (Ordinance, Opinion, Code Amendments) OTHER ISSUES: Flood Plain Easements FAA _ Specific Plan Alauist-Priolo/Seismic Oil Wells Hazardous Area Adjacent Entitlements Previous Entitlements and Conditions and Conditions REQUEST AREA MAP AND PHOTOS FROM SIGMON SEND FILING STATUS TO APPLICANT SEND LEGAL NOTICES PREPARE STAFF REPORT pp.,PARF ATTACHMENTS Pi,-are Ca.:. Exclusion letter fo: Coastal (rev. 8/d7)(750(k1) Hail to: CITY OF HUITINGTON BEACH C IITY DEVELOPMIT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING PLAIT CHECK By: Telephone : 714 Plan Check No. Date : Job Address : _ Plan Dated: Entitlement : Expires: . Proposed Use: Needs Correc i on 1. Legal : Lot Block Tract 2. Assessor 's Parcel Number 3. DM 4. Zone _ _General Plan 5. Lot size Dedication Required 6. Net lot size 7. Proof of creation of lot (copy of all deeds to property) 1 A r v 1 R it d: (Contact Zoning Counter Personnel) P1 ni i i n:7 in A mini r r: Association Review : Design Review Board: i 1 Di ri Ar . Oil (Contact Fire Department) Flood Seismic FAA, if within 10,000 ft . of Meadowlark Airport ADDITIONAL INF RMATI N E R D T NT N E P A NE K 8. Plot plan fully dimensioned showing location of all parking , landscaping, buildings , fences to property line and adjacent property use within feet . Show offsite improvements , distance to centerline of streets and alleys. 9. Floor plan folly dimensioned showing all room uses. 10. Building height measured per S .9080.22 Max. Allowed Shown ADDIT L R I T 11. Number of units 12. Floor Area Ratio Max Allowed Proposed _ 13. Building area Habitable Garage 14. Site Coverage Max. Allowed Prop. _ 15. Front Yard Req. Prop. 16. Rear Yard Req. Prop. 17. Exterior Side Yard Req. Prop. 18. Interior Side Yard Req. Prop. 19. Garage Setback Req. Prop. 20. Setback from public easement 21. Open Space Area Req. Prov. 22. Height measured per S .9080.22 Max . Allowed Shown 23. Natural grade line shown on al l elevations 24. Number of stories /floors Needs Correction 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Accessory structure height Architectural features Eaves Stairs Fencing /separation wall Trash area 31. Storage Area (Apartments /condos) 32. Landscaping Required Proposed 33. Distance between buildings 34. Site angle requirement 35. Alley cutoff 36. Corner cutoff Parking 37.Residential Req.Prop. 38.Retail Req.Prop. 39.Office Req.Prop. _40.Manufacturing Req.Prop. 41.Warehousing Req.Prop._ 42.Handicap Req.Prop. 43.Size _ -44.Compact 45.Turning radius Req.Prop._ 46.Striping Detail. 47.Wheel stops/curb 48.Driveway width /type Commercial Entrance Req. 66. 8/87 Add N tes t it P1 n 49. All fences require separate permit. 50. All signs require separate permit. 51. Provide cable T.V . per Huntington Beach Municipal Code 5 .17.64 .140 and Public Worksspecification 52. All rooftop me,.hanical equipment shall be screened from ground view . Submit drawings to Planning Division prior to installation. 53. Plan check number to lower right hand corner 54. Conditions of Approval printed verbatim Re uired Prior to P rmit: 55. Park and Recreation Fee due $ 56. Downtown Specific Plan Fee due $ a7. Alquist rriolo Geologic Hazard Zone Fee $ 58. Landscaping and Irrigation Plans 59. Reciprocal Easement Documents 60. Recorded Letter of Agreee,lent 61. Satisfaction of Conditions of Approval # 62. Completed FAA -alculation sheet 63, Two copies of approved grading plans for attachment to building permit sets 64. Evidence of private easement 65. Return of Ralease slips from Fire , Oil, Public Works , Redevelopment (02530)