HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP1991005 - Staff Report/Executive SummarysTaff 00 huntington beach department ON* of community development EpORT- TO: Planning Commission FROM: ConEunity Development DATE: October 22, 1991 , SUBJECT: LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 91-5 APPLICANT: United Orange Company Neon Signs , Inc., 131301 West Street, Garden Grove CA 92643 PROPERTY OWNER: REOUEST: LOCATION: DATE ACCEPTED: ZONE: GENERAL PLAN: EXISTING USE: ACREAGE: Property Development Association, Suite 528, Pasadena , CA 91101 Change sign panels in ati_ existing sign. 80 S. Lake Avenue non-conforming 5961 Warner Avenue (northwest cnr,ier of Warner Avenue and Springdale Street). September 23, 1991 C4-FP2 (Highway Commercial-Floodplain) General Commercial True Value Home Center 4.7 acres (shopping center) 1.0 SUGGESTED ACTION: Motion to: "Approve Limited Sign Permit No. 91-5 with findings and suggested conditions of approval." 2 0 GENERAL INFORMATION: Limited Sign Permit No. 91-5 is a request to allow a change of face in an. existing non-conforming sign pursuant to Section 9610.8(c) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The applicant changed the "Plain's" True Value Home Center to "Young's" True Value Home Center without permits, and wishes to retain the sign for a maximum of two (2) years. -FM-23C O 3.0 SURROUNDING LAND USE ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS: North and West of Sub'ect Property: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION : Low Density Residential ZONE: Rl-FP2 (Low Density Residential -Floodplain) LAND USE : Single Family Homes East and South of Sub'ect Pro ert : GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION : General Commercial ZONE: C4-FP2 (Highway Commercial -Floodplain) LAND USE: Retail Center 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: The proposed project is categorically exempt pursuant to Class 11, Section 15311 of the California Environmental Quality Act. 5.0 COASTAL STATUS: Not applicable. 6.0 REDEVELOPMENT STATUS:Not applicable. A SPECIFIC PLAN: Not applicable. 8.0 SUBDIVISION COMNIITTF.E:Not applicable. 9.0 ISSUES AND ANALYSIS: On January 28, 1991 , the owner of the subject business was cited by the City's Code Enforcement section for changing panels on the wall signs without obtaining permits. Since the wall signs are larger than permitted by code, the applicant filed for a limited sign permit . The application was rejected as incomplete in April, 1991, and the , applicant supplied the missing information in September, 1991. The following matrix compares the requirements of Section 9610.5(b) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code with the applicant 's request: Issue Required Proposed Sign 1.5 sf per lineal ft. of 294 sf Area frontage , max. 200 sf 136 ft. x 1.5 sf = 204 sf (200 square feet) Sign Signs over 50 sf to have Illuminated cans Type opaque background, (non-opaque illumination for info background) items only As can be seen, the applicant 's signs do not conform with the size an,? type requirements outlined in the code. Staff Report - 10/22/91 -2-(1025d) Section 9610.8(c) allows the sign owner to request a limited sign permit from the Planning Commission to change copy on non-conforming signs. The Planning commission may extend a sign's use for a time period deemed appropriate, not to exceed two (2) years. A !ash bond must be required to guarantee the sign's remov l upon expiration of the permit. The Planning Commission must make --'c findings outlined in Section 10.0 of this report. Staff is recommending that the sign be permitted to remain or a maximum of two (2) years from the date of citation (until January 28, 1993) and that a planned sign program be submitted to and accepted as complete by the Planning Division. by January 28, 1992. The rlanned sign program will show removal of the non-conforming signs, and replacement with conforming wall signs. 10.0 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Limited Sign Permit No. 91-5 with the following findings and suggested conditions of approval: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO.: 1. The non-conforming sign will not adversely affect other signs in the area. 2. The non-conforming sign will not be detrimental to property located in the vicinity of such sign, and will be compatible with the surrounding area. 3. The non-confor ming sign will not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic vision. The immediate alteration, removal or replacement of the sign will result in an economic hardship, 5. The sign will be in keeping with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. ql-5: 1. The site plan and elevations received and dated October 9, 1991 shall be the conceptually approved layout. 2. The Planning Commission reserves the right to revoke this limited sign permit if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code occurs. 3. Limited Sign Permit No. 91-5 shall be valid until January 29, 1993. I Staff Report - 10/22/91 -3- (1025d) 4. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall file a cash bond in the amount of $2,000 with the City for the purpose of indemnifying the City for any and all costs incurn:ed in the removal of the non-conforming sign. If the sign is not made to conform with the applicable provisions of the sign ordinance upon expiration of this permit, or remodel of the prc,gserty, whichever occurs first, the City of Huntington Beach or its agents or employees may enter on the property where said signs are located and remove said signs and the cost of removal shall be deducted from the cash bond and summarily forfeited and paid over to the City of Huntington Beach, and the remainder, if any,, returned to the persoi. depositing the bond. 5. A. planned sign program shall be submitted to and accepted as complete by the Planning Division by January 28, 1992. The planned sign program will show the proposed signs to be erected upon removal of the non-conforming signs. 6. Building permits shall be obtained for the existing signs installed without permits, within 45 days of the Planning Commission action. 11.0 ALTERNATIVE ACTION: The Planning Commission may deny Limited Sign Permit No. 91-5 with findings. ATTACHMENTS: 1.. Area map 2.. Narrative 3„ Site: plan and elevations dated October 9, 1991 LIr IFS : LP kj 1 Star Report - 10/22 /91 -4- (1025d) RK.AN1. RIRIR SNk ._:' '.q5R4I:S iYtWga:.fArtaPROS-FP2rrr[RI-FP2G ARI'Fp2RIDDxtvx D pgINFTT 'p 1XANRIRI-FP2 RI RIf NNkaqp tXCNOpi(nR I-FP2 ' I I -r,.IwF: al I'(a; DLD.-a cRsNiffDStJfOMOia.'pIDrk Dp= RI•FPZ`RI FP2o uu' -TpOPNr Op T' 2``TI RI-FP2- , - `RxY ICF ;RIPpplll.p,:N..,,RRInxs wT__..ppmfGRIR154. P m mR lweeuOPpqRIox dRIc r c DRI Dp.;C4-FP2 MHxaRI° C4FP2RIC4RIMhRI R/'.Lpu,xRIRILSP 91-05HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING DIVISIONRIRIRIRIR3 R3R3R2 1 YOUNG 'S -7&a-7/a&e HO M E, CENTER 5961 WARNER AVENUE, HUNTINGTON BE%'.CH,rcA`LIFORWI,F.926,40 Telephone; (714) 846-5588 Fa: Number: (714) 846-7203 March 5, 1991 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Having just acquired this store, all my funds are invested in it. A condition of the buy/sell agreement, was to change the lettering in the main sign that read PLAINS to YOUNGS. I had this done at a cost of over $3000.00 - not anticipating any problem because I just had the six letters changed. The sign was installed with city approval 14 years ago and for 14 years the city has not complained. My neighbors and customers have done nothing but compliment the replacement of the faded PLAINS letters with the new letters and washing and cleaning the existing signs. In order to comply with the obviously new city code, I would have to completely re-design the sign at a cost I cannot afford. Peter J. Yong Owner PJY:cbn