HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnvironmental Assessment EAX1994016 - Supporting Documents- COMM UNITY D V . T DEPARTMENT DEVEL OPM ENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: BRUCE CROSBY, PUBLIC `WWORK,S PAT` SPENCER, BUILDING HOWARD HUBERT, FIRE HERB FAULAND, PLANNING FROM: WAYNTE CARVALHO X5595 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1994 ` fiY, PETITION : ZONE CHANGE NO. 94-6 REQUEST: TO PERMIT THE REZONING OF AN APPROXIMATE 11,000 SQUARE FOOT LOT FROM (Q) C4 (QUALIFIED - HIGHWAY COM ERCIAL) TO CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL). THE "(Q)" RESTRICTED USES TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL TYPE USES, AND RETAIL SALES OF PETS AND PET SUPPLIES. LOCA ;ION: 8032 WARNER AVENUE ZONE: (k ) C4 GENERAL PLAN: GENERAL COMMERCIAL E :ISTING USE: RETAIL COMMERCIAL (PET CITY) '1 e; subm t your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before OCTO BER 31 , 4. C D 'TENT : (`Use attachments or back side of she t if n' ess n 1 RESPONSE BY: /' u rt Attachments: 1, 1` as 2, Narrative DRR94.2 DOC E; tense zn i COMMUN IT Y DEVEL OPME N T DEPAR TMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST T O; BRUCE CROSBY, PUBLIC WORKS PAT SPENCER, BUILDING HOWA, ,) HOBERT, FIRE HERB FAULAND, PLANNING FROM: WAYNE CARVALHO X5595 DATE: OCTOBER 18. 1994 PETITI ON: ZONE CHANGE NO. 94-6 REQUEST: TO PERMIT THE REZONING OF AN APPROXIMATE 11,000 SQUARE FOOT LOT FROM (Q) C4 (QUALIFIED - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL) TO CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL). THE "(Q)" RESTRICTED USES TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL TYPE USES, AND RETAIL S AI E S OF PETS AND PET SUPPLIES, LOCATI ON,. 8032 WARNER AVEN .. ZONE:(Q)C4 GENERAL PLAN: GENERAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING USE: RETAIL COMMERCIAL (PET CITY) Please submit your concerns and recommended eh es or c ammditions in , ritmg oil or before OCT OBER 31, COMMENTS: (use attachments or back side o sheet if x : ,,:iany RESPONSE BYE:,° Extension Attachments: I, Maps 2. Narrative COMMUNI TY DEVE LO PMEN T DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW RE QUEST TO: BRUCE CROSBY, PUBLIC WORKS PAT SPENCER, BUILDING HOWARD HUBERT, FIRE HERB FAULANTD, PLANNING FROM : WAYNE CARVALHO X5595 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1994 PETITION : ZONE CHANGE NO. 94-6 REQUEST,, LO PERMIT THE REZONING OF AN APPROXIMATE 11,000 SQUARE FOOT LOT FROM (Q) C4 (QUALIFIED - HIGH WAY COMMERCIAL) TO CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL). THE "(Q)'' RESTRICTED USES TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL TYPE USES, AND RETAIL SALES OF PETS AND PET SUPPLIES. LOCATION: 8032 WAR N Z- R. AVENUE ZONE: (Q) C4 GENERAL PLAIN: GENERAL CONIIVIEB CIAL EXISTING USE: RETAIL CC MMERCIAL (PET CITY) Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before OCTOBER 31,199& COMMENTS : rr se attachments or back side of sheet if ne,L sarv RESPONSE BY: __Attac:.nr nts: 1. Maps 2-Narrative DRf44.2D0k Extension qtr= ry :r L"xr C"I'MMUINITY DEVE L OPME NT DEPARTMENT DEV ELOPM ENT REVIEW REQUE ST TO: BRUCE CROSBY, PUBLIC WORKS PAT SPENCER, BUILDING HOWARD HUBERT, FIRE HERB FAULAND, PLANNING FROM: WAYNE CARVALHO X5595 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1994 PETITION : ZONE CHANGE NO. 94-6 REQUEST: TO PERMIT THE REZONING OF AN APPROXINCkTE 11,000 SQUARE FOOT LOT FROM (Q) C4 (QUALIFIED - HIGHWAY COM ERCIAL) TO CG (COMMERCIAL GENE&AL). THE "(Q)" RESTRICTED USES TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL TYPE USES, ANM RETAIL SALES OF PETS AND PET SUPPLIES. LOCATION : 8032 WARNER A 'ENUE' ZONE : (Q) C4 GENERAL PLAN: GENERAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING USE : RETAIL COMMERCIAL (PET CITY) Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before OCTOBER 31, 1994. COMM ENTS: (Use attachments or back aide of .sheet if necessary) RESPONSE BY; Attacb meets: 1. Maps 2. Narrative ISkR94.2LOC Extension I5ub•fijj:C tijAreahe fo!1owuig chard be tire ititelirledfive etiOlltti} role:2e_ _c Mixed highway hira pedc'N riait Illiecitecl12-2con1mercwt corridor- At!tr' mobile Dealer district12-22A t Beach and War erCommunity Commercial Core12116Activity focal pointPrinciple activity node of BeachBlvd.I`lThe fo leewili_i; ieaex.Siuil. be ttert_cittRetail t' . n ier.: il• hetta.'etitdsupply, ftuni.are, io _ tLehtcrtttinit'ent, restattltitt', aiili.l rel:ttcelte=as\utciniobde-rmlate;cl cominwici it,'siraxrlrs,rxt s `•sir.l'c:ilzm-. UUL . to}S 'LS (i fliILURU1!owitty Shall )d' dt.3!'c1 z1.1 tote.lWlliit.iJSfor dever'opn at, itltle,Ss1 ilt1scr.. i t note3sglrt. a, :3 ' is t lrtsrticlt il titrtluicu itt lr riiuuy 'jatt)ri! 3 to abtnaiig sictukvltlks wlmrce uplif,31i iale I0.35I.i=tdscape atatl -street rats tatnetutiesVertical setbacks on structuresCollsisteat 5ignage and attlenltyeteincnStr+uctuNs (les gnud t'i be conipati":rtewith tai characterufadjacent arc,Aesthetic treatmentOfparking a'Oils;extensive site landscapingSufcandefficient pcdesuiun an Iutomotive Dealers1IPetlcstc.an oriented retail c:eamnercialProfessional/C.,,,menial OfficeI cslruirunLs,out. oorcafc;sLntcrtaitimentJlviovie theatersMixed use structures integratingresidential (second floor and higher)with retail i;nd/or officeShared ,larking facilities• Public; squares and oxx rt spac:es• Outdoor sales (flower mots, etc,)I leight: 2 to 3storiesFAR : 0.35Commercial:height'. 3s.(}rio.PA& : 1.5Mixed use:lleight: 3 stories(12 if integratedwith enticedove loptneui)FAR 1.5vehicula r ac('.:ssPoxideliong*Dlc orlrciri Rse tintsUnifiedawhitecttnal character• Site buildings around commontesta tyardsnucl pedestriaci areas; linkadjacent coin tyartlsArticulated facadesand buildingtreatflet is•Pedestrian-oriental Facades (visual andphysical transparency)Aesthetic trcalment of parking areas,placed parlang structures away frompublic view and Provide extensive sitehuidscuping• ,Safe auid etlicieut lkdc5trian, wlvehicular access• Potential linkages (walkways) toadkicent streetsr, ORDINANCE NO. 2761 Corn 3rcial District, ,,rall be occ.pied and used as pr•- i, ided herein each does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The real property described in Section 2 this ordinan ce and zoned 'Q) C-4, (Qualified)Highway AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 0)? HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 TO PERMIT A RETAIL PET STORE ON REAL PROPERTY CURRENTLY ZONED AS A QUALIFIED HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, A.o GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF WARNER AVENUE AND "A" STREET (ZONE CASE NO, 85-4) WHEREAS, pursuant to the state Planning and Zoning Law, the Huntington Beach Planning commission and Huntington Beach City Council have hai separate public hearings relative to Zone Case No. 85-4 wherein both bodies have carefully considered all information presented at said hearings, and after due consideration of the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission and all evidence presented to said city Council, the City Council finds that such zone change is proper, and consistent with the general plan.. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of .1--Atnt-ington (a)Professional Offices and Services: (1) Accountant, architect, attorney, collection agency, engineer, insurance broker, private detective, real estate sales, social workers, and surveyors shall be permitted R (21 Medical, chiropractor, dentist, o+toi biochemi cal laboratori es and phar mac i es sha be permitted. physician and surgenn, diagnos4:ic laborator rist, e, (b) Retail Sales: Retail sale of pets and pet accessories shall be permitted. SECTION 2. The real property sutject to this ordinance is generally located east of Beach Boulevard on the south side of Warner Avenue, and described as follows: Lots 19 and 21 of =laylock Blo::k, Tract 298, City of Huntington Beac4i, County .)f ')range, State of Cal 41 fornlia. SECTION 3. The minimum building setback from the sectional district line shall be 110 feet to the north and west, and the maximum building size shall be three thousand (3000) square feet. SECTION 4. Section 906. of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, District Map 30 (Sectional District Map, 2$-5-11) is hereby amended to reflect tine change contained in this ordinan^e and on the rma-P attached hereto. The Director of Development Services is hereby directed to prepare and file an amended map. A copy of :paid district map, as arenred, shall be available for inspection in the office of the City Clerk. SECTIO'1 5, This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Coixnci.L of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting %:'iereof held on the 6th day cf May 1985, ATTEET: C ty Clerk 2. Mayo APPROVED AS TO FOR- M- ORDINANCE NO.2653 AN ORDINA "CE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING TeE HUNTING 'ioN BEA_., ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREC'F TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIOf4AL PERMITTED USE W7 'TN AN EXISTING QUALIFIED C-4 DISTRICT ON REAL ROPEP.TY L)CATED O*' REAC H BOULEVARD SOUTH OF WARNER AVENUE (ZONE CASE NO. 83-9) WHEREAS, ,ursuant to the state Planning and Zoning Law, the Huntington Beact. Planning Comm4ssio- and Huntington Beach City Council have had separate public hearings relative to Zone Case No. 83-9 .wherein both bodies have carefully considered all infor- mation presented at said hearings, and after due consideration of the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission and all evidence presented to said City Council, the City Council finds that such zone change is proper-, and consistent with the general plan, NOJ, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City f Huntington Beach does ordain as fnllows: SECTION 1. The f=-llowing described real property generally located on Beach Boulevard south of Warner Avenue, is hereby changed to include an additional permitted use of "Fisherman's Supply Center" within the existing (Q)C--4 District, with a 110-foot building setb:.ck from the sectional district line and a maximum buildinn size of 3,000 square fee;-: Lots 19 and 21 of Tract 298, city of Huntington Beach, County of Orange State of California. subject to the condition that permitted uses shall be limited to those contained in Huntington Beach Ordinance Code section 9741.3, "Professional Services and Offices," except that medical, dental and retail :.ices shall be prohibited. -%DL:ps 9/29/83 i SECTION 2 . The Development Services Direct or is hereby directed to change District Map 30 (Sectional Distric' Map 25-5-11 ) to incorporate the zone change den,^ribed i . Section 1 hereof. A copy of said district mop, as amended hereby, is available for in spection in the office of the City Clerk. SECTION 3 . This ordinance shall ta1 u effect thirty 6ays after its adoption, PASSED AND ADUPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of October , 198 3. .ay L ATTEST: City Clerk REVIEWED AND APPRO VED: City Adm ' istratot? APPROVED AS TO FORM: Director of Development Services City Attorney TED AND APPROVED: N Y -el ORDINANCE NO. 2513 4 ahb 8/10/81 AN ORD. 1ANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HU14TINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM MEDIUM ' NSTTY RESI- DENTIAL DISTRICT TO QUALIFIED HIGTWAY COM- MERCIAL DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LO- CATED ON BEACH BOULEVARD SOUTH OF WARNER AVENUE ZO NO. 5 ./a. ' "E CASE -c ) WHEREAS, prrsuant to the state Planning, and Zoning Law, the Huntington Beach Planning Commission and Huntington Beach City Council have had separate public hearings relative to one Case No. 31-8 wherein both bodies have carefully consic3er.d all information presented at said hearings, and after due consider- ation of the findi ngs and recommendations of the Planning Commission and all evidence presented to said City Coilao-il, the City Council finds that such zone change Is proper, and consis- tent with the general plan, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Cou.:cil of the ;ity of 'Huntington Beach does ordain as follows; SECTION 1. The following described real property, generally located on Beach Eouleiard south of Warner ;eve nue, is hereby changed from R2, "Medium Density Residential District" to (Q) Cry, "Highway Commercial District" with a buil. Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California. subject to the condition that permitted uses shall be limited t setback from the sectiolial district line: Lots 19 and 20 of Tract 298, city 1,, 4 directed to change District Map 30 (Sectional D§ strict Map 25-5-11) those contained in Huntington Beach Ordinance Code section 97 "Professional Services and Offics," except that meddIcal, den and retail uses shall be prohibited. SECTION 2. The Development Services Director is hereby to incorporate the zone change described in Section I hereof. A copy of sa : district map, as amended hereby, is available for inspection in the office of the City Clerk. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Cowicil of the City of AdjournedHuntington Beach at a/regular meeting th %reof held on the 26th day of October , 198i. ATTEST: City Clerk REVIEWED ANL APPROVED: 41 '-O 7 ?i !L City Admin strator Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: for i-C`ity A-to ey MATED AND APPROVED Director of Development Services HAZARDOUS WASTE AND SUBSTANCE SITE This statement refers to 8032 Warner Avenue, Parcel 167-324-14, Lots 19 and 21 of Tract 298, City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California. I declare that the above project is not located within a Hazardous Waste and Substance Site pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. Leedy Ying Property Owner MC FAD 1*1 TALBERT HUNTINGTON BEACH P3.ANNING DIVISION YORKTOWN HAMILTON