HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP1992001 - Project DescriptionHCR 61, Box 169,Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805.12781(208) 267-7625 / (208) 267-5595 5966 County Road 234, Durango, Colorado 813011(303) 247-2713 We, as property managers, have found that in the lass: 18 months small business operations such as ours at 712. Yorktown Ave. were unable to stay in operation. The ones that did survive need all the help they can qet, h Oille-11i enteRpraises Inc. May 22 , 1992 Mr. Arnie Samardich Code Enforcement Officer CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 Main Street Hungtington Beach, CA 92648 RE: 7.12 Yorktown, Huntington Beach, CA Dear Mr. Samaradich: change. Perhaps, some of the neighboring done owners and businesses will see the advantage of the upgrading and will initiate their own repairs, thereby enhancing our local area and supermarkets, restaurants, and the like, is fair. However, for small older properties that are having a hard time, we are asking for a flexibility. This auto complex has served the community for some 25 years. This complex is a landmark for me and others. The surrounding area has ret and will not suffer because of this This letter is to ask the city of Huntington Beach to understand that the sign criteria for new businesses in this area such as This complex is approximately 25 years old and the signs that these businesses depend in were in disrepair, so I felt, along with the Landlord, it would be a big improvement for the tenants as well as the City of Huntington Beach if we clenaed and painted the signs. Therefore, we initiated the clean up. We were only going to dc a face lift. We were unaware that a permit was needed to improve the existing sign. That is when we were notified of the problem. the city. We hope you will find that we are just trying to do what we can for the area. Thank you. Sincerely, BERG` & O'CONNOR BY, A. • 1001 W.Whittier Blvd,La Habra, CaWbmia90631-3796/(213)691-3237 1(714) 526.22911Fax(714)526-0212