HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP1992001 - Staff Report/Executive Summaryhuntington beach department of community development STAff E OR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 92-1 (712 Yorktown) Limited Sign Pe:iiit No. 92-1 is a request to allow an existing 16 foot,.two (2) inch high pole sign to remain at 712 Yorktown Avenue, just west of Beach Boulevard and on the south side of Yorktown Avenue. The property is presently zoned R2 (Medium Density Residential) but has been operating as an industrial auto repair center prior to the zone change from the previous industrial designation. Thus, the existing use is legal, non-conforming. 1 'a property owner was cited by the Code Enforcement staff in April of this year for installing the. non-conforming sign without building permits. Planning staff recommends approval of Limited Sign Permit No. 92-1 for a maximum period of two (2) years. The approval period should be retroactive to April 15, 1992, the date the applicant was cited by Code Enforcement. The applicant shall be required to obtain building permits, and required to post a bond to guarantee removal of the sign by April 15, 1994. A•PL-FM-23D mnuxa,l `nR2RS sERARIPOLa cFR IC4RIteRIYORRrcAVE..(QIR3 i'. RW._k1 erL R2R2.F'way.kR,s.ln2- C21IRI1U-0RIRIRIRI°RIR2 -oLJLurn r r-r.ADAMSLSP 92-01HUNTINGTON REACH PLANNING DIVISION-CD-OTmaro`•CoCD-O Y,rsRECIiIGD CI1= DIUa -0GILFORD CRURRIHUNTINGTON REACH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: RE UEST: LOCATION: ZONE: GENERAL PLAN: EXISTING USE: ACREAGE: Planning Commission Community Development September 15, 1992 LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 92-1 Tom Gdanitz , RAV Inc., 1001 W. Whittier Boulevard, La Habra, CA 90631 Whittier Boulev ,'r1, La Habra, CA 90631 Berg and O 'Con:.)., A C alifornia Partnership , 1001 W. To allow for a recently modified non -conforming freestanding pole sign to remain for two (2) years. 712 Yorktown (southwest of Beach Boulevard and Yorktown Avenue) R2 (Medium Density Residential) Medium Density Residential Manufac t uring and Light Industrial Center 1.23 acres "Approve Limited Sign Permit No. 92-1 with findings and suggested conditions , of approval." Limited Sign Permit No . 92-1 is a request to allow a recently modified (face change) 16 foot, two (2) inch high, 51 square foot non-conforming freestanding pole sign for a period of two (2) years. Section 9610.8 (c) of the 1untington Beach Ordinance Code specifies that the Planning Commission may allow a change of face for non-conforming signs and extend their use for up to two (2) years. A cash bond is required to guarantee the removal of the sign upon expiration of the limited sign permit. I SUES AND ANALYSIS: The subject property is zoned and general planned for Medium Oensify Residential but an industrial auto repair center has been operating on the site for approximately 25 years . The property was rezoned from Ml (Light Industrial ) to R2 (Medium Density Residential) in 1975, when several of the industrial properties in the area were 3.0 SURROUNDING LAND USE North o Sub 'ect Pro ert : GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONE: LAND USE: East of Sub 'ect Property: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONE: LAND USE: ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESI-NATIONS: General Commercial /Medium Density Residential C4 (Highway Commercial )/R2 (Medium Density Residential.) Retail Commercial/Hotel General Commercial C4 (Highwa y Commercial) Retail /Commer cial South and West of Suh'ect Property: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION : Medium Density Residential ZONE: R2 (Medium Density Residential) LAND USE : Apartments 4. 0 ENVIr .dIENTA :, STATUS : The proposed project is categorically exempt pursuant to Class 11, Section 15311 . of the California Environmental Quality Act. 5.0 COASTAL STATUS:Not applicable. .0 REDEVELOPMENT STATUS : Not applicable. 7.0 SPECIFIC PLAN:Not applicable. 8.0 SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE : Not applicable. The auto repair center currently operating on-site is considered a legal non -conforming use as the center was in operation prior to the residential. zone change . The Huntington Beach Ordinance Code allows re-designated as residential. for non-conforming uses to continue provided there is not an intensification of use. Staff Report - 9/15/92 The property owner removed an existing pole sign on the site that was approximately 18 feet tall a nd replaced it with a new sign in April of this year without the benefit of a building permit. The property owner was cited by Code Enforcement staff on April 15, 1992 for con .struct '.on of a new 16 root, two (2) inch high pole sign and was required to either obtain the necessary permits for the sign or remove it. The Planning Commission may approve a limited sign permi t subject to the following findings: (7) foot high , 50 square foot monument sign. The applicant has now applied for a limited sign permit so that the existing non-conforming pole sign may remain. The 16 foot , `.wo (2 inch high , 51 square foot sign does not comply with Article 961 - Signs of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code because the previous industrial designation would only allow a seven 1. Due to unique circumstances, the sign's immediate removal will result in a substantial hardship for the applicant. 2. The sign will not adversely affect other lawfully erected signs in the area. 3. The sign will not be detrimental to properties located in the vicinity. 4. The sign will be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area. City requires street widening or street improvements in the future. dedication area, where a planter or sidewalk would typically be located. Staff suggests a condition of approval to require the property owner t o guarantee removal of the sign at his cost if the 5. The sign will not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic visibility and will not be a hazardous distraction. The Planning Commission may extend a sign's use for a time period deemed appropriate , not to exceed two (2) years. PlanzrIng staff is recommending approval of Limited Sign Permit No. 92-1 bec°use installation of a new seven (7) foot monument sign will be cost-prohibitive for the property owner as the auto center will eventually be phased out. T he existing sign does not block or hinder visibility of any other sign in the area, it is not detrimental of any surrounding properties , and does not obstruct vehicular or traffic visibility . Since the Beach Cities Auto Center sign replacement has already taken place, staff i s recommending the two (2) year period be retroactive to April 15, 1992; Had building permits and zoning approval been sought prior to sign installation, the sign location would be different due to the ultimate right-of-way width for Yorktown Avenue. The ultimate right-of-way width for Yorktown Aveneu is 100 feet which will eventually result in ten (10) feet of street dedication from the subject site. The sign is right at the property line, in the future 10.0 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planr ng Commission approve Limited Sign Permit No . 92-1 with the following findings and suggested conditions of approval: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO 92-1: 1. The 16 foot, two (2) inch high freestanding sign will not adversely affect other signs in the area. The sign is adequately setback from side properties and is not in close proximity to signs or. adjacent properties. 2.. The 16 foot, two (2) inch high freestanding sign will not be detrimental to property located in the vicinity of such sign; and will be coiipatible with the surrounding area. 3. The 16 foot , two (2 ) inch high freestanding sign face change at 712 Yorktown Avenue will not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic vision . The sign is elevated and does not encorach into site visibility requirements. 4. Due to the unique circumstances applicable to the sign, immediate alteration, removal or replacement of the sign will rESUlt in an economic hardship. ONDITION OF APPROVAL - LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 92-1: The site plan and sign elevations received and dated May 27, 1992 shall be the approved layout. 2. The following shall be completed within 30 days from approval of .the limited sign permit: a. The applicant shall file a cash bond with the City in the amount of $2,000 for the purpose of idemnifying the City for any and all costs incurred in the removal of the freestanding ry1oi sign. If the sign is'not made to conform with the applicalbe provisions of the sign ordinance after the two (2) year period or at the time of street improvements and/or street dedications, the City of Huntington Beach or its agents or employees may enter on the property where said sign is located and remove siad sign, and the cost of removal shall be deducted from the cash bond and summarily forfeited and paid over to the City of Huntington Beach, and the remainder, if any, returnedto the person depositing the bond. b. The property owner shall obtain a building permit for the existing 16 foot, two (2) inch high pole sign within 30 days of final approval of Limited Sign Permit No. 92-1 and shall have the building permit finaled within 90 days. c. The property owner shall sign and notarize a written document guaranteeing removal of the existing 16 foot, two (2) inch high pole sign if the City requires street widening or street improvements prior to expiration of Limited Sign Permit No. 92-1. The sign shall ')e removed at th*a owner's expense. 3. Limited Sign Permit No. 92-1 shall be valid for up to two (2) years retroactive to April 15, 1992 (expiration date April 15, 1994), or upon street improvements and/or street dedication requirements, whichever comes first. limited sign permit should any violation of these conditions of 4. The Planning Commission reserves the right to revoke this approval or the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code occur. 11.0 ALTERNATIVE ACTION: The Planning Commission may deny Limited 'Sign Permit No. 92-1 with findings for denial. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Site plans, sigi_ elevations dated May 27,1992 2.Applicant's narrative dated May 22,1992 3.Alternative Findings for Denial SH:JM:kj1 Staff Report 9/15/92 --5- (4417d) á IBEi1Q. f OCOOOOR-sz'=if Uillelli enteRp ZIses ir2c. May 22, 1992 Mr. Arnie Samardich Code Enforcement Officer CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 Main Street Hungtington Beach, CA 92648 RE: 712 Yorktown, Huntington Beach, CA Dear Mr. Samaradich: EN We, as property managers, have found that in the last 18 months small business operations such as ours at 712 Yorktown Ave. were unable to stay in operation. The ones that did survive need all the help they can get. This complex is approximately 25 y.ars old and the signs that these businesses depend on were in disrepair, so I felt, along with the Landlord, it would be a big improvement for the tenants as well as the City of Huntington Beach if we clenaed and painted the signs. Therefore, we initiated the clean up. We were only going to do a face lift. We were unaware that a permit was needed to improve the existing sign. That is when we were notified of the problem. This letter is to ask the city of Huntington Beach to understand that the sign criteria for new businesses in this area such as supermarkets, restaurants, and the like, is fair. However, for small older properties that are having a hard time, we are asking for a flexibility. This auto complex has served the community for some 25 years. This complex is a landmark for me and others. The surrounding area has not and will not suffer because of this change. Perhaps, some of the neighboring home owners and businesses will see the advantage of .the upgrading and will initiate their own repairs, thereby enhancing our local area and the city. We hope you will find that we are just trying to do what we can for the area. BER & O'CONNOR BY .A.NC. , A ll n • 1001 W. Whiltier Blvd., I. Habra, California 90631-37961(213) 691-32371(714) 526-2291 / Fax (714) 526-0212 HCR 61, Box 169, Boners Ferry, Idaho 83805-1278 1(208) 267-7625 /(209)267-5595 - • - 5966 County Road 234, Durango, Colorado 81301 / (303) 247-2713 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 ALTERNATIVE FINDINGS FOR DENIAL LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 92-1 FINDINGS FOR DENIAL - LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 92-1: 1. Removal of the existing freestanding sign will not result in an substantial ;j cono mic hardship to the applicant or property owner. 2. The proposed sign at 712 Yorktown Avenue may obstruct pedestrian or v,hicular traffic vision. 3. The proposed sign will affect other lawfully erected signs in the area. 4. The proposed sign will be detrimental to properties located in the vicinity. 5. The proposed sign is not in keeping with the character of the surrounding area.