HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP1992001 - Supporting Documents41.1 as - tea. a s 1lA.i q I FRANK RLCCILLI HUN?INGTOF BEACH, FLORIDA/UTICA TASK, FORCE 2402 Florida #6 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (7141 96f_L2045 á 4 Notice of Exeniptiata To: Office of Planning and Resean:h 1400 Tenth Street, Room 12L Sacrarnento, CA 95811 County Clerk County or QYaQ____ From: (Public Agency)LW 4 (Address) A 1ga. OOrt GPR° Title:Vlll _`jAt1[121fYVLl NOSProject E,gNv, Project Location - Specific: 1J_ LwkjawY AOP.-VILIR. Project Location - City: Ll?ta-'1YU19V1 QQf_ __ ^ Project l_ocat.lon County: Description of Project: --TD- _.2nnouln -. v_vaavwuw .__ who _..as. _._. Reasons why project Is exempt :_ YD 2ik D(aQyl : p j] StatutoryExernpuuns. St me code number: Categorical EExempuon. State type and scctien number: `59CMCIVl 155" II Ministenal (Sec. 21330(b)(1); 15268); L]Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); a ttlva-- t c °1W 31 Exempt Status (check one) t•iame of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project:--tt4i(tt A yfJvii11N FVLd. r_ Name of Public Agency Approving Project: iY11 s1RC1 W vY lVt CtyttWtdSit?I Area Code/Telephone/Extension:, 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a notice of exemption been filed by the pubL`c agency approving the project? Yes No Lead Agency Contact Person: _ QN1Q Ma e).", If filed by applicant: Signature: 19 Signed by Lead Agency 0 Signed by Applicant Date: ID-6,-q7., Date received for filing at OPR: CITY OFhUNTINGTON 13EACh P,O, BOX 711 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92648 (714? 536-5200 HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY TREASUROO - DONALD L. WATSRG ;ZIP FOR AMOUNTTRECE VED 1h RECEIVED BY CASH BOND DESCRIFTLQN BUILDING MODELS DATE,: *.-1 ACCT G-UU-00-000-2-25-04 sw_4,PERMIT'NUMBER°r BUILDING RELOCATION SUBDIVISION SIGN SWIMMING POOLS OTHER CASH BOND - OTHER` TR I. FUND'`' -'',DEPT. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELJPMENT SERVICES CITY OF HUNTINGTON EEACH BOND AGREEMENT NAME OF APPLICANT FILING BOND t`ti{ ADDRESS 2 J /•! (- /' -?CITY frJTf/t C . ' ./TELEPHONE ZIP CODE BOND FOR:PERMIT NUMBER CASH BOND SURETY BOND rt / SWIM POOL (CASH OR CASHIER'S CHECK ONLY) TEMP . DIRECTIONAL SIGNS BLDG. MODELS BLDG. RELOCATION POLITICAL SIGNS OTHER I IN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODE. SECTION CONDITIONS OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE ;r JC/B LOCATION NEAREST CROSS STREET ' 4 2 fry 1_ .G ,r {'` DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACH PAGE IF NECESSARY " SIGNATURE OF LAND OWNER OR AGENT,. ti i A. 'I f i 7-7,'r .`r-Y *,ADDRESS t I j' OF APPLICABLE ORDINANCE CODES OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. NOTE: TERMINATION OF THIS BOND SHALL BE AFTER FINAL INSPECTION AND COMPLIANCE COMPLETION VERIFIED BY DATE BOND RELEASE RECOMMENDED BY DATE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RELEASE BY (If applicable.) GUARANTEE Berg & O'Connor, A California General Partnership, owners of the property at 712 Yorktown Ave., Huntington Beach, Ca. hereby guarantee removal of the existing 16 foot, two (2) inch high role sign if the City requires street widening or street improvements prior to expiration of Limited Sign Permit No. D2--1. The sign would be removed at the owner's expense. Date /0 0?7/9• COUNTY OF ORANGE j BERG & O'CONNOR A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP On Q ?7, X99 before me , the undersigned , a Notary the basis of satisfactory evidence)to be the person (s) whose and JIM.MIE L. O'CONNOR personally known to me(or proved to me on Public in and for said State, personally appeared PHILLIP G. BERG name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me chat they executed the same. OFFICIAL SEAL EMILY C. DI SCHIAVI NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ORANGE COUNTY My Conmisslo Exp. No, 17, 1995 N City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building Division 536-5241 Planning Division 536-5271 April 15, 1992 Philip Berg C/O RAV, Inc. 1001 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 SUBJECT: CODE VIOLATION (S) AT.712 YORKTOWN Dear Mr. Berg: An inspection of the subject property was made by a representative of the Huntington Beach Code Enforcement staff on April 14, 1992. As a result of this inspect-on, the following Huntington Beach Municipal/Ordinance Code Violation(s) were observed: H.B.M.C. 17.02.010 Ad tin Uniform Administrative Code Section 301 a Permit Re uire Except as specified in Subsection (b) of this section, no building or structure or building service equipment regulated by this Code and the technical codes shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, converted or demolished unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first been obtained from the building official. RE UIRED ACTION com lete the re uire acti nos listed below within ten (10) days from recei t of this letter; In order to achieve om lian e with the above code s lease 1. Please obtain the proper building and zoning permits for your new "T" shaped sign at the above address or remove it. An inspection will be made following the 10 day compliance period to assure all corrections/repairs have been completed. Any additional inspections will result in a $35.00 fee charge for each subsequent reinspect ion. April 15, 1992 Page Two For additional information concerning the above , or if you have any knowledge of any person (s) who hold interest in the property, please contact the Land Use/Planning Division at (714) 536-5271. Thar.': you for your cooperation. Sincerely, F THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this Ist day of WHEREAS, OWNER presently owns the following described real property and consists of the following mutual covenants, conditions and promises. (hereinafte erred to as "MANAGER"), une , 1° 08 , by and between Bert & O LrJ Partnershi with offices located at 1001 vilest Whittier Boulevar (hereinafter referred to as "OWNER"), and R.A.V., Tnr.,_ and has the exclusive possession thereof:Yorktown 712 Yor) -ocown Huntin ton Beach CA 92C48 WHEREAS, MANAGER is engaged in the business of real property management and development; and WHEREAS, OWNER and MANAGER desire that MANAGER shall assist and represent OWNER as OWNER'S exclusive representative, manager and agent, in the managing, operating, maintaining, renting and leasing of the property of OWNER hereinabove described, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contacted, OWNER and MANAGER agree as follows: EMPLOYMENT OF MANAGER OWNER hereby appoints MANAGER and MANAGER hereby accepts the appointment as OWNER'S exclusive representative, manager and agent of the above described property. 2. The term of this agreement shall be r for five (5) additional periods on the same terms and conditions as are herein contained unless on or before ,''i days prior to the expiration of any period, either party hereto notifies the other in writing that it 31st day of I%lay , 10 _9'i_, and shall thereafter automatically renew beginning on the ist day of un 19 8 , a nden ng on the. elects to terminate this agreement. 3. For and in consideration of the payments to MANAGER by,U'NER, as hereinafter set forth, MANAGER agrees: (a) To use due diligence to lease and rent the premises and to manage said property in such a manner that the optimum dollar rental may be obtained. (b) To collect all rentals, other income and security deposits from the property in accordance with the terms of the lease agree- ments, local, state and federal laws, and other contracts entered into by OWNER and third parties; provided, however that ncthing herein contained shall constitute a guarantee and OWNER hereby releases MANAGER for the payment making of all repairs and alterations, development to the property; provided, however, that MANAGER shall not contract for any repair, alteration or improvement exceeding $1,000.00 in cost without the prior written approva' of OWNER. are agents and/or employees of OWNER. (e) To contract on behalf of OWNER for, and supervise the of operation of the property, it being understood and agreed that said personnel of rent or other sums due by tenants or third parties. (c) To take rF -enable steps to enforce collection of all rentals; and to do all necessary acts or, behalf of and for the protection OWNER in the payment of and collection of said rentals. (d) To employ, discharge and pay on behalf of OWNER all employees , or contractors necessary to be employed in the management and not reasonably available for consultation. minor repairs, decorations and alterations as may be required for the ordinary and proper operation of said property, it being understood that no repairs or alterations at any one time in excess of $1,000.00 shall be made by MANAGER without first obtaining OWNER'S authorization, except in case of emergency requiring immediate repairs or alterations or in such instances where OWNER is (f) From accrued rentals, MANAGER agrees to advertise vacancies, review and pay all utility and customary service bills, pay building employees' salaries, purchase supplies, and cause to be made such (i) To purchase on behalf of OWNER such insurance as it deems and repair work as may be necessary. (h) To cause the property, and its eppurcenances and grounds, to be maintained according to standards acceptable to OWNER, including, but not limited to interior and exterior cleaning, painting, decorating, plumbing, heating and ventilation systems, carpentry, and such other normal maintnance (g) To execute all leases, contracts, agreements as OWNER'S agent on behalf of OWNER workmen's compensation insurance. OWNER shall be named as a party in interest and MANAGER named as covered of such policies of insurance. The policies or certificates of insurance shall be maintained by MANAGER with OWNER'S records, not limited to fire insurance with extended coverage, public liability, and advisable to protect the property and the interests of OWNER, including but PM610/5-8',s 1 11 (j) To service all loan and mortgages on said property; to pay all real estate and personal property taxes and license fees as required, (k) To generally, d:. all things reasonably deemed necessary or desirable for the proper management of the premises; and (1) To perform, fo- r the OWNER'S account and on its behalf, any lawful act anI everything ).awful and necessary or desirable in order to carry out the MANAGER'S agreements contained in this agreement. It is expressly understood and agreed that everything done by the MANAGER under the piovisions its own office staff, and (ii) its general overhead. Any payments made by the MANAGER hereunder shall be made out of such funds as the MANAGER may from time to time hold for the account of the OWNER or as may be provided by the OWNER. The MANAGER shall not be obliged to incur any extraordinary liability or obligation unless the OWNER shall furnish the MANAGER with the necessary funds for the discharge thereof. of this agreement shall be done as agent of the OWNER, and any and all obligations. costs or expenses incurred by the MANAGER in the performar..cc of its obligations under this agreement shall be borne by the OWNER and not by the MANAGER. It being expressly understood, however, that the MANAGER shall not be compensated for (i) the costs incurred by the MANAGER in maintaining 4. MP-14 AT N MANA =& exceed going market rates industry practices for the services rendered. commence on the date contract is executed and shall continue thereafter, becoming due and payable on or about the first day of each month following the month in which said services were performed during the term hereof , and may be deducted by MANAGER from receipts. Compensation for MANAGER 'S services is set by the attached MANAGER'S Standard Fee lc-hedule which by reference becomes a part hereof, which may change from time -. time , however , in no instance will standard fees Owner agrees to pay MANAGER for said services a management fee in the amount of dollars per month ($ 200.00 ), or six percent (_-L%) of all rent and other income (as defined by applicable IRS code) from the property, whichever amount is greater. Such fee shall (a) As additional consideration for managing this property, shalt. run concurrently with the term of instant Management Agreement, and shall expire in the same manner'as Management Agreement. OWNERS hereby authorize to MANAGER to act as their exclusive and irrevocable agent with the exclusive right to sell or lease said property or any portion at the price and on the terms that shall be agreeable and acceptable to the OWNERS, as submitted by said MANAGER, his agents, or agents of said OWNERS. The term of said agency, created for the purpose of selling said property, else including OWNER, during said agency, on the terms acceptable to said OWNERS, or if a sale, lease, or other transfers of said property is made- If a purchaE,er, ready, willing and able to purchase, option, or to exchange, for sale property, is produced by said agent or anyone PM610/5-66 M within three (3) months after this authorization terminates, to parties with whom MANAGER negotiated during the term hereof, the OWNER agrees to pay the agent a commission of six percent 6%) of the agreed upon selling or option price. (b) The following activities are subject to additional management charges when undertaken by MANAGER or MANAGER'S agent(s); 1) Develop additional/Rehabilitate existing structure(s) (with OWNER'S approval): See MANAGER'S Standard Fee Schedule 2) Secure new/conventional loans (with OWNER'S approval Set MANAGER'S Standard Fee Schedule 3) Othei services, i.e. public hearings, court appear- ances, handling delinquent tenant collection requiring litigation time, re- quested accounting/ bookkeeping services beyond normal recordkeeping, etc, shall be billed per MANAGER'S Standard Fee Schedule, which may be'adjusted from time to time. (c) In the event MANAGER uses MANAGER'S maintenance staff for problem evaluation or repairs/services , staff services will be billed at MANAGER'S costs including overhead, the specific amount of which is dependent upon the personnel used. 5. . LE TI N AN DI B iR EME' - ,,r INCOME MANAGER shall collect the rents and other income from the property promptly when such amounts become due, and shall deposit all such amounts in a special bank account maintained by MANAGER for OWNER. Such monies of OWNER shall not be comingled with funds of MANAGER. MANAGER may withdraw from such bank account all disbursements which, under this agreement, are to be made at the expense of OWNER, including compensation to MANAGER as set forth in Paragraph 4 hereof. MANAGER shall maintain books of account of all receipts and disbusements incurred in the management of said property which records shall, at all reasonable times, be open to inspection by OWNER. MANAGER shall render to OWNER an annual statement of all receipts and disbursements covering the immediately preceding twelve-month period. MANAGER shall render to OWNER from time to time, not to exceed monthly, all amounts in the account main- tained for OWNER by MANAGER, except such sums as required as a reserve for the payment of taxes, licenses, insurance and repairs which may be anticipated, but are not yet due. -4 6.PEMNITY OWNER agrees to indemnify and save MANAGER harmless from all su '-s for damages it connection with the management of the property, and from liability for inju'_ies suffered by any person while in any building on the premises, or on the property covered by this agreement. 7. NOTICE Notice to be given hereunder shall be by certified mail, postage prepaid , addressed to OWNER at: Phil Berg, 2421 Red Coach Lane , La Habra , CA 90631 Jim O'Oconnor , 1101 N. Sierra Vista Dr., LaHabra , CA 90631 and to MANAGER at: 10C1 West Whittier Boulevard , La Habra , CA 90631 8. P N RV necessary professional services , including legal and accounting services. ',1 NAGER is authorized at the expense of OWNER to engage 9. ASSIGNMENT Neither party shall have the right to assign this as one of its principals at the time of assignment , THOMAS R. VILLELLI, LEE M. however, that MANAGER may assign its interests and obligations herein without violation of this paragraph so long as such proposed assignee of MANAGER has, agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, provided, DEIERLING or RICHARD A. VILLELLI. 10. i assigns of the parties hereto. This agreeme .it will be binding upon the successors and 11. This agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 12. SEVERABILITY appliction thereof to any person or circumstances shall, to any extent, be If any term or provision, of this agreement of the N invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this agreement, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this agreement shall be valid and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. 13. NOTICES provided above by written notice to the cther party. 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT the other, shall be in writing and delivered prsonally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid, at the address first above mentioned. A party may change the name or address for the giving of notice All notices, demands, requests or other communications which may be or are required to be given, served or sent by either party to complete agreement between the OWNER and the MANAGER, and there are no representations, inducements, promises, or agreements, oral or otherwise, between the parties not embodied herein, which are of any force or effect. This agreement and the documents to which reference in it has been made, shall be construed together and constitute the entire, full and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. OWNER: BERG & O'CONNOR, A MANAGE : R.A.V., INC., A CtUIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP lifornia Corporation P im 0' Connor BY: BY: BE-ACH/03.0/'+,tiy 11.: kvgG,.• iv:: yr•<r; i?THIS MAP WAS,PREPARED FDFI ORANGECOUNTY ASSESSOR DEPT. PURPOSES ONLY.THE ASSESSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TOITS ACCURACY NOR ASSUMES ANY LIABILITYFOR OTHER USES, NOT 1-0 BE REPRODUCED,v COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOREAST SADE¢Z,alP. M. /09-09PAR 45 244, 23AC.30'-. ------I-_---- i-.24)/J3 AC.(HAMPSHIRE AVE.)(HUNTINGTON BEACH BLVD.)191;1°a23,22 21jm`' X01 18 aI.V136.55' mI / 0.g c.0 2 7L52•0 20 0 19 nm272SI25mA \I6a//O.o3 9003_FLORIDA .MARCH 1948EAST SIDE VILLA TR. M.M. 4-65TR. NO. 44/5 M M 158- 4,5PARCE MAP pm. 52-37' 109-09L12THIS MAPWAS PREPARED FOR ORANGECOUNTY ASSESSOR DEPT PURPOSCS0;,[YTHE ASSESSOS MAKESKOS r',TCE AS TVOF01"( OTHER USES, NOT Ir1 i!rLrnr'•CUCEQALL RIGHTSil;RES klVCOPYRIGHT ORI i E COUNTYASSES,DR 19E71o1 5125' 1P.M.F82--37I6. '%38 PAR. l PAR.2 PAR. 3 P.4R. 4 :.PAR. 5IO,N4-NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK BPARCEL NUMBERSS OWN IN CIRCLESASSESSOR'S MAPBOOK 25PAGE 19COUNTY OFORANGE 9AS PREPARED FOd ORANGEA SESSORDEPT. PURPOSES ONLYUAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TOANYCyNORqEIIOSES. NOT O BE REPRODUCEDyR, ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSORSS SIDE VILLA TR.0, 44/5GE MAP153 - 091 HA4/PSHORE AVE. )(HUNTINGTON BEACH BLVD.)3,30'191 2308Su' Su' 5.e2307TRACT/36.95 m61 z. 2 i.25yV•20 0 19",GS,L12M.M. 4-65M. M. 158-4, 5PM 82-37' 109-09PAR. I2./SAS.56'N52'rrl'F(1R gA1fJi+PMFBZ-37 `-/au. s3' 8 PAR I PAR.2 PAR, 3 PAR. 4 PAR. 5064.98Y0u 46I47 48 49 I 50rRVIrENO. 75'LLACq-SL0.5.03' 5114I PILl 43-IBSII5730 5).50 5D.0srREErPARCEL NUM8ERS BOOK25 PAGE 19SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGENOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK 8 ASSESSOR'S MAP