HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1997001 - Notice of action Letter with Findings & Conditions of ApprovalFebruary 28, 1997 Huntington Beach Planning Commission P.O. BOX 190 CALWWORN,IA 92648 Hoelderlin & Associates 2102 Business Center Dr, #60., Irvine, CA 92612 i SUBJECT: ENTITLEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT NO996-6 WITH A SPECIAL PERMIT/ LOT LIFE ADJUSTMENT 'OW 974 (PORT IVY RE, SIDENTIAL PROJECT), Adams- Streeter Civil Engineers, Inc. 15 Corporate Park Irviiie, CA 92606 4w ?: Taylor Woodrow ITomes, 24461 Ridge Route Dr. #100, Laguna 1-fills, C 92653 PROPERTY REQTJj TL.. To modify previously approved site plan, floor plans and elevations for 83 lots within Tentative Tract No. 1.4700. The modifications include a special permit request to reduce the rear yard setback for eight dwellings, 1 tie requested setbacks range from 18 to 19.2 feet in lieu of a minimum 20 feet. A lot line adjustment is requested for 54 lots to adjust side property lines. I C CATION: South of Summit Drive, between Seapoint and Cloluenwest Avenues DATE OF ACTION: February 25, 1997 Your application was acted upon by the Planning Commission of the Cityr ofHuntingtori Beach oiz Feb uary 25, 1997, aria ylqur request was i it ti lv v Attached to this letter are the Findings and Con.ditic:ts of Approval for this application, a.' Please he,,advised that the Planning Com mi iort'revie xs the conceptuaLplan as a basic request for entitlement of the use appliedfor- and there may be additional requirements prior to commencement of the-project. It is recommended that you immediately pursue completion:f the conditions of approval and address all requirements of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance in order to expedite the processing/completion of your total application. The conceptual plan should not be construed as a precise plan reflecting conformance to all Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. Linder the provisions o the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision (,,)rdinance, the action taken-by the Planning C m-missiorr becomes final al, the expiration of the appeal p(jod. A person desiring to appeal the decision shall file a 'n-tten notice of appeal, to the City Clerk within ten calendar days of the date of the Planning Commission's action. The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the app:llant, the decision beingappealed, and the grounds foil" the appeal; it shall also be accompanied. by a f lin fee. The appeal fee is $500.00 for a single family dwelling property owner appealing the decision on his/her own property. The appeal fee' is $ 1,200.00 for all other appeals. In your case, the last day for filing an appeal and paying the Kling fee is Mar 7- 997 Provisions of the Huntington. Beach Zoning and Subdivision. Ordinance are such that any application becomes will and void one(1) year t ter final approval, unless actual construe ,m has started. If there ire any further questions, please contact i .(714)',a36-5271. Sincerely, Howard Zelefsky, Secretary Planning Commissl,oh Scott Hess, ICP Senior Planner Property Owner larv Beth Broeren, Associate' Planner a Attachment: Findings and Conditions ofA.prroval 0 FINDIN AND CONDITI N F PPROVAL ENTITLEMENT PLAN Ah7ENDMFNT N . 96- WITH SIDE `.IAL PER AI L T JNE Al) STMENT 7-1 FINDING F R APPR VAT ENTITLE ENT PLA r AMFN MENI` N .96-6 WITH SPECIAL PERMIT: 1. Entitlement Plan Amendment No, 96-6for revisions to the site plan, floor plans and elevations of Tentative Tract No. 14700/Conditional Use PermitNo. 93-391'Coastal Development Permit No, 93-23, including a special p4 rinit request to reduce the rear yard setback for eight lots (Lot Nos. 8, 9 and 14 of Tract 14700; Lot Nos. 14 and 16 of Tract 15087; and Lot Nos. 3, 18 and 34 of Tract 15088) will nQ!tbe detrimental to the general welfare ofpersons working or residing in the vicinity or detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The project does not propose any change in lotconfgj ;ration, density or circulation. The ;proposed units are architecturally consistent with those previously approved for the project and will comply with design criteria for the entire Peninsula ll area. The proposed building elevations use a combination of materials that will be aesthetically pleasing. The revised project wi.'l be compatible with surrounding uses which are the Seacliff Golf Course and other similarly sized detached single family residential development.' The special permit will increase building articulation, improve aesthetics and result in a better overall project. The prof .sed revisions to the site plan, floor plans and elevations will comply, with the provisions of the base district and other applicable provisions in the holly Seacl.iff Specific Plan and any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located, except for the variances and specs -,11 permits approved concurrently. 3, The granting of the entitlement plan. amendment will not adversely affect the General Plan. It is consistent with the Land Use Element designation of Residential Low Density on the subject property. In addition, it is consistent with the General Plan of providing a mix of housing types throughout the city. F R APPR _V L, - I T IN AD T' J M {,N ' 97-1 No additional parcels'or building sites are create(]., The project will consist of 8 originally approved. 2. The resulting parcels conform to the requirements of the Holly Seacliff Specific Nan and the Huntington `Beach Ordinance Code. The parcels meet minimum dimension acid 101 size criteria, The lot line adjustment shall not sever any existing tructure on the parcels. There are no existing structures on: any of the affected lots. 5. A plat map-'showing th6 lot line adjustment has been'prepared and approved and will be fltj11i "'in accord with the provisions of the City of Huntington Beach. ' NDITI N F APPR V L - ENTITLEMa'NT P Ai`al MEN MENT N ). - 4._ The lot line adjustment shall not allow a greater number of dwelling units than allowed prig to the adjustment. The development will allow 83 units as was-'previously approved. and February 19, i997 shall be the conceptually approved lay'oua. 1. The site plan dated February 10, 1997 and Floor Plans and Elevations dated January 0, 1997, WITH SPE ,JAL PERMIT 2. The applicant shall use enhanced paving for all driveways on all lots with to Plan 3 on which an additional detached garage is constructed. The fencing abutting the golf course shall be anodized aluminum or be specially treated, e.g., powder coated. (PW) 4. All previous conditions of approval for Tentative Tract No. 14700, Condition. Use Permit11No. 93-39 and Coastal Deve o-thent Permit,No, 9'-2' shall remain in effect. 5. All obligationf Development Agreement No. 90,1 shall be ftilfi.l.?cd pursuant to the Certificate- of Consent approved by the City Council on, May 6,.i996 and r LL`tober 7, 1996, including Section 2.2.5 (h) of the Development Agreement which states: ` rYli.Oiu of water system capital facilities fees, Developer shall, construct, on land to be acquired'by City, a nine million gallon water storage reservoir, associated booster stations, water wt'll and transmission lines. The above shall commence within one hundred twenty (120 days) of such acquisitions and City approval of plans. Project engineering and:other related pre construction activities shall begin within one hundred eighty (180) clays of the Effective date. The cost of construction to Developer shall include design and construction costs and land acquisition costs." printed verbatim on the cover page of all the working drawing sets used for issuance of building permits (architectural; structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing"). 6. Prior to of submittal for building permits, znning entitlement conditions of approval shall be 1 7. Prior, issuance of grading permits, a precise grading plan, prepared by aRegistered Civil pproval. 1,Y The Community Development Director: ensures that all conditions ofapproval l ere pate complied with, The Conimugity Development Director shall be notified in writing if any changes to the site`=p lan, elevations and floor plans are proposed as a result of the plan check process. Building permits shall not be issued until the Community Development Director has reviewed and approved the proposed changes for. conformance with the intent of the Planning Commission's action and the conditions herein. U the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendment to the original entitlement reviewed by the Planning Commission may`' he required pursuant to the..HBOC. ONDITION OF APPR VAL LOT LINE AD,Tt TMENT .97-1-. 1. The. Lot Line Adjustment received by the Department of Community Devleopment on February 12, 1997 shall be the approved layout. 2, Prior t6 issuance of building- permits, the applicant shall complete the following. a. Submit a Certificate of Compliance to the` Department of Community Development foKr review and approval. The Certificate shall b 'recorded with the County of Orange. (PW'V) !j 3. Priorto acceptance of the tracts by City Council. a Record of Survey shall be, filed with the County of Orange. A copy of the recorded document shalt be submitted to the Department of Public Works. (PNV) 4. All previous conditions of approval I'or Tentative Tract No. 14700 shall remain in effect, INF R ATI N ON SPE IFT 1)FE, RE U R. tMFNTTS: 1. Entitlement Plan Amendment No. 96-6/Lot Line Adjustment No. 97-1 shall not become effective until the ten day appeal period has elapsed: 2. Entitlement Plan Amendment No,-96 -6/Lot Line Adjustment No, 97-1shall become sialp;;, and void unless exercised with)'n one year of the date of rmal approval or such extension of time as may be granted by the Director pursuant to a written request subntittedto the Department of Community Development a minithium 30 days prior to the expiration date. 3. The Planning Commission reserve,the right to revoke Entitlement Plan Amen dmentNo. 96-6/Lot Line Adjustment No, 97-1 pursuant t a public hearing for ter oeatio1X, if ally violation otthese conditions or the Huntington 5Beach ,Ordinance Code or Murilcipal Code occurs. 4. The development shall comply with all,applicable provisions d f the Municipal Code, Building Division, and Fire, Department .swell, as applicable local, Mate and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and. standards, except as noted herein. 5. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $38.00 for the posting of the Notice of Exemption at the County of;;Orange Clerk's Office, The check shall be made out to the t o ran ear 3 submitted to th department of Community Developmewt within two (2) days of the Planning Comnmission's action.