HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1997001 - Staff Report/Executive SummaryTO: =FROM: How;irj Zelefsky,-Planning Director BY: Mary Beth Broeren, Associate P urine DATE: February 25, 1997 SUBJECT: ENTITLEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT NO.96-6 WITH ASPECIAL PERMIT/ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 'NO. 97-1 (Port Ivy Residential Project) LOCATION : South of Summit Drive, between Seapoint and Goldenwest Avenues) dwellings. Staff supports the applicant's request finding that the special permit will result in improved. The modifications to the site plan include a special permit request to reduce the rear yard setback for eight adjustment is relatively minor. Taylor Woodrow Homes will be responsible for construction of 83 single family homes inthe`Peninsula II project Entitlement Plan Amendment No. 96-6 represents a request to amend the previously approved site plan, floor plans and elevations of a single family residenitial`subdivision to reflect the specific product that will be constructed by Taylor Woodrow Homes. The homes are consistent with the previously approved project and will be compatible with surrounding development, The applicant does not propose any change in density or circulation but does request a lot, line' djustment that would affect `-r '54 lots. The adjustment will allow the applicant to better fit the proposed 'units on. the lots and each Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve Entitlement Pla i Amendment No. 96-6 with a architecture and better site design. The proposed floor plans and elevations will be compatible with development in the surrounding area. • The pro;ect is consistent with the GeneratTlan and contributes to providing a. mix of housing types, The special permit request improves the rear elevations, many of which are visible from the golf s The project -is consistent with,:the previously approved Tentntive Tract No. 14700/Conditional Use :ermit No. 93-39/Coastal Development Permit'No. 93-23. Special Permit and Lot Line Adjustment No. 97-1 for, the following Masons: course. The lot line adjustment request will not create any additional parcels or building sites, nor will -it allow a greater number of dwelling units, Motion to: "Approve Entitlement Plan Amendment No. 96-6with a pecial Permit and Lot Line Adjustment No 97- 1 with findings and suggested conditions of approval (Attachment Nd. l)," á R A Hoelderlin & Associates, 2102 Business Center Dr. ##130, Irvine, CA 92612/ Adams Streeter Civil Engineers, Inc., 15 Corporate Park, Irvine, CA 92606 PROIj ER.TY' OWNER: ?1 EQ ST: Taylor Woodrow Homes, 24461 Ridge Route Dr. #100, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 To modify previously approved site plan, floor plans and elevations for 83 lots within Tentative Tract No. 14700. The modifications include a special permit request to reduce the rear yard setback for eight dwellings. The requested setbacks range from 18 to 19.2 feet in lieu of a minimum. 20 feet. A lot line adjustment is requested for 54 lots to adjust side property lines, DATE AC,' P: TED; December 31, 1997 T PR PERT A RR) NI) N I N I LOCATION `[l Subject Property: South and West of Subject Property North of Subject 1Property East of Subject:; Property: ND ,. , .' 0L, iiQ N" f , -1r GENERAL PLAN ZONING LAND USE Residez vial L tv 1) nsity Holly Seacliff Specific Vacant (RL-7 sp)Plan (HSSP) Residential Low Density Holly Seacliff Specific Vacant (4,77-sp)Plan (HSSP) Re. ,.dential Medium Holly Seacliff Specific Vacant Density (RIM154p)Plan (HSSP) Open Space - Commercial Open Space - Parks and Golf Course Recreation (OS-CR)Recreation (OS-PR) PROJECT PROPOSAL:fl Taylor Woodrow Homes swill be one of four builders, in the Peninsula 11 project:' This project was originally apptoved.by the Planning Commission on March 15, 1994 as Tentative Tract No. Gl 14700/Conditional Use Permit No. 93-3911Coastal Development Permit No. 93-23. A revision to the project was appro'ed:by the-,Planning Commission on March 12, 1996. Taylor Woodrow Homs will be responsible for construction o' S3 of the 389 single family homes in tb.e project. The approves Final Map Nos, for the applicant's project are: 15087, 15088, and 14700. The applicant's project is galled Port Ivy,,, t represents a request to amend the previously approved site plan; proposes three floor pl;tls that offer from 2,410 to 2,800 square feet. .Plan I hus a three car garage; Plan Homes, pursuant to Section 9.841.5.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code (HBGC), The applicant floor plans and elevations to reflect the specific product that will be constrict by Taylor Woodrow '.rc1'R-nW24wdRl 44 GYLfitaE :Y.tiis.E:K+ .1'::.rS:ra_FW4'l+::S"-YA9St1tM.'^4M1'CS,AA \.r 2 and 3 have a two car garage rith an extra tandem space. The builder will also offer the (option of additional enclosed parking on certain lots. The extra parking garages are shown on the site plan but would only be provided if a buyer selects that option. Plan 1 has three bedrooms; Plans 2 and 3 each have the equivalent of four bedrooms. The homes have two stories and are within the maximumheight limit, of 35 feet. The applicant does not propose any change in density or circulation (AttachmentNo, 3).0 The modifications to the site plan include a special permit request to reduce the rear yard setback for eig dwellings. Special permits are allQ..wed for deviations of 10 percent or less from a development standard, pursuant to Section IV.C,5 of the Holly Seacliff Specific Plan. The current required minimum rear setback is 20 feet. The applicant's special permit request is tabulated below. The mini,murn setba& requested is 18 fee;c. Thus, the maximum encroachment requested is two feet. SPECIAL. PERMIT REQUESTS Tract Lot No. Proposed Rear Setback (ft.) Required Minimum Setback (ft.) Difference %) 14700 8 19.2 20 0.8/4.2% 9 1.8.0 20 2.0/10.0% 14 18.7 20 1.3/7.,0%. `15087 14 183 20 1,7/9.3% 16 18.8 20 1.2/6.4% 15088 3 18.0 20 2.0/10.0% 18 1 ":9k 20 1.1/5.8% 34 20 1.7/9.3% special permits. in the rear setback area. The applicant believes that the shape of these lots warrants approval of their' Six of the reductions accommodate a projection of floor area. ln Plans 1 and 3 the projection serves as a nook off of the kitchen on the first floor and on the second floor is an extension of the master bedroom. In the Plan 2 the projection is only on the first floor, providing a nook area.. The applicant has indicated that the projections are comparable to architectural features and will improve the esthetics of the rear elevation (Attachment No. 3), Other portions of the dwelling on these sit lots also encroach into the rear yard'setback area at a distance comparable to the projection. All but one of these six units abuts the golf course or a street. The remaining two reductions are for encroachments of other portions,of the dwelling t 7 - represents_a request tomodify die lot lines of 54 lots (Attachment No. 4) to accommodate proposed units, pursuant to Section 9.811.3.1 of the HBOC. The applicant is requesting the adjustments to accommodate the proposed floor plans. By adjusting the lot lines, the applicantcerriaves, the need for any variances and has a small number of special permits,, Adjustments. are proposed to side property lines only and do not impact the design of streets, sidewalks or any of the surrounding development. Attachment No. 4 'and, the site plans in Attachment No. 2 depict the existing lot lines as a dashed line; the proposed lot line is a solid line. Staff Report - 2/25/97 77 J ISSUES: fgn ral lan onformance.- The proposed project is consistent with the-goals and objectives of the City`s General Plan and the Land Use Element designation of Low Density Residential on the subject property The project is consis,ent with the City's Housing Element goal of providing a mix of housing types throughout the city, Ths project is located in Planning Unit 111-2, Low Density Residential, of the Holly SeacliffSpecific Plan are.? . The folI9wing is a zoning compliance matrix which compares the proposed project with the development standards of the HSSP and the previously approved project. III.D.2b Permitted Uses .c Min Parcel Size Max. Building Height r, .f Max. Site Coverage CODE PROVISION ` Single Family Detached 50 % 5,000 sq. ft. 50 % 6,000 sq. ft. 35 ft.; two stories 50% 55 % (lots on golf course;? Min. Front Yard Setback Dwelling Front Entry Garage Side Entry Garage .h.1) Min. Interior Side Yard .h.2),, Min. Exterior Side Yard Setback Setback Dwelling/Garage Fireplaces Eaves Eaves J Min. Rear Yard Setback Dwelling/G2::'age Fireplaces 15 ft. 20 ft, 10 ft. 5 ft. 30 inches 18 inches 10 ft, 7.5 ft. 18 inches 20 ft. APPROVED PROJECT Single Family Detached 5,074 sq. ft (all but 17 lots exceed 6,000 sq.,ft.) 30 ft.; two stories r5 f. . 20 ft. not applicable 5 ft. .30 inches I S inches 10 ft- 7.5-ft, 18 inches 20 ft, 11PROPOSED PROJECT No Change No Change 35 ft.; two stories. 45% No Change No Change 10 ft. No Change No Change 2.5 ft. No Change No Change 7,5 ft. Min. 18 ft. for eight lots* Envi onone rtal Status: Iy The proposed project is categorically exempt pursuant to Class 5, Section l5305, of the California Environmental Quality Act which states that minor variances to development standards have been determinedunot _to have a significant effect on the envirmirnent. Additionally, development within the HSSP, area is covered by Final Environmental Impact Report No. `:89-1 which was certified by the City Count it on January 9, 1990. Coastal Status Not applicable. Redev o m nt tatus: NQt applicable= Desi n eview B ard: Not applicable. Subdivision oinntitte Not applicable. Oth r De artmmentt arc rns. The Park, Tree and Landscape Division recommends that the fencing abutting the golf course be ar;odized aluminum or specially treated, e.g., powder coated, to . ,aximize its life given the projects proximity to the coast. There were nononcems from other City departments!divisions. Pit tic N ti icati is Legal notice was published in the Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley Independent on February 13, 1997. Notices were sent to al l property owners of record within a 3 00 foot radius of the tract boundaries and to nearby homeowners a$sociations, ANALYSIS; Taylor Woodrow will provide the smallest homes in peninsula 11 per the master plan for the area. The origin4 floor plans called for homes from 2,650 to 3,500 square feet, The ,applicant proposes, homes at the lower end of-this range at 2,410 to 2,800 square feet. These homes are creatively designed and provide significant amount of courtyard space in addition to the open space within the rear yards In order to provide additional garage space (beyond wliM is required by code), the applicant proposes offeringtbuyers the option of having a porte cochere on Plan 1 an attached single car garage with Plan. 2 and a detached two car garage with Plan 3. These options are shc,wn on the site plan where lot area and setback req. ferments pe mit, although the additional parking would only be provided if selected by a buyer. Generall jr the Plan 3 lots that show an extra two oar garage are located in cul-de-sacs where the%ted frontage on the street. Because of the increase in driveway area on these lots and thelots have limi narrowness of the lot fronts, the visual. impact of the driveways is more pronounce d. Staff recornmends a condition that enhanced paving be used within the front 20 feet of the driveways "to minimize their impact. Staff Report - 2/25/97 Q The proposed units are architecturally consistent with those previously approved for the project, The master developer, PLC, has also prepared a set of design criteria which the Peninsula 11 builders must adhere to, thereby ensuring consistency in design among the four builders. The building elevations use a combination of materials that will be aesthetically pleasing and incorporate design features such as variation in window treatment, entry gates and architectural enhancement of the units consistent vit1 !the„ upscale image of the project. The proposed project will also be comp ;title with the surrounding arrt. The homes are either adjacent to the Seacliff Golf Course (approximately 34 percent of the lots) or other proposed homes in Peninsula II, The project will conform with the development standards of the HSSP, with the exception ofthe special permit requests. ofd rmif The granting of a special permit to reduce the rear yard setback on eight lots will result in a better overall project and not be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood. Staff supports th( special. permit request. The special permit request for each lot is analyzed below and is grouped by tract, Tract1470 0 • Lot No.. 8 has a minimum 19.2 foot setback with approximately five square feet of the dwelling on tie first floor encroaching into the rear yard, setback area. Lot No. 8 backs to the golf course. The proposed unit for the lot; Plan 2, provides a nook area on the first floor that is an extension of the kitchen. It consists of' glass doors that provide access to the rear yard. Staff supports the app"cant's special permit request. The rear building elevation is in;proved by the nook ° feature and the encroachment into the rear yard setback is minimal. The plan also provides additional open space in a courtyard setting; the,: , there 1' sufficient yard area, Propo.ed site coverage ih40 percent. The request will not impact privacy given the lot's location on the golf cr'-;r ise. square feet per floor) encroaching into the rear yard setback area, • Lot No, 14 has a rinlmum 18.7 foot setbactilwith approximately 12 square feet°ofthe dwelling .square feet per floor) encroaehing1rito the c'ar yard setback area. Lot Nos. 9 and 14 back to the golf course. The lots have a Plan I which provis is a nook area on the first floor that is an:'extension t'f the kitchen and on the second floor extends the plaster bedroom. It consists of windows " that provide views ofthe rear yard, Staff'supports the applicant's requests. The rear br.tilding elevation is improved by the proposed architecture and the encroi_'`hinent into the rear yard setback is minimal, The plan also provides additional open space in a court)yytud setting in the front of the home. Proposed site coverage for Lot No, 9 is 40 Percent and 39 percent. for Lot No, 14. T be request will not • Lot No. 9 has a niinimurn. 18 foot setback x;°ith ;:ppr A mately 20 square feet of the d welling (10 impact privacy given the golf course location. .,-,1!,-aa.xrll Tract 15087 Lot No. 34 has a minimum 18.3 foot setback with approximately 30 squ square feet per floor) encroaching into the rear yard setback area. Lot No, 34 backs to the golf course rid has a Plan 2. The primary area of encroachment is a cornet' of the dwelling, however; a portion ofthe first floor nook area also encroaches into the rear yard. Staf f'supports'' the applicant's special permit request because the encroachment into the rear yard setback is minimal and significant yard area is` jrovided to the rear and in the courtyard. Proposed sitecoverage is 39 percent.. Lot'No. 14 b: is a minimum 18,3 foot setback with approximately 20 square feet of the dwelling (10 square feetper floor) encroaching into the rear yard setback area. Lot No. 14 is an. interior cut-de sac lot. It has a Plan I which provides a nook area on the first floor that is an extension of the kitchen and on the second Poor extends the master bedroom. It consists ofwindows that provide views of the rear yard, Staff supports the applicant's special permit request. The rear building-,elevation is improved by the proposed architecture and the encroachment into the rear yard setback is minimal. The plan also provides additional open space in a courtyrc: setting in the front of th home- =Proposed site coverage'for Lot Nc-. 14 is 35 percent. Lot No. 16 has amizimum 18,8 foot setback with approximately eighi square feet ofthe dwelling (four square feet per floor) encroaching into the rear yard setback area.... Lot No. 16 backs to a street. The proposed unit for the lot, Plan 3, prop ides a nook area on thefirst floor that is an extension of the kitchen and on the second floor extends the master batlhroom. It consists of windows that provide views of the rear yard. Staff supports the applicant' sj' i:ii permit r qua st. `l he rear building t= _-F'.,Aion is improved by the proposed architecture and the encroac uneni into they year yard setback is minimal. The plan also provides additional open space in a courtyard setting on both side the home; thus, there is,sufficient yard area. Proposed site coverage for Lc No. 1.4 i ; 25 percent, The request will not impact privacy because the home backs to a street. Tract 15088 square foot per floor) encroaching into the rear yard setback area, • Lot No. 18 has a minimum 18.9 foot setback with approximately to squ;.ice beet of the d elling (one" Lot No. 3 has a minimum 18 foot setback with approximately six square square feet per floor) encroaching into the rear yard setback area. Lot Nos. 3 and 18 are interior cul-de-sac lots. They are odd shaped with t o rear property lines. The proposed unit for Lot No. 3 is Flan 3; Lot No. 18 has a Plan ?'. A small corner of each unit encrouc.he's into the rear setback because of the odd shape of the lots, Staff supports the applicant's requests because the encroachment into the rear yard setback is minimal and, signif icant rear yard area is, still provided. Proposed site coverage is only 24 percent for Lot No. 3 and 34 percent for Lot No 18. The request will not impact privacy given the lot.."s location on the golf course. ;I Lot Line Adjustment The proposed lot line adjustment results in numerous, but minimal, shifts to approved lot lines in the applicant's project. The adjustmentswould not impact any other project, the adjacent golf course or the street system. They also allow the applicant to fit a unique set of floor plans within the project site. Staff supports, the applicant's request based on these considerations and, based on the findings that the resulting parcels will conform with the minimum dimensions required of the Holly Seactff Specific Plan, will not create any additiorwl building sites and wll not allow a greater number of dwelling units than was previously allowed. SUMMARY: The proposed project would allow modifications to a pre musly approved site plan for 83 lots within a 389 unit project. The proposed homes will be compatible with the surrounding area and staff generally supports the applicant's project. The request includes a special permit to reduce the rearyard setba'k ort. eight lots and lot line adjustments affecting 54 lots. ,',staff recommends the Planning Commission. approve l nti:le*me rat Play Acme tldment No, 96 -f with a `/Special Permit and Lot Line Adjustment No. '97-1 •f"or the tnlloving reasons: The project is consistent with the previously app" iverd 1°elr-t tive `l`raet No. 14700.!Conditional Use Permit No. 9' )--3 Devcaopnient Permit No, 93-2jm The proposed fld r plans and elevations will be eompati le 'with development in the surrounding area. The project is consistent with the General Plan an.d contributes to providing a Infix of housing types. 4 The special permit request improves the rear elevations, many of which are visible from the golf course The lot line adjustment request will not create any additional parcels or building sites,, nor will it irllow a greater number of dwelling units, T V Tl N S)i The Planning Commission :may take alternative actions such as: A./-Deny Entitlement Plan Arno. ;drnent No, 96-6 with a Special Permit and Lot Line r" j o. 97utre nt N-1 'wit findings for denial, B. -Continue Entitlement Plan Amendment No. 96-6 with a Special Permit and Lot Line Adjustment No. 97-1 and direct staff accordinfly. HM T : tJ 1. Findings and Suggested Conditions of Approval 2. Site Plans dated Februpiy 10, 1997 and Floor Plans end Elevations dated January 30, 1997 and February 19, 1997 3. Narrativ 4. Lot Line Adjustment Submittal dated February 12, 1997 5. Lot Coverage Matrix for Proposed Project 6. Conditions: of Approval for Tentative Tract No. 14700/Conditional Use: Permit No. 93-39/Coastal. Development Permit No. 93-23 7. Previously Approved Site Plan, Floor Plans and Elevation for Tentative Tract No 14'%\0/Conditional Use Permit No, 93-39/Coastal Development Permit No. 93-23 SH:IuIB13:kj 1 Staff Report - 2/25/97 ATTA HM T 1 Fl DI TS D i , E$TF ICI I q S F Pr ENTITLJ' T P N A ND . -6 w'th P IAL PERMIT/ LOT LINE T F 'I' . 97-i F DI R PPR V L TIT E IT PLA A F D 'IF T , 6 - i with a P ALP I'M 1. Entitlement Plan Amendment No, 96-6 for revisions to the site plan, floor plans and elevations of Tentative Tract No. 1,4700/Conditional Use Permit No. 93-39, Coastal Detelopment Pennit No, 93-23, including a special permit request to reduce the rear yard setback Tor eight}i'lots (Lot Nos. 8, 9 and 14 of Tract 14700; Lot Nos, 14 and 16 of Tract 15087; and Lot Nos. 3, 18 andf; 34 of Tract 15088) will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity or detrimental to the'value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The project does not propose any change in lot configuratioix, density or circulation. The proposed units are architectu=ally consistent with those previously approved for the project and will, comply, with design criteria for the entire Peninsula II area. Thee proposedbuilding elev.aticus use a combination of materials that will be aesthetJt'-'lly pleasing, The revised[ project will be compatible with surrounding uses which, are the Seacliff-CsolfCourse and other similarly sized detached single family residential development. The. special permit will increase building articulation, improve aesthetics and result in a better overall project. 2. The proposed revisions to the site plan, floor plans -and elevations' will comply with the provisions of the bas-, district and other applicabl protiirion. in the Holly Seaclifl Specific Plan and any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located, except for the variances and special permits ar`,proved concurrently. 3. The granting of the entitlement planmendtnent'will not adversely affect the General Plan, It is consistent with the Land Use Element designation of Residential Low Density on the subject property. In addition, it is consistent with th the General Plan of providing a mix or housing types throughout the city. 0 I E 1. No additional parcels or building sites are created. The p 'eject will consist of 83 lots as originally, approved. 2. ,,, The resulting parcels conform to the requirements of the Holly S'eacliff Specific Plan and the 'Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The parcels meet minimum dimension. and lot size criteria. Attachment - 2/25/97 3. The lot line adjustment shall not sever any existing structure on the parcels. There are no existing structures on any of the affected lots. 4. The lot line adjustment shall riot allow a greater number of dwelling units than allowed prior to the adjustment. The development will \allow 83 units as was previously approved. A plat map showing the lot line adjustment has been prepared and approved and will be filed in accord with the provisions of the City of Huntington. Beach. G TED NT N; 0 ` PPR V I! TIT E T P ir' F D - with a PF 'YAL PER T The site plan dated February 10, 1997 and Floor Plans and Elevations dated January 30, 1997 and February 19, 1997 shall be the conceptually approved layout. . 2., The applicant shall use enhanced paving on all lots with a Plan 3 on which an additional detached garage is constructed. 3. The fencing abutting the golf course shall be anodized aluminum or be specially treated, e.g., powder coated. (PM-1W) 4. All previous conditions of approval for Tentative Tract No. 14700, Conditional Use Permit No. 93-39 and Coastal Development Permit No. 93-23 shall remain in effect. 5. All obligations of Development Agreement No. 90-1 shall be fulfilled pursuant to the Certificates of Consent approved by the City Council on May 6, 1996 and October 7,:1996, including Section 2.2.5 (h) of the Development. Agreement which. states: "In lieu of water system capital facilities fees, Developer shall construct, on land to be acquired by City, a nine million gallon water storage reservoir, associated booster stations, water` well and transmission lines. The above shall commence within one hundred twenty (120 days) of such acquisitions and City approval of plans. Project engineering and other related pre-construction activities shall begin within oruehundred eighty (180) days of the Effective date, The cost of construction to Developer shall include design and construction costs and land' acquisition costs." shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval, (P)V) 6.,LPrior to of submittal for building permits, zoning entitlement conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on the cover page of all the,,working drawing sets used for issuance of building permits (architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical and, plumbing). 7. Prior to issuance of grading permits, a pxeeise grading'plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, elevailons and floor plans are proposed as a result of the plan check process. Building permits 8. The Community Development Director ensures that all conditions of approval herein are complied -with, The Ctommunity Development Director shall be notified, in writing if any changes to the site Attachment 2/25/97 O shall not be issued until the Communityr.elopment. Director has reviewed and approved the proposed changes for conformance with t r intent of the Planning Commission's action and the conditions,19:1erein. If the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendmena to the original entitlement reviewed by the Planning Commission may be required pursuant to the I1BOC. D D I EM PR ' L L T LI 4 I), , F T 1. The Lot Line Adjustment received by the Department of Community Devleopment on February 1997 shall be the approved layout. 2. Prior to issuance of build:ng permits, the applicant shall, complete the followin a. Submit a Certificate of Compliance to the Department of CommunityDevelopment for reviovarid approval. The Certificate shall be recorded with the County of Orange. (PWV) b. File a. Record of Survey with the County of Orange. A copy of the recorded document shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works, (PWV) 3. All previous conditions of approval for Tentative Tract No. 14700 shall remain in effect. INF M N C N SPF I DE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Entitlement Plan Amendment No. 96-6/Lot Line Adjustment Nc,, 97-11shall not become effective until the ten day appeal period has elapsed. 2. Entitlement Plan Amendment No. 96-6/Lot Line Adjustment No. 97-1 shall become null and void unless exercised within one year of the date of final approval or such extension of time as may be granted by the Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Department of Community Development a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date. 3. The Planning Commission reserves the right to revoke Entitlement Plan .Amendment No, 96-6/Lot Line Adjustment No. 97-1 pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code or Municipal Code occurs. 4. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Divzion, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal. Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. 5. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $38,00 for the posting Of the Notice of Exemption at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the_C a1y Q ar nee and submitted to the Department of Community.Development withinntwo (2) days of the Planning Commission's action. Attachment - 2/25/,97 o kiREVISI04Sr.:r an or r:>r BD CHte. Mfg tC..wnpr O /NIfl weocrs-o+r..c irwu, Tom -SITE PLANsar nTENTATIVE TRACT NO. 14700TRACT NO. 15087LOTS I•12 ua.v.re 9.0m A.tmR can pcm mmar.,4CLIFF GOLF COWSEREVISIONSSITE PLANTENTATIVE' TRACT NO, 14700TRACY N0. 1SO67LOTS 25 - 31 REVISIONSGo- u rr-nAf+"SITE PLANLa ,1 s L.TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 14700MY OF HORONCTON BELCHo..n.<.n a n flTRACT N0. 15087LOTS 13 24 á 2 ub rwaLmd e.Yk. Alinum.. K wAa- m'uii®w•".zt_- .-ter,;Fgaa i ro. t CAY OF IMI1 TOH BMlet - . lm. . plPaa7 al w ptsx vs.SITE PLANTENTATIVE TRACT NO. 14700TRACT NOO 150981LOTS 14 - 25 t 1 r'11c ant nL 1•-MTENTATIVE TRACT NO. 14700TRACT NO. 15088LOTS IZ 13,. & 27 - 35SITE PLAN á JAlk9yd,rCONCEPTUAL STREET SCENE28 62ACONCEPTUAL STREET SCENEP 0 tl C R T H I D, C TINK" C.w } tip Lr I lk A.Y 4.l C. "ntll, !t- pt" 16,YW18 lEIT SIDE ELEVATION PLAN 2AL'.', ACONCEPTUAL STREET' Sa-NE-, 2 KEET 76 . 4_[11111LEFT SnX ELEVATION PLAN 2cONCEP`i-UAL STn ET SCENEp a t e Feel i eP. 0 0 E N TALTBFREE S7 AQWANC QARA(Im-" c_ u,.. a IM P4,. w.* C. tnai r- hid w %uFkONT ELEVATK)N " 2 B"tan C fttTAYLOR WOODROW z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rj zz 1 Vr'0 A tc,V„„fn1AA 'rrllvu •rl4r4Vf jf+L S S+"V.Q' '0. f RksHT ELEVATIONLEFT ELEVATIONNja 5'r!FLAN C. V, I 0 0rnMow ELEVATIONLEFT ELEVATIONHmmPLAN DA G- ,1 /i TAYLOR WOODROW December 31, 1996 Mary Beth Broeden City of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development 2200 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 92648 Entitlement Plan Amendment - Special Permit Taylor Wood row Homes - Port Ivy Project Taylor Woodrow Homes California Ltd. 24461 Ridge Route Drive Laguna Hills, CA 92653-1686 Telephone 714 581-2626 Facsimile 714 581-2727 Dear Mary Beth: Enclosed are twelve preliminary Site Plans, rloor Plans, & Building, Elevations for Taylor Woodrow Homes project called Port lvy. The Port Ivy project consists of Tracts 14700, 15087, and 15088 which contain 83 single family lots within the Holly-Seacliff Master Development. The original site plan was submitted b f;?C Land Company. Taylor Woodrow Homes proposes three different floor "Mans which require an amendment to the entitlement plan. In addition, seven Special Pere<iits are proposed due to encroachment. within the standard twenty foot rear yard setback.. The proposed Port Ivy project is surrounded on threk sides by future residential development and the Seacliff Country Club Golf Course w0 he side. Lots 6, 7, and 08 of Tract 14700 are adjacent to existing residential developn lent. The project is not located with'iir a hazardous waste a rdlor substance site pursuant of section 65962.5 of the government code. As previously stated, Taylor Woodrow Homes is proposing three different aald distinctive floor plans, being further described as follows Plan 1. 2,430 square feet with 3 bedrooms,3 bathrooms, and a 3 car garage. Bedroom options are available within the confines of the, existing floor plan to increase the total number of bedrooms, Plan 1 has a large private entry courtyard and a very formal dining room. The entry courtyard has an outdoor fireplace. R J TAYLOR WOODROW December 31, 1996 Mary Beth Broeden ;City of Huntington Beach !i)epartment of Community Development 2200 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 9,2648 Entitlement Plat Amendment - Special Permit Taylor Woodrow Homes - Pox, r Ivy Project . Dear Mary Beth: Taylor Woodrow Homes Catitornia Ltd. 24461 Ridge Route Drive Laguna Hills, CA 92653-1686 Telephone 714 581-2626 Facsimile 714,581-2727 Enclosed are twelve preliminary Site Plans, Floor Plans. & Building Elevations for Taylor Woodrow Homes project called Port Ivy. The Par Ivy project consists of Tracts 14700, 15087, and 15088 which contain 83 single family lots within the Holly-Seacliff Master Development The original site plan was submitted by PLC Land Company. Taylor Woodrow Homes proposes three different floor plans which require an amendment to the entitlement plan. In, addition, seven Special Permits are proposed.due to encroachment within the standard twenty foot rear yard setback. The proposed Port Ivy project is surrounded on three sides by future residential development and the Seacllff Country Club Golf Course on the forth side. Lots 6, 7, and 8 of Tract 14700 are adjacent to existing residential development. The project is not located within a hazardous waste and/or, substance site p ;:want of section 65962,5 of the government code, As previously stated, Taylor Woodrow Homes is proposing three different and distinctive floor plans,; being further described as follows Plan 1 2,430 square feet with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a 3 car garage, Bedroom options are available within. the confines of the existing floor plan to increase the total number of be0Toozns. Plan 1 leas a large private entry courtyard and a very formal dining room. The entry courtyard has an outdoor fireplace ff,wU0 0 L921 196 rek( «-{:' t t..d l i Ms. Mary Beth Broeden City Of Huntington Beach December 31, 1996 Page 2 11 Plan 2 2,770 square feet with 3 bedrooms pl'.1s an office, 3 bathrooms and a 3 car garage. Bedroom options are also available within Plan 2 to increase the total number of bedrooms. Plan 2 has a large outdoor courtyard adjacent to the dining room, a very dramatic living room, and an upstairs laundry room. Plan 3 2,800 square feet with 3 bedrooms plus a den, 3 bathrooms, and a 3 car garage. Once again, bedroom option are available within the confines of the Plan 3 floor plan to increase the number of bedrooms. Plan 3 has an outdoor courtyard adjacent to the dinning room and a larger outdoor cotutyard on the opposite side of the home adjacent to the living room. Plan 3 has a circular element at the entry; an upstairs laundry room, and a balcony at the front of the house accessed by the two secondary bedrooms. The exterior elevations are "EaTly California",. "Monterey", and "Traditional," The elevations feature entry courtyards, porches, front balconies, and masonite siding. These homes also feature turn-in.rages and tandem garages which avoid the "row of garages"' streetscape common W other developments. On a lot by lot basis, Taylor Woodrow Homes is proposing to add an additional garage attached to the home or an additional-two car garage detached from the home. In each instance, there is a substantial increase in the number of available driveway parking spaces to accommodate additional guests. Seven Special Permits are requested and the justifications are as follows: Tract 14700, Lot 8: a) Rear yard backs np to t ie Golf Course and thereforeno homes backup to the lot; b) Lot depth is less than 100 feet; c) in ati effort to improve the living condition of the kitchen$:,kitchen nook and family room, a portion of the kitchen nook projects twgi to three feet out from the rear of these homes. This avoids the ¶''stark: 'ook" of a flat exterior elevation and adds additional glass and light to the rear of the home. These >_p o e tions are either rounded (plans f and 3) or diagonal (plan 2). This architectural enhancement provides room for a kitchen nook table and greatly improves the livability and presentation of these homes. Ms. Mary Beth Broeden City Of Huntington Beach December 31. 1996 Page 3 Tract 14100, Lot 9: Rear yard backs up to the Golf Course and therefore no homes backup to the lot; b) An expanded side-yard ha: been provided; c) In an effort to improve the living condition of 6:1,e kitchen, kitchen nook and family room, a portion of the kitchen nook projects two to three feet out from the rear of these homes. This avoids the "stark look" of a flat exterior elevation and adds additional glass and light to the rear of the home. These projections are either rounded (plans I and 3) or diagonal (plan 2). This architectural enhancementprovides room for a kitchen nook table and greatly improves the livability anti presentation of these homes. Tract 14700, Lot 14: Rear yard backs up to the Golf Course and therefore no homes backup to the lot; b) An expanded side yard has been provided; c) ?< ar yard setbac , ,ni croachment is at a point location; d) In an effort to 4Aprow e the living condition of the kitchen, kjtLh n__ .ook and family room, a portion of the kitchen nook projects two to thr,p & ,,Qt out from the rear of these homes. This avoids the- "stark look" of as flat, exterior elevation and adds additional glass and light to the rear oft e home. These projections are either rounded (plan, I and 3) or diagonal (plan 2). This architectural enhancement provides room fora kitchen nook table and greatly improves the livability and presentation of these homes. 4. Tract 15087, Lot 14. a) Rear yard setback. encror,lament is at a point location; b) An expanded side-yard has been provided; c) In an effort to improve the living condition of the kitchet; kitchen,nook and family room, a portion of the kitchen nook projects two to three feet out from. the rear of these homes. This avoids th` "stark look" of a flat exterior elevation and adds additional glass and light to the rear of the home." These projections are either rounded (plans 1 and 3) or diagonal (plan 2). This architectural enhancement provides room for a kitchen nook table and greatly improves the livability and presentation of these homes; Odd shaped lot due to cul-de-sac frontage. 'L;rp MTFlfl 2 Ms. Mary Beth Broeden City Of Huntington Beach December 31, 1996 Page 4 5. Tract 15087, Lot 16: a) Rear yard setback encroachment is at a point location; b) n expanded side-yard has been provided; c) In an effort to improve the living condition of the kitchen, kitchen nook and family room, a portion of the kitchen nook projects two to three feet out from the rear of these homes. This avoids the "stark, look" of a flat exteri r elevation and adds additional glass and light to the rear of the home. These projections are either rounded (plans I and 3) or diagonal (plan 2). This architectural enhancement provides room fora kitchen nook tame and greatly improvesthe livability ar d) Odd shaped lot due to cul-de-sa, frontage; e) Rearyard abuts a street and therefore no homes hack up to this lot, 6. Tract 15088, Lot 18: Rear yard setback encroachment is at a point location; b) An expanded side-yar,.has been pr;o'vided; c) In an effort to improve the living condition of the kitchen, kitchen nook and family room, a portion of the kitchen nook projects two to three feet out from the rear of these homes This avoids the "stark look" of I at exterior elevation and adds additional glass and light to the rear of the home. These projections Pre either rounded (plans I and 3) or diagonal (plan 2). This architect =l enhancement provides room fora kitchen nook table and greatly improves,the livability and pre:lientation of those homes; d) Odd shaped lot due to cul-de-sac frontage Tract 15088, Lot 34:, a) Rear, yard setback encroachment is at a point location; b)Rear yard backs up to the Golf Course and therefore no homes backup to the lot; In an effort to improve the living condition the kitchen; kitchen nook and family room, a portion of the kitchen nook projects two to three feet out from the rear of these homes. This avoids the "stark look"' of a flat exterior elevation and adds additional glass and light. to the rear of the home. These projections are either rounded (plans 1 and 3) or diagonal Lot depth is less that, l00 feet. table and greatly improves the livability and presentation of those homes; (plan 2)A This architectural enhancement- provides room for a kitchen nook I Ms. Mary Beth Broeden City, Of Huntingto'n Beach Dece;!ber31, 1996 Page 5 Taylor Woodrow is internationally recognizedfor excellence in the construction, home- building, and the development of master planned communities. Taylor Woodrow Homes has received regional and rational acclaim for presenting homes with distinctive architectural designs, thoughtfully arranged floor plans, and careful construction. In 1996, Taylor Woodrow Homes won the coveted Gold Nugget Award for "Horne of the Year" from tie Pacific Coast builders Conference. This top honor in the building industry encompasses seven western states. I s our intention to continue and improve upon this reputation with the development of our new homes in Huntington Beach. Very Truly Yours, Taylor Woodrow Homes ob Liewe OWNERS GIT'l OF HUNTINGTON BE... CH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 1.1. 97 1 EXHIBIT "Bly EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23-181-35 (N67 50'00"W 120.49 j(S22'l 0'00"W) ')(3.21 arcs PARCEL 1 6,879.69 50. FT.. NETo Ja ,v ,(S66-35'37'W) (RAD) (S8622'33`E) (RAD) P.O.B. - S. W- - COR LOT 2 S83'4602E AD)J, rlAC 07 fr PARCELS 1 THRU 55 '. (N6627Y4pW) (RAD) e OHO.rte ccac'4 :ryes U j =n CV .-"`f c Cy. (N77.04'44 "W) (RAD) r')j 11(S6750'00 "E 97.01") - - S57'50'00"E 96.72' o' 10. sq , PARCEL 2 11, 028.20 Sb F7; NET CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH Cl 27ti1'50 46.00 11.06' 21.70' C2 0236'31 ' 46.00' 1.05' 2.10' C3 29"38'20 " 46.00' 12.17' 23.80' M.15':: 0 30'. GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"-30' r CG N77 26'11 "W (RAID d -- INDICATES LOT LINE TO. BE DELETED 0 INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE INDICATES EXISTING LOT LINE TO QEMAIN INDICATES EXISTING LOT.DIMENSIONS. ,_SHEET T OF 24 _ . W1127 OWNERS C 'Y OF HUNTINGTON 3EACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 -1 EXHIBIT "B" EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23-181-3155 PARCELS 1 THRU 55 9g1 0 r'PARK ROYAL CIRCLE 7,959-77 U. FT NET 55 j Zg ,, 01s' NE COR. LOT 5PARCEL4 J r SOn TRACT S 1 /'b rya s9 -37 f. S CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH .Cl 167P'15"54.00' Z76'''15.41' C2 45 37 55 46.00'19,35'36.64' C3 0631'52"46.00'2.62'5.24' C4 '52V9 47'46.00'22.52''41.88' '15' 0:J0,' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 =30' 74'04" 5087. PARCEL 3 12,800.27 SQ. FT NET LEGEND (11 18) N "w) INDICATES EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN„ INDI CA TES PROPOSED LOT LINE - INDICATES LOT LINE TO BE DELETED SHEET 2 OF 24 AV. A?11t7 INDICATES EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONS. 1"i1 f% tit -N CITY )F HUNTINGTON BE..C'H OWNERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 499.35' LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 - 1 EXHIBIT "B" EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBERS 23--181-=35 PARCEL 5 1O, 615.45 SO. FT. NET CURVE 'DELTA, RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH 'Cl C2 C3 C4 3,17'15' 76.00'21,28'41.50' 017834 j176.00'0.87'1.74' 3235'49 1,6.00'22.22 43.24 3236'59 " MIX '22.24'43.2v' 15.0 M. GRAPHIC SCALE:. 1 30' PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS PARCELS 1 'HF U 55 P,O.B. NE COR. LOT 9 (S79Z6'OO"E 142.38) 4.88 ' '4.35' A-79.23 1aCT% PARCEL 6 7,029,86 SO. FT; NET LEGEND -w t'DICATES LOT LINE. TO BE DELETED - INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE INDICATES EXISTING LOT L!NF "'TO PEMAIN IMOICA TES EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONS. SHEET Z OF 24 :01 . AIdBf 141 r iu ':l lr1 1 N. C"-w'Y OF HUNTINGTON EACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 1.1. 97 1 EXHIBIT "B" OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS '`PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23-181-35 (S79 25'00 "E) PARCEL 7 TR Cry ti N NE'LY COP tOT 10. (SS735`00"E)(587-35'0000 49 )5a ',( 4 8.16),\ (42.00 `)t jw6,789,39 SO. Fr. NET 4 0 1NN C PARCELS 1 THRU 55 o 0 p es ('NI ' ` '!N) (A ' -- NDIC•'ATES I LINE rO 5 1,? :fi 1D 'iC -0 LC INDICATES E ]Sfl, , Z t,7` l_ll+r:''r.r REMA/ 1 ;) ;lvi 7L r ;" A'st ,'6f:1'. .,a'1Md5xit^b'k [{Td VR'.:'"4W1'lCk; 1{CCF''1M,Y.Y.T :1tL•-.w Q1Yldlro ti Cu LL 97 - 1 EXHIBIT "B" 1 SEE SHEET 8 N8224'36"E 81.58` o "`',- (N82"2436"E 95J5) R ryhry IR ' 1 'A e91'J5 r'e2h ^yEsV? LENC r'14 15'3329 45GJ 223 ' r OF HUNTINCTON' E k;ACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS 23--18135 PARCELS 1,, THRU 55 PAF?CEL 14 TRACT No, GRAl"H!C S,..'Al "` r " 3t y, e ,..:c;d7 oRa!:zrrt+ i.Lrmmiacrnvas+crar>.i IJ li BE LELE7;;t,Drt"'.4 Sr' C TC rs''{r'a77 EFdlit'W: LOT LIN; . INDI ;r 7Ev E:XI.` 7'NG LDDr'LINF,. O NDW, ,''11,W, TES E, IS1WG 1 ld, ''st,,t,f, 1 ar W ua a wpe ; sv mtg. rye r it l.rd! y t r a r : cRa 7awa dprs . . W-. C17N OF HUNT"INCYCN ,EAq,H LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 - 1 EXHIBIT "B" 0 OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBERS PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23-181-35 PARCELS 1 THRU 55 PARCEL 14,PARCEL i3I r -4 ov i\r PARCEL 12r EE SHEET 78,03'55~E SS SHEET JNnrV$7a8 ybo W i S 1N82'24'36 (887-35'40"u'(66:.2 - --r (N87;35,06.) c `TRACT w Ko k °oti PARCEL 1 1 ,. L,5,940.39 SO, FT. 114korll . T5' 0 E'(. 1 AORCis PNEn1 GtN !l16V±2°_A.8'f16°O0 46,00 !'I li sT1'Z' 46.00 212, ., - (4 ,49 '1y:9 -4600 r 15Y 14Y titrnon cX r 'Y_r,•kdl . a t'I,.,.a:aar:-; ;'.csa. i.:rraiile+r+.+nytm..^r:-r^ A 0021'15' L=2.07` I •..I--I 1 (N 72'4229 MW) R-1D)i_- I LIII. }y'„S .C4 L i I T) 't 1 1 L II..b! UN Tr}>a;'.5 EXr!S>> 'G LOT A TFS Lf`IF ( H)T L,111 LN Siu'; I!r4 1 6 OF . 2$ rrliav+v!^..lirzsNy wK ri'r'hxiu.[f..•naY-ter,, l..iL i, tl"rnto!! 1G1LIS CIT OF HUNTINGTON B CH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 -,^1 EXHIBIT "B" OWNERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES OAKHURSi CIRCLE lb:h X61 ! 11 l SLOE SHEET 8 lY: '°11-5 PARCEL 14 D,1ati N0fFCA CT ! n , 1 PARCEL 1,3 ET `72&584 S o.,Q.olau rf C\SI EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS 23-181-35 PARCELS 1 THRU 55 3 ,,12 k A=JJ*J (N2Y14"47"E)O,O E)PCL (N79 -4V,7 ,1 (8-74.00 4,4 (F TA 1 (46.` --o_?(A =55'07'46'), `' (L-18.28) alS.1 P ARCEL 17I lzi.ooPT,,1 1O,4sn,aa.SO. 5038 I'v 'r A (143'00'00 "E) (15.14 ivD'-,1T4TE.S LOx .LINT] 10 6,F 1; t F% 1) INDICA1i S Pk i 0S 'O L? LINE,, CIP !NDIC A `S LXISPk,' LOT L/NC ; 00 RE 44A, INDICAT, S EtCrS?ING LOI 1!SIIOrS EE 7 OaF24 FIr t+r` i,rr.utirf r ,.aa•tivrr ,wn+?rrYS ,isi aa`, 5r...rrY l t :Gtr;__ CI 'Y OF HUNTINGTON .WEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OWNERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES LL 97 - 1 EXHIBIT "B" EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCEL AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS 23-18.1--35 PARCELS 1 THRU 55 OAKHURST CIRCLE r PARCEL '15 \S SEE SHEET 9 Kt78 P.0, B. PCL 14 00 a=05'46'0.5" C'so Q)I l LDA 0 01:1 IT9,35J,87 SO. Fr 190 r. 'ES X107 L N --BFI- [C ?E (j '% r X S?1N LOT.DIMENSIONS SHEET" 8' O 24 11a-/+1 vs 1q-'-'mac r.}a1G.e;s Ct,,vtrr.'diys7X w_ w+zana cyvjw 4 Ir t CIT. OF HUNTINGTON BL ACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 1 EXHIBIT "B" OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23-181-35 NO, PARCEL 17 SEE SHEET 10 PARCEL 15 9,044,73 SQ. FT (x49.17'44~w PARCEL. 14 SEE SHEET 8 RlF DELTA ADIUS TANGENT LENGTH C1 2,0,49 46.00, 13.56'26.37' C2 09'59 05" 46.00• 4.02' 8.02 C3 , 42 49 54 46.00 '' 18.04 34,39 lie; 15' 0 30'V. SCALE: 1 =3O'- a w)RAD)5254o(535 "' P.0.B. PCL 15 LEGEND INDICATES LOT LINE TO BE DELETED 60'INOICA TES' EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONS INDICATES. EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE SHEET 9-,OF,24 AVV lisp PARCEL 16 9, 838 42 SO FT. tti ttiCa (N 5 23"50-'N) (RA 0), ,,, `° OAKHURST CIRCLE PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS PARCELS 1 THRU 55 Cfl! OF HUNTINGTON -EACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 1 EXHIBIT "B" OWNERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES PARCEL 16 SEE SHEET 9 PARCEL 17 10,091.59- SO. FT. E'0-' PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS PARCELS 1 THRU 55 r (1 ) t PARCEL 28 oN7Z51- N7729,42-L - 42.52 SEE SHEET 11 3;22 SO. FT:l 5,09 b 1'(51 .b (N79.40'00 q'alp. :PC 8LE1 .o URVE DELTA ADIUS TANGENT LENGTH Cl 0139 22" 46.00' 0.66' 1.33' C2. 3542 33' 46.00' 14.82 '28.67' C3 04'J1'06' 46.00' 1.21' 3.63'' C4 4013:39' 46.00' 16.85' 32:30' EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBERS 23-151-35 PARCEL 30 t PARCEL 29 SEE SHEET 14 r ,Vj/sss C8$ ys8s0,> T RACT . G1 N 79'40'00 „t!Ir ,09 •.2 LEGEND OAKHURST CIRCLE INDICATES LOT` LINE TO BE DELETED INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE w------ INDICATES EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN INDICATES EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONS SHEET 10 ° OF 24';AdldP! OWNERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23-181-35 PARCELS 1 THRU 55 PARCEL 28 SEE SHEET 14 C r O0 C 10 2 1*PARCEL 19 a r 5,714.98 SO. FT,E via`\ o a o 1t.,;oNE40ON7g'o 5567 245,,'c !\i 3 22 0 )„- (N74 40 oQ CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGif Cl 01306' 126.00' 1.71' J. 41 C2 09V228 126.00' 996' 19.88' C3 10 35 34 ' 126.00' 11.58 23.29' 38' 15' Q!' GR%PHIC SCALE: 1"''30" CIT OF HUNTINGTON E ' - ACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 1 EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL 27 PARCEL 26 SEE SHEET 13 N79-40OPnE 45,6 No'ra N1 °xw PARCEL 21,PARCEL 20 7,0 , 38 SO. 6,090,00 $0. FT.b4l r EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS, N 85-09 33 "E :--27.84 :., Z. C =X901 j° 11' C1' oc R 126 i 22-85 PC 32 (RA0 !7P.a:B (NOj 7, _ PCL_ 19 OAK URST CIRCLE LEGEND, - INDICATES LOT LINE TO BE DELETED --®--a- INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE INDICATES EXISTYNG LOT LINE TO REMAIN INDICATES EXISTING LOT DIMENSION S H E E T 1 t OF 24 Jx.. d18T \1 '-6.47' PARCEL 25, (67:19} 73.56' I (N8924'47"btu) CAD r1 PARCEL' 22 SEE SHEET 12 CI" Y OF HUNTINGTON ,EACH OWNERS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 -1 E HIBI'T'B" EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23--151-35 PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS PARCELS T> THRU 55 PARCEL 25 SEE SHEET 13 SEE SHEET 11 Rr\CT - A PARCEL 24 ,7x597:1,3 SD; FT 411 No. PARCEL 23 5F 79.3.31 so. FT (N84"18x2,3T)`RAD2 C) `k'"'''W) i Ri4D50223N.(cL 4 G `J'o 53538 0 c- , `(3 ,.=ErQxt PRJ- t98.27 1.4°-/r 158 CC)142.8a')00 00r(N43 , ff IaGE LA 1 CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH BEG'v Cl 2778 .23 19,00 4.84' 9.11 LEGE2ND''9.47 17.5707 19.00C2 5238 C3 5437'24 19.00' 9.81` 18.11`. C4 28V0'40 19.00' 4.74' 9.29' C5 82S8 04 .19.00' 16.70' 27.40' 50 >_ // PARCEL 21 P.o.e. M0STS`LYCOR / LOT 14 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 "•=3O' PARCEL 22 6;278.25 SO, F1:252.0(3'10"07 37 (L;=3458x) RY260-00 G2 -04 (R-252.00)(R-19.00 (L(L 8,80') INDICATES LOT LINE TO BE DELETED m--- INDICA TES PROPOSED LOT LINE, INDICATES EXISTING LOT LINE To REMAIN INDICATES EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONS SHEET 12 OF 24 4V 08L1 At i '1!'t NI i CIT. OF HUNTINGTON B ACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 1 EXHIBIT "B" OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23-181-35 CJ`ASHBURY CIRCLE.R. PCL 26 (N86 5O1O0"E) (50,33) P.O.B. PCL 27 T RACT No. PARCEL 27 PARCEL 264 5,443.6J SQ. Fr 5.26&99 SQ. FT. '„N85"09"33"E N8924'4 7Y N79"40400 E51. --"5147)000 aE) 1r PARCEL 19 PARCEL,20 GRAPHIC SCALE. 1 "-30' rN79 4 INDICATES LOT LINE To BE DELETED .- -.- -. INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE INDICATESEXISTING LOT -LINE TO REMAIN ) (212.75) PARCELS 1 THRU 55 77.4' (78 7). PAR CEL 7/7 25 /t!6,8.39.81 SO. Ft PARCEL 24150, 4Y. 68`SEE SHEET 12 '24'47"W P. 0.8 MOST S'L) 7 .,0 1' 14 PARCEL 2 1 LEGEND: INC?!CATES EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONS SHEEN'" 13 QF 24 ix *V1127 r TTA0 i4 ENT NO.T 1-3x OWNERS TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23--1€31-35 1 (572.465 PARCEL 30 8,726.75 SQ. FT. Cl- ' OF HUNTINGTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 -I EXHIBIT "ly EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBERS 88 t PARCEL 17 CURVE DELTA RADIUSTANGENT LENGTH Cl 025472 46.00' .1,16 2.33' C2 08 45'07' 46.00' 3.52' 7.03' C3 11;34; i 1" 46.00' 4.69' 9.36' C4 36527 2 54.00' 18.00' 34.75' 30` 15` 0 30` GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 "=30'. ASHBURY CIRCLE P. O. B. PCL 30 " 00 PC L 29 PARCEL 2 9 6,797-9-9 SO. FT. Is 9-5t2**t '1477.292 E 42'52 .77,E (N7- 1 \., LSEE SHL } T 10 PARCE 18 LEGEND P, 0. B. L AGH PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS PARCELS I THRU 55 P. f1A PCL. 2 (17,44) (A160 50'31 T) RCEL 6.2.36A6 50. ET ck: t44 4f`7 INDICATES r,OT LINE TO BE DELETED INDICATES. PROPOSED LOT "INC -- INDIChTE'S EXISTING LOT LINE TO RE'MAIN' INDICATES <EXIST ING LOT DIMENSIONS SHEET 14 OF.24 .I WIJ2'``.: Al .i A;:l 1 i ? r i 3 CIT OF HUNTINGTON E ,AGH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT L .97-1 EXHIBIT "B" OWNERS `:TAYLOR _,,WOODROW HOMES EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS 2 -181-35 67"o8' riD PARCELS 1 THRO 55 P.O.B. NE'LY COR LOT 21 (N89'58'07"E) (66,48) I x.92',784I -Z IN O, PARCEL 3-1, 10,975.6a SQ t 7: CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH Cl 1870W 54.00'8.72'17.29' ,C2 457838"46.00'19.20'36.38' C3 0007'46.00'3.29' C4 4924 55"46.00'2T.17'39.67' 15 337537"4x:00'1374 26.70' 30` 15' 0 M. GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 =30' 60, c., PARCEL 32 ,563.88 SQ. PT PRC ASHBUR Y CIRCLE INDICATES LOT LINE TO BE DELETE,? INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE INDICATES 'EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN (N33'42'12"E) (RAD)_f INDICA TES EXIS11NG LOTh DIMENSIONS OF HUNTINGTON L. ACH TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23-151-35 58 CORLOT!, -(52,79 2 .96 , - 55'75 rRArr o PARCEL 54+ 0 6,062.99 SQ. FT 33oPARCEL. 6,538.27 SO. FT r s,E rc \$ ,r 5 .263. 6830 ASHBURY .CIRCLE CURVE DEL TA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH Cl 16'01_3 5' 66.00' 9.29' 18.46' "Q C2 04n11'4-j" 66.00' 2.52' 5.03' C3 2073'50' 66.00' 11.87 23.50" 30' 15, 0 30.60' O `1 GRAPHIC SCALE: l m--30* c`L62i11 $CT LINE ADJUSTMEH' LL,97 - 1 EXHIBIT "B" EXISTING PARCELS . AP NUMBERS PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS PARCELS 1 TH6U x;55 PARCEL 35 8,175.18 SO. FT, 4/y45L-39.97 R=66.00 INDICATES LOT LINE TO BE DELETED - I NDI CA TES PROPOSED LOT LINE INDICA TES EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN INDICATES EXISTINGLOT DIME!SIONS SHEET' 15 OF 24 svr18Tl TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES OWNERS I TRACT 1\10.I PARCEL 36 08,01.6 .5, 50. FT. CIT%, OF HUNTINGTON B ACH UR DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH Cl 04V635 754.00' 27.05' 54.08 C2 0078 '27 753.89 3.12' 6.24' C37 04'35'02' 754.00' 30.18 60.32 !5',0 _ JO's GRAPHIC SCALE: :1 "=30' LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 1 EXHIBIT "B" EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBERS. 23-181-35 . \S PARCEL 3 7 10,956.36 SQ. FT. PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUM ERS LEGEND INDICATES LOT LINE TO BE DELETED INDICATES PROPOSED' LOT,LINE INDICA°TE`S EXISTING LOT .LINE TO REM IN, IND(C4TES EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONS SHEET 17 OF 24 ro . AS ii 57617 OS OWNERS TAYLOR W90DROW HOMES 10 lo, tzi IQ&I -rAcf lq PARCEL 4() No. A IA 6,031.31 SQ. FT.PARCEL 39 rF..CI ` OF HUNTINGTON E . ACH .o /g 6, 0) -P.O.B. SN '1 ' COR LOT 7 f R DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH Cl 167931 47.00 6.74' 13-39 C2 00-40.19- 4Z00- 0.28' 0.55' C3 16'59.49. 47.00 7.02' 13.94' Ml 5471'12 4700 24.04 44.45` \15' 0 J0 ;GRAPHIC -SCALE 1"=30' 23-181-35 BECKONRIDGE LANE (Nj.00 001 \ $ Y LOT LINE ADJ USTMENT' LL 97-1 EXHIBIT "B" EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBERS PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS PARCELS 1 THRU 55 2f70 rr t PARCEL 38 / .9, 416.48 SO. FT. LEGEND.,, = INDICATES LOf EJNE TO BE DELETED ----- INDICATES :PROPOSED LOT LINE INDICA`IE5 EXISl7NG`LOT LINE TO REMAIN P INDIGATES EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONSs .::xttA '`SHEET 18 OF 24 `OWNERS' 'IT'.- OF,;HUNTINGTON B.. CH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 - 1 EXHIBIT:"B" EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS TAYLOR WOODROW, HOMES 23-181 -35 PARCELS 1 THRU ''55. (N75 50'54 "E C2 (N77 57.07' N-c3 5.93' , :,3 00 4 'L '.88 Ica 593 -vi TRACTn1+ yt PARCEL 43 I NO. 00'00 "E) w8.90',2:93tiI 51.8,3' 2.9.3' 14700 PARCEL 42 6,256.04 SQ. FT.6,485.20 SQ, FT, ro- W = NI) or- LAJ `vi n Q. ve DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH Cl 003526 473.03 2.44 87" C2 022320, 473.00. 9.86 19.72• C3 02W46 473 00 12.30 24.60' BFCKONRiDGE LANE 63.,01 57.;08* INDICATES LOT LINE TO BE DELETED INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE INDICATES. EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN PARCEL 41 6290 .98 SO. FT; 0 'r{;_61.84 `'ti f 2.93' 5891' o(o LEGEND INDICATES EXIS11NG.LOT DIMENSIONS SHEET) 9 OF 24 ,- A' CI7 ( 0F.; HUNT'INOTON ,.EACH OWNERS 57.26' 1 "a2.74' 60.00' l -- 2.74' TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 23-181-35 DECKONRIDGE,:L ANE PARCEL 46 SEESHEET 21 J (N65'34'21"E RW /DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH Cl (0;5J2 47300' 7,95' 75.90' C2 003526' 473.03 2.44 4.87 • 15 0 30' TRACT to LOT LINE, ADJUSTMENT LL 97 1 EXHIBIT "B" EXISTING PARCELS AP NUMBERS (N72.05'42"E) (42-69) ,\j'-6.741 49, 43 co PARCEL 45 6.089, 22 SQ. FF7; ca st 1 ` 2045. '2.76 ,42.44' z 6.74' PROPOSED PARCEL S REFERENCE NUMBERS PARCEL 44is I2 60.88'. f/676"15;1L'54,12 iN7550'S47 INDICATES W r LINE TO BE DELETED -- INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE INDICATES, EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN ra, 460.08 SO, FT, VINDICATES EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONS SHEET 20 OF ,2¢ . . TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 1 EXHIBIT 11131= EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS 23--151--35 PARCELS 1 -THOU 55 BECKONRIDGE LANE \\J (043'00 00°') (60,00) 6.00 -'% 22.57, 6.00 TRJ&C-1o PARCEL 47 PARCEL 48 6,639.03 SO. FT. INOICATES LOT LINE.'IT0 BE DELETED I.2; (3797)\\1 OF HUNTINGTON E ACH 00 :'R;:: 19Dy15.56Z2" L=55.0') . 4 L-=2.70 A^00'46 48 i j L=57.69' I{&=16-45'10 )NO, L- 42 656 41=12-2032- I ron PARCEL 46 6,678.22 SO. FTT 1,1 2 24 col INDICATES EXISTING . LaT LINE TO REMAIN f J INDICATES EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONS SHEET 21 OF 24- N., N110. , PROPOSED LOT LINE bF > ,I UNTINGTON EACH LOT "LINE, ADJUSTMENT LL 97 1 EXHIBIT "B" BECKONRIDGE LANE N49'VO'16"W'(RAo) -.973.00' `- (N43'00'LJo "E) 44.00' 6=02'VO'10" 18-2 I'l L=O/-toI L4 %A QI PARCEL 49 7,11 = INDICATES LOT'LINE TO BE DELETED PROPOSED OT LINEINDICA TES INDIWESEXIS77AIG LOT DIMENSIONS 'SHEELT,'22, Or 24, OWNERS EXISTiND PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBERS REFERENCE NUMBERS TAYLOR` WOODROW HOK41ES 23-181-35 I r%2 ,Pr17.51 4 7 II - t •--J5;,,;q Q. ,U t 'v68--, 556 31'37"E (RAD)PARCEL 53 o, w6,046,11 SQ FT ( r S.!-1 'VR DELTA "'RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH G1 00 48'45' 352.00' 2.50' 4.99' C2 007959' 352.00' 1.54' 3.07' . 15' .0 \ Jo. GAT . OF 'HUNTINGTON E LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL 97 -1 E X H I B:!T EXISTING' PARCELS AP NUMBERS ACH PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS WOODROW HOMES 23-181-35 PARCEL 51, 5,805, 58 SQ. FT ': Nj 10 or NO. 565'40'49 "E (RAD) 4 v o A,'- ------o --.PARCEL 52-- Q 5, 357 36 S(2 P 564 52'04"E (;RAD) (581'18'43"8 A D)10550) S73'40 23 E (PAD) " rr 5ELT 2OR,7 1 INDICATES'' LOT LINE TQ BE DELETED INDICATES' PROPOSED LOT LINE INDICATES EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN INDICA'TESEXIST1NG LOT DIMENSIONS OF HUNTINGTO N L, ACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LL(i .97 - 1 EXHIBIT EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP ,NUMBERS REFERENCES NUMBERS 23-1 X31 -35 PARCELS 1 THRU 55 N56 31 '37-W (RAD) PARCEL 53 (N55 78'28") D)SEE SHEET 23 c) ,R(TAYLOR WOODV `'`HOMES /F(N69 -57'01"W) (RAD)------------ ( PARCEL 54 O. ;FT. NN71 "23'45"W (RAD) ry -, An II Cow PARCEL 55 6,40354 SO. F.T. (N85'4t'35AW(RAD) \ CUR DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH Cl 0176°44' 263.00' 3X32' 6.64' C2 Q073O9 .352.00' . 0.67' 1.35' 30'15.0 30•60' jl GRAPHIC SCALE: 17=30!'' 40 J ' RAC' 1\1 LEGEND -- INDICATES LOT LINE TO BE DELETED -- I INDICA7ES10 P0POSED LOT LINE --------:,INDlCATEftXIS77NG (LOT LINE TO REMAIN O INDICATES EXISTING LOT DIMENSIONS rn A?lllf L-111 I t\LF 1IlrIL VI 1vs COVER A GE TA B LE C• [TRCT PHASE NUMBER NUMBER t,,!700 14700 14700 14700 14700 14700 14700 14700 14700 14700 14700 14700 147001 14700 15088 15088 15088 15088 15088 15088 15088 15088 15088 15088 15088 15088 15088 15088 1.5088 15088 15088 :,15088 15088 15088 , 15088 1.5088 15088 LOT UNIT UNIT AREA LOT AREA PERCENTAGE NUMBER TYPE SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET OF COVER l 1 3R 2,218 J 2 2 2,20 j 1 3 2,218 /4 1 2,194 I 5 3D2 2,'632 , I 6 3R 2,218 1 7 3R02 2, 632 I 8 2A1 2,609 I 9 1A 1 2,388 I 10 2141 2.9609 1 11 2A 1 2,609 I 12 1A1 2,388 1 13 2RA 1'2,609 l 14 1A1 2,388 I 12 2 2,203, !13 3R 2218 /27 2R 2,20J 1 28'3 2,218 1 29 2 2,20J I 30 2 2,203 1 31 1 2,218 1I 14 3R 2,218 !f 15 2R 2,203 it 16 3 2,2 18 11 17 1 R 2,194 fJ 18 2 2,203 l 19 302 2,632 fl 20 2D2 ,617 fl 21 3D2 2,63-2 Il 2 1R 2,194 11 23 2 2,203 II 24 3 2,218 IJ 25 2R 2,203 11 26 1 R 2,194 II 32 3 2,218 Il 33 1R41 2,J88 IJ 34 2RA 1 ' 2,609 , 11 3 3R 2,21 8' 8,824 9,098 8,188 8,017 0,956 14,738 .9,416 6,576 6,030 6,288 6,483 6,256 6,460 6,089 5,793 7,597 6,063 8,175 7,886 5,600 6,260 6,840 5, 278 5,478 6,274 6,808 8,72 1 8,914 10,976 7,564 6.364 6`,'2'43 6,106 6, 539 6,678' 6,699 6,639 , 5,366 259 259 2794 287 249 157' 289 40% 4094 °42.x' 4094 .J8/0 409 397 409 29% 3871, C9 COVERAGE TABLE (Con 'tt. TRACT_ PHASE LOT N U _M B ER NUMBER NUMBER 15088 111 15088 ill 15088 IIl 1 5088;: 111 15088 III .15088 III 15088 /1/ 15088 iIl 15088 III 15088 ill 15088 15088 15088 15088 15087 15087 15087 15087 15087 15087 15087 15087 f5087 15087 15087 15087 15087 III Ill l/l fit IV /V IV IV lV IV /V !V IV 1V I IV V 15087 V 15087 15087 15087 15087 V 15087 .. V 15087. 15087 15087 r 2 3 4- 6 7 UNIT TAE 3R 1RA1 3R 2A2 3D2 3R 2R UNIT AREA LOT AREA SQUARE' FEET M QUARE FEET.. 2,218 400 2,218 2,59j , 2,6J2 '2,218 2,203 1 2,194 2R 2,203 , 215;E R 2 y 1 3 ,2182 36 2R 2, 203 37 3 2,218 38 2RA t 2, 609 13 3R 2,218" 14 1RA:: 2,388 15 202 2 617 16 , RD2 2,632 17 3 2,218 18 2A.1 2,609 19 2R 2,203 20 IRA 2, 388 21 3R 2,218 22 3 2,2 18 2;203 24 3 2,218 2,218 2,388 2,632 2,593 2,6322 2,593 2,194 2,20J 2,632 2,203 10,445 7,272 9,399. 9,045 9,8J8 10,115 5,074 5,676 6,050 7,685 6,278 - 5,1554 5,637 7,586 7,896 6,821 11,044, 10,694 8,714 7,072 5,940 6,313 6,240 5,549 5,540 5,530 6,601 6,880 11,026 11,996 r,2,798 7,958 6,245 7,423 1x 615, 7,030 PERCENTAGE OF COVER 21Z' 33% 29% 27% 229 45Y0 38lll-' 38% 31% 35.' 42.x' 39% 34% 28,E 35,E 255 25.E 27% 37% 397 38% 36% 40" 42Y. 407' 34% 35% 24' 22% 21.E 33% 35' 31% X5% OVERAGE TABLE (Con 'tI i T ,PHASE LOT UNIT UNIT . AREA LOT ` AREA PER 'ENTAGE 1V J IBER NUMBER NUMBER TYPE SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET OF COVER 7"15088 "1i-,1A1 2,400 6,731,.366% 71508 12 3 2,218 8,268 27. `15x87 V 25 2 2,203 5,520 427' :'15087 V 26 3 2;218 5,977 37% 15087 MBO 27 2,203 5,802 40.7 15087 MBO 28 2 2,203 5,357 43% 15087,M80 29 1R;2,194 6,406 ,35% 15087 MB0 30.2A,1 2, 609 7,519 `15087 MSO 3.1 3t;2,218 6,40J = :, ,,ate ,, -v 0 Huntington Beach Planning Commission P.O. BOX 190 March 15, I996 Seaclifl'Partners 1-3 Corporate Plaza Drive, Suite 250 Newport Beach, CA 92660 CALIFORNIA 92648 SUBJECT: REVISION TO TENTA'T'IVE TRACT NO. 14700/CONDITION AL USE PERMIT NO. 93-39/COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 93-23 (PENINSULA PROPERTY Pacific Coast Homes, 23 Corporate Plaza Drive, Suite 250, Newport Beach, OWNER: CA 92660 RE 1JEST: Revise Tentative Tract No, 14X00 which is a 397 lot residential subdivision ,and reduce the total number of°lots by eight which will result in a 389 lot subdi vision, )_LOCATION: A ppt'oximately 1500 feet southwest ox Garfield Avenue and Goldenl est Street DATE OF r"; 'TION: March 12, 1996 Your application was acted, upon by the Planning Commission of the City of }untington. Beach on Marc} 12, and your request was onditionall r A" roved. Attached to this, letter are the Conditions of Approval for this application. Please be advised that the Planning Commission reviews the conceptual plan Pis a basi request for er, dement of the use applied forin relation to the vicinity in which it is_proposed. The conceptual plan should not be construed as a precis-,plan reflecting conformance to all Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. It is recommended that you immediately pursue completion of the conditions of approval and address all requirements of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance in order to expedite thL processing of your total application. -ti V, Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, the action taken by the Planning Commission is final unless an appeal is filed to the City Cott -til by you or an interested party. Said appeal must be in writin and must set forth in detail the actions and grounds by and upon which the applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee oftwelve hundred ($1,200) dollars and be submitted to the City Clerk's office within ten (10) days of the date (if the Commission's action, m In your case, the last day for filing an app 'dl and paying the filing fee is March 22 1996. Pre visions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code are such. that any application becomes, null, and. void one (1) year after final approval, unless actual construction has started. Sincerely, Howard Zelefsky, Secretary Planning Commission by: Scott H , AI Senior Planner Attachii'ent: Findings and Conditions of Approval (pcc1050-14) FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 14700R/ CONDITIONAL. USE PERMIT NO. 93-39W COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 93-23R r a. Housing Element which requires a mix of housing types and affordable housing. b. Circulation Plan in the Holly Seacliff Master Plan and the Holly Seacliff Specific ;?.tan which is the systematic execution of the General Plan. `I FINDINGS FOR APPROV AL - COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 93-23R-1 the south. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL -CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-39R: The approval of the revision to Conditional. Use?ermit No. 93a39R will not be detrimental to tt,-p general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity or detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood because the subdivision and the revision to delete eight lots will increas, the buffer area adjacent to the golf course;and the Estates project located to 4, Conditional Use Permit No, 93-39R for will not adversely affect the General Plan. It is consistent with the Land Use Element designation of Low Density Residential. In addition, it is consistent with the following goals and policies of the General Plan: surrounding existing residential housing is single family. detached. The revised 389 lot subdivision will comliiy with the provisions of Planning Area III of' be Holly Seacliff Specific Plan and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance„ 2. ,Conditional UseP r nit No 93 39k will be compavihle with surrounding uses because the district t, as well as other applicable proti rsrons of the Municipal Code. L The development project, as proposed or as modified by conditiofis of approval, conforms ',with th'e;, General Plan including the Local Coastal Program:because the revised subdivision confilrrns to the Holly Seacliff Specific Plan. 2_ The project is consistent with the requirements \f the CZ Overlay District, the base zoning L'iprovements will be provided as required by the Holly Seacl,ff Specific Plan, At the time of occupancy, the proposed development can be provided with infrastructure in a manner that is consistent wihh' the Local Coastal Program. All required infrastructure 0 . 4. The development conforms with the public ac-!;,es and pudic recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act. The proposed subdivision is located 300 feet away from the water and is not required to provide lateral or vert 'cal access to coastal resources, FIlNDINGS FOR APPROVAL - TV"NTATIirE TRACT MAP NO. 14700R: 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 14700R is consistent with the General Plan and conforms to the Holly Seacliff Specific Plan. That the design of the subdivision will not conflict with public access easements, 'Public access to coastal resources is not required r 2. The 108 acre site is physically suitable for the type and density of development, A mass grading plan has been issued which will modify the terrain and create proper drainage for the subdivision. The design of the subdivision. and the revision will not cause serious health problems or substantial environmental damage, All potential` impacts have been addressed by Final. Environmental Impact Report No. 39-1, CONDTION8 OF APPROVAL -CONDITIONAL USE PER'v ' N'O. 93-39R: 1. The site plan received and, dated December 25, 199 5 shall be the conceptually approved layout. 2. All previous conditions of approval shall remain in effect. 3. Drought tolerant landscaping materials shall be used in common landscaping areas subject tt the requirements of the Landscape Division. CONDMONS OF APPROVAL TENTATWE TRACT MAP NO. 14700R: 1. The tentative tract map receis•, and dated March 1, 1996 shall be the approved layout. 2. All previous conditions of approval shall remain in effect. All curb grad2s shall be 0.50 % minimum, 4. No cross gutter shall be permitted on clay Avenue at "C'' Street. 5. Lot C shall be designated as a recreational open space lot. Lot C shall either: a. Be conveyed to-the owner of the adjacent Seacl,iff Country Club for use as part of'the existing golf course; or b. Be restricted to prohibit residential development in the subdivision's covenants, conditions and restrictions, (pcclQ50-16) fir, Huntington Beach Planning Commission - --/V.++---M.N---iii--A+ -----N--- P.O. Box 190 California, 92648 N I O T I C E O FA C T I "c :Seacliff Partners, 520 Broadway, Suite 100, Santa Monica, CA, 90401 Subject: CONDITION iL USE PERMIT NO.93.39ITENTA T IVE. TR'A'CT N 14700/ COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NNO. 93-23 arc 4 and your, request was: Your application was acted upon by the Huntington Beach Planning omission on Clerk's office within WITHDRAWN APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS DISAPPROVED TABLED CONTINUED UNTIL "Under-the provisions of the,Huntington Beach Ordinance code, the action taken by the Planning Commission is ,final unless an appeal is filed to the City Council by you bran inter ct d party, Said appeal must be in writing and must set forth in detail the actions and grounds by and `upon which the applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved, Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of twelve hundred (5,1200) dollars and be submitted to the City In your case, the;-last day foi-riling an appeal and paying the filing feeds Provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code are such that 47Y application becomes null and void one (1) year after final approval, unless actual construction has started. tl Date; c 4 -.1 Huntington Beach Planning Commission P.O. BOX 990 CALIFORNIA 92648 March 18, 1994 Seacliff Partners 520 Broadway, Suite 100 Santa Monica, CA 90401 SUBJECT: CgNDITIONM L USE PERMIT NO= 93-391TENTATIVE.TRACT NO. 14700 COASTAL D)VELOPME'T PERMIT N'O.93-23 REQUEST: Subdivide an 108-.acre. parcel into 397 residential lots ' th common areas for private streets and landscaping, the request also includes a request for a 153 unit density transfer from. Planning U'nitall-? to adjacent Planning Units. - LOCATION: ;approximately 1,500 feet southwest of the intersection of Garfield Avtritie and Golden°est Street DATE OF ACTION: March 15, 1994 The proposed 397 lot residential subdivision with the conditions imposed will. be compatible ,Aith adjacent uses because of compliance with. the mitigation measures in Final Environmental It pact Report No. 89-1 and the Holly Seacliff S,pecilic. Plan. All identified r+Iti VA -SSA'l'TI0SATI r;F F significant impacts have been mitigated with conditions. 2. The establishmentrof the 397 lot residential subdivision will not be Jdt'rimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity end detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The elevations and size of the proposed dwellings are similar to existing neighisorhoods. On-site parking and circulat-vn are,adequate for the proposed 397 lot residential subdivision and does not have the potential f cre iting congestion,and circulat J circulation conforms to the Hol1y-SeacliffSpecific. Plan. Conditional Use Permit No, 93-39/ Tentative Tract Into. 14700/ Coastal Development p'erm'itNo. 93-23 Page Two 4. Ingress and, egress to the site does, not have the potential of creating additional traffic impacts to the intersections along Goldenwest Street. Garfield Avenue,, Seapointe Street and Clay Street. The Holly Seacliff Specific Master Plan anticipated the levels, of service generated by the proposed subdivision. 5. The granting of Conditional Use Permit No. 93-3 9, Tentative Tract No. 14700 and Coastal Development Permit No. 93-23 for a 397 lot residential subdivision will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. The density, circulation, product type and private open space implement the goals and policies of the General Plan. 6. The density transfer of 153 units from Planning Unit 111-2 to adjacent Planning Units, detailed in attached table, is coitslstent N ith the provisions of the Holly Seacliff Specific Plan, the maximum density permitted by the Holly Seacliff Master Plan and the maximum, density permitted by the City's General Plan. F DIN , F R APPR VA -T NTA [V T A T'\TAP N . 14700- I , The size, depth, frontage, street width, and other design features of the proposed subdivision for a 397 lot residential subdivision are in compliance with the standard plans and specifications on file with the City as well as in compliance sriththe State Subdivision Map Act and the supplemental City Subdivision Ordinance, 2. The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time that the General Plan designation of Low Density Residential (3.7 units per gross acre). 3. 'The General Plan has set forth provisions for Low Density Residential as well as setting forth objectives for the implementation of this type of use, 4. The site is relativ;,jly flat and physically suitable for the proposed density of 3, units per gross acre. 5. Tentative Tract Map o, 14700 for 397lot residential subdivision is cd,-,sistent with the goals I 0 and policies of the Huntington Beach General Plan, Conditional Use Permit No. 93-3.9/ Tentative Tract No. 14700/ Coastal Development Permit No, 93.23 Page Three 'D T = R AP R '`JA - AS A D V T PM NT R'% N. 1-23: The proposed 397 lot residential subdivision conforms with the plans, policies, require p nts and standards of the Huntington Beach Coastal Element of the General Plan because :ne proposed subdivision complies with the development standards of the Holly Seacliff Specific Plan 0d 2. Coastal Development No. 93-23 is consistent with the CZ (Coastal Zone) suffix, the Holly :.Seacliff Specific Plan as Well as other provisions of the Huntington Beach ordinance Code applicable to the property.. At the time of occupancy, the proposed 397 lot residential subdivision will provide infrastructure in a manner that is consistent with the Huntington. Beach ordinance Code applicable to the property. 3. At the time of occupancy, the proposed 397 lot residential subdivision will provide infrastructure in a manner that is consistent with the Huntington Beach Coastal Element and Coastal Land Use Plan of the General Plan. Access, utilities, sewer and building heights will be provided as require by the City, the Glange County Sanitation District, and the Holly- Seacliff Specific Plan. 4. The proposed 397 lot subdivision conforms with the public access and nublic recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act. The proposed subdivision is located 300 feet away from the water and is not required to provide vertical or lateral access to coastal resources. C N £0 conceptually approved layout with the followingmodifications: a. Include 'remnant of Clay Street as a common landscaped area, b. Provide a minimum 15 foot wide landscape easement adjacent try C1-y 4treet and Seapoint Street. wise layout pursuant to Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "13" (attached) dated Nlarch. O, 1994. J The site plan, floor plans and elevations and dated received March 4, 1994 shall be the Conditional Use Permit No. 93-391 Tentative Tract No. 14700/ Coastal Development Permit No. 93-23 Page Four 2. Prior to submittal for building permits, the applicanttowner shallcomplete the following. a. Submitthree. (3) copies of the site plan to the Planning Division for addressing purposes. if street names are necessary, submit proposal to Fire Department for review and approval. -.b. Depict all utility apparatus, such as but not limited to back-flow devices and. Edison transforms, on the site plan. They shall be prohibited in the front and exterior yard setbacks unless properly screened by landscaping or other method as approved by the Community Development Director, c. Floor plans shall depict natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in at the location of clothes dryers; natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of oo k ng facilities, water heaters, and central heating units; and low-volume heads shtl be used on all spigots and water faucets. compliance with the State acoustical standards set for h for units that lie within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. Evidence of compliance shall consist ofsubm.ittal of an acoustical analysis, report, prepared under the supervision of a person experienced in the d, If foil-type insulation is to be used, a fire retarding type shall be installed as approved by the Building Department and indicated on the floor plans. e. Structures on the subject proper whether attached or detached, shall,be constructed in field of acoustical engineering, with the application for building per,mit(s). '"Elevations shall depict proposed colors and building materials. the satisfaction of the Public works Departnment;' the City -will, file the report with the State Geologist. Construction drawings along with calculations and approved geologic report shall be submitted to the Building Division of the Department of Comm unity Department issuance of any permits, The completed geotechnical report, including reconu-ri for the acceleration to be used for designing the structures on the site, or a statement' that' the adopted Uniform Building Code is adequate for the seismic design of the structures on the site, shall be submitted to the Public works Department. The Public wvorks Department will obtain an independent analysis of the completed geologic report. The cost of this analysis will be paid by the z,pplicant. When the report has been amended to g.' Any areas within, the Alquist-Priolo special studies zone must be investigated prior to to complete the permit plan review. . c Conditional Use Permit No. 93-391 Tentative Tract No. 14700/ Coastal Dvelopment Permit No. 93-23 Page Five h. An engineering geologist shall be engaged to submit a report indicating the around surface acceleration from earth movement for the subject property. All structures -Mthin this- development shall be constructed in compliance with the g-factors as indicated by the geologist's report. Calculations for footings and structural members to withstand anticipated, g-factors shall be submitted to the Cityfor review prior to the issuance of building permits, r t Tie site plan shall include (or reference page) all conditions ofapproval imposed on the project printed verbatim. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall complete the following: a. Submit copy of the revised site plan, floor plans and elevations pursuant to Condition No. 1 for review and approval and inclusion in the entitlement file, b. A landscape Construction Set niust be submitted to and approved bythe Departments of Community Development and Public Works. 1. The-Landscape Construction Set shall include a landscape plan prepared and signed by a State Licensed Landscape Architect and which includes all proposed/existing plan materials (location, type, size,-quantity), an i rigatio;t plan, a grading plar,, an approved site plan, and a copy of the entitlement conditions of approval.. Irrigation demands shall be submitted to insure proper irrigation service sizing and, the landscape plan shall include drought tolerant plants and turf for all common area landscaping. 2.. The landscape plans shall be in, conformance with the Holly Seacliff Specific Plan and Section 9608 and of the Huntington Beach Ordinance code. The set must be,, approved by both departmnts prior to issuance ofbuilding permits. Any existir',g mature trees that must be removed shall be replaced at a 1 to I ratio wit3t minimum 36-inch box trees, which shall be incorpotated into the project's landscape plan. c. A grading plan shall be submitted for review and approval. A plan for silt control for all may be required if deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works. water runoff from the property during construction and initial operation of the project d. The applicant shall obtain a National F;ollutant Discharge Elimination,System for (pce1004-1Q)t'J fl LLB i ISL., a eVto all g if construction activities from the Regiond Water Quality Control Board. Evidence that the PAshall bermit has been obt sub fitted to the City En inee •-. J Conditional Use Permit No. 93-39/ Tentative Tract No. 147001 Coastal Development Permit No. 93-23 Page Six e. A detailed soil analysis shal, be prepared by a registered engineer and shall be subject to approval of the Department of Public \6'orks. 4. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the following conditions shall be corhplied with: a. The Final Map, for.that phase, shall be accepted by the City Council, recorded with the Orange County Recorder and a copy filed with the Department of Community Development, except for model home compiiexes. b. The configuration of the security gates shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works, Police, Fire;and Community Development Departments, c. For any site plans that include architectural features encroaching into sideyard setback areas, Code Amendment No.. 93-10 shall be approved by the City Council and in, effect. 5. Prior to the final inspection of the first unit of each final map: The traffic'impact fee shall be paid,for the entire tract or approved phase, in accordance, with Development Agreement No. 90-1, prior to the release for occupancy of the first unit of each, phase. b. A reproducible mylar copy of the recorded final map, along with a digital graphics file of the recorded map, shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works. c. All Landscaping of common areas for each phase shall be completed, 6. Fire Department requirements are as'follovws: a. A Fire Protection Plan pursuant to Fire Department Specification #4L6 will be required intersections, and corner to comply with Fire Department Specification #401. b. Adequate tui-ning radius minimum 17 foot by 45 foot must be provided for turnarounds, prior to release of building permits, no parking areas .posted pursuant to Fire Deparime'ra Specification -941:5., c. All roadwavs which, are less than 40 feet wide must be posted as fire lanes and must have . Approximately 29 fire hydrants will be4equired. x Ii i I J Conditional Use Permit No. 93-39/ Tentative Tract No. 14700/ Coastal Development Permit No. 93-23 Page Seven e. All units having a gross square footage of 5,000 square,feet or greater must have automotive sprinklers installed. f. Units on all "flag" type or other lots which may hinder Fire/Rescue access must be automatic sprinJered.unless fire equipment access requirements have been approved by the Fire Department and are provided pursuant to Section 10.203 and Section 10.205 of the-1991 Uniform Fire Code, g. Building address numbers for each unit must meet Fire Department Specification 4428. Ii. Prior to release of building permits, all measures for compliance of oil, methane, and environmental issues must be completed by phase, per Fire Department Specification #422, 429 and 43.1. 7. All,- 11ding spoils, such'a unusable lumber, wire, pipe, -and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off site facility equipped to handle them, 8. Private open space/view corridors, for that phase, shall be developed and available. for homeowNner's use at 50 percent occupancy for each phase. 9.During construction, the applicant shall"= a. Use water trucks or sprinlcler's'sterns in all areas where vehicles travel to keep damp enough to prevent dust raised when leaving the site. b. Wet down areas in the late morning and after work is completed for the day;4 . Attempt to phase and schedule constriction activities to avoid high ozone days (first stage smog, alerts); d. Discontinue construction during second stage smog alerts. 10. This conditional use permit shall not become effective until Zone Change No, 93-3 h,asbeen approved by the City Council and in effect. (pcOO04-a2), 0 Condi,tiont =iJse Pe-nit NTo. 93-391 TO,tative Tract No. 14700/ Coastal Development Permit No. 93-?a Page Eight QQN.3ITt , NT c F .4 R VA NT&TIV T A T N . 47 O 1The tentativf trac,:}dated received h4arch 4, 1994, shad be the approved layout with the folk wing tnodifcatiora: a. Include the 'remnant of Clay Street. b.' Provide a minimum 15 foot wide landscape easement adjacent to Clay Avenue and Seapoint Street c. Revise layout pursuant to Exhibit "A and Exhibit "B" (attached) datedMarch 8, 1994. 2. Public Works requirements are as follows, The fol!owin conditions are re aired to be completed prior to the recordation of the final bnap urdess othenvise stated., If the final maps are phased, then theseyconditions shall be applied to each map. Bondiia,xna}hbe substituted for construction in accordance with provisions of theSubdivision Jap Act. a. Submit a separate utility plan shoeing all underground utilzties along with water system improvements including service connections to each building fire hydrants, valves, baclkflow devices andd,otht appurtenances in accordance with all applicable sectikh of the Uniform: Plumbing Code, City ordinances, Public Works standards and Water Division design criteria and Water Division Rules and, Regulations for the Use of Reclaimed Water. These plates shall be submitted and approved by the Public , 7orks Water Department and Fire Department prior to any construction. b. Irrigation services shall be provided per the requirements of the Det'elopment Agreement and the Holly Seacliff Specific Plan. c, All public water systems shall be, located w Thin vehicular travelways in an easement dedicated to the City, or as othenvise approved by the Water Operations Manager. The I-; omeownerS Association shall be responsible for the cost and repair of any=enhanced, pavement it the water facilities refit All public water s}stems shall be designed and installed per the City of Huntin Water Division's Design Criteria, Standards Drawing and Specific on Beach 1 Conditional Use Permit No. 93-391 Tentative Tract No, 14700/ Coastal Development Permit No. 93-23) Page Nine e. A backflow device acceptable to the N ater Division shall be installed on each water service;' including irrigation services as applicable. All backilow devices shall be painted to match. the surrounding aesthetics. The-Markings, indicating the size, model number and serial number, shall be permanently affixed to the body of the backflow device and must remain visible after painting: f Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to submittal of The utility plan to Public Works. All fire hydrant laterals shall be located in a vehicular travelway in ari easement dedicated to the City Each water meter shall be sized per the latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, Any residence requiring a type 13-D fire sprinkler system shall have a 2" domestic Ovate service per Standard plan 603-B. Any water service found to be within a driveway shall'; be removed eon nnletely and re-i staled at the proper.location at no cost to the w'ater „rivision. A.ffer the plans are approved, if the building plan changes, and, as -a resulty& water service is found to be sized incorrectly, the service shall be Temove6 completely and replaced with the coz ect size servi ce at no cost to the Water Division. h. On-street parking, located on curved streets, shall,be restricted as necessary to be provide for proper site distance as determined by the City Engineer. i. Sewer systems within private streets shall be owned Viand maintained by the homeo\ner`s association. j. Interior streets and utilities there a,shail''he desifiited and constructed in accordance :with, the Department of public Works S'landard," k. Signing, striping and street: lighting shall,beU.. Igned and constructed in accordance with public \\Torks Standards.. All vehicular access rights to the south side of Clay Avenue shall be released and relinquished to the City of Huntington Beach, except at locations approved by the Planning Commission. ni. The er;cineer or surveyor preparing'the final m;ap shall tie the boundary of the map to the Horizontal Control System established by the t, unty Surveyor in'a manner described in Sections 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange--County Subdivision Code and. Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 8. ATTACH -AE T NO (_Al Conditional Use Permit No. 93-39/ Tentative Tract No. 14700/ Coastal Development Permit No. 93-23 Page Ten n. Then engineer or surveyor preparing the final map shall submit to the County Surveyor a digital. graphics file of said map in a manner described in Sections 7-9-330, and 7-9-337 of the Orange, County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subartitae 18. o. A drainage system shall be designed to provide ,for srlt =t r :.' t and erosion control both during and after construction of the proposed project, P.Storm drain facilities, except those draining public s ; wt..hall be privately maintained. q. Hydrology and hydraulic studies shall by submitte ; o.blic \ orks approval. r. Existing and future utilities shall be installed u.nderrround. Underground utilityplans shall be "submitted to the Department of Public Works,for review and approval prior to construction of any underground utilities. Sewer and stone, drain easement widths shall be in conformance with the County of Orange Design Guidelines, or as approvedby the City Engineer. All landscaping in common areas shall be completed pursuant to an approved landscape construction set; or a bond may be posted w vith the Department of Public Works. u. Zone change Tlo. 93-2 shall be approvedby the City Council and in effect. 3. At least 60 days prior to recordation of the final tract maps CC&R's shall be submitted to and approved by the City Attorney and the Department of Community Development. The CC&R°s 'shall ref? :ct the common driveway access,p sements, and maintenar-, ofall walls and co nmon ladscape areas by the homeownefs '56ciation (j. CODE A F ` L'IST', 'S: The project shall comply with the Holly -SeacliffAffordable Housing Plan. 2. The development shall comply with all applkable.provisions of theordinance Code, be prohibited on Sundays and Federal holiday's. Building Division and Fire Department. 3., Construction shall be limited to Monday - Saturday 7:00 AM to 8:00 PI`S. construction shall Conditional Use Permit No. 93-39/ Tentative Tract NNo1147001 Coastai Development Permit No, 93-23 Page Eleven 4. Conditional Use PermitNo. 93-39,, Tentative Tract no. 14700 and Coastal Development Permit No. 93-23 shall become null and void unless exercised. within two (2) years of the date of final approval, or such extension of time as may be granted by the Planning Commission pursuant to a written request subrni red to theeCommunity Development Department a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date. I hereby certify that Conditional Use PermitNo,93-39, Tentative Tract No. 1 700 and Coastal Development Permit No,93-23 were approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach on March 15, 1994 upon the foregoing findings and, conditions. This approval represents conceptual approval only; detailed plans must be submitted for review and the aforementioned conditions completed prior to final approval, Sincerely, Howard Zelefsky, Secretary Planning Commission Scott Hess Senior Planner r P Pv EL"UWTUiEBBELAiRE/tJfLLCHES7"TEMATr 1RACTwV .a14Me01 1 artners,. Il CFw M.'lw, jy r..yy. to {HNa » 150 ? ,+pPs.:iU {rIrme - FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONSBEL AI REHOLLYSFACUfF SPFCIF)CPtAtWPANNINGUN Tltt-ZSeaciiff PartnersFLOOR PLtN$ELEVATIONSBEL AIRESeacliff Partners á