HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1997001 - Mailing Labels----------------------- ----------------- ---------------------
Parcel No. 1
North= 4979.0486
Length: 62.26
Delta:'10-58=31Chord: 62.16
Course In' S 66-27-4 E
RP North: 48'49.2528
End North: 4919.9479
Lone Course: N 67-50-00 W
North: 4956.4406
Length: 23.80
DFfta: 129-38-20
d !ord: 23.53
Course' In: N- 'B3-46-02 W
RP North: 4961.4345
End North : 4979.7080
Curve Length: 42.95
Delta: 45-34-23
Chord: 41.83
Course In: N 66-35-37 E
RP North:„ 5001. 1595'
;End North:'' 5021.5338'`
Couxs , Out:
Length:l, 96.72.
Course Out:
-7018 .2412
S 18-03-05 W
N '
,'`17-26-11 n
-'a 7r 7. a42..
12 ,17
N 0b-35-i3 W
N 66-:35-37 E
Radius: 54.00
T,gngent: 22 . 68
Course," N 00-3 ; -17
Couz se Out ;N 67-50-00
East: -70K .3,311
East. 713 1 , c 0
ngth: 3.21Tine' »Course : N 22.10--00"E L
North : 5024 5066
Course: S 67-50-00 E
`North: 4979.0455
Perimeter 34.9,.43 Area:
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses
Error Closure: 0.0044
Error North: -0,00309
Precision 1: 80,261.70
radii, : i do
c',: S 44-4-3
listed courses,
Parcel No, 2
North: 4956.4400
Line Course: S 67-50-00 E 1
North 4919.9473
Curve Length: 97.92
Course In:
RP North :
Curve Length:
Course In:
S 77-26-11 E
4 8 4 9 . 25,2 2
N 38 -43-14
RP North:. 4837.4555
End North: 018.7374
,-'Line Cot7rse : S 80-07-09 W
North: 4811.8562
Curve Length : 11.78
Chord: 11.78
Course .,In: N 09-52-51
RP North:, ,5.376.3568
953609End North: 48 :.}
East! -7190. 6477 ,:>"
East: -7103.950'5
1,ine Course : N 24r .r '-36 W Length: 120':39
ngth: 96.72
Tangent : 49.
Course: S 0
Course Out: S 835-1
Radios: 1Tangent
Coi4 se: S 65-41- -8..
Course Out.: S 09-52.51 E
East: -7056.0763
East ; -7052816 0
Length. 40.10
East: -7092 .3211
Couxse S 8,0-42-30 n
Radius; 5' 3.00
Tangent: 5.89
Course Out:' . C8.42-09 E
Nprth:4919.5531 East:-7153.7671
Curve Length:47.63 Radius:46.00
Delta:59-19-26 Tangent:26.20
Chord:45.53 'Course:N 35-53-41 E
Course In:.N 24-26-36 W Course Out:S 83-46-02 E
RP North: 4961.4302 East:-7172.8015
"End No:.4: 4956.4361 East:-7127,0735
Perimeter: 424.10 Brea:11,028.20 sq.ft. 0.25 acres
Napcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses; radii , and d eltas)
Error Closure . 0.0039 Course: S 08-43--48 V
Error North: -0.00390 East : -01.0000
Precision 1: 101,462.80
"Parcel No. 3
North: 4922.2592
Line Course: S 31-36-40 N
a; North: 4808.4651
Line Course: N 33-55-14 W
North: 003..2130
Line Course: N 03-04-03 W
North: 4962.2982
Line Course : S 87-54-51 E
North: 4958.1043
Length: 43.54
Delta: 54-14-04
Chord; 41.93
Lbourse In: N 85-50-44 E
RP North: 4561.4361
End North: 4922..2620
Length. 133.62
Eetw.: F'7 266.949,'Leng ;;h: 114.1:5
Easfi :3 3r . r*i6
Length: 59.17
East,: -7333.8326
Lengt : 1:5.23.
East : 21R R. 6 r3'n
Radius 4 6.. 00
Tangent: 23:56
77r:3h 4.Course S
East. 1 2 `79
East.: -7 1' ha
Perimeter ;, 465.75 Area: 12, 800.27 :gig. z,7 .
Error Closure : 0.002_)1:rt7r °:
E 7 * fr mP.^40 .Error North: 0 .002,73
Precision) 1: 158,124.37
.Mapcheck Closure - (Uses li s ted c rd*,, rse s, radii, ie, ""i1.',
Parcel No., 4
North: 4958.1015
Line Course: N 07/1-54-51 W
North: 4962.2955
"Course: N 03-04-03 W
North: 4968.1272
Line Course: N 26-09-01 E
North: 5048.5379
Line Course: S 61-50-00 E
North: 1007.4157
Curve Length: 15.41
Delta: 16- 1_115,
Chord: 15.36
Course In: N 58-20-44 W
RP North: 5035,7546.
End North, 49.95.6194
Curve Length : 41.88
Delta: 52-09-47
Course In: S 41-59-29 E
ChorO: 40.45
East : -7<.18,.
Length : 115:23
Length: 5.84
Length: 89.58
Length : 108. 99
Course Out:
Tangent :
Course Out:
54 ,00
S 39_49_53 W
S 41-59-29 E
S 21-55-38 W
S ,85-50-44 w
RP North: 4961.4301 East: -7172.7958
End North: 4958.0976 East -7218,6749
Perii'neter:-' 376.93 Area: 7,959.77 sq. f't. 0.18 acres
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas,,!
Error Closure:: 0.0065 Course; S 52-46-50 ,E
Error north: -0.00393 East: 0.00515
Pzecisi on 1: 58, 160.17
North: 5099.70`40
East: -71-1 7.780'7
Length : 116.92
East, 722'75 39
Line Course: N 43-02-48
North : 5185,14.89
Line Course: N 35-25-14
Length 8O. 71.
Course:S 79-25-00 E
Course:S 10-25'7149 E
North:5118 .6;""012
Cgyurse In: S 10-25745
REE North: 5644.1570
Ez}d North: 5099 .697'1
Length ', 49.36
Lengt 11, 125.02
East: -7 1&9-,6,,
Course: S 63-15_4
Tan gent: 22.
E Course Out : N
E.',": c .r' )4
Perimeter : 415.28 Ar.'es: 10, $15.45 sg. ft. . .- r ..
Mapcheck _ Closure - (Uses .l .i..t+;id
Error Closure: 0 .0076 Curse: S .iTt;1W r C
Error North: -0.00633
Precision 1: 54,894,58
Parcel No. 6
North: 5118.9075
Line Course: N 10-25-49 W
North: 5241.8617
Line Course: S 79-25-00 5
North: 5227.3099
Line Course: S 05-49-50 W
North: 5114.089
Line`4''Course: N 67-50-M-47
North: 5l14 .548 2 .,
Curve Length.: 43.24
Delta: 32 -35-49
Chord: 42.66 ,
Course In: S 22-10-00 W
RP North: 5044.1654
End North; 5118.9096 East: -7109-664
Perimeter : 362.69 Area: 7,029.86 sq. ft°.. 0.16
Mapcheck Closure-,- (Uses listed courses, radii, and delta;),
Error Closure: 0.002 9 Course N 45.28-46 W
Error North: 0.00206 East: -0 -00209
Precision 1: 123 ,695.66
Course: N 04--f
East 9.1 17-1,1
East:. °-f +,2
E,as t
Tangent: 42'2 ,
urse Out: N 10-28.
East: -709`x, 9
P rce1 No
North: 5114.0382
North; 5092.1501
Perimeter: 359.20 Area: 6,769-49 sqFl_. : .res
Napche9ck Closure ?Uses listed rco:.:r ne. ,> adl , =fin ,z a
Error Closure: 0.0050 4
Error North: 0.00498 E-;xst" : u. s
Precision 1: 71, 7866.19
.ine Course:N 05-49-50 Z
North: 522 7.3092
Line Course: S 79-25-00 E
North: 5224.7164.
Line Course: S87 -35-00 E
North: 522-3.005 5
Line Course: S 05-49-=50 W
North: 5092.1559
Line Course: N 67-50-00 W
North: 5114.043-2-
Course: N 05 -49-50
North: 5222.9997
Course! S 87 -Lt-00
North: 5220.5334
Course: S 02 -25-00
Course In' :
RP North:
End Noth:
Curve Length:
Course In:
RP North:
N 35-0 0
N 13-52-27
---------------------------------- --------------
East: -7065.9816
Length' 113.86
East -7U54.4 1 51
Length: 13,799
Eas*: -7c40.
Length: 42.00
East :
Lengt h: 1-31-53
Lengt h: 5x.01
7 t','111
,fai'r' q h :
End North : 5077.7247 E,a;:t,:
Lipp , Course: N 67--t0-00 W :.eng'.:: i s .• . 4
North : 5092.1489 East
Perimeter: 387.02 Area. 8,:
Mapeheck Closure - (Uses
Error Closure: 0.0073
Error North: -0.00121
Precision 1: 53,248.83
North: 5401.2710'
Line Course: N 59-40-20 c
North: 5457.9512
Line. Course : N 15 -12-30 E
North ;: 5500 . 9,120
East : -706a,
gth: x,12.25
East: -7160.5212
Lenqtki: 4 4 , 52
East : -7148.8423
Line Co urse: N`;t82-24-36 L Length: 81.58
North: 5511.6887
/',)Line, Course: S 15-13-38 E
'7-North: 5414.8039
Curve Length: 26.21
Delta: 32-'"6-59
Chord 25.z6
Course In: S 15-14--29-
RP 'North: 5370.4219
End North: 5401.2668
Precision 1: 59,453.90
Eas 9671
Tangent : "3.47
C'ourse . S
Course-nut: :7 47-5:3-25 W
Eas'. ?29..01,..
Perimeter: 364.98 Area. 8,114'1-45 s'=I-ft. C'.'i' «rr
Mapz-neck Closure -; (Users listed e.,,surs :s, r cliff, and
Error closure: 0.6061 C-oura.e, 3
E'rri ?r North: 0.00418 a st:, . 'r {z x '
Parcel NO. 10
Line Course : N 78-03-55 E
North: 5414.8081
Line Course : N 15-? ?-3 ? W
North: 5518.76;
Line, Cou :'se: 8_.187-35-00 E Le
North: 5516.5366
Line Course; S 02-25-'00 'W7 Le
North: 5414.6873
Line Course: N 87 -35.00 W Lengt .. 4-'
Curve Leng hh: 14:18
Delta: 17-39-29
Chord: 14.:_12
Cou'i.:;e In: S W
RP North: 5370.40 7..
End 'N'orth: 54 14-5092
Perimeter; 342, 63,1
Mapcheck 0l,6sure S "t es
. Precision' 1: 74,388,7
Error )7,losure; 0.0046`
Error North: 0.00110
Parcel No. 11
t orth: 5,1114.6861
Lines Course: N 02-25-0U E Long
North: 5516,5954
1f iiFLine
Cot arth: 513 78u4
Length: 89.04
Delta: 15-13.-46
Chord: 8 ..7
Course In:' S '72--21-14 E
RP North: 5412.2295
End North : 5426.3552
Lne: Course: S 02-25-00 WNorth: 5415.844.6°
Length: 11.69.
1}*,:.i ".. k .43
y y y A j
our e 1 L4".:: : Fq T
Sas#'_+ '"rgsue.''
East:: tJ331
h: 10..,52
East_: -6932-21V 38
Rad3.,us: !19.00
delta : 35-14 --;3.3
Chord: 11, 5O
Course In: N 32-49-35 'i
RP North :05 431.8106
And North: 5412.8275
Line Course: N 87-35-00 v Lem_
North: 5411 684 3
Perimeter : 324.5
Mapehenk closure - c "es ?.a.:sM
Error Closure: Q.DD$
Error North: --0.58162
Precision 1: 36, 994..88
Par el No 12
North: 5661 .'84 9'i+
Line Course: N { 9-46-fr
North: K7501 35
Curve Length: 43.377
Delta: 33-34-47
Chord: 42 .75
Course In: S 10-2 0-0)
RP North ; 557.413
End North : 5665.4031
Curve Length: i8.0,
Delta: 55-0-46
Chord: 17.58
Course In: S 23-14-47
RP North: 564 7,9 456
En 3 North «5651.7745
Line Course : S;, 43-oD-':=t'" iv
Oor sh: 5640.70 1_'*,
Course In:
RP North:
End North:.
Line Course:
Line Course :
141 . 73
S 4--10 --z6
5412 ,231s
5511,7 0 7,
67-31-SO '41
10-17-0 E
Perimeter: 463.81 ArRe:a *
t.epcheck Clos ure ;UE,
Error Closure: 0 .53.3
Error Nth: 0.10111
Precision 1 : 141, 71 4.13
the 5601.1 51;,
Curve Length; 423D
Delta: 53-13-
Chord: 41.09
Course In: N 10-24-17
RP North: 5653.4826
End North: 5632 , 8512
Tangent: 6.04
Course : 1 74747-1 ? W
C: ;, rsu out>c f 7-2 OG., t•+
East: --6942.5116
Ea M -694 3,34 1
4-'..s" .`<7.r".., 0.14 anxe':
raAQ and dell=
-0. Up r"
Curve Length: 50.07
Delta: 53-07-48
Chord: 48.30
Radius : 54.00
Tangent : 27.00
Course :N 53-50060E ;Course I n : S 63 -27-48 V WCourse Out: N 12-23"00
RP North: 5606,7256
End North: 5661.8497
On; -Y7 2 ,4 t'1' ,
Eat: : -601.184
Line=; Course: S 10-51-18 W Length. 141.96
North: 55 15.6043 East: -0900.4936
Line Course:' N ?7-35-:10 W Len gth:60. t 4
North:5518.1612 .TMf43:ir:. ... a: 9_
Course:N 10-57-18 E Lengt h:i r92M
North:5609.1637 Et: -7 0 0 .650)
Pe';"deter :393.'=4
Mapcheck" C1_ sure Woo
Error Cr.osure: 0.002
Error North : 0.00176
Precisi on 1: 13 1 .2'
l iste i soirees, ra .L , 1»i,.i
Caume:N 03-44-26 .,-
Parcel Nor z4
North: 56.08.1; 90
Line oursfi
North : 5516.1 525
Line curse: it 57 --
North: VS.-,
Line Course : S MOM-,;
Line Course; 0 $2-. 4- 6
North: 5500.974
Line 'Cour'se: N 15 - -
Norrh. 550.8:
Line Course : N 13-42-J
Nort h: 505.325C
Line Course: N 49-17-44
North: 561"rt
Curve Length: 31.57
Delta: 49 -17 -i!
Course int N -36-0 -4 ,14
RP Nor th: 453.047
End North : 56r38.1rs}t;+
Perimeter : 428.15 Ares:
Mapcheck Closure - !Q . e
Error Closure : 0,,.0085
rror North : 0.00171'
Precision it 50,121.0 `•
Parcel No ,_15
Nvr'ti'h: 5617', 5942
Line Course: S 40-17-44.
North: 552N..:;3i3 a
oLine Cuarse; N 13-42-614
North: 5582,557'1
Mrs:;_ Cour se: N 06-46-16W
North: 5639.1461`
Line Course: N 84-57-05`.
Ant :.-`,
Length 141
.4 1 08C'
Length: 5092
U s ti -71 61,0647
Length: $7.3
Length: 111.'46
Curve Length:
Course In:
RP North:
End North:.
N 84-57-05 E
Perimeter: 406.27 Area:
East: --7056.7837
Radius: 46.00
" angerst: 19.56
:'"Course: S 28-05-01.E
Course Out: 3 38-52--54'AN
East : 7010.96274.
East-, -7039.8';370
9,044.73 sg. tt . €0.21 an ee.
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses li s ted Bourses, ra dii, and deltas)
Error Closure:0.0033
Error North;Q.00255
Pre ci s lon 1 121,676.44
Course: U 40-06-22j E
East : 0 .00215
Parcel No. 16
North: 5649.3545
Lime Course:S 84--57-05 W
Line Course:N 06-46-16 W
Line Course:N 21'52-22 E
Line Course:S 48-40-25 .
Curve Length:34.39.
Course In: S 52 -1 l 1 E
RP North: 56653-4033
End North: 5649.355
Mapcheck Closure - (Use:
Error Closure : 0.0026
Error North: 0.00074
Precis ion 1: 159, 824 65
North: 5681: ,5856
'Line Course : 11 48-48-20 W
.North: 5766.4328
Line Course : N 21-5 2-22 5
North:. 5825.101
Line Course: S 71-25-56 5
North. 5797.7267
Line Course : S 10-20-00 E
North: 5717.9618
North: 5698 3980
Course: S 11-9.22 E
Length : 32:30
Chord: 31.64
Delta: 40-13-39
Course -In: S 11-59-22
R,1 t'lorth; 5653, 4015
End North: 5681 5845
E ast:
Esc: t: 71t.
Lc nqt.. 63.4'-
Ea.,,t :
Eas t ;
East;" ;':s
Ea s t :- 7„
,Coarse : S 5?- -48,.
Tan gent:
Course' out: N 52-13--01,'.'W
East.: 010.964:2
East : -7047.3 ,176
Mapaheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas)
Error Closure: 0,.0D24 Course; S 61-26-26 E
,:-Error North: -0.00113 East: 0.00208
Precision 1: 173,780.31
Parcel No. 18
North: 5698.3992
Line Course : N 11-59-22 KY-I North : 5717.9629
Line Course : N 10-20-00 W
North : 5797,7278
Line Course: N 77-29-42 E
North: 5806.934$
Line Course: N 79-40-00 E
North: 5608.2816
Line Course: S 10-20-00 E
North: 5707.2866
Line Course: 5 79-40-00 W,,,
North: 5698.6605
Curve Length: 1.33
Delta: 1-39-22
Chord: 1.33
Course In: S 10-20-00 E
RP North: 5653.4066
End North: 5698.4031
East ; -7020.5200
Length,. 20. 00
Ease. ; - 7024.6 7 46
Length: 81.05
East : 1G39 1 P, 3
gth: 42.52
East: -6997.7070
Length: 7.51
East: -p;.±'a .338
Length 102.66
East: -C C4
Length: 8.09
East: 7 0 .1 2
kurS ;t
se Out.:r
Ea st. - V
Perimeter : 303.20 Area:
Mapcheok Closure (Uses
Error Closure: 0.0042
Error North: 0.00397
Precision.. .: 72,349,03
North: 5717.2683
Line Course: S 79-40-00
North: 5707.2825
Line . Course : N: 10-2 -00 W x., x gr .
North,: 5808.2714
Line Course : N 79-0-j r: E Le,
North: 5818.:;632
Line ,Course- S 10-20-00-
North: 5711.26113
5, 7i4, 9i1sg. t.t f, zr
Mapcheck Closure (Uses list
Error Closure : 0.0000
Error North: 0.00000
Precision 1: 316,660,000..00
Parcel No. 20
courses, radi i, m d.
Gout ? Y0- 00-0 i.
'North: 5717.2683 East : 6917.1392
Line Course :N 10-20-00 W LLenrgth: 102.66
North; 5818.2632
Line Course: N 79-40-00 E
North: 5826.4445
Line Course: N 85-09-33 E
North: 5828,7939
Line Course: S 05-39-Q0 W
North: $743..4007
Line Course: S 00-15-34
North: 5723,4009
Curve Length: 23.29_
Delta: 10-35-34
Chord: 23.26
East; -6935.5538
Length: 45.61
East: -6890.6836
Length: 27.84
East; -6862,:,9429
Length: 85.81
W Length:
Course in; S 00-15-34 LW
RP North: 5597.4022
End North : 5721.3586
Line Course : S 79-40-00 W
North: 5717.2599
Perimeter : 328.06 Area:
East: --6871,3910
East: --6871.4815
Radius: 126.00
Tangent; 11.68
Course, S 84-57-47,W
Course Out: N 10-20.00 N
East: -6872.0521
East; -6894.6533
Length: 22.85
East . _6917.13271
6,090-00 sq. ft. 0.14 arrr,
Mapc'heck. Closure -- (Uses fisted co
Error Closure: 0.0106 -
Error North: -0.00837
Precision 1 ; 30,897.15
Parcel No. 21
North: 5716.3433
Curve; Length: 41.83
Delta: 19-01-17
Chord: 41.64
Course In; S 19-16-51 '7
RP North; 5597.4105
Enci No the 5723.4092
Line Course: N 00-15-34 E
North: 5743.4090
Li.n "- C76urse: N 05-39-00 E
North: 5828.8021
Line Course: S 89-24-47 E
North: 5828.0475
Line Course: S 47-00-00 E
North- 5816.'3491
Line Course: S 29-42-19 W
North: 573 5.2281
Course: S 19 -16-51 N
North : 5716.3499
Cyr radi i, and dolt
Coursse : : 3'7 -58-16 %.
East , k1.00653
Ei..3t: -66-2, iRr
,rA 0':t Fz `,O-lr-44
'i a rr l ,11
Co x..&L':5 IN 83.13-4
Ea t: -66,x.4
Len,,'.1t:.h: . r
Leength; 65. 1
Perimeter : 351_69 Area: 7,
tiapchec k Closz1re -.(Uses listed
. Error Closure: 0.0066
Error North; 0.00656
1?recisjon 1:. 53,417.4
adi.i, and delta.ii
,,:r e,; N G5-08-'e"!W
Ea:3t -O.. u0'x r 9
North: 5716.3433 East, -6830 .4537
Line Course: N 19-16-51 E Length: 200.Q0
North 5735.2215 East : -682':
'Line Course: N.29-42-19r E Length: 93.97
,North: 5816.8425 East: -6777
Line Course: S 47-00-00 F,;w
North: 5804.7371
Lin e, ,_„ourse, S 48-31-08 E
North: 5768.293.3
Line Course: S 43-00-00 W
North: 5696.4232
Curve Length: 9.29
Delta: 28-00-4u
Chord: 9.20
Course In: r. 07-37-24 E
RP North: 5715.2552
End North: 5699.8130
Curve Length: 35.96
Delta: 16-21-13
Chord: 35.84
Course In : S 35-38-04 W
RP North: 5597.4064
End North: 5716.3392
Length : 17.75
Length: 55.02
Length: 98 .27
Course Out,
Perimeter : 330.26 Area , 6,278.25 s1j.ft, 0,14 acres
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii.,and deltas ;
Error Closure : 0.0046 Course: 3 29-14--:)4? 11
'Error North:. -0.00405 East: -~0.)02:'
Precision 1: 71,079.02
Parcel No 23
North: 5886.9065
Line Course, !;,33-10-00 E
North: 5044.4082
Curve Length: 9.11
Delta: 27-28-23
Chord: 9.02
Cou'rse In: S 56-50-00 W
?P North: 5834.0138
End North : 5835.8988
Curve Length: 34.58'
Delta: `7-37-10
Chord: 34 .55
Course In : S 39-22-50 E
RP "North,, 5634.9320
End North: 5812.2516
Line Course: S 43-00-00 W
North: 5768'.2973
Line Course: N 48-31-08 w
North: 5804.7410
Line ourse: N 43-00-00 E
North: 5886.9086
Fast: -6,-f,3
`rri 1 . r9East:
Mapcheck Closure - Uses listed courses, radii, a,nd deltas.
Error Closure: 0 .0022 Course: N 39-42-18 E
E'r,ror_ North: 0.00168 East: O. C}g139
Precision 1: 147,812.27
Parcel No. 24
-6757 , 0470North: 5938.94'11 --East:
Line, .Course : N 86-50 -00 E Lengt h: 17.43
E a-1 t:
Radius:126, 0[
Tangent:18.1 7
Course:N 62-32 -3 2 ;r7
Course Out :N 19-16-51 E
East : -60' 7,618
Length :ri: `t
«`.Ciur f. Out` :
N `ri8-22-16 W
S 35-38-04 W
6 6 5,24
S 13- '-8 ...
N 84-1 .
%:Fm•, « Y WE
`,'ar.g nt : 17 .
X3!yyMC.% rs S 46-48 ew W
East;r,"" ..`0 22
Length: `L
North:5935' .9100 East: -6739.6436
Curve Length:
Radius: 29.00
Tangent: 16.74
Chord:29.00 .Course, S 63-10-00 F
Course In: S 03-10-00 E Course Out: N 561-50-00 E
RP North:5910.9542 East:. -6738.0416
End North:5926.8195 East, -6713.7662
Line Course:S 33-10-00 E Length: 47.68
North:5886.9073 East: -6687.6816
.Line Course:S 43-00-00 W Length: 112.35
North:5804.7396 East; 67"64,3041
Line Course:N 47-00-00 W Length: 34.17
North:5828.0436 East; 6789.2945
Line Course:N 89-24-47 W Length: 1.50
North:5828.0590 East; -6790,7944
Line Course:N 16-55-43 E Length. 115.91
North:5938.9464 Eas t; -6-a=.7.€04 f3
a=:reu,,Perimeter :-,359.42 Area-, 7,597.1'3 sg. ft . O .J.7
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed ,:ourse s, radii, and delta .
Error Closure : 0.0033 Course : S 78-06-03 E
Error North: -0 .00068 East: `).03324
Precision 1: 108 ,647.73
Parcel No. 25
Norte ,: 5934.6817 East : -68'31.1.444
Line Cours e: N 86-50-00 E
North: 5938 .9474
Line Course : S 16-55-43 14
North: 5828.0600
Line Course N 89-24 -47 W
North: 5828.5689
Line Course : N 03-24-44 5
North : 5934.6804
East : -Fx '1.',423
length; 49.68
Length: 106,13Q
Perimeter : 349.11 Area: 6,830.81 sr4.ft.
Mapcheck Closure (Uses listed 4: ` urse5,r ad",
Error Closure : 0.0016 ,ursE,;
Error North : -0.001 28 Eo-l:F#':
Precision 1 : 220,857.02
North 5931.9014
Line Course: N 86-50-00 E
North. 5934.6816
Line Course: S 03-24-44 W
North: 5828.5701
sine Course: N 89-24-47 W
North: 5828.8004
Course: S 85-09-33 W
Course: N 03-24-44 E
North ; 5931.9 3171-1--East,
Perimeter : 312.59 a e c 5, 68.99 sq .ft. 0.12 acres
Manzheck Closure -.Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas)"
East. -6884.
East: -6834.1431
Length: 50.33
East: -6 1'1'<401.4-M4
10x6, 30
r, f
Length: 27.84
Length: 10.5;64
Error Closure : 0.0061
Error North : 0.00235
Precision 1: 51,094.54
Parcel No., 27
. North: 5929.1210
Line Course: N 86-50-00 E
North: 5931.9013
Line Course: S 03-24--44 W
North: 5826.4486
Line Course: S 79-40-00 W
North: 5817,2161
Line Course: N 03-24-44 E
North: 5529.1174
Course: N 67.23-06 W
East: -0.00565
East: --6934.6536
Length: 50.33
East: -688 .4,4004
Length: 105.64
East : -6990.6880
Length: 51.47
Easy. -69 41-3232
Length: 112.10
East: 6934.6511
5,443,63 sq. ft . 0.12 acre
Map:check Closure - (0ses ,..fisted co u rses, radji, and deltas j
Error Closure : 0.0044 Course : 8 34-09-38 E
Error North: -0.00360 East 0,00244
Precison 1: 73,410.21
Primeter: 319.55 Area:
North: 5929.1210
Line Course: S 03-24-44 W
North :` 5817.2197
Line Course: S 79-40-00 W
North: 5806.9398
Line Course: N 63-24-44 S
North: 5910.3362
Curve Length: 9.36
Delta : 11-39-10
Chord : 9.34
Course in : N 28-23-01 W
RP North: 5950-8063
End North ; 5,91,5.5870
Curve Length 34.75
Delta: 36-52-12
Chord: 34,15
Course In: S 40-02--12 E
RP North: 5874..242.
End North, 5928.1604
East,: -6934 , 6",36
Length: 112,10
Length- 7-31
E`as : 6997. a6
Length 10$.58
-69 9T-i411
4i ^"10
N `a -4,4
Course Cut; " 40-02-11 E
.7cc t: -69"
Radius. 54.1'1110
Tangent: 18,00
Course : N 68 -2,3
urse Cut: N 03-11-
Ear t: -6! =9 ''. ,
East.. -6A' 2.0
Line Course: N 86-50-00 E Legg
t 5 .123229Norh:9
Mapcheck Closure - (Use,,
Error Closure : 0.0071
Error North: M G219
Precision 1: 47,25"6.98
4 5
a:6, 236.16 ;4q. t . 0.14 ages
isted courses , radii, and deltas)
Course: N 71-58-03 W
East , : -(..'06'73
East: 6991 .5393
Length: 103.58
North: 5910.3337
Line Course: S 03-24-44 W
North:5806.9374 East: -6997.7043
Line Course: S
77-29-42 W
Length; 42,52
East: -7039.2156
Line Course: N 71-25-56W Length: 51.76
Lit '- Course N 32-47-29 E Length 110.72
Curve -'Length:37.98 Radius:46.00
Delta:47-18-09 Tangent:20.15
Chord :36.91 Course:14 85-16-03 E
Course In: N 18-55••07 E Course Out:S 28-23-02 E
RP North: 5950.8041 East:-7013.4031
End North: 5910.3341 East:-6991,5358
Perimeter : 346.56 Area. 6,797-99 sq , ft .01 6 acres
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas)
„Error Closure: 0.0036 Course: N 83- 45-57 E
Error North: 0.00039 East: 0.00353
Precision 1:--97,506.60
Parcel No. 30
North: 5907.2887
Line Course: S 32-47-29
North: 5814.2121
Line Course: N 71-25-56
North: 5825.1055
Line Course: N 19-19-46
North: 5910.1455
Line Course: N 72-46-45
North: 5938.8806
Curve Length : 45.00
Delta: 56-03-18
Chord: 43.23
Course In: N 74-58--23
RP North', 5950.8070
End Northl\ 5907:2918
East . -70 ,32)9
W Length: 110. ;
East :-7,
W Length: 34.2
W Length : 9012
E Lengt h;97.0
Perimeter. ij77.11 Ares
ad i.u„;: •ik-.+'.
anger:t :
urse Out:
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses 1isf-isd
Error Closure: 0.0034
Error North: 0.44317
Precision. 1: 112,293.74
Parcel No. 31
0e: N 14-12-54
North : 5980.9991 East: -704
Line Course : N 65-04-57 W Length : 127.5;
North: 6034.7334 East:
Line Course: N 28-09-16 E Length: 82.89
North: 6107.8157 East:
Line Course: 1J 89-58-Q7 E Length; 67,08
North : 6107.8525 'East w
Line Course : S 15-42-44 E Length : 1).7;14
4orth 5995.0895. East
Curve. Length 26.70 Radius:
Delta : 33-15-37 Tangent:
Chord: 26.33 Course:
Course In: S 15-42-44 E Course Out:
East: '7; 3 '322
RP North: 5950.8084
End ,North: 5981:, 0038
East: -7013.4058
East: -x7048.1080
Perimeter: 421.35 Area: 10,975-58 sq.ft. x,.25 acres
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and, deltas)
Course In : S 33-42-12 '
RP North: 5950.8025
End North: 5995.0837
MapcheckClosure (Uses listed
Error Closure: 0.0042
Error North: -0.00127
Precision 1: 89,570:20
North: 5987.4168
Line Course: N 05-10-00 W
North: 6107.9724
Line Course:. N 89-56-07 5
North: 6108.0030
Course:..S 03-10-00 E
North: 5997.4221
Course: S 72-52-25 C
North: 5990.5312
Curve Length : 1=0r.. 7 2
Delta : 13-57-35
Chord: 10.69
Course In: N 17-07-35 W
RP North: 6032.5801.
End North: 5988.6473
Line Course S 86-50-00 W
North; 5987.4133
Perimeter: 34.3.70 Area.,
rso Out : N 15-4-°-44
Ea. t: 4u2k
cours ees, rid: i ,w m
Length: 'W.20.74
Lengt h: 55.75
East •-F,'7'
Length: 110.15
East -6
Length; 23,40
R'idius,` 44.0
Tann-sent : 5..39
Cot rsj--t 5 79-51-12 t`r
Course'' out, S 03-10-01"? E
East: -6802.4166
East: -6799.9860
Length: 22 35
East -6822.291.9
Parcel No. 32
North ; 5995.0849 East : --7025.6636
Line Course :N 35-42-44 W ,Length : 117.14
North :ol07.8479 East: -7057,5957
Line Course :N 89-58-07 E Length: 78.40
Lgorth:6107.8908 Ea: 679 .x8`>.z
Line Curse :S 03 -10-00 E Length: 126,16
North:5981.9235 Fast: -6972.2166
Curve „Length :17.29 Ra<1ius; X4.0!
Delta:18'2G-37 Tangent: 8.72
Chord:17.21 Coursi?; N 6i -2" -
Course In : N 15-21-35 E Couurse Ouut: 3 33-42-11'
RP North :6033.9947
End North :5989.0709 East:-6987.J9774
Curve Length:39.67 Rad i us :4.6, tf
Delta:49-24-55 Tannn* :2 1. 1'?
Chord:38.45 Course: t1 ?1-9--1 ),
Error Closure: 0.0047 Course: N 09-11-44 E
Error North: 0.00462
Precision 1:, 90,117.63
East: 0.00075;
Mapcheck.Closure - (Uses 1.,.,ted courses, radii, and deltas)
Error Closure:0.0048 Course: S 43-15-27 4
Error North:-0.00352,,East: 0.0033).
Precision 1:71,168.76
Parcel No. 34
North,.., p5997.4256
Line Course:; N 03-10-00 W
North: 6108.0065
Course: N 89-58-07 E
North: 6108.0439
Course: S 07-43-23 V1
North: 6008.0790
Length: 23.50
Delta: 20-23-50
Chord: 23.37
Course In: S 03-16-15 W
RP North: '5942,1865
End North: 6005.2599
East: -6767.0971
Length: 110.75
East: -6773.21501
Length: 68.30
Length: 100.88
Tangent :
Sc Ouut:
East -,
Line Course : S 72-52-25 W Len
North: 5997.4267
Ea t.
Perimeter: 330.02 Area: 6,062.
Mapcheck Closure - (Use
Error Closure: 0.0036
Error North: 0.00110
Precision 1: 91 ,1M55
-------- -
6 0 . 0 0
S s: »;Y 4-2 'r1
-6'74 .F7 3;;
+-, (1.14. .'s
ed ca,-rsj: :, rri.t
Parcel No. 35
North: 6008.0782 E
Line Course: N 07-43-23 E Leng
North: 6108.0431
Line Course : N 89-58--07 E Lengt
North: 6108.0959
Line Course: $ 49-44-57 E Le
North : 6099.9998
Line Course '. S 37-58-00 W
North: 5994.2165
Length: 39.97
Delta: 34-41-45
Chord: 39,36
Course I n: S 37-58-00 rTl
RP North: 5942:101
End North: 6008.0706
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses uis
Error Closure: 0.0046
Error North: -0.00157
Precision 1: $4,071.79
Len „a
Ea s t
Ea s t:
Tangen t : r , +} :
Copt e - N o w
Er1i -1
8, 17`'1, 18 st1, tt. ,Gr 1' ;s:.:.ros
d courses, ra°,x: :a:Y.de rd
Course: S 09-49.36 E.
East: 0.00)4 2 9
-------------- --------
East : -6301,.7,2 0
Line Course : N 13-00-00 W
North: 6102.0453
Curve Length: 60.32
Delta: 4-35-02
Chord: 60.31
Course In: S 07-19-15 W
RP North: 5354.1917
End North: 6091.974,7
East: -6336.5154
Radius: 754.00
Tangent ; 30.18
Course: S 50-23-14 E
u se Out; 17 11-54-17 E
East: -64 32.6541
East : -627`7.1153
Course : S 13-00-C;O E Length: 131.97
North: 5963 .381 ._East: -6247.4285
Course : S 77-00-00 W Lengt h- 55.67 -
North:. 5950.8641 East., -63'0.6717
Perimeter : 403.12 Area:
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses l i s
Error Closure; 0.0021
" Error North: 0.00205
Precision 1: 194,2'j -4A2
Length:, 155.16
8,016..54 sg.tt. 0.18 acres
ed coursers, radii, and delta;)
Course: N 108-49-18 E
k'.Eas t. 0.003
Parcel No. 37
North ; 5963.3850
Lino Course : N 13-00-00 W
North: 6091, 9726
Curve Length : 191.32
Deltas 14-32-17
Chord: 190.80
Course in: -11-54-l' W
RP North: 5354.1897
Enid North : 6029.3059
Line -ourse: S 33-40-27W
North: 6023.0976
Curve Length: $1.87
Delta 99-48-15
Chord: 71.90
Course In S 33-40-27 W
RP North: 5983.9840
End North: 6003.0032
Curve Length: 49.15
Delta: 53-07-48
Chord: 47.40.
Course In: N 66-07-48 W
J' RP North: 6024,4503
End North: 5972.8081
Eas : -6 .241.1
Length. 1314 . r4'?
Y`•N i 4 S
East: -C.4 32,
East -b .
Line Course: S 77-00-00 t ' Length;
North 5963.3877
.Perimeter 503.65 Are a: 10,9 56 s qq
, ncl r,,c=lMapcheck Closure (Uses lister :Our-e t,r'l,li
Error Closure: 0.0069 e:wurses;
Error North 0.002 71 East: 0.0
Precision 1: 73:,,327.70
North: 5943,2779
Length: 44.45
Uelta 54-11-12
Chord: 4.2.81
East: 40110:.5964
`Radius : 47-00
Tangent : 24-04
Course, N 32-54-35 £
Course In: N 29-59-49
RP ;.North: 5983.9823
End North: 5979.2193
Line Course:S 40-066-42 E
Line Course:S 88-04-43 W
North :5837.3490
Line Course:N 15-47-45 4T
Perimeter: 445.01 Area:
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses li,
Error Closure: 0.0039
Error North-, 0.00384
Precision 1: 113, 033.82
Parcel No. 39
North: 5943.2779
Line Course: S 15-47-45
North: 5837,3451
Line Course: :S 88-04-43 W
North:: 5835.8682
Line C`ourdje S 7'5-50-54 W
Nth: 5830.0567
Line Coarse: N 13-00-00 W
North: 5927.4158
Line Course: N 77-00-00 E
North: 5938.1887
"Curve Length: 13`94
Delta: 16-59-49
Chord: 13.89
Course In: N 13-00-00
RP North. 55983.9841
End North: 5943.2796
ourse Out: S 84-1.1-01 E
East: -6127.0942
East: -60)0.336::,
East: -5963.9214
East : S0 3 . 297
110.0 9
East. -x103.
9,41 .48 sq.ft. 1;22 s-rtrw,,.r
courses, radii, ir.ri
Course. N 1.%-4 44 t
;'eng :,ra
10 3, 99€4
l1r ,'( 9
.Ea! 74t..9.42,
4'7. ',•?
:.,t .
'a 6i 7-4 *
Perimeter: 339,6' Are
Mapcheck Closure - !Use;
Error Closure; 0.0047
Error North : 0.00171
Precision 1: 72,339.22
,North: 5913.9170
Line Course: N 77-00-00 E
North: 5927.4141.
Line Courser 13-00-00 E
North: 5830.050
Line- Course: S 75-50-54 W
North: 581 5.3822
Line Course: 0 13-00-00 W
North: 5913.9115
Perimeter: '?27 , 06 Area.:
East : -62"'L'-6426
.31 sq.ft. 0,314
Mapcheck Closure - ,(Uses listed caurss, radii, and Belt
Error Closure: 0,0065! Course: S 332--3-4Z E
%' Error North: -O. Q0 51 East: U.UU:i4b
East . -F 2 "'13 ,Length: 6'. -WO
Le,, ngth: 99.92
r]th: ; r0. 01
East: -6 1'.
ngth : 101,.I :.
Precision 1: 49,402.71
-------------------------------------- ------------------------
Parcel No. 41
North: 5900.0083 East: -6f ,1:5913
Line Course: N 77-00-00 E Length: 61.83
North: 5913.9170 East. -C 21.64b0
Line Courser S 13-00-00 E Length: 110
North: 5815 3887 EeastR s r<;;-r 'a8.
Line 'Course: S 75-50-54 W Lea g t:, .
North: '0900.2695 East:
Line Course: N 13-00-00 GVTLen* the 102
North: 5900.0 158 Est.
Perimeter: 321.17- Area.
Mapcheck Closure - j Uses listed
Error Clo;ure: 0.0075:;--,,r:
Error North: 0.00746 Gc'C
Precision 1: 43,60.6.981
Parcel No. 42
North: 5885 -836 -7 4`... .. .
Line Course : N 77-',O-00 P.
North: 5900-0086
Line Course : S 13-00-0C E L 1.1t.>. , ..
North: 5800.2623 . -> .,
Line Course: S 75-50-1514
North: 5784 .9726
Line Course ; N-113-JO-00 W
North: 58$5.8:394
Mapcheck Closure Use;
Error Closure ; 0.0027
Error North : 0.00271
Precision 1: 12,319.98
Parcel No. 43
North: 5871.2062
Curve Length 24,60
Delta: 2-58-46
Chord: 24.59'
Course In: S 15-58-4
RP North: 5416.4847
End North: 5877,3617
Line Course: N 77-00-00
North: 5885.8556
Line Course: S 13-00-00
North: 57:34,9688
Line Course: S 75-50-54 W
North: 5770. 6901
Line Course: N 1$_-23-20
North: 5871:2024
x x
j 4,
E Length: 103, 3
Eaa St
Length - 57.9:
East: -0
Length: 104.25
East: -64
Perimeter:2 7.96 Are.... 6,256.
Mapchecc. Closure - (Uses listed
Error Closure: 0.0073
Error North: -0.00577
Precision 1 : 44, 843.29
4 sq, ft.14- ,:ac:res
urses,, radii i, ::arid de l tas
Curse : S 37,.54-13
East -0, _`44'4
Parcel No. 44
North t 5851.3792
Line Course: N 72-05-42 E
North: 5866.5759
Curve Length: 15.90
Delta: 1-55-32
Chord: 15.90
Course In: S 17-54-18 5
RP North: 5416.4845
End North: 5811.2080
Line Course: S 15-2 * -l u:
North: 5770.6957
Line Course: S 75-50-14 4 E
North: 5755,61'".
Line Course: N 17-54-•19 ',1
North: 5851. '-W" 7
.asi;: 64E5f.038di
ilr.°,ngr .h: 49. 4.3
R ti J."
Perimeter : 330.89
Mapcheck Closure
Error Closure : 0.0031
Erro r.'-'North: -0.00e2 1',
P-- ecisio'a 1: 107, 9,::x.1
---------- ------------
Parcel No. 45
orth ; 5832'.9,327
L {{
Line Course; N 72-05 5-42 F
North : 5851.3791
LineCourse : S 17-54-18 f
North : 5755.8132
,Line Course; S 75-50-54 W
North: 5152.1165
Line Course; S 65-34-21 W
North : 5703.4244
Line Course : N 17-5,4-18 vW
North : 5832.9394
Per .meter;
Mapcheck Closure - (Use I
Error Cliisure :,''-:. 0013
Ear'.'s:rr North: 0.00663
Precision 1: 44,4 35A3
Parcel No. 46
North: 5805, 9771
Curve Length: 42.6511
4-_ , 00
T 1 -Z' 4
.;Chord: 42. 57 Ccur o: N ..,
Course Ip; S 3O-14'-5(E Course Out:1'7.E4-1n W
fry FOP Nort:. 1634.9329 fast : - 4 "i. _ +^_1
End Norh."3.34 'E t -4•" K fit ;
Line Course F
3 19
North:5632,93123 Ea::t,-i
Line Course:S -17-r -le E Length: ' 4.
North :5"3 3 .4 '73 Ea.
Line Course:S 65-34-21 W Length: S0,70
North: 5712.450+8 E; r 15
Line Course: N 30-11-5,-'i WWLe :ait D'. 2 6
North: 5605 .'21-722
Precision 1:65,
Error North:
Error Closure : .:1.001
Mapcheck Closur e
------------ ----------------
Parcel No. 47
End North; 589 r',.I
RP North: 5634-931-r .
Course In: S 4"-
Delta: 16-
Chord: 5'7.
57 .Curve Length:
North : 13-0. ?r'
Nort h: 575 3.»46 w
Line Course: 11
Line Course :Sts-':. i-S
Line 'curse: S 6 5-
North 6 5 6 q(. 24 :;
Line Course : S 39-
tr ,::. 5 6 3 0 3 ~. r;
Course: t4 47-00Line
Nort h ; `" , . 4i
);'Ipcheck Clo:"Pure
tkror Clos ure:
Error North:
Precision l: 1;
North. 5705.
a ne Cour a: N 4 3-0 3-"...+t°
Nc'irth : 57 0 . . 4 6a:
Line Course :S 47-00-O& E!
North: 5686 x"32
Line Course: S 3 - - ?
North: 5634. EI"0
Line Cou rse: N W loo
North: 57,05.1'M
Mapeheck Closure ` {Uses i.,:::ted courses, radii, and delta';.;
Error Closure- Q0062 Course: N 09-04-46 E
Error,,Norh; 0'.0009 East: n'0600
Precision 1: 54,O69 A
parcel No. 49
North: 5630. 5939 East -6166 .1 17
Course; S 4°'-O-_•Y E Lengt ; .
North: .35 X5.6959 East;_.M.Yf+-;4
rse: S 42-11-20 W Lw':qh:
North; 5519 A East: b-'J ,': 1 +
Line Course; N 49 -31-A fir` LO.Q i:: 111 -.
North ,,591 "-;+ East : -050 1,
Curve Length: . d Rad ^. n:
Delta: 2-00-K , : s:.:z=
Chord: 4
Course Sri : 3 9 ";. O-l
RE North: 54 22.2 2 6 7
End Worth: OVA
Lilt Coarse: N 4 :-10
MUM 5630.500
Mapchie c}. r' osum,,
Error Closure:
Error No the .r
Precis i on f.,, a v
Course Tn.
RP North:
End North.
Line Course: S
Line Course:
North :
Line Course:
2apehec ,k Clo s ur e -
Error Closure : 0.000
Error Nor th; Q. O 1; -1
Precision 1: ll6, 343
North: 510.2397.
Line Course: S,81--18--43 E
North: `5121,3035
Line Course:S 14-07.-26 Vv
Line Course :N 71-28-54 W
Curve Leng t h:46.93
Delta :7-39-20
Course In : N 13--40-23 w
RP North: 5190.4115
End North: S137.2403
Perimeter : 321.27
Length: 61-,84
Length; 104.01
Coarse Out :
Area: S,
Mapcheck C1o'jure - (Uses
Error Closure: 0.0015
Error North: 0.00051
Precision 1: 216,954.3?
Parcel No. 52
North : 5091,457b
Line Course : S 71-25-24 '
North ; 1058.4234
. 55 r :.-,
-6894 -1799
N 12-3 0-27 E
cournes, radi i. 's
Line Course : S 19-C1-4. W la•tgt,'i.
North: 5007.,4358
Line Course: N 65-4:--0 W L or.'j
North: 5 045 .4 40
Curve Length : 49.10
Delta: 7-59-34
Chord : 49,06
Course In: N 65.40.4
R? Nort h. 5190.517?
End North : 51.46 J
Perimeter: 3.A'
Mapcheok Closure -We s
Error Closure; 0.5092
Error North; 0,60 156
Precision 1: 33, 931..3'
Parcel No.
O j'lorth 5045.4493
Lino Course : a W 48- E Law
North 5003.4253
Tine Course:- S 19-01-42 W
North: 4Y92.5305
Line Course:-S,21-33-48 W
North: 4955 .4044
Line Course; N 68Y48-35
North: . 4996:.2682
Curve Length; 56.23
Delta 9-09-12
Chord: 56.17
ursn in: N 56-31-37
RP North: 5190 .4119
End North : 5045.4464
wpa, radii,
w:.`J± . -kfd4.E 1.E
rgth: '9,5
East: &112.101
nth: 113.09
Eas t.,F
?, 'j lti u ' RIM)
course; N 28-5 3-47 E
Cc'urs0 out: S 65-40-41 S
Eas t: -101 ,064
East: -6911.222<3
0.15 Area; V046.1
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses
Error Closure: 0,0030
Error North: 0.00012
Precision 1: 108,591.00
i.. ted courses , radii, and deltas)
Course: N 97-•47- 4 ',ri
Ea: t : -0.00304
------ -- -- -----_----__-__- _-----_..-_..-......-.. ----- ------------
Parcel No. 54
North: 4996.2683
Line Course: S 68-49-35 E
North: 4955.4045
Line Course: S 21-33-4.8 11
North; 4901.491$
Line Course: N 74-38-20 i^r
North: 4933.1561 .
Chord: 69.06
Course In: S 71-23-45
RP North: 4849.2563
End North: 4995.1
Curve Length: 1.35
Delta. 0.13--
Chord: 1.35
Easy:; -693945
Length: 113.0
Length.: $7.'Jlc
Length: 119. `:
Eas t:
Course In : N 5 r-18-L8 W
RP Worth ; 5190.416;
End North ; 4-9-96:2?24
Perimeter t a61.. 18 A-,
Map.check Closure - (I s 1;
Error Closure: 0.0042
Error North: 0.;00411
Precision It 86,74 5 .411
Line Course : S 74-:38-21J
North: 4901,487 .
Line Cour'se': S 21-33-48 c
North::;-4875 ..62.35
Line Course : S 00-53-39 E
North: 486Of0954
Line ,Cou,rrse: N 85-41-38
North: 4933.1,607
Length: 69.26
-Delta. 15-05-1°
North: 4869.Q028
Curve Length 651.63
Delta: 14.17.53
Chord; 65.46
Course In: S 85-41-38 E
EP North: 4849.2554
End North: 4.933.1598
Mapcheck Closure- - (Uses !is
Error Closur, e : 0.0070
Error North: 0.00366
'Precision 1 49,663.78.
L , L 't T..t zti
SSas t
: x
our s O ,i'_ t " 1 -
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