HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1979005 - Signed Application!?() t1t1? t,, ZONING ADJUSTMENTS ('.I1V 01= III I ( (iION t1''AC11 l1L/'l Sl et;?iro Co. i. . _. ti111t, t,t r,i 1'. 17th Street Sui te " ..' 1 tetC' 1099 Alpiltng r1rh1('e.. (714) 645-3120 a eli+uur'v1,Int,cr h ri Cc.. tnlpcrt'"2134 E. 17th $t. Suite 109 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 '11,1itinlt tdwrv" jiwi d Actium '1. Aplrltl#d [. ('ttnitlln ,tlSu 1,lipran 1,1 F-1 I)Ctueil' F'itlidrattn C1 lReNrrcd tti 11 (: Appealed- ' c,r , TO PERMITLotct_line adjustment l; - liC R A'r"I' 10 l-lL-7 LQ(;11TION 014 PIthPL 11:1 ` (.(+nlnlic,ion AY riuti 14,ta, u d 111.1 <'nr11°„r1t„ lips, f• lo,o1 "I l,r I41 t,% Ittlar•7.}ul+tc'kttr. Rlevdi Jilt'! of AUtla(+IVr 0,#r,r1 11.+I ,d+,1k r 1(t:rp'rPd 11,{t;n t.+ 11j , Yp111,4r[,1 YC'. 'fin 1. Stmct 40.41tdtC.,. /i f c Z 01,r:cti trans nearest inicr.rooo ; ctrtvt 4, \j w of nCare,t +ntcrw'4-ting.trier LEGAL i)t SCa(IPTI0N 1 to Section it} ut lltnttingtun Il 4 iI lit ANSIN(i I)hrAl( IMII,,N'11W Owi I'M I[Irntiugru)t fic4tcri. C, I1r'12 411 ICI 171 42 1 I1,111 ttl' lIt )l[JUti r r fl l' C! I A Sf t _, I 111x1 1+14+rir4uilr s` !-//YI L •trlc IIt +:rca •x 1,s°';.(,r: N•ar4e1 nutnhrr I11t,1 1.t4t 9 'Dirt rllt°ds MIN Ilrcloii< ("Ist 7 10' I).Iilli K.4ty t° _ or 2 _ frteS and Bounds: JuS`rIPICA,rIoN; rf err{ rrr;uf<:1 , 1111, L/: :, ,: t1•<. :! AR or PPA: State rt tunic ltd this sr.lie,t.lrid t.nl:zlt+Ik rinse r -qut ot,'1 )(v atcr Lot line adjustment to meet City's standard side line set back UPI ti" uu: rea,on% ttfir. the ear.iI ,,hnlrrrt. nl.Itntct,.rnct. or •+Isrs,ItI,on III abc ust or building applied tor 4rdl not be detri• ment,rr ' Ii I 1 'hi: rr:re % h irr oft licr„In, u+rst ng .rx ss„r long in Olt i ion tx. or 21 ltiluriott, to property and ilitlir (nI Mt t'!, :5: rltr c+r n=1; r.t ,'"Oh to,% ux I w!%Inng CL:rhI. objet t,r 01 .1 1 11111.1t,Irrit'O! 1lTII!O ;c 1* daflwlr ; propertte, 1n t*iv %i4rntt`w w m ztr:,ltr an Idrnll is i,onr I. I W'h* txrcpt(,Ini rh1;,01!; r.,ps11re„nr4 ,urri end'.•ig+a ih_it dcyir,i.r i t l T.'r%nrgr. n,sta.rl.'; t':tt and nun IIIgrint Spo.ial privlltTe. When considering, picasx rrcpond to the tollucw+ngt 1,.+„l+tr1S 111,1/.sdzng.,l c. ,h,tp., riphG.1nl:atiuntsr thr C- ,ndiitlnv,0 I Y4cIll.,,n 41gi+x .it +t -sF"a: a.zl pr:. -ltgr ynx r,.°( r S,rC rir YOit,i rftlr3ndl ilnYlt1l lfin5? (<Ind ooi 1 rttl•t,rs; r:(rc.4,Ir1 I.rw lltt `fh nphl" c,f.n7tl. t%0L: r.`'l=r ?..r :- a. pttsrk ': z.; ' ' N Fo IR D S£1Z s 14 tL4ti r(-:(d .r: r rtllrni) vndts 11ttl.tit} .t ' r'.. :f: w'..=;tt , € r att.'. tu r ...-s. ,. kn, 4i r, l Pet'awn on tlit $'11.5' ,,dr it IIU. 'pp, wr I r i 11>I' p9e,lirx Ilk 'rt ind tinru,. ttrcttt Ill a!Slr ,tx a'srrt .alrotanirat the ,lrtrz)4Frt'.t r:r tht pubic la,g; flu `;t;llplranenrtr, { VA T1.1I tlett,lr SUPPI,IiMI'.NT I'C) PLJITIONS BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS REQUIRED: OF ALL PETITIONS BEFORE 'IllE BOARD., 1. The petition must be typed or printed and filled-in completely. 2, if applicant is not the property owner, a letter of AI-141IORIZATION from the owner shall ac- company this petition. 3. Board of Zoning Adjustment decisions are final unless APPEALED to the Planning Commission, Appeals must be filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission within ten (10) days of such decision and shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrievement. In no case shall permits or licenses be issued until such time has lapsed. 4. Unless otherwise specified, ALE, petitions, if not acted upon, shall become NULL AND VOID one (1) year from the effective date., Petitions must be accompanied with six (6) plot plans, two (2) floor plans and two building elevations that have a minimum size of 8S5" x I1" and conform to the following requirements: a. Draw to scale, and indicate the scale and' Ndrth"direction arrow. b. Plot the entire parcel and dimension ALL pcrtit, nt data such as driveways, landscaping, park- ing, and distances to all property lines. C. Plot all EXISTING and PROPOSED physical feat es and structures, d, Dimension to nearest intersecting street and signify''ail,street names. C. Include a legend on the lower right-hand corner of your plot, plan which lists among other things, the owner's or authorized agent's address and telephone number. 6. Petitions shall be accompanied by six (6) copies of preliminary illustrations of all proposed signs for the project. 7. Please note that petitions without sufficient data or if submitted on the deadline may be delayed. in processing. REQUIRED Or EACH SPECIFIC PETITION BE50RE THE BOARD: 1. USE PERMIT and CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION petirions; a. The City Council may, revoke any Use Permit or Conditional Exception when then iias -, not been accomplished within a period of six (6) months from the date it was granted, b. If a Use Permit or Conditional Exception has been denied, no further petition covering the same property for the SAME OR SIMILAR request shall be filed or considered within the period of one year from the date of the final decision.