HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1979005 - Supporting DocumentsR.. b, Board of Zoning Adjustment Wednesday, October 3, 1979 Page Four 5. A reciprocal access and packing agreement between'>xthe subject parcels and tie parcel to the east shall, : submitted `to the Public lgorks J'epartment and recorded :';,e County prior to final inspectioft 6. Surfacing of storaga area to be approved by the Department of Development Services,.,, 7. All building spoils, sued as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable terial, shall be disposed of at an offs'.te facility equippedo handle them. 8. If lighting is in the rkinq 1, energy efficient lamps shall be used' €e.q. high pr sure sodium vapor, metal halide), All outsida lighting shall be d,prevent "spillage" onto adjacent properties. AYES: Lipka, Crosby, Ott NOES:pe6r6 ABSENT: None LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 79-5 A licant: Sha iro Compan To permit a lot line adjustment located on-the easterly side of Crimaud, approximately 500 feet north of .Admiralty. This application is a categorical exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Mr. Do,._ ,"Shapiro, the applicant, was present. Secretary Lipps outlined the proposal to the Board. Mr_ Lipps stated that the application was a minor adjustment and was within Ordinance Code conformance. He advised the, plicant that he must comply with the criteria of Section 981i_. Y3 c,;f the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code which pertains to Lot Line Ag)justments. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY OTT, LOT LINE %;:j&USTMENT NO. 79-5 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING- VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS:a 1. The conceptual plot plan and elevations received September 18, 1979, shall be the approved layout. H.B. Board of Zoning AdiUntsn*nt ; Wednesday , October 1. 19'!9 Page Three CON ITT N OF APPROVAL: A. TCY'Bg COMPLETED PRIOR PTO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1.Th$ conceptual plot plan and elevations received September 12,\l979, shall be the approved layout. in itr,approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments con sidere,the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: Traff'c circulation and drives; Parking layout; Lot are ; Lot Wilt and lot depth; Type of u e and i ts relation to property and improvements in the imm ediate vicinity'; Past administrative action regarding this property. The followi ng tans shall be submitted to the Secreta<X 6E thr' Board: a. Landscape andrrigation plan complying with Article 979 of the Hunting on Beach Ordinance Code and landscaping specifications n file in the Department of Public Works. b. Rooftop mechanica equipment screening plan . Said plan shall indica'e sc-eening of all rooftop mechanical equip- ment and shall , del eate the type of material proposed to screen said equi meat. c. Lighting plan shall b submitted prior to issuance of permits if lighting is\to be provided by applicant. B. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Provide radius type drive ap aches p er Public Works .-::DeParpP ment standard plan. 2. Applicant shall remove all mope able vehicles and t r ash and debris from the site within ten ( 0) days of thisppro v al or Use Permit No. 79 -32 shall become ull and void- 3. The existing number of recreational vehicles arid/or camper shells- ;Mall not be increased until v4lopment of the site is completed. 4. If development of the site is not comme ced within ninety (90) days, all vehicles stored on the site at this time shall be presently removed and no further storage ermitted until the development is completed. H.H. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday , October 3, 1979 Page Five In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments con- sidered the following issues relating to the conceptual plan; Traffic circulation and drives; Parking layout; Lot area; Lot-widthand lot depth; Type of use and its relation to prop8`;rty and improvements in the immediate vicinity; Past administrative action regarding this property. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Approval subject to compliance with the criteria as set out in Section 9811_3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. AYES: Lipps, Crosby, Ott NOES: None ABSENT; None USE PERMIT NO. 79-33 A licant: Sal D. Bella To permit the ope ation of a retail food service located on the norttwest corner o Nichols and Slater. This application is categorical exemption, Class 1, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. The applicant was not p esent. Chairman Crosby outlined he proposal to the Board . The public' hearing was opened . There .be _^o parties present to speak on the application , the pub,1;c\hearing was closed. Board discussed the projosal nd noted that the retail space exceeded the allowable 25 perc nt of total floor area, t=here- fore, a revised floor plan was eguested to be brought back to the Secretary of the Board., Findings and conditions of approva were discussed. ON MOTION BY LIPPS AND SECOND BY OTT U 8E PERMIT NO. 79-33 WAS APPROV ED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS ND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The establishment, maintenance , and op' ation of the use will b d tnotee rimental to z H.B. Board of Zoning AdjuStisents Wednesday, October 3, 1979 Page Six a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. 2. The granting of a ,use Permit will not adversely affect the General Plan. 3. Via proposal is\.. consistent with the City's General Plan of Land Use. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIO, TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual plo't plan and elevations received September 10, 1979, shall be e approved layout, subject to the modifi- cations described he ein; a. Revise Floor Plan 1110 reduce retail space to 25 percent of total floor area 'n compliance with Section 9530.2 of the Hunt.`,bgton Beach rdinance Code. A plan. deli';, Ling said mo 'fication shall be submitted to the Secretary of` the Board. if„ uch plan complies with the modifi- cation outlined by the Board, said plan s, all be approved and-` made a permanent part of the a ministrative file. In its approval action, the Board o Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues relating to the onceptual plan: Traffic circulation and drives; Parking layout; Lot- area ; Lot width and lot depth; Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the itmed.iate v> oinity; Past administrative action regarding this operty. B.GENERAL CONDITIONS: ]. Proposed signs shall be approved by the Secre ry"'of the Board. AYES,' Lipps, Crosby, Ott NOES, None ABSENT: None TO: rp ROM ___ .. ?wxt,n OBTITI ON (s)f> REQU,D-ST (s) PUELIC WORKS 13 Administration/ Policy Development, Q Seiler CD Water Traffic 0 Design 0 Tree and Landscape C1 other FIRE 0 BUILDING PARKS AND REC. OTHER: Please submit your concerns and recommer}ded solutions i,n writing on or b fore Thterdeparbrental REvierr: Final Planning Review: BZA: Subdivision Cannittee: Planning ommission: C014MENTS: (Use Attac rr nts if necessary) Respa C ubmitted Attachments Page 1 of 2 BOARD fl * A JU T fT CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEAC4 CALIFORNIA P, 0. BQX 190-92o43 PHONE (114).536-5271 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. APPLICANT REQUEST: LOCATION : D `ri O?' APPROVAL:V ' frf CONDITIONS OF APP:,OVAL A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SA ID PARCEL(S) WQR ANY PURPOSE: The tentative parcel map received by the Planning Department on shall be the approved layout with the amendnihnts as noted thereon). 1s°cel map shall be filed with, and approved by, the pa tment of Public works, and rec*rded with the Orange County Recorder. 3. shall be dedicated to City standards at the time said parcel (s)is/are developed. 4. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water sys)-om at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed (if,such systems exist within 200 feet of said parcel (s) . 5. Sewage disposal shall be through the CitV of Huntington Beach's sewage system: at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed (if such systems exist within 200 feet of said parcel(s). All utilities shall be installed underground at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed. DIVISION OF 14AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 2 of 2 7. Compliance with all applicable Qty O`dinances. 8. The flood control channel shall be fenced to Flood Control District standards and City standards at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed. 9. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed. (Contact he Department of Public Works for additional information,) .A :copy of the recorded p arcel map shall be filed with the Planning Department. It is recommended that you imw;:diately pursue completion of these Conditions of Approval in order to expedite the processing of your total application. I hereby certify that Tentative Parcel Maj'No. was approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustthents o the;.City of TTuntington Beach, California on, upon the foregoing conditions. I E lk ] 2,M NT E t +' TO:: FROM: ISATE PET'TT ON(s) 0 REOUEST (s) : REVIEW AREAS Hiphasize Standard Analysis Review A minis tim/ Pfpxicy Develorn ft (] watei _. a 0 C] Traffic Design Tree and Landscape Otter VARKS AND REC. FIRE tBUILDING <<ase submit your concerns and recommended solution `a_nwriting on or before -/,` __ Interdepart ntai. Review: Final Planning Review: BZ'A Subdivision -Ccrynittee: Planning Cannission: -`,TS : (Use Att.achcmnEs i.E necessary) *s-. "A /0 lp,,,_,2 11 1 '06141-4t Response ubmitted by: Date: Attachments: r DEVFLOPX NT RE EW RE UEST TO: 07 r9 FROM: DATE.: PETITION (s) : REQUEST(S): LOCATION 4. Ext. 6 REVIEW AREAS a hasize Standard Analysis Review a T'•:TXILTC WORKS Administration/ Policy Development Sewer- Water Traffic Design Tree and Landscape other FIRE BUILDING PARKS AND AEC. OTHER: Please submit your concerns and recommended solutions 'n riting on or before ~e- Interdeparbnental REvi,ew: Final Planning Review: BZA: Subdivision Committee Planning Canmission' *15 COMMENTS : (Use AttacIvents if necessary) Resnse submitted by: Date: Attachments; t: NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 79-157 File PROJECT, APPLICATION, OR PERMIT NO, Lot Line Adjustment 79-5 To permit a lot line adjustment PROJECTT1TLE/DESCRIPTION/LOCATION: located on the easterly side of Gr'imaud, approximately ,5,00 ft. north of Admiralty PROJECT SPONSOR; Shapiro Co. EXEMPTION IDENTIFICATION: Categorical Exemption a Ongoing Projectt_1 ,See.trslor Sec. 15070raaaa s Li EmeWney Exemption Sec. 15071 (b) & (c) 1 Ministerial Project Sec. 15073 11 Activity not De lncd se Project See, 15037 (b) r] Other (Explain) 11 gro)cet (private) is a )eases part of another project for which an EIR has previously been prepared; the or" u proje"t and EIR were approved, and there were no ec,tytantltl t tan es proposed in the project to involve new enmmn. ntal Impacts not considered in the original EIR. (Sec. 15067) Original E1R Number:Date Approved. Fureuant'to the CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT OF 1970 and provisions of the HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE, which provide that an activityIs exempt from envy- ntnenta) evaluation wile a it can be determined with certainty that the activity will not have it eVifcant effect on the environment. the activity referencetherein is therefore granted E1tF77ON STATUS with the loilowilg aiatement of fandia6e; N e laced Title of Pierson C ing Request James R. Barnes, Associate Planner c cShapiroCo. September 18, 1979 City of HuntEhgtonBeach P.O. Box 711 Huntington Beach, California 92648 Refer '{ice: Huntington Cove Lots 8 & - Grimaud La Gentlemen: e This letter is to authorize Sanford Gersh to sign on behalf or myself and The Shapiro Co. on the Zoning Adjustment documents for Tract 9738 on file in your office. AS/cg Very truly yours, THE SHAPIRO COMPANY Arthur Shapiro REAL ESTATE BUILDERS SINCE 1948 234 EAST SEVENTEENTH STREET, SUITE 109 • COSTA MESA„ CALIFORNIA 92627 • 714 645.3120 RETURN ADDRESS, ',f LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To n Z4 Attn. Gentlemen; We are forwarding CAI 7 ..- yllo Dare VTN Job No.. Your Proj,/P.O. No. Tract No,C I Project Name Expedited Delivery Required: Not Flight Out 0 Overnight Guaranteed Q Overnight Desirod'Q Two-day Guaranteed Two-day Desired 0 Other Deadline Arrhal Time 0 If Specif1. Method Desired 0 By U.S. Mai( CJ By Messenger Item No. QtV. , Unit Description L_ , lr C't }R c j_ ' rk" S- Orl ,rr f r Remarks This material is sent for Per your request /r c rC/r7 C r i / 7 / wGc9 tf,F +<.ACr - U Lx .S C .EJ ,Approval. Your Pick-up: Other Your Files Information C/LID - Please sign attached copy and return to VTN in attached self-addressed envelope. NO POSTAGE IS REQUIRED ORIGINAL FOR ADDRESSEE VTN C132b (3(791 5K 7"Gf f To ACCoMPAAI Y LE[ QL OESCRPT/oN PoJ€ ,-or LINE 4D,JIOSTMSNT Qic LOTS 8 An/D 9. 7 QAGT /V'a . 9738 , At M 415/4V .5d,jai 7W,-FCITY o.= L h / A / T J A i f r # J i 1,-0441,,i Q Al/A . a"9'2T N69 od) t, AREA 7A,64&Ar1OAV Na RECO¢o so: fir . goldSrtiA sa.Fr. 8 G43S c3-94 9 5776 58/a NOTES /.8EAQJNGS AeVO DJSTANCES SNoWA/ /N -,J ez5,V7 / 5/S AkE RECORD PER TRACT .9718, M.M. 4/5 /48-So. 2. D4SWED LtA/E 51-19WAV FJErrv64y L'7$9 /S z C0,ep LoT L/NE..Sc[/n/E 511oWn/ / IErr/EEAJ LOTS 8; 9 /S AQJ[/S7`ED 4.o r ZINE 3. 6EARInIGS AN0 O//T<F,VCES S'VoWA/,,T//o(/,r 6PARE,t/TNES/S 4,FE A-0JVS7---0 Zo 7 D/M .,v - Sio n!5 , consolidated, inc. FNGNEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 2301 CAMPU$ DRIVE, IRVINE, CAlIFORMA ;)2713 (714) 933-2450 ct,7*7 49 17,c iv '7. ,4-47 2 á LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LOT 8 OF TRACT NO. 9738 AFTER EFFECT OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 9 10 I1' 12. 13'. Those portions of Lots 8 and 9 of Tract No. 9738 in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange , State of California , as per map filed it Book 415, pages 48, 49 and 50,Miscellaneous 'Maps of ''said Orange County , described as follows: Parcel 1: Lot 8 of said Tract No. 9738, exce ting theref ; bm that portion lying Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point distant South 29" 51' 16'!-'"-st 1.60 feet from tl e most Westerly corner of said Lot 8, thence North 60° 25' 46" East 110.00 feet to a point distant North 290 51' 16" West 0.85 feet from ,the most Northerly co,rfner, of said Loft: 'S. Parcel 2: That portion of Lot. of said Tract No. 9738 lying South- easterly of the following described line: rA4,Beginning at'a point distant South 29° 51' 16" East 1.60 feet from 15 the most Westerly corner of said Lot 8; thence North 60° 25' 46" East 16 110.00 feet to a point distant; North 29° 51' 16" West 0.85 feet from, 17 the most Northerly corner, of said Lot 8. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3,1 Page 1 of 1 September 17,1979. 32 W.O. # VLIZ/A27 /FWR:so I LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LOT 9 OF TRACT NO. 9738 AFTER EFFECT OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 2 Those portions of Lots 8 and 9 of Tract No, 9738 in the City of 3 Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of Californfa, as per map 4 filed in Book!415, pages 48, 49 and 50, Miscellaneous Maps of said 5 Orange Count), described as follows: 6 Parcel 1: Lot 9 of said Tract No. 9738, exce ting therefrom that 7 portion lying Southeasterly of the following described line: 8 Beginning at a point distant South 29° 51' 16"East 1.60 feet from 9i the most Westerly corner of said Lot 8; thence North 60° 25 ' 46" East 10 110.00 feet to a point distant North 29° 51` 16" West 0.85 feet from 1:1, the most Northerly corner of said Lot 8. 12 Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 8 of said Tract No. 9738 lying North- 13 westerly of the following described line, 14 Beginning at a point distant South 29° 51 ' 16" East 1.60 feet from 15 the most Westerly corner of said Lot 8; thence North 60° 25' 46" East 16 110.00 feet to a point distant North . 29° 51 ' 16" West 0.85 feet from 17 the most Northerly corner of said Lot 8. 18 Page 1 of 1 September 17, 1979 W.O. K /FWR:so VL12/A28 TRACT IVO 9738M.,W 4/5- 48,49; 50NOTE • ASSESSORS BLOCK & ASSESSO'R'S MAPPARCEL NUMBERS S0OK178 PAGE 444